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Sold to the MC Men

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Two

  Trick leaned back in his chair as all the boys gathered around the church’s table. Everything they did had to be done after a fucking discussion, rather than just dealing with it like men.

  He glanced over at the monitor, which Edge had kept on in case the girl had decided to make a run for it. So far, Trick didn’t see a single reason for her to run. She could have gone before now. It would have been stupid for her to do, as they would have caught her. She still sat there, looking like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  He found it utterly fascinating, and he was a little pissed off that her mother was more than willing to sell her daughter. Now that messed with his head. It made him want to go and crush the whore. He’d never slept with Leah’s mother. That woman was too much of a washed-up old whore, even for him. He wouldn’t even accept a blowjob off her.

  She was the lowest of the low.

  Yet her daughter, Trick looked again, and sure enough, she was something. So much brown hair. He wanted to run his fingers through the length and see that pretty face looking up at him.

  There was something about Leah, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

  “You’re drooling,” Dig said.

  “Fuck off.” He wasn’t drooling, but he had to wonder what her sweet cunt would taste like. He could imagine it being the nicest honey he’d ever tasted.

  He didn’t make a habit of going down on women. Again, he had a thing about other men going there. His boys were different though. They were his brothers from another mother, and all that good stuff.

  Running fingers through his hair, he knew he was one of the prettiest. He had the boy-next-door looks, and most of the chicks were all over him for a piece of his dick.

  Working out kept him in top form, and a girl liked to have a guy with a whole load of ink. His body was a piece of art all in itself. He wondered what Leah liked. If she’d like to mark a part of him, or to pick a design that he’d wear proudly.

  “We always conduct business together, and that’s not going to change,” Edge said. “This woman, she’s a problem.”

  “She doesn’t have to be,” Junior said.

  “Look, I know you think this is simple. She’s been given to us, but we don’t take payment like this.”

  “Why did you take her then?” Tank asked.

  Trick looked toward the emotionless bastard. There was never a smile, or anger, or frustration. Tank had no feelings. For a long time now, Trick truly believed he was the devil incarnate with how little he felt for everyone and everything. He’d still die for the bastard, but there were times he wondered if he was human.

  Edge didn’t answer for the longest time.

  Pulling his gaze away from the monitor, Trick looked toward the President of the club.

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  “You ever thought you took her because you wanted her?” Dig asked. “It’s not something to be ashamed of. You want a woman. Go after her.”

  “She’s club property,” Edge said.

  “So we all get a shot at her then,” Junior said. “I’m game for that one. She looks like she’ll be a nice peach to taste.”

  Trick watched each of them talk.

  “You don’t want to send her back,” Tank said.

  “You’re really fucking morbid, you know that,” Junior said.

  “What’s she said?” Tank asked.

  “She doesn’t know who you are.”

  “Not about me, Junior, about this entire situation. Clearly you guys have spoken to her, and seeing as I was busy, you’ve got to bring me up to speed.” Tank sat back, calm, collected, deadly.

  No one would ever get past that motherfucker. He was as vicious as they came.

  Trick himself had seen a lot of bloodshed in his life, but one look at Tank made him wonder what exactly had made the guy so unfeeling.

  Edge brought Tank up to speed.

  With that going on, Trick watched their little prisoner climb off the bed and begin to stretch out her body. She looked sexy as hell, and his dick ached to see what was beneath those old ratty clothes.

  He’d gladly strip them off her body.

  “She’s not stupid then. She wants to stay here, and we can protect her. Let her stay. I’d rather eat anything but Junior’s sandwiches. He doesn’t even check to see if the meat’s edible. He’ll slap anything on a sandwich,” Tank said.

  “Hey, blue cheese is all well and good. Why can’t you have a little mold on your meat? It’s extra penicillin, right?” Junior asked.

  They all groaned.

  “I’m not going to have another case of the shits. I vote she stays. Cooks and cleans.” This was Tank. Clean cut, and no other offers. There would be no changing his mind. His decision was final.

  “But … what about everything else?” Junior asked.


  “Come on, I’m not the only one here that wants a piece of her. She’s fucking fine. I’ve seen all of your interest, even you.” Junior looked toward Tank.

  Again, Mr. Emotionless didn’t say or do anything.

  “I’m not going to force a woman,” Edge said.

  “What’s wrong with making a play for her?” Dig asked.

  “She belongs to the club. There is no competition here,” Edge said.

  “Then we all play with her,” Trick said. “I’m not going to let you guys win her over. I want her.”

  “I do,” Junior said.

  “So do I,” Dig said.

  “Count me in,” Tank said, drawing their attention.

  It shocked Trick to know the man was interested.

  “Then we’re all in. We all want Leah, and she can stay. If she says no, you don’t use force,” Edge said. “We’re many things, but we’re not rapists.”

  With that, the gavel went down, and Leah was officially a club possession.

  Trick couldn’t wait to play with her.


