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Sold to the MC Men

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “During breakfast, I’m going to be thinking of just how sweet that pussy is. One of these days I want you waiting in my office, naked, legs spread, and I’m going to show you all the things you’ve been missing out on.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, pulled her shirt down, and helped her off the counter.

  He pulled away just as his men entered the kitchen. He reached over her, grabbing a cup. He couldn’t wait to see her on his desk.


  Dig sat in the entertainment room watching a horror flick. As with most cheap horrors, there was always a porn scene, or as close to a porn scene as one could get without the extreme closeup of a cock entering a pussy.

  He didn’t need to see that.

  The only pussy he wanted to see taking a cock was Leah’s. He’d not seen her since breakfast. She’d been cleaning, he knew that. The rest of the guys were off doing whatever it was they needed to do.

  Running a hand down his face, he tried to clear the fog in his head.

  During the night, he’d made himself come not once but twice. He’d been that hungry for more of Leah.

  She was an addiction, one he really needed to control, and yet, he couldn’t do it. Even now, thinking of her naked on the bathroom floor, he wanted her again.

  His cock had gone from flaccid to stiff in record time.

  They truth was, she didn’t even know he existed, or did she?

  “Hey,” Leah said. “Do you mind if I join you?”

  He turned toward the door, seeing her in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top.


  They had little bunnies on them, but that didn’t detract from the sheer sexiness of her.

  The way her tits swung free… Great. She wasn’t wearing a bra, not that she needed to. While the woman on the screen began to pant, Dig was only interested in the woman beside him.

  “She looks to be faking it,” Leah said.

  “Yeah? You think so?”

  “Well, they’re not really doing it, are they?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve heard those facts or assumptions that some get it on on-screen. Don’t know. Don’t care. Some women can be that loud during sex. They love fucking.”

  The woman on the movie held her tits as the guy sucked on them, and she cried out, wanting more, begging for it. Another quick camera angle change and the same woman was on her knees again.

  This had to be the longest sex scene in all horror films, and it was starting to drive him crazy.

  Leah was right there, next to him.

  Once glance and he saw she was pressing her thighs together and her nipples were hard points.

  Were they always like that?

  He didn’t know.

  What the fuck was he going to do?

  He’d already had a shower to rid himself of the day’s sweat and grime. His pants weren’t tight, and they weren’t jeans. They were starting to tent with her closeness.

  Another look at Leah and he was surprised to see her staring right at his crotch. On the one hand, he could panic, excuse himself, and break this … connection.

  On the other hand, he could completely go with it, and see what Leah did. Either way it was a win-win for him. There was nothing left for him to lose.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  Her gaze moved up to his face, and he saw she was bright red.

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t—”

  “You can.” He pushed his pants down and wrapped his fingers around his length. “I’m not ashamed. You don’t have to be.”

  She was watching him now, his hand moving up and down his dick.

  “Do you want to touch?” he asked.

  Her teeth sank into her lip, and she looked a little nervous. She gave him a quick nod, and he smiled, wrapping her fingers around his dick.

  She started to kneel before him on the sofa, one of her arms resting against the back, and the other held by him, working her hand.

  Up and down she slid, and Dig couldn’t look away. Reaching out, he touched the inside of her thigh, sliding his fingers up to tease against the seam of her pants. It would be all too easy to fuck her right here. He wouldn’t do it though.

  No, he wanted to bring her to orgasm.

  “Is this what you like?” she asked.

  “Just a little tighter.” He squeezed her hands, showing her exactly what he liked and how to do it to drive him crazy. Each slide up and down was fucking amazing. He wanted more, needed it.

  The tip was already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. It was like his dick was protesting not being used.

  Ignoring the needs swirling inside him, he pushed his hand into her shorts and found her naked. The fine hairs covering her pussy were wet from her own arousal, and as he slid his finger between her slit, he found her clit, teasing it.

  She threw her head back, trying to get closer. He no longer needed to hold her hand to get her to work his dick. She was doing it all on her own without his guidance. He basked in her touch as he touched her, watching her.

  Leah opened her eyes, and she startled him even more by leaning over for a kiss. Cupping her cheek, he slid his tongue in her mouth, deepening their touch as she worked him.

  “I’m so close,” she said, trailing her lips down to his neck, biting on his pulse.

  “Me too.”

  He didn’t stop even as he felt his balls tighten. He let out a growl as the first wave of orgasm struck. His cum spilled out, and Leah released a moan, kissing him again, working her pussy on his fingers as she did so.

  Neither of them spoke, each touching as the aftershocks of their release began to subside.

  “I didn’t come in here expecting that,” she said.

  “I’m not going to complain.” He kissed her again, tasting her.

  He was about to invite her to his room when his name was called. “Fuck. Erm, I’ll … I’ve got to go.”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “Thank you.”

  There was no need for her to thank him. He was blown away.


  Tank knocked on Leah’s door. He had a single red rose. He wasn’t looking for sex or anything like that. What he wanted to do was to apologize for his behavior. He’d come to see she wasn’t ever going to poison him.

