Page 19
Page 19
“I’m sorry Jeff; I just didn’t want to bother you with all of that. I know, I know all the things she said was just nothing but bullshit. Listen, Gunner just got back in the car and we’re not far from Ari’s house so I’ll talk to you in a few minutes okay? Jefferson…. . please be nice to Ari. Thanks. ”
I had to let out a laugh. “So how long has Ari liked Jeff?” I asked Ellie as she slipped her phone into her back pocket.
“WHAT?” Ellie asked stunned. “What do you mean? What makes you think she likes Jefferson?”
I just looked at Ellie with a “REALLY?” look on my face.
“Well, for starters I see the way she looks at him. She can’t take her eyes off of him. Then there is the fact that when she is around him she is a nervous Nelly and talks non stop. ”
Ellie let out a sigh as her head fell back against the seat. “Ari has had a crush on Jefferson since I can remember. She acts like she can’t stand him but I know better. I think it’s her way of dealing with how he treats her. The last few years have been hard for me. I feel like I’m in the middle. Ari keeps falling harder for Jefferson and Jefferson, well he keeps growing more and more annoyed with Ari. He literally acts like he cannot stomach to be in the same room as her. I’m not even sure why? He use to get along with her great then something happened. I thought maybe he might have had a thing for her but when I asked him he blew me off about it. ” Ellie said with a shrug. “I just hope they have not killed each other by the time we get there. ”
“Ellie I think you are wrong about how Jeff feels. I really think he likes Ari…. . A LOT. He’s just afraid to admit it to himself. I’m not sure why but I think he feels like she is too young. The way he acts when he has been around her these last two days is just…. well it’s just weird to me. He also cannot keep his eyes off of her. ”
Ellie looked deep in thought and shrugged her shoulders. I followed Siri’s directions to Ari’s house. She didn’t live to far from Jeff and Ellie’s house.
“You really think Jefferson thinks Ari is too young and that is why he is denying his feeling for her? Do you think I’m too young?” Ellie asked me. I looked over and she was batting those beautiful long eye lashes at me. I let out a laugh.
“No, I don’t think you’re too young. If I had I never would’ve kissed you!” I said as I took her hand in mine.
Ellie smiled a small smile at me. Then she said what I never ever wanted to come from her mouth.
“Gunner, I need to talk to you about that kiss. ”
FUCK! I knew I pushed her too soon.
“Do you regret kissing me Ellie, because I don’t regret kissing you sweetheart, not one bit. ”
“NO! God NO! It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I will never forget that kiss for as long as I live. Of course I don’t regret it. I’m just…. . you see…. . well. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m not looking to get into a relationship right now. I mean…. I really like you Gunner…. a lot. But I think I need to just take it slow. I hope that you understand why I need time. With all the shit I just went through with Ryan and now my mom. I just need some time for me to figure out who I am. ”
I looked over at her and she almost looked like she was going to cry. She had just gotten to where she was happy again, so I was not about to get her upset. Fuck it, if she needed time I would give her all the time she needed. I. Was. Not. Giving. Up. On. Her.
“Ellie of course I understand. I’m sorry if I pushed you into moving too fast. I really am sweetheart. Please know I would never want to rush you into something you weren’t ready for. ” I gave her the best smile I could muster even though inside I was starting to die a slow painful death.
“So we can be…. . friends?” Ellie asked as a blush started to creep up her face.
“Yes, Ellie we most certainly can be friends. ” Fuck, I really hope I don’t throw up.
I hope I was not making a mistake by talking to Gunner about taking things slow. I saw the disappointment in his eyes when I said I wanted to just be friends. God that was the hardest thing I have ever had to say. I have no doubt that Gunner had feelings for me. I certainly had feelings for him. Strong feelings that were starting to scare the shit out of me.
This is for the best; I just need to keep reminding myself this. I need time to think and this is moving too fast. These feelings…. they are confusing me. I mean I’m going to be going to college now. I have to keep my options open right? I don’t need to be jumping into another relationship the day after I just ended one.
Gunner reached down and turned up his iPod a little more. Taylor Swift’s Fearless was playing. I had to smile. That song describes exactly how I felt today being with Gunner. I looked over at him and he seemed lost in thought.
Shit…I really hope I didn’t just blow it with him. God if he only knew the way he made me feel. How all I wanted to do was jump into his arms and stay there forever.
How did he feel about me? I mean that kiss…. . holy shit…. . that kiss. It was amazing but I still had this nagging feeling I was just a girl for him to conquer.
Gunner started to talk and pulled me out of my daze. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was doing the right thing.
“Holy shit…. . this is where Ari lives?!” Gunner said as he pulled up the Ari’s parent’s 5,500 square foot house. He parked in the front of the house and jumped out of his truck.
“What the hell do her parents do?” Gunner asked as he opened my door to let me out. I quickly learned this is something he just did and if I got out first he seemed upset by it so now I just waited for him.