  “You can’t leave. You will stay here. If you try to go or if you betray us, this is where your new home will be. You’ll cook, clean, and do as we say. You’re free to walk around, but you leave that gate, your ass will be tied up here. If you think to call the cops, it’ll end badly for you.”

  “I get it,” Leah said.

  She was the possession of the MC. Anything she did or said would come back to her, and they would punish her accordingly.

  All five men stood in the room, watching this.

  She found her gaze straying to each one before returning to Edge.

  “I’m Edge. I’m the President of the Broken Devils MC. There are only five members, and will only ever be five members.”

  “How come?”

  “I didn’t say you can ask questions. This here is Trick, Dig, Junior, and Tank. They are your bosses. You will follow their orders and you better hope you’re a good cook otherwise it’s going to end badly for you. Come on. We’ll show you to your room.”

  Did they know they all moved as one? Each of them was all different in his own way, but they moved in synch together. It was rather fascinating to watch, at least to her.

  She climbed off the dirty bed where she’d been hugging herself toward the bottom. Most of the mattress was stained with a lot of other things. There were clearly old bloodstains on the thing. Ugh. There were probably other bodily fluids, and she didn’t want to have other people’s disgusting things on her.

  Junior and Tank moved to her rear as she followed Edge, Dig, and Trick up the stairs. It was rather nice to have all five men to herself, which was completely crazy. Why would she want to have the attention of five men? It was wrong.

  It wasn’t like this was going to end up in a date or anything like that. Pushing all of her thoughts and feelings to one side, she just focused on staying alive. These men were owed money from her mother, and well, she didn’t want to be the one to have to pay that due.

  She also wasn’t going to steal from any of them. Hell no.

  She wasn’t
a thief.

  Never in all of her years of being in the foster care system did she ever steal from anyone. She was rather proud of her accomplishment. There was nothing in this world worth having if you had to steal for it.

  Coming out of the basement lifted a weight off her chest. She didn’t have to be afraid of the dark anymore.

  She hated when it was night, more than anything, or being chained up in the blackness of it all.

  Once again, she pushed those few miserable memories to one side, and just focused on surviving. There were only five men to this MC club, so she just needed to be friends with all of them in order to survive. Piece of cake.

  No way she couldn’t not do this.

  She had learned to cook at an early age.

  In one of the foster homes, there had been a really nice mother who had taken the time to teach her. The mother had been getting old, so most of the older kids, herself included, had to be moved on.

  It was the only mother who had tried to fight for her, but the system had said no. She was too old and frail to take care of any of them.

  Leah would have loved to have been given the chance to take care of her, but she wasn’t. She had learned a year later the old woman had passed away. The news had broken her heart, and it had made her even more determined to get out of the system. To survive and to thrive.

  That foster mother had been the only mother to believe she was capable of doing anything other than being a pest on society.

  “That’s the office. You’re not allowed in there other than to deliver food and coffee at our request. This is the main club room. If we choose to, we have whores to sate our hunger.” He gave her a brief tour, a very brief tour, before taking her upstairs. She got to see the downstairs bathrooms, as well as the kitchen, and the supply closet. It was all rather basic, but the space was incredible. They had even installed a game room.

  Once upstairs, she discovered there were at least ten rooms, five of which were occupied by the men.

  Edge moved her next to his bedroom.

  She couldn’t remember whose bedroom was where. If she was ever going to escape, not that it was on her mind, she’d have to pass all of the guys’ bedrooms to do it. No way that was happening. She had nowhere else to go, and these men clearly didn’t know a single thing about trust.

  She’d show each of them.

  Edge opened the door. Trick and Dig followed inside, and she stepped into the room. The bed was huge, larger than anything she’d slept in. There was a lot of space.

  “Here is a closet for your things.”

  Her mother had thrown her suitcase at one of the men and told them to take it.

  Why she’d even wanted to know who her mother was was completely beyond her. If she’d not been so desperate because of her sudden change of circumstances, she wouldn’t have even thought about her mother. She’d lost her job and apartment, and not because of anything she’d done. Jobs were hard to come by, and after she was fired, there was no way she could live without money, and she wasn’t going to sleep with anyone to pay for rent.

  “Where’s the bathroom?” she asked.

  “Down the hall, I’ll show it to you.”

  Edge went to the door, and she had to brush past two of the men in order to follow him. Feelings swamped her from the smallest touch, and for a second, she didn’t want to move or do anything. Just bask in the feel of them.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on surviving, rather than what she could have with these men.


  Dig glanced down at the door where the club’s woman was staying. He couldn’t think of her as a prisoner or someone who owed them.

  The debt wasn’t hers. Running his fingers through his black hair, he took a step forward, then back, then forward.

  This shouldn’t be so hard.

  He was used to going to women and paying them for a good time. Leah was different. He didn’t know why. She had tits, ass, and pussy like all the other women, but she called to him in ways he couldn’t even understand.

  From the moment he saw her wild, green eyes, he’d been hooked. He knew he had to protect her, and getting her away from her mother was the only way he’d be able to do that.

