Designed Collision

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Designed Collision Page 4

by Viola Grace

  Cassandra went to grab her dress, but it was gone. “Damnit.”

  She tucked the towel around her and left the bathing room. Cass peeked and eased herself out carefully. “Master Karus?”

  A cheerful voice piped up, “He has gone to speak to the captain. I am his housekeeper, Danoi.” The man with the same colouration as Kofu bowed. “I am now your housekeeper as well, Mistress.”

  She blinked at him. “Ah. Right. Do you know where my dress is?”

  “It was stained with your blood, so I have set it in the cleaner.” He held up his left arm. “This is your new dress. I just didn’t have time to put it in the bathing room. You are quick.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I am used to making the most of the hot water that I have at my disposal. Waste isn’t useful.”

  “Right. How are you feeling?”

  Cass blinked at the question. “Fine. What do you mean specifically?”

  “Your body. How does your body feel? I saw the security footage. You took quite a few falls.” Danoi smiled. “May I offer you a massage?”

  She stifled a sob. “That does sound nice. Are you familiar with human physiology?”

  “I have been studying.”

  He went to the wall and touched a small, nearly invisible tile. A massage table rose out of a segment of the floor that slid away.

  Danoi touched a few more panels, and in a few moments, a small spa had sprung up in a small area of the enormous chamber.

  She shivered a little, and Danoi blinked. “I am so sorry, Mistress. The bed is heated, please lie down, and I will put the wraps on you.”

  Cass went to the massage bed, and she groaned as she flopped onto it and huddled against it. Heat was one of those things that she had taken for granted until she was alone. After the first few months, heat was precious. It required a bit of fuel to keep her warm enough to have a truly good day, and that fuel wasn’t free. It cost labour and lumber. Getting by on less had rapidly become a way of life.

  Danoi got himself ready in a few minutes, and she was nestled under a warm blanket and dozing off when his slippery hands got to work on her back.

  There was no sexuality in his contact with her, just as Kofu wasn’t interested in the slightest. It must be either a biological or biochemical issue, but either way, it helped her relax.

  When he made his way down to her legs, she whimpered. She had taken quite the beating on her butt and legs. She wasn’t a teenager anymore. Danoi paused for a moment, and then, she heard the soft mechanical hum of the regenerator. The throbbing expanse of pain that had been her ass and the back of her left thigh began to ease. Even her ankle must have had some damage because it was treated as well.

  Each massaged and moisturized bit of her was covered when Danoi was finished. She was flipped onto her back with a lot of grunting, and then, he treated the front of her as well.

  She lay back feeling warm and limp for the first time in a long time.

  When she felt a presence next to her, she opened her eyes to see Karus looming over her. “I have the monitor feed if you would like to view it.”

  She nodded, and he showed her the hold where sheds, hay, and her creatures had been loaded in and were under supervision. Kofu was being followed by chickens, the horses were walking warily around the space, and the goats were fighting for supremacy.

  Cassandra put a hand to her face and wiped at the tears. “They are really here.”

  He put the monitor down. “I thought you would be pleased.”

  She choked out, “I am pleased.” Then, she sat up and sobbed with the relief of tension she had refused to acknowledge. She was responsible for them, and she was safe. They were all safe. She had been terrified that she would die and leave them alone, just as she had been left alone.

  Karus picked her up and held her against him, sheets, blankets, and all. The sobs eventually subsided, and he was sitting with her in his lap, stroking her hair and pressing his lips to her forehead.

  She sniffled and looked at him. “Apologies, Master Karus. I will keep my outbursts to myself.”

  He squeezed her. “No, you will not. Our bond has begun, and if it affects you, it affects me. So, do not hesitate to speak to me on any matter.”

  “Even if it is awkward?”

  “Especially then. If I can offer you information to ease your confusion, it is the simplest solution.” He squeezed her again in a strange kind of hug. “You have been under tremendous strain. There will be moments when you think of your world, and you weep. That is normal and natural. Do not be ashamed of it.”

  She leaned against his chest, and she just breathed for a moment. He was right. This wasn’t normal, but it was now her life. Cass needed to get used to it.

  Chapter Six

  After a nap and a glass of water, she got out of bed and put on the dress that was waiting for her.

  Karus looked up from the documents he had been going over. “Feeling better?”

  She connected the clasps of her dress absently. “Yes. A little numb but better. I hadn’t realized how close to snapping I was.”

  He beckoned her close. When she made her way over to him, he took her hand to pull her around to his side of the desk. “I am glad you are feeling better, and yes, you were on the edge of sanity when we first met. It was one reason that I rushed your education. Now, you can take your time and learn about the new universe that has opened up to you.”

  He pulled her in close, and even seated, he was nearly as tall as she was, his wings were tucked back behind him.

  “Now, for your initial and public duties. When we are in public, you will stand on my left side. You will greet me with a kiss in every situation where we have been parted for more than five minutes, no matter the audience.”

