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Bandages Page 30

by S. L. Kassidy


  Nicole was surprised she was able to walk to the kitchen on her still-wobbly legs. She hadn’t expected Danny to go at her so ravenously, even though she very much appreciated it. She had never considered sitting on Dane’s face, but damn, it was wonderful. She shivered thinking about it. I wonder if she’ll want to do that again. Knowing Danny, yeah, it was safe to assume she’d be able to do it again.

  She went to check on Haydn to make sure he was fine with his toys. He was, thankfully, still gated off in the den rather than wandering the house. She was off for the next part of what was already shaping up to be a celebration of new things. In the bathroom, she slipped off her robe, revealing her naked and toned body. She had been surprised Danny didn’t rip her robe off in her rush. As she put on her clothes, she tried—and failed miserably—to not think about riding Danny’s face like a woman possessed.

  She yelped and blushed from the memory. “Please, you can’t blush from that considering what you’re about to do,” she scolded herself in the mirror.

  Nodding, she knew that was the truth. She checked herself out in the mirror and felt her heart thump nervously. She immediately calmed down by telling herself how Danny would react when she laid those sexy, exquisite, grey eyes on her.

  Returning to the bedroom, she found the bed empty and messy. Danny didn’t believe in making a bed. She could hear the sink in their bathroom, so she suspected Danny was brushing her teeth. While Danny was occupied, Nicole started making the bed.

  When she heard the water stop, she quickly made a pose out of fluffing a pillow. Danny strolled back into the room and gasped. Nicole smirked while Danny’s mouth dropped open. One day she’s going to dislocate her jaw doing that.

  “I’m sorry. There was no ‘do not disturb’ sign up. Did you not want the room serviced?”

  “Chem, you’re…that’s…you…” Danny’s mind was officially blown. Now, just to have the rest of her join it.

  “Yes, ma’am. Is there something you need? How can I be of service?” Nicole asked in a low voice as she stepped closer to her dumbfounded girlfriend. She was dressed in a sexy and very naughty French maid outfit. It had quite possibly made Danny swallow her tongue. I hope not. I like that tongue a lot.

  “Uh…” Danny visibly took a deep breath. Her shoulders squared, so she’d clearly calmed down. “Yes, I do need your services. I’ve made a mess that needs to be cleaned up.”

  Nicole held back a squeal, delighted that her girlfriend would play along. She continued smiling and beckoned Danny to the bed with a single crocked finger. Danny was on the bed in an instant.

  “So, please, madam, tell me where this mess is.” Nicole leaned down, resting her hands on Danny’s smooth thighs.

  “In my shorts,” Danny breathed.

  “Let me take a look and then determine how to clean it.” Nicole eased down the boxers. Danny sighed as the warm air hit her, while Nicole just marveled over the treasure waiting for her. “My, my. This is quite the mess. How did you make such a mess?”

  Danny sighed and a smile invaded her face. “My girlfriend really made it. She’s so hot and just fucking superb. The little minx licked syrup off her fingers, and I damn near exploded, right there. Help me, please.”

  Nicole couldn’t help smiling. “My pleasure. I will clean this whole mess.”

  Nicole set about cleaning up “her mess.” She lightly ran her fingertips down Danny’s legs as she dropped to her knees, in between Danny’s legs. She kissed caramel thighs and the kisses turned to long licks. When she got to the center of all that was Danny, she was touched to find a blazing river flowing from the guitarist.

  “Danny, your reactions always make me feel so sexy, so desired,” Nicole purred before taking Danny into her mouth and showing Danny all the love that she could.

  Danny howled when Nicole’s mouth covered her and her tongue tasted her. Danny’s hands went to Nicole’s hair. She caressed Nicole’s hair as she did her own when nervous, but she was clearly far from anxious about what was going on. The gentle stokes set the tone for Nicole’s mouth.

  “Fuck, angel, you feel so good,” Danny whispered, as if it were a secret.

  Nicole devoured her love slowly, savoring her. Her tongue played with Danny until she felt Danny’s hips moving. Nicole eagerly obliged, tilting her head for a different angle. She lapped, kissed, and feasted on Danny, who tightened her grip on Nicole’s head.

