Designed Collision

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Designed Collision Page 5

by Viola Grace

  “Cranky and impulsive? Yeah.” She smiled. “Thinking gets harder, and then words go, and then impulse turns to action. I am not too far gone right now.”

  He summoned a table with a few more taps on the wall and took a seat on one of the padded stools that rose up with it.

  “This is the one and only time that you are allowed to go more than eight hours without eating, or at least until you organize a food schedule.”

  “Eating is social behaviour.”

  He blinked. “Is it?”

  She nodded and poked him in the chest. “It really is.”

  He laughed. “You are drunk.”

  “Sort of.” She wrinkled her nose and leaned on his chest again.

  They sat in silence for five minutes until Danoi came through the door with a cart that seemed to ride on a magnetic field.

  “Master Karus, Mistress Cassandra. Please allow me to apologize for my laxity in forgetting about the mistress’s needs.”

  Cassandra looked at the cart. “It’s okay. Is that edible?”

  He blinked and quickly set the table, pausing with one of the covered trays. “Where should I put Mistress Cassandra’s food?”

  “Here. In front of me. She isn’t going to sit on her own until she stops giggling.”

  She frowned and looked up at him. “I am not giggling.” Her frown broke, and she giggled. “Oops.”

  He sighed, and Danoi got her table setting ready. When it was ready, Karus said, “Leave my tray. I will see that she rests when she is finished.”

  Danoi paused, nodded, and he set the tray on the table.

  Cassandra squirmed around until she was facing the food, and then, she started eating before Danoi had left the room.

  Kofu must have given someone insight into what she liked to eat because everything she took a bite of tasted great. It was breakfast for dinner, her favourite.

  She was drinking a glass of juice when she realized she hadn’t picked up her cutlery. She swallowed and blushed. “Please forgive my lack of manners, Master Karus.”

  He chuckled and reached to take the juice glass from her. “And you are back. Yes, I will forgive the lack of decorum, just this once.”

  Cassandra turned, and she could see his throat work as he finished her juice. “Um... I should get out of the way so you can have your meal.”

  He slid her tray away and pulled his toward them. “I do believe that in return for my generous forgiveness, you should assist me by feeding me my meal.”

  Cass stifled her squeak. “Like eating prongs or...”

  “If your hands were good enough for you, they are good enough for me.”

  He shifted her hips so that she was sitting across his lap again, and he kept his arm casually around her for a balancing grip.

  She lifted the cover and set it aside, giggling as he had a larger version of the food she had just eaten. Pancakes, fresh jam, and sausages.

  She pressed her lips together before asking, “Do you have any preferences?”

  “No. Begin before I start thinking of other things to do with my mouth that involve you on the bed with your thighs wide.”

  She looked at the platter and went at it like it was her meal. She tore the pancakes apart, dipped them in the dark jam, and then, she smiled and offered him a sausage.

  His mouth opened, and the fangs that he had were exposed as he bit down on it. She wiped the bit of grease from his lip with her thumb and turned to grab a chunk of pancake covered with jam. She delivered it to him, and he opened his mouth, but for this, she had to push past his lips carefully.

  His mouth closed on her fingers, and he ran his tongue over the tips. She slowly pulled her fingers free but could sense that this was a recurring theme.

  She went back to the sausage. At least it was an external feeding technique.

  He finished chewing the sausages, and then, it was back to the pancakes. Getting her fingers sucked with each bite was distracting, and when they were on the last one and he swirled his tongue around her middle finger and tugged, she was on the edge of sobbing.

  The relief came when the tray was empty, and there was just the glass of juice to contribute.

  He paused. “No. No utensils can be used for this. You will have to get the liquid to me another way.”

  She was stunned, and then, she knew what he was after. This was going to take a few doses. She took a slug of the juice, leaned up to get a good angle, and she kissed him, giving him the juice in the first drop. There were four more left in that glass.

  He licked his lips and smiled. “Well done, companion.”

  She picked up the glass of juice and got off his lap, moving to straddle him so that this was easier.

  Three more. On the third, he began to use his tongue during contact.

  Two more. On the second, his hands roamed over her back while she squirted into him.

  Final one, she was just making contact when his lips sealed with hers, and he worked a hand between them. His fingers found her already wet and waiting for him, so he shifted his fingers until he was sliding two into her. She finished delivering the juice, and then, she moaned into his mouth.

  He stroked, she moaned, rocking her hips slowly against his hand. She churned her hips onto his digits, and he continued thrusting as she copied and reciprocated each movement. She rocked her hips in a slow caress, and when she could, she swayed her hips from side to side.

  She gave his mouth every moan, sigh, and squeal when his smallest finger delved between her butt cheeks. When he pressed her clit again, things sped up.

  Cassandra held onto his shoulders as her hips pounded against his hand until she shrieked and collapsed against him.

  She was breathing like she had just run a marathon, and sweat coated her body under the dress.

  She could see as well as feel Karus’s erection under her. It was going to take a bit of getting used to, so she was pretty happy that she had a few days before dealing with it. If she got used to getting orgasms from Karus, it would be easier to start having actual sex with him.