  She blushed and leaned in to kiss him. His lips were smiling for a moment before he took control of the kiss. His tongue teased hers, and the stroke and flick of his motions made her clench her thighs together.

  It had definitely been a while for intimate connections. Sex with herself was something that had gotten boring when her batteries had died at month four. She had had a little funeral for them and gotten on with her life.

  She shivered and licked her lips when the kiss eased off.

  “As my companion, you will initiate all sex with penetration for the first two months. By that point, my body will no longer startle you.”

  She blushed at the thought of accommodating him. She had been pressed against his erection a few times, and it would definitely take a little bit of effort to get used to.

  “However, I am going to bring you to orgasm with hands or mouth as often as I can.”

  Her blush went pale. “What?”

  He gave a sharp yank, and she was sitting in his lap, facing away from him, her legs on his legs. He used his hand to separate her thighs, the dress flicking easily aside.

  He whispered in her ear. “The Hmrain take companions because we do better when we can absorb the pleasure of other species. Your species broadcast far and wide. Well, certain members of your people do. Those are the ones suitable for my people.”

  As he spoke, his hand was moving to the wet, slick heat between her thighs. He stroked her, and she shivered.

  “But, because we take energy from pleasure, we also need companions who do not hold back. I want each moan, each shiver, and each twitch.”

  She twisted her hands, trying to find a grip as he stroked her clit and dipped one finger aside her. His free hand directed her flailing arms to his forearms. She gripped his arms, and it took only a few light touches on her clit before she gasped and shuddered against him, her fingers digging into his arms.

  Her heart was still hammering in her chest when he began again. She twisted against him; light, breathy gasps came from her as he slid two fingers into her, and the fullness was diabolical. She arched her back and moved her hips in time to the shallow thrusts of his hand. This time, her approach to orgasm was slower, but she kept pushing into his hand until his thumb
brought in slow pressure to her clit once again, and then, it was two minutes before she groaned and was locked in the binding of shaking muscle trying to make time stop. Pleasure pulsed through her in slowly retreating waves, and when it had slowed to a rhythm less than the pace of her heartbeat, Karus slowly removed his fingers from her.

  She heard a light smacking sound, and her tired body flushed with embarrassment. He was licking and sucking his fingers. She released his forearms with a jerk and flexed her hands. Deep random throbs still radiated through her lower abdomen and caused her body to twitch.

  Karus made a rumbling growl, and he wrapped his arms around her waist while pressing a kiss to her neck. He sighed against her skin. “That was wonderful.”

  She shivered, swallowed, and tried to make her voice slightly less hoarse than it felt. “Was that... what you were looking for?”

  He shifted her across his thighs and smiled at her. Where black and silver eyes had been, the silver was now molten gold. “It is a start.”

  The kiss that he gave her was a lot sweeter than the one that had been designed to arouse her. When he made space between them, he whispered, “You will have a good life; now, did you want to go see your creatures?”

  She blinked. He had one hand up her skirt and resting on her inner thigh. “Now?”

  He grinned. “I did some of my negotiations while you were sleeping. I believe a walk around the ship will do you some good. It will certainly let the crew become more familiar with your appearance.”

  She cleared her throat. “In order to do that, you will have to remove your hand from between my thighs. It will make it difficult to walk.”

  Karus smiled and slowly trailed his hand past her inner thigh, and he slid a finger under her knee as he removed his hand from contact with her and slowly stood up, easing her to her feet.

  Her dress fell into its demure formation, and she got the idea. Her situation was to straddle the situation of companion and fucktoy. She needed to be dressed accordingly. This was going to be complicated.

  Her feet were bare, but he showed her where her wardrobe was; the variety of dresses was something that she was going to need to look into. The slippers were all comfortable, and she picked a black pair for exploring the ship.

  She pattered into the bathing room and found the hairbrush she had used earlier. She quickly straightened her hair and ignored the glow in her cheeks. Cass set the brush down where she found it and rejoined Karus in the main space.

  He offered her his arm, and she put her hand on the back of his left forearm. The doors to his quarters opened, and they walked through the space between the guards and began a slow promenade through the vessel.

  “So, what do you use the ship for?”

  He answered, “We transport people, objects, hold negotiations, and even go visiting in our vessels.”

  “I see. So, do you find yourself traveling a lot?” Taking steps was becoming easier, but she knew that tomorrow she was going to be in a full-body ache. The gravity here was a little weird.

  “I have been. The last decade has been a trial of traveling and looking for a new companion.”

  “I thought that you could go for many years between companions.”

  He chuckled. “I can, but once a craving begins, it must be satisfied.”

  She widened her eyes as she actually understood the reference. She was that way with artificial sweeteners. Once she had the unsatisfying taste, she was driven to find the real thing. She chuckled.

  “Was that amusing?”

  She inclined her head. “Somewhat. I drew a personal correlation and understood what you meant.”

  He nodded. “I would like to hear that comparison one day.”

  He took her to the observation area and oxygen farm. It was a forest full of trees and plants. There was a body of water, and some of the lower shrubs were in bloom.

