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The Flawed Heart Series

Page 78

by Wade, Ellie

  I have seen what the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have done to some of my friends. I've seen marriages and families fall apart because soldiers don't come back the same. Losing their families is a heartbreaking reality for many veterans.

  There was this boy from my community. He was one of those kids who was always smiling, the constant jokester and everyone's friend. Just an all-around great kid. Upon graduating, he joined the Marines. Now, four years later, this past week, he became one of the twenty-two suicides per day by taking his own life.

  I'm no expert in this subject, but I don't think one has to be to know that there's a problem. There are some things that man is not meant to do or see, and when our soldiers come back, they need help. A man or woman who served their country shouldn't be homeless or feel that the only way to end their suffering is to take their life.

  There are many organizations trying to help our veterans. A simple Google search will produce lots of ways in which you can get involved in your own community. Raise awareness. Reach out to anyone you know who might be struggling. You could save a life.

  I hope you loved the final novel in London and Loïc's journey, Eternally London. I truly loved writing about this part of their lives. I think most people who have been married will agree that even the best marriages occasionally have rough patches. I wanted to tell the after in the happily ever after story of these characters' lives because hard times happen, but in the end, love and respect toward one another really does conquer all.

  Let's talk about Lindi Blue, shall we?

  A few years ago, I came across a Facebook page about this family from Michigan who adopted special needs children from all over the world, children whom most people pass on by. Well, they were talking about adopting two albino children from Africa and shared a link explaining the horrors that people living with albinism go through in some African countries. I read the link and couldn't believe the words. I was absolutely horrified. My mind was having a hard time grasping that it was real. So, I read more articles and watched documentaries, and I discovered that the horrors that the initial article had highlighted were very real.

  I felt helpless and sad. Besides making some donations to organizations that helped people with albinism in Africa, I didn't know what else to do. Yet I carried the story of these people in my heart. So, I decided that I would write a book, a fictional love story about a journalist doing a story over in Africa and falling in love with a person with albinism. I wanted to write a novel that would shed light on this tragedy while also giving this fictional character a happily ever after.

  The story idea was tabled as other story ideas came, but I knew that I'd write it at some point. I was just waiting for the right time and for plot ideas to come.

  After writing the first three books in The Flawed Hearts Series, I wasn't ready to let go of these characters yet, so I decided to write a fourth book. Then, it came to me. I knew London was going to have infertility issues and that the Berkeleys would be adopting a baby. That was when I realized that my Africa story was never quite ready to be written because it was waiting for London and Loïc. It was their story all along.

  Lindi Blue was actually based off of a little girl with albinism that I read about in an article years ago. There was a photo of her in a one-room hospital with bars on the windows. She was holding on to the bars, looking out toward the dirt road. She was so beautiful and appeared so very sad. I've since tried finding that image again, and I can't. But this story is for that little girl who inspired me. I hope she's happy, and I pray she's in the two percent.

  The facts regarding persons with albinism were researched and as accurate as I could make them. The only true fallacy is that it takes a lot longer than five months to adopt a baby from Tanzania where they have some of the strictest adoption policies in the country. Other countries in Africa with high populations of people with albinism have more lenient adoption procedures, but I had my heart set on Tanzania.

  Thank you so much for reading.

  Make your journey beautiful.



  In every one of my acknowledgment sections, I get quite wordy when expressing my love to all the amazing people in my life. I am so fortunate to have this life I've been given. I have a wonderful husband, healthy and happy children, an astonishing extended family, the best mother in the world, and friends who would do anything for me. I am so blessed and grateful to be surrounded by so much love that I want to shout it from the rooftops.

  A special shout-out will always go to my siblings, who were my first soul mates. You will find them in every story I write because so much of what I know of love has come from them. One of my biggest wishes for my children is that they will always love each other unconditionally and fiercely, the way my siblings and I love each other.

  To my beta readers, blogger friends, author friends, and readers who message me—You all are so awesome. Seriously, each of you is a gift, and you have helped me in invaluable different ways. I love you all so much. XOXO

  Elle—I love you for so many reasons! I especially love how you make me laugh when I need it! Thank you for loving and supporting me. You are such an amazing person. Thank you for all you do to help me! I am so grateful. ♥

  Gayla—Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to help me, no matter what I need. You are so smart and talented. I love your feedback and your honesty. You are a blessing, and I love you more than I could ever express.

  Tammi—I've said it before, and I will say it again. I will forever continue to write as long as you continue to read because your feedback alone is enough. You get me. Thank you for being you because you are perfect. I live for your comments and feedback. Not only do you fill my heart with so much gratitude, but you also make me a better writer. *Tight Hugs* I freaking love you!

  Amy, my BBFFL—What can I say that I haven't already said? You know how much I love you! I have cherished your support from the beginning. Eight novels later, you continue to bless me with your feedback and support. You get me and my writing. You make my books better. You are one of the kindest and most supportive people I know. I love you to pieces! ♥

  To my cover artist, Regina Wamba from Mae I Design and Photography—Thank you! Your work inspires me. You are a true artist, and I am so grateful to now have eight of your covers. People do judge a book by its cover, so thank you for making mine gorgeous! XO

  To my editor and interior designer, Jovana Shirley from Unforeseen Editing—You are, simply put, the best. Your talent, professionalism, and the care you take with my novels are worth way more than I could ever afford to pay you. Finding you was a true gift, one that I hope to always have on this journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not only making my words pretty, but for also making the interior of the book beautiful. Thank you for always fitting me in! I am so grateful for you and everything you have done to make this book the best it can be. XOXO

  To the bloggers—I adore you! Out of the kindness of your hearts, so many of you have reached out and helped me promote my books. There are seriously great people in this blogger community, and I am humbled by your support. Truly, thank you! Because of you, indie authors get their stories out. Thank you for supporting all authors and the great stories they write.

  Lastly, to the readers—I want to thank you so very much. Thank you for reading my stories and loving my words! I wouldn't be living this dream without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  You can connect with me on several places, and I would love to hear from you.

  Find me on Facebook:

  Find me on Twitter: @authorelliewade

  Visit my website:

  Remember, the greatest gift you can give an author is a review. If you feel so inclined, please leave a review on the various retailer sites. It doesn't have to be fancy. A couple of sentences would be awesome!

  I could honestly write a whole book about everyone in this world whom I
am thankful for. I am blessed in so many ways, and I am beyond grateful for this beautiful life. XOXO


  Ellie ♥

  Ellie Wade resides in southeast Michigan with her husband, three young children, and two dogs. She has a master’s in education from Eastern Michigan University, and she is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, she is reading, snuggling up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.


  Forever Baby


  Chasing Memories


  A Beautiful Kind of Love

  A Forever Kind of Love


  Finding London

  Keeping London

  Loving London

  Eternally London


  Everything I Needed







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