  “I do love how easy it is to give you pleasure. No hangups, no hostility, and nothing to hide.” He was stroking her back with the hand that wasn’t in his mouth that he was licking clean. “The taste of you is also remarkable. Sweet and floral with a hint of citrus.”

  She blushed brightly, but he couldn’t see her face. Her head was firmly leaning against his chest.

  She yawned and started to relax against him.

  “Oh, no little companion. You have to get some proper sleep.” He picked her up and carried her across the room to the bed. He unfastened her dress, removed it, and sat her down to slip off her shoes. When that was done, he stood her up and tucked her into bed with a soft kiss on her lips. “Sleep well, little companion.”

  She smiled. “Sleep well, Master Karus. You have had a long day.”

  She stroked his erection while she spoke, and he was startled into laughter once again.

  Cassandra pulled the bedding up around her jaw and snuggled into the huge bed, trying to think warm thoughts. The lights dimmed at Karus’s command, and she was able to doze off properly.

  She had an eventful day and had no idea what he was going to need from her for the next day. She had a feeling her personal flavour was going to feature. That thought kept her up for ninety seconds before exhaustion won.

  Chapter Eight

  Cassandra woke up with arms wrapped around her. She was warm, and the slow breathing at her back was a soothing counterpoint to her initial jolt of surprise.

  “Well, as you are awake, you can shower and get dressed, and Danoi will be here with breakfast when you are ready.” He rubbed his chin against the crown of her head.

  “Good morning, Master Karus. Can I get up then?”

  He chuckled. “In a moment. This is a nice way to wake up.”

  He hugged her, and she could feel all of her skin against all of his skin. Cassandra had her hands curled up under her chin, and she slowly relaxed,
moving her hands down to her waist, where his arms were still keeping her against him.

  She didn’t have to ask if he had sought her out or if it was the other way around. She had woken in dark silence and felt a large heat source. Her impulse to be warm had taken over, and she had crawled over to him.

  “Did you sleep well, Cassandra?” His voice was husky with sleep.

  She swallowed. “Yes, I did.”

  “Good. Do you feel rested?”

  “I do. Thank you.” She felt a little tense if she were honest. The erection pressing against her back and butt was definitely something she wasn’t looking forward to.

  He moved his left arm and cupped her breast with his hand, massaging gently before moving to the other.

  She leaned back against his chest, and his hands continued a slow and thorough exam of her skin and how it reacted to his touch. Karus was rapidly learning exactly what caused her heart to pound and her thighs to shake.

  Cassandra writhed against him until she cried out, his hands teased her with calculated movements, and he whispered encouragements to her until she shrieked and held onto him. Her body spasmed and jerked around his fingers. When she was finally still and her body was damp with sweat, he kissed her shoulder. “Good morning, Cassandra.”

  She blushed and turned as he slid his fingers out of her. “Good morning, Master Karus.” She kissed him in greeting.

  He patted her backside. “That is the proper way to start the day. Now, you can shower.”

  He let her go, and she slowly sat up, letting the sheet slide away from her to pool at her hips. “Is that going to be a regular thing?”

  He sat up, and the grey expanse of his chest made her feel tiny. It was broader than it looked when he was wearing his tunic. His wings framed him, and he looked like a statue come to life, with a bit of bed head.

  She reached out and smoothed his hair.

  He took on a bemused expression. “The kiss? Yes. We have discussed it.”

  “No, the making me scream.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Ah, we haven’t gotten that far yet.”


  “I like the sighs, the moans, and the shrieks, but I haven’t gotten you to scream yet. I am pacing myself.” He smiled and said, “As soon as you take a shower, I will get Danoi to bring your meal. You should be hungry by now.”

  She frowned. She was hungry. “Fine, but this isn’t over.”

  He laughed. “If you say so.”

  She turned and crawled back out of her side of the bed. It took a while, and she knew he was staring at her butt the whole time. She wasn’t sure what part of her attributes he preferred, but he was getting a good look at everything.

  Cass walked over to the necessary and did what she had to before exiting and heading for the bathing room.

  Her shower took five minutes. She just couldn’t make it last longer. There was so much to do. She was going to be able to start her education today.

  She got a towel, brushed her hair, and pattered out to find a gown.

  Danoi came in while she was pulling a dress out of the wardrobe. This one was black with grey trim, just for something different.

  Karus was sitting up in bed, his wings acting as a backrest, and he smiled when she turned to drape her hair over her right shoulder. “You are quick.”

  “No reason to waste water.” She got a set of shoes and slipped them on.

  He spoke, “You aren’t on rations here. Use what you need.”

  She chuckled. “I did. I needed five minutes under a hot shower. Needs and wants aren’t the same things. I know the difference.”

  She stretched out her arms. “Why are all the sleeves so wide? I mean, we have cultures... had cultures that wore sleeves similar in their traditional wear. The rest of the gown is different, but the sleeves remind me of them.”

  “Danoi’s and Kofu’s people wear a version of your clothing. Well, women do.” He chuckled. “It will help you adapt to them and foster acceptance of you.”

