Protecting What's Mine

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Protecting What's Mine Page 2

by Ella Goode

  “I don’t remember putting that there.” I’ve been over this house a couple of times to install security devices and not just cameras but sensors at every door and window along with pressure pads and glass breakage monitors.

  “I know. I bought it over the internet along with the lock. It’s a magnetic one, and I installed it myself.” She pats herself on the shoulder. “I’m getting very handy with the drill.”

  “How many more of these setups do you have around the house?”

  “Just a few.”

  “And in your pool house?”

  She raises her chin. “I don’t like the tone of your voice. It sounds very judgmental. I would think you’d be happy that I have a gun to protect myself.”

  I bite down on the back of my teeth and try to gather in my temper that threatens to gallop in like a hurricane. “Have you ever shot a gun? Put a bullet in a chamber? Pulled a trigger?”

  “No. But these are point and shoot guns. All you have to do is put the thingie there into the gun and point it at someone. From close range, you can’t miss.”

  I can’t tell if she believes these things or she’s just reciting the ad copy from the web page she bought them from. I grab the handle of the drawer and give it a good yank. The magnet gives way, and the gun tumbles out. It’s a 9 mm Glock, which is a point and shoot gun, but it requires a magazine, which she doesn’t have, and the sight looks mangled, as if someone dropped the gun. I hold it up and peer down the barrel. Sure enough, some of the metal of the barrel is slightly concave. “This is a dud, Violet. If you shot it, the bullet might not make it out of the chamber. See this?” I point to the depression. “It could’ve blown up in your face. You shouldn’t have these lying around if you’re not going to use them.”

  “Why would I use them? I’m not a hunter. It’s just for protection, and they aren’t lying around. It was in a cabinet locked away.”

  “I pulled the drawer open.”

  “Not everyone is the Hulk, Sebastian.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “Are you mad at me? For trying to protect myself?” she asks indignantly.

  “No. Not mad. Just tired.” Tired of her being so scared she’s stockpiling weapons around the house. “If you wanted to learn how to shoot a gun, all you had to do was ask. That’s my bread and butter. I’ll set up a range in the back yard for you. There’s plenty of space here.”

  She blows out a low stream of air. “I don’t want to shoot the gun, Sebastian. I just wanted to feel safe. That’s all.” She grabs the gun from my hand and shoves it back into the drawer. It doesn’t close all the way, and she pushes it again and then again until finally she gives up with a small exclamation of frustration and stomps away, leaving me with the broken drawer, the gun, the bullets, and the boxes she had delivered.

  Chapter Four


  “You still eat those?” Miles turns his nose up at my peanut butter and banana sandwich. It also has a nice thick layer of marshmallow fluff on it. I could live off these sandwiches. They’re one of the things that always gives me comfort.

  “They're wonderful, and I’ll eat whatever I want,” I say with a mouthful of food. To make my point, I shove more into my mouth.

  “Mom’s here.” I snatch the marshmallow fluff off the counter, hiding it quickly. Miles chuckles at me. I don’t need to hear about all the terrible things that are inside this yummy sandwich. It’s Mom’s fault really. One of the nannies showed me this as a kid, and now I can’t quit them.

  “Is Mom why you’re hiding in the kitchen?” I lick some fluff off my thumb before I take another bite of my sandwich to get rid of more evidence.

  “She’s nuts.” He shakes his head. “All the plates are the same. When I point that out, she and Eden act like I’m the crazy one.” I snort a laugh.

  Ah. That’s sweet that Mom and Eden are tag teaming on Miles. I might joke about some of her antics, but she’s a great mom. Eden deserves to have a mom like her. Until she wants to choke her.

  “But getting stuff done,” I point out. There is no way she’s not. “Buck up. You’ll be thanking her when you’ve said I do and you can get going on your honeymoon.”

  “We’re not sure if we’re going on one. We might wait a few months,” he says casually. I’m not buying whatever it is he’s trying to sell me. Miles getting Eden all to himself on some private island is everything he could want and more.

  I shove the rest of the sandwich into my mouth. Miles won’t make eye contact with me. “I’ll plan it,” I volunteer.

  “No, it’s fine. We’re going to enjoy some time here. This place is a five-star hotel really.” I can’t argue with him about that. As nice as it is, sometimes it feels as though it’s a little too much. He starts to rub his hand along the counter, pretending to marvel in it. Now he’s gone too far.

  I narrow my eyes on him. “Spill.” A stare-off ensues between us. “Fine. I won’t plan a honeymoon. I’ll focus all my attention on planning the bachelorette party though…” Something that sounds like a growl rumbles from my brother. He drops his head, and his shoulders slump.


  “He could get out at any time. He’s been on good behavior and they are overcrowded.” Miles hates even saying Adam’s name.

  “I knew this was coming.” I try to keep my voice level. I don’t want him to notice how nervous I am. “This place is like Fort Knox.”

  “I’m not worried about your safety.” Miles comes around the kitchen island. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. The man towers over me. He stole all the height when we were in the womb together. Jerk. “I want to be here for you.” I swear I couldn’t have asked for a better brother.