  “Fuck!” Danny’s leg trembled uncontrollably. She held Nicole to her a moment and in that moment Nicole couldn’t breathe. Somehow realizing her actions through her climax, or just needing to do something else with her hands, Danny released Nicole and seemed to float, tapping the mattress with her fingers. Maybe she was playing a song.

  “All clean,” Nicole remarked with a coquettish smile.

  Danny blinked and focused down on Nicole. Her hand was still shaking as she caressed Nicole’s wet face. She returned the smile with a lopsided grin.

  “Get up here and gimme a kiss,” Danny entreated, still trying to catch her breath.

  Nicole couldn’t resist the tussled look of her partner, so she merrily indulged both of them. Danny moved further back on the bed to accommodate her girlfriend. Nicole took her place on Danny’s lap and wrapped her arms around Danny’s neck.

  “Look at the mess on your face,” Danny teased. She ran a tender knuckle down Nicole’s cheek.

  “Can you do something about the start of a new mess?” Nicole asked with an exaggerated pout. The gentle stroke of Danny’s finger sent shivers through her.

  “I can try, but you’re obviously the professional.”

  Nicole didn’t get a chance to respond as Danny cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss Nicole on her wet lips. The kiss was slow. Danny’s hand continued caressing Nicole’s face while her other hand was on the small of Nicole’s back, bracing the redhead against her.

  Danny’s usual purrs echoed through the room, as their tongues and lips moved tenderly against each other. Each noise made Nicole whimper and burn. She pressed herself closer, needing more and more of Danny. The lace of her costume brushed against Danny’s chest, earning a roaring hiss from the musician.

  Danny’s hand left her face and snaked down to her neck, leaving a trail of pure electricity that went straight down her body. Danny lovingly stroked her neck before continuing down until she was palming Nicole’s left breast. Nicole moaned wantonly into Danny’s mouth, as the musician massaged the globe. The moans grew longer and louder, as Danny’s thumb lazily toyed with her pebbled nipple.

  Nicole wasn’t sure how long that lasted, but it eventually became maddening. She felt like she was melting while being set ablaze. She needed more than slow and gentle now. Nicole reluctantly pulled away from Danny’s deliciously gifted mouth.

  “Honey, I need more. I need you deep. I need you so deep,” Nicole breathed.

  Briefly, Danny’s forehead wrinkled. “You want me to put it on?”

  Nicole could only nod and make a rather pathetic noise in the back of her throat. Danny smiled and went to get their newest toy, which didn’t require straps rubbing against her sweaty skin.

  Nicole helped ease the toy securely into Danny, earning several wonderful noises from the musician. Danny looked down once the toy was in place, and Nicole noted her girlfriend looked proud, as if the toy was an extension of herself and not an item they both agreed to buy.

  “Danny, what goes through your mind when you wear this?”

  Danny, oddly enough, began sporting her goofy, lopsided grin. “You want to know the details?” The voice didn’t match the expression since the voice was a sexy purr.

  A shudder ran through Nicole. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Lay down on the edge of the bed, let your legs hang, and I’ll tell you.”

  Nicole wasted no time complying. Danny made herself comfortable in between Nicole’s legs, but she didn’t do anything beyond that. Nicole was so worked up that she was panting in anticipation.

  “What goes through my mind when I don this particular piece or its friend? I imagine I can feel you. The fantasy, the mental space is amazing. The idea of feeling you beyond my fingertips…” Danny shuddered. “This one helps the fantasy more so than the other. I pretend I can feel you, feel your moist, warm, loving body accept me with fondness, eagerness, loving me as I love you. Feel how your whole body embraces me at a single point, feel how your grip pulses and pulls me, begs me, thanks me, takes care of me. And, of course, feel you explode in all of your glory and allure that puts all other members of this creation to shame. In my head, we’re connected as one being, one mind, one soul,” Danny whispered reverently, as she ran her calloused fingertips along Nicole’s thigh.

  Nicole was beyond panting now, beyond molten, beyond thought. All that was left was her need for Danny. Her lover didn’t disappoint, running the now empowered toy along her to prepare them for the connection ahead. All Nicole could manage was a strangled, strange noise that basically equaled “Fuck me!”