  Now that she was away from her, he could think clearly.

  It was crazy all the kinds of things he wanted to do to this woman. The main one was to protect her, to let her know it would be all right.

  He stepped up to her door and knocked. The men were all downstairs, enjoying a drink. They’d ordered a pizza, and he’d offered to be the one to go and get Leah. She hadn’t come downstairs since they showed her to her room, and he missed her.

  At least on the monitors he could watch her.

  Now, he didn’t have the excuse.

  She opened the door, and there was a smile on her face.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi.” He wasn’t used to talking with women. Giving them instructions, sure. Suck my dick. Take it deep. Fuck my cock. Let me have that ass. They weren’t exactly nice words for a lady to hear, and now he didn’t know what the fuck to do.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Me, I’m fine. Perfectly fine. We’ve ordered pizza. Would you like some?” That’s it, Dig, sound like a fucking pussy.

  “I would. I thought I was going to be the girl that cooked?”

  “You will be. Believe me, you’ll be having some food.”

  She smiled up at him, and it was the sweetest smile of his fucking life.

  She left the door open, and he saw she had the window open.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “It’s great. I just wanted to freshen the air.”

  All the bedsheets were on the bed, and it didn’t look like she was trying to escape.

  She tucked her long brown hair behind her ear. He wanted to touch the strands to see if they were as soft as silk.

  They looked it.

  Get a grip, Dig.

  He’d killed people, fucked up their faces and bodies all in the name of revenge, and for now, he couldn’t think of a couple of words to put together to impress this girl.

  They walked down the corridor, and he let her go first.

  Years of being stabbed in the back by people he was supposed to trust stopped him from having any faith in her.

  They got to the bottom of the stairs, and he reached in front of her, opening the main doors. They guys were all sitting around the table near the kitchen. Ten pizzas were open, and fries with lots of greasy cheese covered them.

  They looked so good.

  The moment they entered, the guys paused in conversation.

  One glance at Edge, and Dig saw his President enjoying the view. Even in jeans and a large shirt, there was no denying Leah was a pretty girl with a smoking hot body. She had curves galore, and his dick ached to feel them against him. Just one look at those hips, and he wanted to hold them tightly as he fucked her harder. Her fat, juicy thighs as well, he’d love to have them wrapped around him as he plowed into her.

  Junior pulled out a chair. “For you, sweetheart,” he said.

  She smiled, and Dig wanted to punch Junior for taking his thunder right out from under him.

  He could pull out a chair.

  Leah eased out the chair next to her. “You want to sit with me?” she asked, looking toward him.

  Dig smiled.

  “Sure thing, doll.” He walked to the seat just as Trick put a plate in front of her, and to everyone’s surprise, Tank put three slices of different pizzas on her plate.

  “Let us know your favorite,” Tank said.

  She offered Tank a smile, and the unemotional bastard nodded back.

  There was even a flicker of something behind his eyes that Dig couldn’t make out.

  “I’ll cook tomorrow. I promise,” Leah said.

  “It’s fine. Pizza’s good,” Junior said. “The Chinese place is pretty good as well. Oh, and the erm, what’s it called … diner, yeah, that’s good as

  “You guys have a lot of takeout?” Leah asked.

  “We have to. Junior doesn’t know what moldy bread or meat is.”

  “It’s fine on cheese. I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, Edge,” Junior said.

  Leah laughed. “There are some things that really shouldn’t have mold on. Personally, I don’t like mold on my cheese.”

  Junior’s face went red. “You don’t.”

  “You can still have it. I just don’t like it.”

  “I don’t like it either,” Junior said.

  This man was not as dumb as he was making out. Dig watched the besotted look on Junior’s face. He made it seem like he’d never even talked to a woman.

  From the times they’d fucked a woman, he guessed Junior never had. There were always more important things to be doing than actually talking.

  Dig put some of the greasy cheese fries on her plate, and she offered him that smile.

  Dig had gone and gotten her, and was going to help feed her.

  She picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite.

  The men were all watching her as she ate. She picked up a fry, popping it into her mouth, before taking another bite of pizza.

  She licked the excess grease off her lips with her tongue, and Dig was determined to be the one to taste those lips if it was the last thing he did.

  Chapter Three

  The five men were surprisingly clean.

  Leah wrapped her hair up on top of her head, and she had no choice but to wear her denim shorts and a tank top because the heat was a nightmare. Even with all the windows open, there didn’t appear to be any kind of breeze. She had a spare towel for wiping the excess sweat off her forehead.

  Dig, Edge, Junior, and Trick had all gone to the store for the groceries she asked for. She’d checked their pantry, fridge, and freezer, and she couldn’t believe the men were still walking around. The food was moldy or going sour. The milk she had tried to use in everyone’s coffee had been sour and lumpy.

  The fridge had looked like it had seen better days. She’d gotten straight to work, making a list of everything she’d need to make this place perfect again.

  It hadn’t taken her long to do. The kitchen was now pristine.


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