Dwelling Place
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Memminger, C. G.
Neff, William
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Palmer, Benjamin Morgan
Pinckney, Henry Laurens
Poinsett, Joel
Porter, Ebenezer
Pratt, Catherine King
Pratt, Rev. Horace
Pratt, Jane Wood
Pratt, Nathaniel
Quarterman, Robert
Rahn, Irwin; LPC
Rhett, Robert Barnwell
Robarts, Eliza Green Low: “Aunt Eliza”; Joseph Jones, half-sister of; slaves, relationship with; war’s effect on; GC; LPC
Robarts, Joseph Jones
Robarts, Louisa
Robarts, Mary Eliza: child of Eliza Low Robarts and James; “Cousin Mary”; slaves, relations with
Ross, John
Seabrook, Whitemarsh
Shepard, Thomas; LPC
Sherman, William T. (General)
Smith, James; LPC
Smyth, Thomas
Stebbins, Charles
Stewart, Daniel (Colonel) (General): death of; John Jones, brother-in-law of; wife’s death; LPC
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Thornwell, James Henley; LPC
Varnedoe, Nathaniel
Walthour, Andrew (slaveholder)
Walthour, George Washington
Ward, John Elliot
Ward, Louisa
Way, Mrs. Susan
Wells, Charlton Henry (Dr.)
Wells, Mary King: broken engagement of; child of Julia and Roswell King; marriage of; war’s effect on; LPC
West, Charles (Dr.)
Whitefield, George
Wilson, John Leighton
Winn, Abial
Winn, Louisa
Wright, William
African influences. See also Slaves: as basket makers, and dance, names and naming practices of
African slaves
Altahama river
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
American Colonization Society
American Home Missionary Society
Andersonville Prison Camp
Andover Theological Seminary
Antiquities of the Southern Indians, Particularly of the Georgia Tribes
“Apostle to the Negro Slaves”
Arcadia plantation; breakup of settlement; description of; and final visits; and freed people; overseers; plundered by Yankees; settlement at
Athens, Ga.
Atlanta; Central Presbyterian Church
Augusta, Ga. 200
Baker County, Ga.
Banjoes and fiddles
Baptists. See also under specific titles
Barsden Bluff
Bonaventure plantation
Bush and hush arbors: and freed people; for religious gatherings; and Societies and sacred meals
Byan Neck Presbyterian Church
Calvinism: character of; and admonitions to children; and freed people; replaced by Victorian respectability and sentimentality; and the value of ordinary life
Carlawter settlement; and freed people; and infanticide; natural increase in population; plundered by Yankees; secret world of; slaves moved from. See also Montevideo plantation
Catechism: means of religious instruction; and spirituals as catechism of the bush arbors
Catechism of Scripture, Doctrine and Practice, for Families and Sabbath Schools, Designed also for the Oral Instruction of Colored Persons
Cedar Grove plantation
Charleston, S.C.; and Circular Congregational Church; and Civil War battles; and meeting on the religious instruction of slaves; and opposition to religious instruction of slaves; and secession; and Second Presbyterian Church; slave trade
Charleston Observer
Church membership, slave: as majority of adult population in Liberty County; statistics
Civil War, battles: Atlanta; Fort Sumter; and hospitals and prison camps; and interpretations of; Kennesaw Mountain; Manassas; Missionary Ridge; and Sherman’s March to the Sea
Class analysis of slaves
Colonel’s Island; Federal attacks against
Columbia, S.C.; fire at home in
Columbia Theological Seminary
Columbus, Ga.; First Presbyterian Church
Community, slave; breakup of; centered at Lambert; churches as gathering places for; in Savannah
Contingency, of human life
Conversion, religious experience, slaves:; and church membership; social factors
Conversion, religious experience, whites:; and human freedom
Cotton Planters Convention
Courting couples, slave:
Courting couples, white:
Creek nation
Cumberland Island
Darien, Ga.
Death of slaves: of children;
scenes of
Death of whites:; children; exhuming bodies; scenes of
Deism, and opposition to religious instruction of slaves
Detail of a Plan for the Moral Improvement of Negroes on Plantations
Discipline and suspension by churches; as exercised by watchmen
Dorchester, Ga.; Presbyterian church
Dorchester Academy
Drivers. See Slave drivers
Duty, of blacks:
Duty, of whites; in tension with love of home; in tension with memory. See also Masters, responsibilities of
Economics: and buying and selling of slaves; and mortgaging of slaves; planters as capitalists; slaves as money; and trans-Atlantic economy
Edisto Island, S.C.