  Danny eased into Nicole, who hooked her legs around Danny’s waist to pull her girlfriend to her with great haste. Danny slammed into her, causing them both to cry out. Danny growled at the move. “You don’t follow instructions, dammit.”

  “You don’t. Need more,” Nicole managed to remind her.

  Danny nodded, pulled back some before slamming back in. Nicole screamed and squealed, as Danny pounded into her. Danny cried out that time and kept on going. The sound of their bodies meeting and their ecstatic clamor almost shook the walls.

  “Oh, God,” Nicole shouted, getting just what she wanted. It made her body even hotter than before, her girlfriend building the blaze within her.

  Danny used one hand to pull Nicole even closer, hitting everything just right to make lightning shoot through Nicole. The other hand yanked at the front of Nicole’s costume, which was thankfully strapless, so bouncing breasts were easily freed. Danny’s hand quickly occupied one of the wonders of the world.

  “Love having my hands free to touch every part of you. You feel amazing, Chem. So fucking sweet.”

  The words curled into Nicole’s stomach, knowing Danny was envisioning the feel of being inside of her and Danny was getting off on that. Nicole’s mind swam with pleasure. Danny leaned down, kissing Nicole’s neck as she slipped a hand away from Nicole’s waist to a much more sensitive portion of Nicole’s anatomy. A long whimper escaped Nicole as Danny’s fingers stroked her, adding to her ecstasy.

  “I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” Nicole howled and shot up off of the bed. She wrapped her arms around Danny as if to anchor her to the Earth. The world narrowed into nothing but pleasure and the love of her life giving it to her.

  Danny wasn’t done and continued moving as Nicole rode her wave of pure rapture. With Nicole closer, Danny ducked her head to suck on whatever bit of Nicole that fit into her mouth. The attention kept Nicole from coming completely down from her euphoria, which was fine by her. She continued pulling Danny to her and began nipping at her lover’s neck.

  Danny panted and made overwhelmingly adorable noises. Her body was slowing down and her hands wandered aimlessly. She was probably close and running out of energy considering how hard she was working. She reached in between them again, caressing Nicole’s sweet spot and pushing her into sweet oblivion once again.

  “Danny!” Nicole barely registering when Danny stopped moving.

  “Damn,” Danny breathed into Nicole’s glistening, heaving chest. She kissed the tantalizing salt of Nicole’s sweating flesh.

  “Well, at least I know you’re not dead,” Nicole joked in a low tone. Her throat was slightly sore.

  Danny smiled. “I think you only have the power to kill me when you’re in control.” She sounded a little hoarse as well.

  Nicole tried to laugh, but she didn’t have the energy to do so. She didn’t have the energy to move. Of course, she didn’t have much desire to move with Danny plastered against her. Hot sweaty skin pressed against her shouldn’t feel sexy, but it damn sure did.

  “Sweetheart, I wanna sleep,” Nicole whined cutely.

  “Me too,” Danny yawned.

  “I don’t wanna move.”

  “Me too.”

  They were all too aware that they’d have to move if they wanted to sleep, but it took a while. First, Danny backed up to ease out. Nicole couldn’t help whimpering and moaning at each tiny motion. Once Danny was gone, Nicole groaned in disappointment, feeling as if a piece of her had been taken away. She didn’t have much time to lament, because she had to help Danny free herself of the toy, which she knew was Danny’s least favorite thing about wearing this particular toy.

  “Do it really quick, like a Band-Aid,” Danny requested.

  “I know how you like it.” Nicole knew if she really did it the way Danny wanted, she’d hurt the musician. But, Danny always wanted the thing out immediately whenever they were done using it. Hard to believe she likes this as much as I know she does.

  Nicole carefully removed the toy and dropped it to the floor, while Danny began pulling the covers back. They cuddled into each other. Danny pulled the covers over them.

  “Baby, don’t think the day’s through yet,” Nicole whispered.

  Danny shivered. “I’m going to hold you to that. Don’t feel right to have the whole morning in bed and only gave you three orgasms. Could do that on a regular night.”

