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The Road

Page 9

by Lance K Ewing

  He held her after for what seemed like eternity in a split second. He took a moment to take stock of his new life. I’ve never been more needed and appreciated by a group of people, and I’ve never felt this way about another woman in my whole life, he thought.

  “This apocalypse thing is supposed to be bad,” he said, “but honestly, it’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  “It hasn’t been all that bad for me, either. I’m in like with you, Mac,” she said as she kissed him softly.

  “I’m in like with you too, Sarah.”

  “Mac!” came a call on the radio from one of his guys. “Can you talk?”

  “Just a minute,” he said, telling Sarah he would be right back.

  Hopping out of the top of the cave, he wondered what could be so important, since he was unofficially off for the day.

  “I’m here,” radioed Mac, when he reached the top.

  “It’s about Dr. Melton, sir,” his guy began.

  “What about her?” asked Mac.

  “No, sir. The other Dr. Melton. He’s at the north perimeter with about ten others from the West group. Their mountain community was overrun, and they fled down the mountain.”

  Mac felt like he’d just had a punch in the gut.

  “Do we let them in?” his guy asked.

  “That’s Samuel’s call,” Mac told him, knowing full well he would.

  A solemn Mac went back to the cave to get Sarah. “Time to go,” he announced, as he packed up the blanket and picnic basket.

  “Is everything okay?” asked Sarah in a concerned voice.

  “I don’t know,” replied Mac. “I just don’t know.”

  They rode down the mountain, with Mac not saying a word.

  “Did I do something wrong?” asked Sarah. “You haven’t said a word for the last 30 minutes.”

  “No, Sarah. This was the best afternoon I’ve ever had, but you need to talk to Samuel. He has some news you need to hear from him.”

  Mac rode off without a good-bye.

  * * * * * * *

  Chapter Eight ~ Saddle Ranch

  Loveland, Colorado

  Mac rode back up to the Ranch, feeling numb. His mind was racing with one scenario after another. Would Sarah want her ex-husband back? Were they officially divorced, or even separated? he wondered.

  Heading straight to the kitchen, he wanted to talk to Rico first.

  “Thank you for the perfect lunch,” Mac told him, “but something has happened.” He filled the chef in on the necessary details, not wanting him to talk with others about the lunch he had made them.

  “Love is complicated, my friend,” Rico replied, with a pat on Mac’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about a thing. I am discrete in everything I do.”

  The next stop was Bill. Mac explained what happened, leaving out the wine and romance parts.

  “I’m sorry, Mac,” replied Bill when he had finished. “I’ll talk to Samuel and see what it means, but I think it ultimately comes down to Sarah and what she truly wants.”

  “I’ll steer clear for now,” replied a sober Mac.

  Bill filled Sharon in on the new developments. Both felt bad for Mac. “It just has to play out,” remarked Sharon. “If it’s meant to be, it will surely happen.”

  Sarah met with Samuel at his house at the far end of the property.

  “Have you heard?” he asked her.

  “Heard what?” she replied, hoping someone hadn’t seen her and Mac just an hour earlier.

  “Your husband…I mean, Dr. Melton…well, he’s back.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, confused.

  “Men with guns confiscated our property in the mountains, and he, along with several others, are back at the northern border of this valley,” explained Samuel.

  “Why have you not brought them back?” she asked.

  “I intend to, but I wanted to talk with you first. You, Sarah, are my family, my only family, as you know. Your opinion carries more weight with me than anyone else’s.”

  “Are you asking me if you should let them come home?” she inquired.

  “No, sweetie. This is their home, and they can stay if they choose. I just wanted to meet with you and let you know that whatever you choose, you will have my blessing. This has always been your home, and I promise to make this place perfect for you so that you may find comfort and peace each day.”

  “So, whoever I choose is going to be okay with you?” Sarah asked.

  Samuel smiled and kissed her on the forehead. “Yes, that is what I am telling you, Sarah. I want you to be happy here.”

  “Thank you!” she replied, “for always looking out for me and taking my side.”

  Samuel was on the radio with the northern perimeter as she walked down the dusty road.

  “Let them through,” he said, “and send them straight to me.”

  Samuel met with the people from the mountain compound and was filled in on the details.

  “As you know, Samuel,” started Dr. Melton, “there were 15 of us up there when they came. We were no match for men with guns. They gave us a choice: to leave or be killed.”

  “I see,” replied Samuel. “Why are there only 10 of you now?” he asked.

  “Some of the others didn’t want to come back here; they headed further into the mountains…

  “How is Sarah?” he asked.

  “She is doing well, Doctor,” replied Samuel. “I always keep an eye out for her.