“Her dad is a big time lawyer and her mom is a stay at home mom. You will love them though! They are really cool. Ari’s mom is a HUGE Katharine Hepburn fan. She’s made us watch all of her movies. Her dad loves football and will LOVE you just like he does Jefferson. Don’t be surprised if he knows all your stats. He went to UT and is a HUGE UT football fan. ” I said as Gunner got the bags out of the back seat of his truck.
Gunner let out a laugh. “I already like him then! Anyone who likes football and knows his stats is an okay dude in my books!” We both laughed and turned when we heard Ari come running down the steps.
“Ells…. thank God you’re here! Where the hell have you two been! Jefferson has been here for 45 minutes driving me fucking crazy! Thankfully my dad came home and he is now talking to him about football!” Ari stepped back and looked at me and then Gunner and then back at me again. A huge smile came across her face.
“I get the Coach purse don’t I?” Ari said as she started to laugh and hooked her arm with my arm as we walked into the house. I just laughed and I turned back around to see Gunner with my favorite panty melting smile on his face. He gave me a wink like he knew what that exchange was all about. I smiled back at him as we made our way into the house.
Gunner and Jeff stayed for about an hour longer after we got there. Ari’s dad Mark was in hog heaven having two starting UT football players in his house. Ari’s mom Susan, begged the boys to stay for dinner but they said they needed to clean up the house for tomorrow night’s graduation party for me.
Ari was acting so strange. She was much more talkative and seemed to be nervous. I could not tell if it was because Jefferson was in her house for so long or if it was something else. I noticed her staring at Jefferson a few times and I actually caught him staring at her. What the hell was going on with those two? I was beginning to think Gunner was right about Jefferson liking Ari.
Ari almost seemed like she was trying to get rid of Jefferson and Gunner. God I hope she didn’t want to talk. I was so happy right now I did not want to talk about my mother or what happened today with her or Ryan.
“Okay, well I think it is time you two guys to took off. We need to unpack Ellie and get ready for graduation tomorrow so…. . you can leave anytime you want. ” Ari said as she looked dire
ctly at Jefferson.
“Arianna Katherine Peterson! We do not treat our guests that way. ” Ari’s mom said.
“Yes Arianna Katherine Peterson. You keep being so rude you won’t be invited to Ellie’s party tomorrow night. ” Jefferson said with a wink directed at Ari.
Ari got up and walked over to where Jefferson was sitting. She bent over and got right next to his ear.
“Fuck off dick head!” She said loud enough for Gunner and I to hear but not her mother. Gunner and I both laughed as Ari stood up and walked back over to where she was sitting next to me. Jefferson’s face was red. Was he blushing or was he just pissed?
“Come on dude…I have stuff I need to take care of anyway. We can stop and grab a beer on the way home. ” Gunner said has he slapped Jefferson on the back.
Jefferson got up and walked over to me. I stood up because I knew I was about to get one of my brothers bear hugs. After he gave me my hug he leaned down towards Ari.
“Watch your language squirt; you wouldn’t want to make mommy and daddy upset with you. ” Jefferson whispered into her ear.
“Stop calling me squirt and while you are at it…. . go to hell asshole. ”
Jefferson let out a laugh and walked over to Mark and Susan to say goodbye.
Ari grabbed my hand and started to lead me upstairs. I stopped to say goodnight to Gunner. I wished we were alone because all of a sudden I started to panic. What if I made a mistake by telling him I just wanted to be friends? What if he went out with someone tonight? Or brought a date tomorrow night!
“Um, thank you again for everything today Gunner. I really enjoyed myself. ” I said as I gave him a smile. He smiled back and for a second I wanted nothing more than for him to kiss me again.
“I really enjoyed today also Ellie. Good luck tomorrow at your graduation Ellie and you too Ari and congratulations on Valedictorian. ”
“Thank you Gunner and thank you so much for taking care of Ellie today. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow night!” Ari said as she walked Gunner and Jefferson out.
I turned to find Mark and Susan smiling at me. They know.
“We are heading out to the club for awhile. Let Ari know we will be back later this evening sweetheart. ” Susan said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.
“Okay I’ll be sure to let her know. Thank you Susan and Mark…. for…. everything. ”
“No thanks are needed my sweet girl. ” Mark said as he kissed my cheek.
Ari and Jefferson must have filled in her parents because they never said a word about me staying there except to tell me I was always welcome in their home. They had been like my second parents since I was ten. I use to stay over at their house for days at a time. I loved them more than I think I loved my own mother.
“Come on let me show you your room!” Ari said as she dragged me up stairs.
“My room…. . wait……I’m not staying in your room like always?” I asked Ari as I came to a stop at the top landing.
“Nope…I’ve been dying to talk to you every since you got here with hotter than hot Gunner!” Ari said with a laugh.