Education, slave:; biblical and religious; and folktales; as indoctrination; and plantation routine; sacrifice for; and women. See also Freed people: and schools
Education, white:. See also under specific titles
Emancipation: slave response to; white attitude toward. See also Freed people
Engagements, marriage:
Episcopal church and ministers
Essay on the Management of Slaves, and Especially, on their Religious Instruction
Familiarity, warnings against
Families, slave: divisions of; masters’ responsibility for; networks of; reunions of; transmission of skills by. See also Husbands, slave; Wives, slave
Families, white; dissension within; networks of
Feelings and “emotional excitement”:
Female Prayer Service, slave:
First African Baptist Church, Savannah
First Presbyterian Church: Columbia, S.C.; Marietta, Ga.; New Orleans; Savannah; Washington
Flemington, Ga.
Folktales, slave:
Food, for slaves; and domestic animals; and garden vegetables; and grits; and hoppin’ john; and johnnycakes and hoe cake; and malnutrition; and secret feasts; and wedding feast
Food, for whites; and breads and cakes; and description of meals; and distinct cuisine; and game; and meat; and rice; and seafood; and tea drinking ceremonies; and vegetables; and wedding dinners
Franklin College [University of Georgia]
Fraser station and Gravel Hill
Free blacks
Freedom: slaves’ struggle toward
Freed people: and churches; claim family names; and former owners; and labor contracts; and quest for place to live; rent and buy land; and schools
Funerals: slave; white
Future, optimistic view of
Genius of Universal Emancipation
Greensboro, Ga.
Gullah people and culture; community; examples of dialect; and family names; Lambert plantation as center of
Guns: owned by slaves; owned by whites:
Hartford Female Seminary
Harvard: divinity school; law school; Peabody Museum
Heaven, views of
Hinesville, Ga.
History of the Church of God
Home, slave: a place of ancestors, family and friends; relationship to stable population; sense of locality
Home, white: and children; and grandchildren; and heaven; images of; and memories; quest as “secret idolatry”; quest for; relationship to stable population; and the South; in tension with duty
Homesickness: among slaves; among whites
Hospitality, code of; betrayed; economic base of
Hot Springs, Va.
Household codes
Hunting and fishing: by slaves; as supplements to diet; by whites. See also Slaves: as fishermen
Husbands, slave; duties of; efforts to stay with wives; separated from wives
Husbands, white; expressions of affection for wife
Ideology of slavery; exposed. See also Utopian vision
Illnesses, slave:; cholera; clay eating; fevers; lung diseases and pneumonia; measles; and relationship to diet; sinus infection; small pox; worms
Illnesses, white:; cancer; and Civil War wounds and diseases; creeping palsy; croup; dysentery; fevers; pneumonia; small pox
Indianola plantation
Indian Remains in Southern Georgia
Interracial sex. See also Mulattoes; Sexual abuse of slave women
Investments, capital: shifted from plantations and slaves to manufacturing and railroads
Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, A
Lambert: estate and trustees; plantation; plantation plundered by Yankee troops
Laurel View plantation
Letters and messages: from slaves; to slaves
Liberty County; and Civil War destruction of; stability of population; stability undermined; tensions build between slaves and owners
Liberty County Association for the Religious Instruction of Slaves
Liberty County Independent Troop
Liberty Hall plantation
Lodebar plantation
Lord’s Supper
Low-country landscape; as evidence of God’s goodness; viewed by slaves; viewed by whites, 287
Macon, Ga.
Majordomo. See Slaves: as butlers
Mallard Place plantation; plundered by Yankee troops
Malvern plantation
Manners: slave; and slavery; white
Marietta, Ga.
Marriage, slave; broken by owners; religious teaching about; right to marry off plantation; spouse “treated as dead” when sold away; supported by watchmen; unfaithfulness in
Marriage, white; and cousins; and elopement; ideal of; and marriage contracts; and religious teaching about
Marshes, tidal
Masters, responsibilities of; for honoring slave marriages; for physical welfare of slaves
Maybank plantation; burned by marauders; cemetery; chapel; and Civil War; fire at; gardens; landscape; museum at; plantation house constructed; and ruins of; school house; settlement
McIntosh County, Ga.