  “We’ll get you settled in and fit you with your old jobs. It’s good to have you all back, and I’m sorry for what happened to you up on the mountain.”

  Dr. Melton headed straight to the hospital, hoping to find Sarah.

  “Hi, Sarah,” he said, seeing her disinfecting the hospital floors.

  “Hello Bradley,” she replied. “I’m sorry to hear about you having to return here.”

  “Thank you,” he replied, “but maybe it was for the best. You look good, Sarah. I mean…you look happy.”

  “I am,” she replied, with a grin and a nod. “A lot has changed here recently,” she continued. “Now, if you will excuse me, I need to finish these floors. This is my afternoon off, and I need some time to myself.”

  “Sure, honey. I understand.”

  “No, Bradley. You can address me as Sarah or Dr. Melton,” she replied.

  When he was gone, she took a break and thought about Mac. What must he be thinking? she wondered, hoping he wasn’t scared off for good.

  Mac and Bill met with John to discuss the new information and other matters concerning Ranch security.

  “I know I’m supposed to bring Dr. Melton here once a day to check on you, but…”

  “Don’t worry about it,” said John. “I’m sure Samuel will bring her by, if needed.”

  “I’ll bring you down some dinner,” Bill told John.

  “That would be great! I’m getting an appetite back. Getting shot is an effective way to lose a few stubborn pounds, but I still don’t recommend it.” They all laughed at that.

  Dinner tonight was spaghetti, with turkey meatballs and homemade garlic bread.

  * * * *

  The night was restless for both Sarah and Mac. He had an appointment to see her the next day to check on his arm. He thought about just not showing up for it and avoiding a potentially awkward run-in with her former, or maybe even current, husband.

  He consulted Bill early, asking how he should proceed.

  “Yes, it will be a bit awkward, no matter what happens,” Bill agreed. “I’ll come down with you, since I need to talk to Samuel about what happened at their mountain property. I want you with me, Mac, since you’re head of security here. The last thing we need is something like that happening here. There’s nowhere to run.”

  “I know, Bill, and don’t worry about me. My job is to protect our group, first and foremost.”

  They headed down to the hospital about 9 a.m. to find both Sarah and Dr. Melton inside.

  There were more patients today
than Mac had seen before. “What’s all this, Dr.?” he asked Sarah, waving his arm towards the other patients and forcing a smile.

  “They are from our mountain community,” she replied. “A few of them got a bit banged up getting out.

  “You remember Dr. Melton?” she asked, as he stood beside her.

  “Sure, I do,” replied Mac, reaching out to shake his hand.

  Mac was always a straight shooter, and it was killing him not to ask what the deal was.

  Maybe he doesn’t even know, Mac thought, just as Sarah said, “Okay, Mac. You’re in room number two,” pointing down the hall. “I’ll check on your arm in a few.”

  Okay, this is a little better, he thought. At least I’ll get to talk to her and see where I stand.

  Minutes later Sarah opened the door to the examining room, closing it behind her.

  “Mac,” she said in a low voice. “I want you to know…”

  There was a quick knock on the door as it opened.

  Great, thought Mac, as he saw it was Dr. Melton.

  “I’m with a patient,” she said, matter of factly.

  “Oh, sorry. I just thought I would get back up to speed on all the patients here, now that I’m back full time. So how is that arm doing, Mac?” he asked, taking a closer look.

  “On the mend,” he replied. “Sarah…I mean, uhm…Dr. Melton, has done an excellent job fixing it up.”

  “I see,” he said, leaving the room abruptly.

  “You meant to do that!” said Sarah, punching Mac in his good arm.

  “Ow!” he exclaimed, pretending to rub his arm. “I’m not sure what you mean.” He smiled.

  “It was wonderful…our time on the Rimrock, I mean,” she spoke softly. “Things are just a bit more complicated now.”

  “I know, Sarah, and the last thing I want to do is make things harder on you. That’s the truth.”

  “You’re a good man, Mac. Don’t give up on me just yet,” she replied, as she kissed him on the forehead… Okay, let’s check this arm,” she said.

  Dr. Melton was furious at Mac’s comment, as he realized there was something going on between him and his wife.

  He found Samuel and Bill talking in the machine shop and began hurling questions at them both.

  “Bradley, I need you to calm down now,” said Samuel. “This is not how we treat our guests,” as he gestured towards Bill.

  “You’re both a part of this,” he continued, angrily.

  “A part of what, Bradley?” asked Samuel.

  “The plan to steal my wife,” he answered.

  “Dr. Melton,” said Bill in a calm voice, “there is no such plan, I can assure you.”

  “Thanks, Bill,” said Samuel. “I’ll take it from here, if you don’t mind.”