  “You have been more than you should have.” Miles gave up a part of his life to come out to the family estate to be near me. “Adam is not taking over your life too. I won’t allow it. You’re going on this honeymoon.”

  “Violet.” Mom calls my name before Miles can respond. He releases his hold on me. I duck down, hiding behind the back of the island. “Where is your sister?” I hear Mom say.

  “She had a headache and went to lie down.” Miles covers for me. It’s always been that way with us. We always stick together. But in saying that, I also know I’m going to owe him for that one.

  “Well, lucky for me that you two have the same complexion and hair color. Come hold these bridesmaids dresses up against you and let me see how they look.” The snort of laughter that leaves me is uncontrollable. Miles starts fake coughing to cover it up. “You better not be getting sick. I’m going to call the doctor.” My mom's heels click on the marble floors as she leaves the room.

  “I know. I owe you,” I say when I pop up. I drop a quick kiss on his cheek. “I’ll cancel three of the male strippers, and we can call it even,” I tease as I make a break for the back door.

  “Violet,” he warns.

  “Fine.” I smirk. “I’ll cancel all four of them,” I say, quickly shutting the back glass door behind me.

  My fake smile falls from my lips as I head toward the pool house. That helpless feeling that consumed me that night Adam shoved me into the back of a van starts to consume me. There is nothing worse than feeling helpless. It’s why I needed those guns.

  My emotions are all over the place. They have been since that kiss two days ago. I haven’t seen Sebastian since.

  It annoys me when it shouldn’t. I’m the one that pushes him away all the time. But normally he comes right back. What if this time was the final straw? I try not to dwell on the idea. It is what I want, after all—to push him away so that he doesn’t get stuck in this life with me. One where I’m always afraid and looking over my shoulder.

  Sooner or later Sebastian would get tired of my baggage. He might think he could handle it at first, but as time ticked by it would start to get to him while I fell more in love with him to only get my heart broken. I am already broken enough.

  I slow my pace when I see one of the black fo
ur-wheelers parked out front of the pool house. I can’t help the tickle of excitement inside of me knowing Sebastian is here.

  Not seeing him at the front of the house, I venture around to the side and see him checking my windows. I stand there and watch him. He knows I’m here. I don’t think anyone could sneak up on him.

  “Everything looks good,” he says when he gets to the last window.

  “I’d hope so since you checked them last week.”

  He makes it so hard to push him away when he’s always going out of his way to check on me. I know he’s the best at what he does, but I think he goes to the extreme for me. Part of me worries this all could be some hero complex.

  “I’m thorough.” I bet he’s that way in everything he does. Now all I want to do is kiss him again. He walks over toward me. “You’re blushing.” His thumb brushes my cheek.

  “Are you only here to check the windows?” I ask.

  He needs to go before I throw myself at him, thinking a second kiss wouldn’t be so bad. It would be if I turn into a dork again. I could barely string a sentence together after that kiss. It showed my lack of experience when it came to men. That might be why he was gone for so long.

  “No. I was waiting for you. I got us set up to train.” I start to protest, but he talks over me. “If you want a gun, you’re going to know how to use it.” He steps in closer to me. I can feel the heat of his body. “You wouldn’t want to miss, would you? One good shot is all it would take.”

  His eyes stay locked with mine. A weird satisfaction fills me at the thought of being able to protect myself. Some of that helplessness I’ve been feeling starts to fade away.

  “Okay,” I agree. “Can you teach me self-defense too?”

  A sexy smile spreads across his face. “I can do that.” He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.

  As I stare up into his heated eyes, I realize that maybe I’m the one that actually can’t do that.

  Chapter Five


  “First thing is that self-defense is about creating space between you and the attacker.” I motion the air between me and Violet. “You never want to engage in a fight when you can run. These techniques are about getting away, not bringing your attacker down. If you can kick him, then kick him. Don’t get into arm’s reach to bash his nose. If you have a ring on, make sure that you’re striking him with that ring. If you have keys, use those. Now make a fist.”

  We’re in the workout space they have in their ten-car garage. It’s got every machine you can think of, a bank of mirrors, and two punching bags. There’s also a large, padded mat which is where our training is going to take place. Past the workout machines is a fully stocked bar, and on the other side of that a seating area with a television that overlooks the pool. Violet’s space, her pool house, is on the other side.

  This estate is a small compound with everything that Violet needs, but it’s still too small for her. There’s something inside of her that says if she can’t leave the property, she’s not a real person or she’s not a person of worth. I don’t fully understand where she’s coming from. I’d take her in any form she’d allow me to have her. That’s what I’m doing right now. I can’t have anything more than a kiss, but at least I have that. Maybe in a few years, it’ll be more. I can be patient. I don’t have anything but time.

  “Like this?” She curls her fingers around her thumb. “You’re supposed to hide your thumb to protect it, right?”

  “Not exactly. You can put the thumb behind the index and middle finger, but you have to be careful because you can injure it that way. Most of your power is going to come from the fist, and the thumb is just there to help. Hold your hand out, palm down.”

  She does as I ask. “Now bring the tips of your fingers into the base. The last action is to draw your knuckles inward until the first joints are pointed toward the ground and the knuckles closest to your wrist are the most prominent.” I show her with my hand.