  “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “It won’t be. Anyone who interferes with a Hmrain’s companion knows that their life is worthless.”

  She looked at him, pausing from flapping her sleeves. “Does that happen a lot?”

  “Only once.” He smiled brightly.

  She went twirling through the open space with her gown and sleeves flaring. It was fun. It was a ballroom with a bed at one end and a desk at the other. There was a lounge area with couches and a large table that seemed to have a holographic projector in the center.

  “What are you doing?” Karus was staring at her.

  She pirouetted and paused. “I am getting familiar with my space.”

  “Ah. I see. Continue.” He nodded and resumed working on his tablet.

  She smiled and continued to twirl in a number of the dance patterns that Kofu had endeavoured to teach her. It was lovely to have space and a bit of time just to enjoy herself. Something had always needed fixing or cleaning up on the farm. The sheer relief she felt waking up somewhere else with the animals cared for and happy nearby with someone else watching over them was intoxicating. She would have to settle into her duties soon enough, but today was not that day.

  Danoi came in with the cart, and he smiled. “You look like you are enjoying the morning, Mistress.”

  She paused mid-spin. “I am, Danoi. What is for breakfast? Is it breakfast? Am I on the wrong schedule?”

  Danoi chuckled. “You are awake at a reasonable time.”

  Karus got out of bed and wandered over, naked. If Cassandra didn’t know better, she would think of it as a dominance display toward Danoi. She got a good look at all of the grey skin and the darker skin of his penis. It was relaxed, and she really hoped it wasn’t going to get much bigger.

  Danoi stepped back as Karus approached. Cass walked over to the tray and examined it. “What is for breakfast? Is this one mine?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  She smiled and picked up her platter, walking it over to the dining table and setting it down. She lifted the tray and looked back at Danoi with a smile. “Are these from the girls?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, Mistress. Kofu said you would probably enjoy fresh food, and your birds are laying a lot right now. I have never heard of creatures that lay every day.”

  “Only when they aren’t broody. When they are working on hatching, they stop production. Fortunately, I have a bunch of chickens who don’t like to go broody.”

  Karus looked under his lid, and he grinned. “There were enough for me as well.”

  Danoi nodded. “The captain has also enjoyed them this morning.”

  She smiled. “Kofu prepared these.”

  Karus picked up his tray and brought it to the table, much to Danoi’s shock.

  Four eggs were over easy on Karus’s plate. Two were over easy on her plate with sausage, toast, and some kind of fruit juice.

  Danoi asked, “Mistress, how do you know that Kofu was involved?”

  “I taught him how to cook eggs, and since I eat mine over easy, that is his preferred style for cooking.”

  She pierced the egg and dunked the toast in the yolk. She smiled as she chewed. It was just like home with far better hygiene.

  Karus mimicked her eating method, and his brows raised. “That is surprisingly good.”

  She chuckled. “That is why we keep chickens around. We could hatch hundreds in a year if we had enough broody hens or incubators.”

  He looked at her. “You can hatch these artificially?”

  “Sure. Steady temperature and high humidity with some light turning. You just have to mimic the underside of a broody hen.” She giggled and kept eating. “Well, not personally. Eggs are tough, but I doubt they could handle you sitting on them.”

  He snorted and kept eating. Danoi poured two cups of tea for them and set them on the table.

  Cassandra happily ate her breakfast, and when she was done, the dishes were whisked away, leaving her with her j
uice and tea.

  When Karus’s teacup was empty, she poured for him.

  Danoi took the cart away and mentioned that he would return to begin her education.

  Karus sipped at his tea, and he looked at her. “Do you have any questions for me?”

  She held her breath and then blurted out, “When are we going to have sex?”

  He chuckled. “That is up to you. If you don’t come to me in the next few days, we will look into altering the protocol, but the first time needs to be your choice.”

  “Altering the protocol?”

  “In the early days, women would be sent to us. We would choose the ones that appealed, and those women would make the journey to our homes. We would receive them, and from there, the chosen female would become our companion. That system was lacking subtleties. For example, not every woman was capable of sustaining a Hmrain for very long. We had to find women who didn’t just appeal physically, but who had a physiology that would allow them to sustain the Hmrain they were bound to.”

  “What exactly do you get from us?”

  He smiled. “A connection to time. Empathy. A desire to think of more than just our own pleasures. We gain an understanding of life and death and everything in between. The pleasure that we use to take that sensation from you is the price that we pay for knowledge that we are missing.”

  He shrugged. “That is how I am looking at it anyway. My previous companion, she wouldn’t surrender, so she withheld what I needed. I knew she was not going to remain with me long before she did.”

  “Did that hurt?”

  “My people were made to defend and shepherd new civilizations. It made me angry, and that made things in my sector a little dangerous. My people are strong, and when they learned that your species had candidates for companions, I was urged to go in search of one.”

  She laughed and filled his teacup. “So, your people told you to stop being a dick and go find a nice woman to settle down with for her lifetime.”

  He sipped at his tea with a smile. “Something like that. I got in after one of the companions was sent to the auction and did not have time to get in enough bids to gain her contract.”


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