  Samuel pulled the doctor aside, and in a near whisper that could pierce the calm, he said just four words. “I run things here. Do you understand me, son?”

  “Yes…sir,” Bradley replied slowly.

  “So that we’re clear,” continued Samuel, “I always have two top priorities. Number one is leading our group and caring for this property. Number two is looking out for my adopted daughter, Sarah, and it’s not always in that order.”

  “I… I…,” Bradley stammered. “I didn’t know that… I mean, how did I not know that?”

  “I guess you never asked,” said Samuel, with his eyes fixed on Bradley.

  “One more outburst towards me, Sarah, or anyone else in our or their group,” he said, pointing to Bill, “and you will be leaving us, not to return. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir. It is,” Bradley replied, as he left.

  “Thank you, my friend, Samuel,” said Bill as they walked towards the hospital. “There’s never a dull moment now, it seems.”

  Mac and Bradley exchanged stares as they passed each other near the front door.

  “Sarah,” asked Samuel in front of all of them, “would you mind joining me for dinner tonight? After all, I believe you have the afternoon off.”

  “Yes, I would like that,” she replied. The two walked down the road, not looking back.

  “Time to go, Mac,” said Bill, putting a hand on his shoulder.

  Mac rode back towards the Ranch, wishing he had more answers. At least there is still a chance, even if it’s small, he thought.

  “My dear,” said Samuel, as they walked the dirt road to his house. “You know I always want the best for you. I always have.”

  “I know, father,” she replied, squeezing his right hand.

  “How are you holding up with all this?” he asked.

  “Well, I’m surprised he’s back from the mountains, but nothing else has changed.”

  “He is still your husband, and he’s back for you,” said Samuel.

  “No, father. He’s back, but he didn’t come back for me. He had nowhere else to go. Nothing else has changed,” she stated again.

  Samuel smiled and chuckled just a little. “I see your point, sweetie. It’s hard to argue when you put it like that… So, what do you want to do?”

  “I want a couple of days to collect my thoughts is all.”

  “We can do that,” he assured her. “I’ll make sure the hospital is covered, and you can take a much-deserved break.”

  Samuel and Sarah shared his table in the common dining room and invited a few of the old-timers to join them.

  * * * *

  Dr. Melton had kept his cool as much as possible in front of Samuel, but the thought of something happening between Sarah and Mac was too much to keep inside.

  Reaching into his medical bag, he pulled out a revolver from the very bottom, wrapped in a small gray towel.

  He knew how Samuel felt about guns, and this would surely get him kicked out of the group, but he was now determined to take his wife back from that traitor on the Ranch.

  When she sees how much I care now, she will want to leave with me, and we can start a new life somewhere down the road, he thought.

  Bradley was feeling powerful and thought he would stay put tonight, instead of hunting down Mac immediately.

  There were no more patients in the hospital, and he cracked open a half bottle of Jim Beam whiskey. Drinking straight from the bottle, his blood boiled with each swig.

  He juggled the .38 special revolver from one hand to the other, back and forth, occasionally checking to make sure he had all five rounds loaded.

  It would be dark soon, and he daydreamed of getting rid of Mac and walking off into the sunset with his girl.

  With the bottle nearly gone, he changed his mind about going out, stumbling to his feet.

  Returning the pistol to his medical bag, he headed the 3/4 mile up to Saddle Ranch.

  Jimmy was on security and was now one of Mac’s favorite guys. He was easy-going, took directions well, and never slacked off.

  Jimmy was the first one to spot the doctor coming up the road through his night-vision goggles.

  “Mac, are you there?” he called on the radio.

  “Yeah, Jimmy. What’s up?” he asked.

  “The doctor guy from the mountain group yesterday…well, he’s walking up the road toward me with no flashlight.”

  “Is he carrying anything?” asked Mac.

  “It just looks like some sort of medical bag, like you would see on the Lone Ranger episodes. He seems to be stumbling a bit as well…maybe drunk or sick. I’m not sure.

  “He’s close now. What do you want me to do?”

  “Tell him to stop where he is. I’ll be there in five,” said Mac.

  Ten more steps and Jimmy yelled, “Stop!” The startled doctor stumbled and fell to one knee, dropping his bag.

  “Stay right there for me, Doc,” said Jimmy, shining a flashlight into his eyes.

  Bradley scooped up his medical bag and stood, using his free hand to shield the light from his eyes.

  “What are you doing up here tonight?” asked Jimmy.

  “I need to see that coward they call Mac,” he replied, stumbling again as
he stepped forward.

  “That’s far enough, Doctor. Stay right where you are.”

  Mac pulled up on the four-wheeler minutes later. “What can we help you with, Doc?” asked Mac, getting off his vehicle.


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