  “This is pretty. I will have to tell Kofu to not let the goats in here. They would have it stripped to stems in a matter of hours.”

  He chuckled. “You have the authorization to come here whenever you like.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Now, we will go and seek out your creatures.”

  She grinned. “Thank you.”

  They walked down hall after hall and took two different lifts to get down to the hangar where her beasties were being housed.

  She felt herself getting excited as they approached the door, and when he opened it and the whiff of the farmyard hit her, she laughed.

  Kofu was pushing a cart that hovered over the ground a few inches and was filled with the leavings of the various animals.

  “Master Karus! Mistress Cassandra. I am glad you have come for a visit.”

  Cass wanted to rush for the goats, but instead, they lined up at the gate and began calling for her. She looked to Karus, grinned at the nod, and then, she moved forward to step through the force gate that allowed bipedals over four feet tall to pass. It was a clever system, and she was soon surrounded by nibbling muzzles and pecking beaks. The horses were indifferent and far more intent on Kofu.

  She giggled and knelt to pet the chickens, running her fingers through their feathers. The goats were more aggressive, butting her in her vulnerable position and trying to knock her over.

  After a few minutes of checking on them and finding them all in very sound shape, she looked at Kofu. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “Don’t thank me. Master Karus gave the order.”

  She looked back at the Hmrain and smiled. “Thank you.”

  He looked a little embarrassed. “It was in the terms of the contract.”

  Cass blinked and got knocked on her butt by little Daisy. It seemed he wasn’t comfortable with genuine appreciation. She would just have to find a way to express her thanks in a circumspect and sincere manner. It might involve getting naked.

  Chapter Seven

  Kofu directed her to the sonic shower cubicle in the corner. Karus had taken a seat on one of the nearby crates and had watched her play. The look in his eyes reminded her that less than two hours earlier, she had been in his lap and his fingers had been inside her.

  She had never been so glad that the sonic shower let her keep her clothing on. Being naked at this proximity was rather dangerous right now.

  When the cycle had finished, she opened the door and gave her hands a cautious sniff. She couldn’t smell goat anymore. She relaxed and smiled.

  The cubicle was a breakroom of sorts. Kofu used it to clean up before and after he worked with the animals. He wanted to keep them and the crew healthy. He scrubbed up in between.

  She made sure that her hair was draped over one shoulder, and her dress was buckled in place. The nibble marks were still on her clothing, but the slobber was gone.

  Cass smiled at Karus. “Thank you, Master Karus. This really sets my mind at ease.”

  He got to his feet and stretched his wings out. “It has been an interesting bit of logistics, but I do enjoy a challenge. You seem to have a lighter soul now.”

  He held out his arm, and she walked up to him, breast to chest. “If I am to adhere by the terms, you had better bend your neck, Master Karus. It was a five-minute cycle in the sonic shower.”

  He blinked in surprise and inclined his head. She wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and kissed him with enough enthusiasm to make his wings wrap around her as he pulled her in close. She had intended to show her appreciation, but instead, her pulse was thundering through her veins. Now, she was pressed against him with his hands cupping her butt so that their kiss could remain uninterrupted.

  She was squirming against him when she heard the excited bleating from the enclosure. She stopped licking and nipping at him and slowly leaned away. He growled and pulled her tight with his grip on her ass, holding her with one hand and his hand woven through her hair.

  Cass pulled on his hair and then did it again. It broke him out of his fixation, and he leaned back, looking at her with the molten expression
in his gaze. She could feel the swelling in her lips, and she smiled slightly. “Sufficient greeting?”

  He flexed the hand that was supporting her weight. “I think we should work on your level of enthusiasm. You took me by surprise.”

  She kicked her feet idly. “Good surprise or bad surprise?”

  He chuckled and slowly slid her down his body. She got her answer on the way down.

  “Oh. That kind of surprise.” She blushed.

  “You kiss me with a passion that had your tongue halfway down my throat, and now you blush?” He murmured with a smile.

  “I am just trying to get into a routine. It will be easier for me to practice without an audience.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but her stomach growled. He laughed. “It seems all of your hungers are waking.”

  She closed her eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t know how to bring it up.”

  “Never hesitate to tell me if you have a need.”

  Cass shook her head. “I didn’t realize that I was hungry. I am not exactly even sure what day it is.”

  He frowned and looked into her eyes. “It is fourteen hours from your time at the station.”

  She blinked. “And I ate breakfast six hours before that. Hell, no wonder I am shaking.”

  He frowned and picked her up, carrying her through the halls and back to his quarters. The thirty-minute trip took five minutes with him stretching his stride, and the personnel flattening themselves on the walls as they passed sped things up.

  Inside their quarters, he paused and walked to one wall, tapping his fingers on a space that he could see, and she didn’t. He did it while holding her with his left arm under her thighs and her arm around his neck.

  “What was that?”

  “I ordered dinner for us.”

  She smiled and nodded, resting her head against his shoulder. “Good. I am hungry.”

  He chuckled. “I know. Are you always like this when you are hungry?”


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