  “Oh, this is different, but it feels stronger.” She knocks her fists against each other.

  “Good. The way to measure if your fist is tight enough is to press your thumb in the space between your index and middle. It should not give way.”

  Her tongue appears as she tests out the resilience of her fist. I avert my gaze toward the ceiling. I can’t be getting worked up here.

  “If you do have to fight, let the attacker’s momentum do all the work. If someone rushes toward you and you can escape, use their energy against them. Remember that basic rule of physics. A body in motion stays in motion.” I gesture for her to come close. “When the attacker nears, grab their forearm or wrist or any part below the elbow with both hands.” I place her fingers around my arm. The touch of her makes me sweat. I clear my throat. “Then pivot, hard, driving your hip into the gut or leg of your opponent. Keep pivoting and the momentum should drive them into the ground. Do you want to try?”

  “Yes!” She gives me a thumbs up and then dances backward. I rush toward her. She does everything I told her—grabs my wrist, pivots, and throws her sweet ass into my groin, and that small contact sends an electric shock through my whole body. I lose my balance and end up on my back.

  Violet lets out an excited shriek. I groan. This was a mistake. Any kind of close physical contact with Violet should be avoided at all costs. Kissing her was already pushing the limits of my self-control, but being on a mat, getting sweaty with her hands all over me? I might as well throw myself into the ocean without a life vest.

  “Am I doing this right?” Violet pants as I lie on my back.

  “Yeah.” I roll over and pretend like I’m in pain—which isn’t much of a lie because my dick is so hard from the contact with her body that it might break off.

  She jumps to her feet. “I didn’t think I’d be able to throw you.”

  Her small feet dance around my face as she hops in excitement, and I swear I feel a surge in my dick. Why do I think her feet are sexy? It’s nuts, but the sight of her ankle is turning me on in ways that shouldn’t happen.

  Fuck. I’m down bad.

  What am I going to do? I promised her a whole hour, and we’re just fifteen minutes in.

  “Like I felt your movement and just leaned into it. Suddenly you were over my hip and on your back. I couldn’t believe it.” Her small toe nudges my arm. “Can we try it again? I want to make sure it’s not a fluke.”

  “I think you got it.” I get up and try to discreetly adjust myself. At least I’m wearing jeans and not sweatpants. I hobble over to the sofa and flip on the television. “Let’s watch some safety videos.” I can’t have her hands on me again.

  “I remember everything though. I need to practice my moves.” She throws out two punches, ducks down, and then lifts her knee up. “What do you think?” she asks.

  I wipe a hand over my face to hide a smile. She’s so adorable that I want to eat her up and then tuck her into my pocket. “Come over here, Cobra Kai.” I pat the sofa cushion. She detours behind the bar and pulls out two sodas. She presses one of them against her neck, and I almost swallow my tongue. I let my head fall back against the sofa and close my eyes. This is some kind of torture, but I’d rather have eternal blue balls than not be in her company.

  Chapter Six


  I already feel more confident. For the first time in a long time, my life feels a little bit more in my control. As though I don’t have to take whatever comes my way. I don’t know if Sebastian will ever know what that means to me.

  He’s cleared away some of the fog that's been clouding my mind. Given me a glimpse of hope that maybe I can lead somewhat of a normal life at some point. Well, more normal than I have been anyway.

  I wait in the garage wondering when he’s going to show up. I didn’t think Sebastian was someone that would be late to anything. In fact I would have pegged him as one of those people who are always early. We’ve only had two sessions, and he cut yesterday's short, saying that I didn’t need to overdo it. />
  I tried to tell him I was fine, but he insisted that we stop for the day. I have to admit I was disappointed. Not only because I enjoyed our lessons, but I also wanted to spend more time with him.

  I’m starting to think something is up, though. He kept moving away from me when he had the chance. Making sure to keep as much distance between us as he could unless he had to be close for training purposes.

  At first I thought I was making crap up in my head, but after yesterday it was clear he was avoiding as much physical contact with me as possible. He barely made eye contact with me. I should be happy about this. Instead I’m stomping around like someone kicked my puppy.

  I’m being a brat about it. I can’t expect the man to fawn all over me when I shoot him down over and over again. It’s mean. He might be keeping me at arm’s length lately, but I can’t stop thinking about how his body felt pressed up against mine as he showed me each move. He may be pushing me away, but I’m falling more for him.

  “Ms. King. Turner doesn't think he’s going to make it today.” I spin around to see Saunders standing in one of the open garage doors. He’s dressed in all black. That’s how all of the security people dress.

  “Right.” I snag my water bottle off the bench, taking a swig. Now I know I’m not making up crap in my head. Sebastian really is trying to avoid me. He usually never misses an opportunity to see me. Even if it’s only for a few moments.

  “Sorry, ma’am.” He gives me a half smile.

  “You have got to start calling me Violet. You make me feel old. Ms. King is my mother.” Saunders is around a lot. He’s one of my favorites of Sebastian’s men.

  “I’m trying.” He turns to leave.

  “Wait. Maybe you can train me,” I call him back. He pauses, slowly turning around.


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