  “Is that how you count success, by how many orgasms you give me?” Nicole teased.

  “That is one of many factors.”

  “Are you being serious?”


  “So, what if we have a night where I just focus on you?” I should do that more often.

  “Then success is measured by how many times you kill me. Of course, if you kill me once, that’s success enough.” Danny laughed.

  “Oh, I only get once, but you set a high, three-orgasm-or-more limit for yourself? That’s almost sexist.”

  Danny shook her head. “I don’t think less of you, angel. It’s actually me. You seem like you can take more than I can, so I want to give you more. I get wiped out, usually, after one, but especially after two. You’re a sex goddess, you little vixen.”

  Nicole had to shift to look at Danny. Is she just being cute or trying to sweet talk her way out of this? “Are you serious?”

  “Dead serious. For me…for me, you’re the best I’ve ever been with. I know it’s partially because I love you. Now, don’t get me wrong, you’re talented in bed. But, just seeing you breathe arouses me. You know how hot you get me from just regular clothes. You damn near blew my head off my shoulders with this little French maid number. You’re just amazing.”

  “You made me this way. No way in hell would I wear this costume for anyone else. No way I’d do most of the things we do with anyone else. You make me adventurous.” Nicole yawned. “You also make me sleepy.”

  “Then sleep,” Dane mumbled, as they dropped off to sleep.


  Dane put on a t-shirt before going downstairs. She put the toy in the dishwasher, as per Nicole’s orders from when they first bought it. Something about the dishwasher would sterilize or something. She couldn’t remember the whole reasoning. She just knew where to put it…in more ways than one. She smiled at the thought.

  Of course, when she was first given that order, she tried to put it in the dishwasher with dishes in it. Nicole practically had kittens when she saw what Dane had planned. The only thing that kept Dane from sleeping on the couch was that she honestly didn’t know Nicole would have a problem with the dishes sharing the dishwasher with a sex toy. To this day, she didn’t see what the big deal was, but heaven help her if dishes and toys shared the same space.

  She went to check on Haydn, letting him out of his crate for a while. He made a mad dash for the backdoor. She let him out. She barely had time to step away from the door, getting a blast of not-yet-Spring weather, before Haydn was back.

  “I guess it’s too cold for you, t

  Dane made tuna sandwiches for lunch, because she didn’t want to have something that could get cold, and thus ruined, in case they got distracted. I hope we get distracted. She returned Haydn to his crate, much to his dismay. He whimpered and whined, so she had to pet and cuddle him a little before leaving him alone.

  Going back upstairs, she put the lunch on the nightstand before shedding her shirt and easing back into bed. She stared at Nicole’s sleeping form, debating if she needed more sleep or if she was ready for round two…or round four depending on how she looked at it. Her body ached a bit, but the temptation of Nicole in her disheveled maid’s outfit proved to be too much.

  Deciding to give Nicole a treat since she’d wanted things deep earlier, Dane slipped out of bed and slipped into her harness. It would do until she worked up a serious sweat and then she’d hate the feel of it moving against her. She couldn’t remember being so particular in the past, but it was probably because she’d been too high or drunk—or both—to notice the harness giving her problems. I should shop around for a new one sometime soon.

  She made sure to adjust the toy where it would press against her. She got back in the bed and wasted no time in showering Nicole with soft kisses. The redhead mewed and turned into the kisses without waking up. Dane laughed a little before going in for a passionate kiss that definitely woke Nicole and got her to return it.

  “That’s a nice way to wake up,” Nicole sighed as the kiss broke.

  “I have better things in mind if you still want me deep.”

  Nicole whimpered while nodding. Dane couldn’t understand Nicole’s pleasure here, but she certainly didn’t mind giving it to her and smiled before going in for another kiss. The show of affection was slow, but quickly began to heat up as Nicole pulled Dane over her. She ran her hands up and down Dane’s back tracing the muscles along her spine before moving to her breasts. Dane groaned as Nicole kneaded her breasts.

  “You like that?” Nicole whispered.

  “Of course,” Dane replied with another groan. “Want that, too.”


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