Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work
Page 8
The Honorable Erastus Hopkins had been absent at the state capital forseveral days, looking after various matters of business; for he was athrifty man, and watched his investments carefully.
Whenever his acquaintances asked about his chances for re-election, theHonorable Erastus Hopkins winked, laughed and declared, "it's a regularwalk-over."
"Who is opposing you?" once asked a gray-haired Senator of muchpolitical experience, who had met Mr. Hopkins at luncheon.
"Young feller named Forbes--a boy, sir--with no notion about the game atall. He was pledged to an unpopular issue, so I was mighty glad to havehim run against me."
"What issue is he pledged to?" asked the Senator.
"Oh, he's agin putting advertising signs on fences and barns, and wantsto have them prohibited, like the infernal fool he is."
"Indeed. Then he's a progressive fellow. And you say his issue isunpopular?"
"That's what it is. It'll kill his chances--if he ever had any."
"Strange," mused the Senator. "That issue has been a winning oneusually."
"What do you mean?" asked the astonished Hopkins.
"Why, the anti-sign fight has won in several places throughout thecountry, and local laws have been passed prohibiting them. Didn't youknow that?"
"No!" said Hopkins.
"Well, it's true. Of course I do not know the temper of your people, butin a country district such as yours I would think an issue of that sortvery hard to combat."
"Nonsense!" exclaimed the Honorable Erastus. "Ev'ry man Jack's agin thefool notion."
"Then perhaps the people don't understand it."
"Forbes has given up already," continued Hopkins, laughing at therecollection. "He's gone back into his shell like a turtle, an' won'tcome out to fight. I tell you, Senator, he's the worst licked candidatethat ever ran for office."
Nevertheless, the suggestion that the anti-sign issue had beensuccessful in other localities made Mr. Hopkins a trifle uneasy, and hedecided to return home and keep the fight going until after election,whether young Forbes came out of his shell or not.
He arrived at Hilldale on the early morning train and went to his housefor breakfast. To his amazement he found two great banners strung acrossthe village streets bearing the words: "_Vote for Forbes--the People'sChampion!_"
"Who in thunder could 'a' done that?" murmured Mr. Hopkins, staringopen-mouthed at the great banners. Then he scratched his head with apuzzled air and went home.
Mrs. Hopkins, a tired-looking woman in a bedraggled morning wrapper, wasgetting the breakfast. She did not participate largely in the prosperityof her husband, and often declared she was "worked to death," althoughthere were no children to care for.
"When did those Forbes banners go up?" asked Mr. Hopkins, irritably.
"I dunno, 'Rast. I don't keep track o' such things. But all the town wasout to the girls' meetin' last night, an' I went along to watch thefun."
"What girls' meeting?"
"The girls thet air workin' fer to elect Mr. Forbes. It was in the townhall, an' all three of the girls made speeches."
"What about?"
"About Mr. Forbes, and how he orter be elected. He wants to beautify thefarm places by doin' away with signs, an' he wants better roads, an'three new school-houses, 'cause the ones we've got now ain't big enough.An--"
"You blamed idiot! What are you talking about?" roared the exasperatedHopkins.
"Oh, you needn't rave at me, 'Rast Hopkins, just 'cause you're gettin'licked. I thought your goose was cooked the minnit these girls got towork."
Mr. Hopkins stared at her with a dazed expression.
"Be sensible, Mary, and tell me who these girls are. I haven't heard of'em."
"Why, they're cousins o' Kenneth Forbes, it seems, an' come from NewYork to git him elected."
"What are they like?"
"They're swell dressers, 'Rast, an' nice appearin' girls, and mightysharp with their tongues. They had a good meetin' last night andthere'll be another at the town hall next week."
"Pah! Girls! Forbes oughter be ashamed of himself, to send a bunch o'girls out electioneerin'. I never heard of such an irregular thing. Whatdo the boys say?"
"Folks don't say much to me, 'Rast. They wouldn't, you know. But I guessyour game is up."
He made no reply. Here, indeed, was information of a startlingcharacter. And it came upon him like thunder out of a clear sky. Yet thething might not be so important as Mrs. Hopkins feared.
Very thoughtfully he unfolded the morning paper, and the next momentuttered a roar of wrath and vexation. Briggs was one of his stand-bys,and the _Herald_ heretofore had always supported him; yet here acrossthe first page were big black letters saying: _"Vote for Forbes!"_ Andthe columns were full of articles and paragraphs praising Forbes anddeclaring that he could and would do more for the district than Hopkins.
"I must see Briggs," muttered the Honorable Erastus. "He's tryin' tomake me put up that hundred--an' I guess I'll have to do it."
He looked over the other newspapers which were heaped upon his desk inthe sitting-room, and was disgusted to find all but one of the sevenpapers in the district supporting Forbes. Really, the thing began tolook serious. And he had only been absent a week!