  Leah didn’t have a nasty bone in her body. She was too sweet and too caring to ever do anyone harm.

  “Come in,” she said.

  He entered her room, closing the door behind him.

  She still wore a towel. He hadn’t realized she’d been in the shower.

  “I can come back another time,” he said.

  “It’s fine. I trust you all. What’s up?” She had stepped out of her closet. The door was open enough for him to see she didn’t have many things. He made a note to rectify that. Leah deserved pretty things, clothes, shoes, lingerie.

  He rather liked her without the lingerie and without the clothes. The memory of her naked was etched into his mind, and he didn’t want to forget just how sexy and hot she looked.

  “There’s nothing up. This rose is for you.”

  “For me?”

  “Yes. It is in no way enough to repay you for the way I treated you the other day. I want you to know that I don’t behave that way usually.”

  “Was it special for me?” she asked, taking the rose.

  “I don’t trust anyone easily. I know I can trust you.”


  “You could have run away by now or called the cops. You’ve done neither. You’re not hunting for the stash of drugs or trying to steal from us. You’re a good person, and I can see that.”

  She smelled the rose. “Thank you. I really do appreciate that. You didn’t need to apologize. I got it. I’m new here, and well, it would be crazy to trust the daughter of an addict.”

  He stroked her cheek. “She doesn’t define who you are.”

  He saw her breath catch as he touched her.

  Tank couldn’t deny the feelings that swept over him. One touch wa
sn’t enough. He stepped toward her, and Leah didn’t move back. She stayed right where she was.

  With his fingers on her lips, he moved them into her damp hair, tilting her head back.

  “I’m going to kiss you right now,” he said.


  “You’re not going to protest?”


  He slammed his lips down on hers, taking the kiss he’d been wanting since the other night. He couldn’t get her out of his head, and he didn’t want to. Moving her back toward the bed, he fingered the towel, letting it drop to the floor as he eased her down. She looked up at him, a little startled.

  “This is more than a kiss.”

  “I want to taste your pussy. Will you let me?”

  “Are you going to ask permission for everything?”

  “It’s what a gentleman would do,” Tank said.

  “I don’t need you to be a gentleman. Just don’t hurt me,” she said.

  He licked down her body, sucking on each of her tits, biting down. He heard her cry out, and the sound echoed off the walls.

  Tank didn’t care who heard. She was perfect.

  He’d believed that even before she slipped on the bathroom floor, and well now, he wanted more. So much more.

  Trailing his lips down her body, he spread open her legs. Opening her thighs, he knelt on the floor and finally looked at her virgin cunt.

  He saw how wet she was. The lips of her pussy were open just a little, and he saw her virgin hole, not to mention her asshole. He wanted both. For now, he simply stroked a finger across her clit, feeling how wet she was.

  Holding her lips, he leaned forward and brushed his tongue against her nub.

  She gasped, and he sucked her into his mouth, using his teeth to create just enough pain that it was almost too much. The pleasure would be so intense for her. He didn’t want to hurt her; that wasn’t his intention.

  Pain and pleasure could go hand in hand. That’s what he wanted, to blur that line. To make her ache for more of him.

  When she went to sleep at night, he wanted her to think of him. He wanted to put his mark on her body, and to watch her beg him for what he could do.

  Sliding his tongue down her slit, he circled her entrance, and it was so tempting to fuck her. To take that cherry all for himself, but he couldn’t do it. Not yet, she had to be ready.

  He wasn’t small.

  He was one of the biggest of all the men. Only Edge was bigger, and yes, they had all measured, but they were all well-endowed in the dick department. He’d never had a single complaint, and he wasn’t about to start.

  “I’m going to come,” she said.

  She cupped the back of his head, and he growled as she pressed her pussy against his face. It was so perfect, and when she came, he didn’t stop licking her, wanting every inch of her to belong to him.

  He slowed down his licks until he finally stopped, giving her the chance to get herself under control.

  He moved up her body, kissing her, before staring into her shocked eyes.

  “I’ve never had anyone do that for me before,” she said.

  “Did you like it?” he asked.

  “Yes. I really, really did.” Her hand went to his abdomen, and she slid down, about to enter his shorts, when there was a loud bang coming from downstairs.

  Tank groaned. “I’ve got to go and see what that is all about.”

  She pouted. “You do?”

  “Yep. We’re all in this together.” He kissed her hard. “If you’re still awake, we’ll pick this up right where we left off.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Tank got to his feet and unwillingly left her room.

  Leah looked exhausted, and he just knew once he dealt with whatever the bang was, Leah would be passed out.

  Of course she was, and he didn’t stay. He allowed her to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Edge, Dig, and Tank had to go and deal with Marcel, which left Junior and Trick all alone with their sexy guest.

  Junior sipped at his coffee, watching Leah as she bent in front of the oven, pulling out the latest batch of cookies.

  The woman was a baking machine.

  He loved watching her cook and clean. She didn’t even have to be doing anything—he just liked to watch her.