Medical College of Georgia
Medical College of the University of Pennsylvania
Medical practices: bleeding; medicines; mustard plaster; operations; vaccines
Memory, of slaves; contested with that of whites; of family histories
Memory, of whites; contested with that of slaves; as the “reigning faculty”. See also Home, white
Methodist church and ministers; and slave membership
Mexican American War
Middle way, in regard to slavery
Midway Congregational Church; cemetery; closure of; and daughter churches; and freed people; as preaching station for slaves; re-interment of children; and slave funeral; slave membership of; and slave preachers hired by; and watchmen
Midway Presbyterian Church
Montevideo plantation; becomes center of Jones family; building and renovation of plantation house at; chapel; contested images of; during Civil War; and final departure from; and final visits; gardens of; increasing isolation of; landscape of; named tracts of; overseers for; plundered by Yankees; renovation of; threatened by gunboat
Moral and Religious Condition of our Coloured Population, On the
Nature, views of
Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast, Told in the Vernacular
New England; proslavery thought in; views on
New England Theology
New Orleans; Prytania Street Presbyterian Church
New York City
New-York Daily Times
North, views of
North Hampton plantation
North Newport Baptist Church; and freed people; sermons preached on marriage and family life; and slave membership; and watchmen
Nullification Controversy
Oak Hill plantation
On the Moral and Religious Condition of our Coloured Population
Oral instruction of slaves
Orange Grove plantation
Oxen, character and use of. See also Transportation: oxcarts
Palmyra plantation
Parental advice: slave parents; white parents
Pastoral visitation among slaves
Phillips Academy
Piazza: contrasted to settlement; as gathering place for whites:; as place for teaching children; provides perspective on landscape
Piety, and family devotionals
Plantations: chapels; furnishings; gardens; houses; image of; landscape of; libraries; List of Plantations; management of; and outbuildings. See also Low-country landscape
Plantation school:; accomplishments of; curriculum; influence of relatives; landscape as school house; purpose of
Pleasant Grove station and church; and slave membership
Praise houses
Preaching, task of
Preaching stations; and freed people
Presbyterian Board of Domestic Missions
Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America
Presbyterians; and religious instruction of slaves. See also individual churches
Princeton College
Princeton Theological Seminary
Proslavery, radical
Racial assumptions
Reform impulse, and evangelical Protestantism; and work within system of slavery
Refuge plantation
Religious instruction of slaves; and economic motivations; and growth of church membership; and meeting in Charleston, on; and opposition becomes supportive of; and opposition to; and pedagogy used; and subjects taught; and subordination; as step toward freedom for slaves; as strategy for the development of the South; in Virginia
Religious Instruction of the Negroes in the United States
Renting slaves; to railroads
Resistance, by slaves; and alternative culture; and arson; and charms; and churches; and development of distinctive Gullah community; and disruption of Gullah community; and folktales; and insubordination; and murder of whites; and sacred meals; and theft; and varied strategies; and watchmen. See also Runaways; “Weapons of the weak”
Retreat plantation; burned; cemetery; as center for Jones family; decline of productivity; exhuming body from cemetery; land and slaves divided among heirs; sale of; settlement; settlement breakup; slaves at
Revival, religious: of 1839–1840; of 1850s
Rice: and economic collapse of; inland swamp production of; tide water production of
Riceboro, Ga.; relationship to surrounding plantations; as a slave market; and slave whippings; tension between merchants and planters
Rice Hope plantation
Richmond-on-Ogeechee plantation; burned by Yankees
Rituals of subordination; discarded
Rome, Ga.
Roswell, Ga.
Roswell Manufacturing Company
Roswell Presbyterian Church
Runaways; viewed as traitors
Sabbath observance; as gift and foretaste of heaven; as means of slave resistance
Sacred meals, held by slaves
St. Catherine’s Island
St. Louis
St. Marys, Ga.
St. Simons Island
Saratoga, N.Y.
Savannah, Albany, and Gulf Railroad
Savannah, Ga.; destination for freed people; Independent Presbyterian Church; Medical College; and secession; slave market in; surrenders to Sherman
Scripture cards
Sea Islands; vulnerable to Yankee attacks
Second African Baptist Church, in Savannah
Second Great Awakening
Secret world of slaves; and family names; and rituals of subordination
Sectional crisis between North and South
Sermons preached to slaves; sermons on marriage and family life
Sermons preached to whites
Settlements, slave; gathering place contrasted with piazzas for whites; isolation of; as little village; locations of; open fires as gathering places; plundered by Yankee troops; visitation by white pastor. See also individual plantations
Sexual abuse of slave women. See also Interracial sex
Sharon, Conn.
Slave and free black preachers; perform weddings; and plantation visitation
Slave drivers: and abuse of power; at Arcadia; at Carlawter; and church membership; clothes of; description of tasks; at Indianola; at Lambert; at Liberty Hall; at Mallard Place; at Maybank; and murder of owner; opposes conjurer; plundered by Yankees; at Retreat; at South Hampton; at White Oak
Slave Momma. See also Slaves: women, stereotypes of
Slave quarters. See Settlements, slave
Slavery: views of by whites (see also Middle way, in regard to slavery); westward expansion of
—as agricultural labor
—as basket makers