He had not much appetite for breakfast when Mrs. Hopkins set it beforehim. But the Honorable Erastus was a born fighter, and his discovery hadonly dismayed him for a brief time. Already he was revolving ways ofcontesting this new activity in the enemy's camp, and decided that hemust talk with "the boys" at once.
So he hurried away from the breakfast table and walked down-town. Lathamwas first on his route and he entered the drug store.
"Hullo, Jim."
"Good morning, Mr. Hopkins. Anything I can do for you?" asked the politedruggist.
"Yes, a lot. Tell me what these fool girls are up to, that are pluggingfor Forbes. I've been away for a week, you know."
"Can't say, Mr. Hopkins, I'm sure. Business is pretty lively these days,and it keeps me hustling. I've no time for politics."
"But we've got to wake up, Jim, we Democrats, or they'll give us a runfor our money."
"Oh, this is a Republican district, sir. We can't hope to win it often,and especially in a case like this."
"Why not?"
"Looks to me as if you'd bungled things, Hopkins. But I'm not interestedin this campaign. Excuse me; if there's nothing you want, I've got aprescription to fill."
Mr. Hopkins walked out moodily. It was very evident that Latham hadchanged front. But they had never been very staunch friends; and hecould find a way to even scores with the little druggist later.
Thompson was behind his desk at the general store when Hopkins walkedin.
"Look here," said the Honorable Representative, angrily, "what's beengoing on in Elmwood? What's all this plugging for Forbes mean?"
Thompson gave him a sour look over the top of his desk.
"Addressin' them remarks to me, 'Rast?"
"Yes--to you! You've been loafing on your job, old man, and it won'tdo--it won't do at all. You should have put a stop to these things. Whatright have these girls to interfere in a game like this?"
"Oh, shut up, 'Rast."
"Thompson! By crickey, I won't stand this from you. Goin' back on me,eh?"
"I'm a Republication, 'Rast."
"So you are," said Mr. Hopkins slowly, his temper at white heat "Andthat mortgage is two months overdue."
"Go over to the bank and get your money, then. It's waiting for you,Hopkins--interest and all. Go and get it and let me alone. I'm busy."
Perhaps the politician had never been so surprised in his life. Angergave way to sudden fear, and he scrutinized the averted countenance ofThompson carefully.
"Where'd you raise the money, Thompson?"
"None of your business. I raised it."
"Forbes, eh? Forbes has bought you up, I see. Grateful fellow, ain'tyou--when I loaned you money
to keep you from bankruptcy!"
"You did, Hopkins. You made me your slave, and threatened me everyminute, unless I did all your dirty work. Grateful? You've led me adog's life. But I'm through with you now--for good and all."
Hopkins turned and walked out without another word. In the dentist'soffice Dr. Squiers was sharpening and polishing his instruments.
"Hello, Archie."
"Hello, 'Rast. 'Bout time you was getting back, old man. We're having abig fight on our hands, I can tell you."
"Tell me more," said Mr. Hopkins, taking a chair with a sigh of reliefat finding one faithful friend. "What's up, Archie?"
"An invasion of girls, mostly. They took us by surprise, the other day,and started a campaign worthy of old political war-horses. There's someshrewd politician behind them, I know, or they wouldn't have nailed usup in our coffins with such business-like celerity."
"Talk sense, Archie. What have they done? What _can_ they do? Pah!Girls!"
"Don't make a mistake, 'Rast. That's what I did, before I understood.When I heard that three girls were electioneering for Forbes I justlaughed. Then I made a discovery. They're young and rich, and evidentlyladies. They're pretty, too, and the men give in at the first attack.They don't try to roast you. That's their cleverness. They tell whatForbes can do, with all his money, if he's Representative, and theyswear he'll do it."
"Never mind," said Hopkins, easily. "We'll win the men back again."
"But these girls are riding all over the country, talking to farmers'wives, and they're organizing a woman's political club. The club is tomeet at Elmhurst and to be fed on the fat of the land; so every womanwants to belong. They've got two expensive automobiles down from thecity, with men to make them go, and they're spending money right andleft."
"That's bad," said Hopkins, shifting uneasily, "for I haven't much tospend, myself. But most money is fooled away in politics. When I spend acent it counts, I can tell you."
"You'll have to spend some, 'Rast, to keep your end up. I'm glad you'reback, for we Democrats have been getting demoralized. Some of the boysare out for Forbes already."
Hopkins nodded, busy with his thoughts.
"I've talked with Latham. But he didn't count. And they've bought upThompson. What else they've done I can't tell yet. But one thing'scertain, Doc; we'll win out in a canter. I'm too old a rat to be caughtin a trap like this. I've got resources they don't suspect."
"I believe you, 'Rast. They've caught on to the outside fakes to winvotes; but they don't know the inside deals yet."