  Trick entered, and he nodded at his friend. Both of them had drawn the short straw. Edge had pulled himself out of the vote of staying to look after Leah. Being club President, he had to be at every meeting. Tank and Dig had each drawn a long straw, and seeing as none of them wanted Leah alone, he and Trick got the job of taking care of her.

  “Hey, boys,” Leah said.

  She brought them over another cup of coffee and a cookie.

  “I’m so sorry you didn’t get to go with the guys,” she said.

  “It’s fine,” Junior said. He stared up the length of her body, wishing she was naked. “You know, to sweeten the deal, you could give me a kiss.”

  “You want a kiss?”

  “Don’t mind him,” Trick said. “He’s an asshole who is trying to make you feel guilty.”

  Something flashed in her eyes. Junior didn’t know what it was, but it intrigued him.

  She dropped down, and suddenly her lips were on his.

  It was so unexpected that Junior for a split second didn’t react. By the time she pulled away, he suddenly realized Leah was kissing him.

  Grabbing the back of her head, ignoring the little growl from Trick, he stood up, and this time, he was the one in control as he kissed her. He slammed his lips down on hers, keeping hold of her as he kissed her properly. There was no way he was going to pass up a chance like this.

  She let out a little moan, and he swallowed it down.

  Finishing the kiss, Junior pulled away to see her cheeks flushed.

  “There’s two guys here that stayed behind,” Trick said.

  “Back off.”

  Leah put a hand against his chest. “He’s right.”

  She turned to Trick, and Junior’s cock didn’t mind seeing her kiss his club brother. In fact, he found it even more sexy to watch her with him. The way Trick slid his hand down to her ass, cupping the flesh and pulling her tighter against him, it turned him on.

  Leah was the first to pull away. “Wow,” she said.

  “You like that?”

  “I’ve kissed all of you.” She frowned. “I wasn’t supposed to say that.”

  Junior smirked. “You’ve kissed all of us?”

  She nodded. “Edge, then Dig, Tank, and now you and Trick. I mean, Edge, Dig, and Tank also made me come. I’ve only been able to help Dig come.”

  Junior was no longer smiling. “Hold up. Hold up. They each touched your pussy?”


  “They had their fingers on you, bringing you to orgasm?” Junior asked.


  He looked toward Trick, who was already smiling.

  “I don’t want this to cause any problems at all. I’m not going to come between you guys.”

  Junior put his hand on her stomach as Trick moved in closer.

  “You’d never split the club apart. We’re solid, every single one of us. However, you will be coming between me and Trick. I think it’s only fair that we get a chance at you. Seeing as there is two of us, we get a double shot.” He slowly slid his hand down her body, cupping her through her jeans. The fabric was too thick, but he wasn’t disheartened. The fabric was loose around her, and he reach inside to cup her pussy. At the same time, Trick gripped her ass tightly.

  She let out a moan.

  “What do you say? Two men, both of them wanting you. Making you come.” He bit down on her nipple.

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  He tore at her clothes. The strap of the tank shirt she wore tore, and Trick got her out of her bra. They needed to buy her some new clothes. Each item looked like it had multiple owners even before Leah got it.

  Once she was completely naked, he didn’t have
any patience to go upstairs to his bedroom or hers.

  Lifting her up, Trick moved their drinks and cookies out of the way.

  He spread open her thighs and simply looked at her.

  “Wait, wait, the cookies, I don’t want to burn them.”

  Trick was already lifting them out of the oven as Junior moved over her.

  “You’re not jealous?” she asked.

  “Oh, I’m jealous, baby. Not because you’ve been with them but because they got to taste you first. To watch you come, but now, I’m going to take my turn. Trick and I, we’ve got a few things up our sleeves, and believe me, we’re going to rock your world.”

  He licked her tits, cupping them in his hands, biting down.

  Trick cleared his throat, and Junior moved down, allowing Trick the chance to do the same to her breasts.

  Her stomach quivered as he moved down, and as he finally got to her pussy, she was soaking wet.

  Leah belonged to the club. They could all share her, and he didn’t have a problem with that. Spreading the lips of her pussy, he wouldn’t fuck her today, nor would Trick. When the guys got back, they would all need to have a talk about how to deal with this.

  No woman had ever gotten between the club, and he knew it wouldn’t happen now. They were a team. They were bound together by more than words. They were a brotherhood to rival all.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, Junior knew they could all make this work with Leah. She was a woman designed for not just one man, but many, five at the most. They could all have a piece of her.


  “Let’s move this into a more comfortable room,” Trick said.

  He didn’t want her spread open on the hard, wooden surface. Before he could take control, Junior lifted her up in his arms. “Lead the way.”

  There was only one place he wanted to go, so they carried her up to his bedroom. Junior tried to negotiate for his room, but Trick wasn’t having it.

  He wanted her spread out and ready in his room. To have his sheets covered in her scent. There was nothing he wanted more.

  Junior placed her on the edge of the bed, and Trick made quick work of ridding himself of his jeans.

  Moving between her thighs while Junior had to deal with his too-tight belt, Trick smiled down at her.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” he said.


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