"You're right. But I must make a bluff to offset their daylightcampaign, so as not to lose ground with the farmers. They're the onesthat count, after all; not the town people. See here, Doc, I had an ideasomething might happen, and so I arranged with my breakfast food companyto let me paint a hundred signs in this neighborhood. A hundred, mindyou! and that means a big laugh on Forbes, and the good will of thefarmers who sell their spaces, and not a cent out of my pocket. How'sthat for a checkmate?"
"That's fine," replied Dr. Squiers. "There's been considerable talkabout this sign business, and I'm told that at the meeting last nightone of the girls made a speech about it, and said the farmers were beingconverted, and were now standing out for clean fences and barns."
"That's all humbug!"
"I think so, myself. These people are like a flock of sheep. Get themstarted a certain way and you can't head them off," observed thedentist.
"Then we must start them our way," declared Hopkins. "I've got the orderfor these signs in my pocket, and I'll have 'em painted all over thedistrict in a week. Keep your eyes open, Doc. If we've got to fight wewon't shirk it; but I don't look for much trouble from a parcel ofgirls."
Mr. Hopkins was quite cheerful by this time, for he had thought out thesituation and his "fighting blood was up," as he expressed it.
He walked away whistling softly to himself and decided that he would goover to the livery stable, get a horse and buggy, drive out into thecountry, and spend the day talking with the farmers.
But when he turned the corner into the side street where the livery waslocated he was astonished to find a row of horses and wagons lining eachside of the street, and in each vehicle two men in white jumpers andoveralls. The men were in charge of huge cans of paints, assortedbrushes, ladders, scaffolds and other paraphernalia.
There must have been twenty vehicles, altogether, and some of the rigswere already starting out and driving briskly away in differentdirections.
Mr. Hopkins was puzzled. He approached one of the white-overalled menwho was loading cans of paint into a wagon and inquired:
"Who are you fellows?"
"Sign painters," answered the man, with an amused look.
"Who do you work for?"
"The Carson Advertising Sign Company of Cleveland."
"Oh, I see," replied Hopkins. "Got a big job in this neighborhood?"
"Pretty big, sir."
"Who's your foreman?"
"Smith. He's in the livery office."
Then the man climbed into his wagon and drove away, and Hopkins turnedinto the livery office. A thin-faced man with sharp eyes was Talkingwith the proprietor.
"Is this Mr. Smith?" asked Hopkins.
"Of the Carson Advertising Sign Company?"
"Well, I've got a big job for you. My name's Hopkins. I want a hundredbig signs painted mighty quick."
"Sorry, sir; we've got all we can handle here for two or three weeks."
"It's got to be done quick or not at all. Can't you send for more men?"
"We've got thirty-eight on this job, and can't get any more for love ormoney. Had to send to Chicago for some of these."
"Rush job?"
"Yes, sir. You'll have to excuse me. I've got to get started. This isonly our second day and we're pretty busy."
"Wait a minute," called the bewildered Hopkins, following Smith to hisbuggy. "What concern is your firm doing all this painting for?"
"A man named Merrick."
Then the foreman drove away, and Mr. Hopkins was left greatly puzzled.
"Merrick--Merrick!" he repeated. "I don't remember any big advertiser bythat name. It must be some new concern. Anyhow, it all helps in my fightagainst Forbes."
He again returned to the livery office and asked for a rig.
"Everything out, Mr. Hopkins. I've hired everything to be had in townfor this sign-painting gang."
But Mr. Hopkins was not to be balked. As long as these sign-painterswere doing missionary work for his cause among the farmers, he decidedto drive over to Fairview and see the party leaders in that importanttown. So he went back to Dr. Squiers's house and borrowed the Doctor'shorse and buggy.
He drove along the turnpike for a time in silence. Then it struck himthat there was a peculiar air of neatness about the places he passed.The barns and fences all seemed newly painted, and he remembered that hehadn't seen an advertising sign since he left town.
A mile farther on he came upon a gang of the sign painters, who withtheir huge brushes were rapidly painting the entire length of aweather-worn fence with white paint.
Mr. Hopkins reined in and watched them for a few moments.
"You sign-painters don't seem to be getting any signs started," heobserved.
"No," replied one of the men, laughing. "This is a peculiar job for ourfirm to tackle. We've made a contract to paint out every sign in thedistrict."
"Paint 'em out!"
"Yes, cover them up with new paint, and get rid of them."
"But how about the advertisers? Don't they own the spaces now?"
"They did; but they've all been bought up. John Merrick owns the spacesnow, and we're working for John Merrick."
"Who's he?"
"Some friend of Mr. Forbes, up at Elmhurst."
Mr. Hopkins was not a profane man, but he said a naughty word. And thenhe cut his horse so fiercely with the whip that the poor beast gave aneigh of terror, and started down the r
oad at a gallop.