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Pixie Hazard

Page 15

by Archibald Bradford

  “I studied botany.”

  “What’s a botany?”

  “You know, plants and stuff.”

  It was hardly the description a trained botanist should be giving for their chosen vocation, but he was more than a little distracted by the heat radiating off of her.

  She tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment before speaking hopefully.

  “Hmmm, maybe you can botany some fresh veggies for me to cook for Kyle in exchange for me playing suck-suck with you?” Her eyes widened a bit as she had a realization; “Oooh, yeah, maybe you and hubby can spit-roast me! I wouldn’t mind that at all! Hubby’s big donkey in my coochy and your little dinky in my mouthy!”

  Maria coughed out a laugh, holding her stomach and wheezing; she’d been struggling to keep her shit together since Bunny brought up physics.

  But the K’or-Macka’s raw sexuality proved too much for poor Bryan and he looked a bit unsteady, face pale now instead of bright red.

  “I-I think I need to sit down.” He said airily.

  She shook her head and giggled.

  “You are sitting down! I think you need to stand up, and go put this whole silly virginity thing behind you. I’m pretty sure that Maria has her heart set on just that actually.”

  Bunny stood up and the blonde abruptly put her arm back around Bryan.

  “It is with great honour that I accept this task.” Her tone was humble but her eyes were hungry.

  “Oh goody! Problem solved! Now I need to get back to rubbing down my hubby.” She turned away from them and addressed the captain; “Hey DeeDee, do you want to spit-roast me with Kyle?”

  But Donnie shook her head and took a sip of her coffee, again without looking up from her datapad.

  “Sorry baby Bunny, I got work to do. I’m sure you two will figure something out, but don’t wear out my mechanic too much, he still has a safe to get into.”

  “Okee-dokee!” Bunny twirled back to blow Bryan a kiss; “Have fun with Maria, and don’t think of me or DeeDee when you’re with her! That’s rude!”

  She skipped back over to Kyle and kissed him on the ear before sidling up against him for a good snuggle. Bryan’s wide eyes following her at first, until Maria reclaimed his attention by pressing even closer.

  Her expression was still hungry and her gaze never wavered from his nervous face.

  “Hey Skipper, am I busy?”

  She turned her head slightly to address Donnie without taking her eyes off of him.

  Yet another sip of coffee from the captain.

  “I don’t know, are you?”

  Maria shrugged, continuing to watch Bryan, who was now white as a sheet.

  “Cargo-hold is squared away. I just need a little while to take Bryan into my bunk and pop his cherry.”

  The poor kid’s heart pounded in his chest and he wobbled in place, her strong arm over his shoulder the only thing keeping him from toppling over on the couch.

  Donnie still didn’t bother looking up from the supply manifest.

  “Have at it. But don’t break him and don’t take forever, I want you helping Eniella with the inventory of our munitions. Eva would sooner use the ammo on her, and the last time I had Davie do it I walked in on some shit I can’t un-see in the portside battery.”

  Maria chuckled, fully aware of her crewmates various quirks and sexual proclivities.

  “Will do Skipper. Come on Bryan, there’s a beautiful woman that wants to take you to her bed and have her way with you.”

  She stood and gripped his hand to pull him to his feet and lead him out of the common room.

  It was not unlike watching a small animal being dragged off to a lion’s den.

  Kyle followed their retreat towards Maria’s bunk with his eyes, while Bunny measured his reaction.

  Abruptly her hand shot under the table and gripped his hard-on through his coveralls.

  “And what is happening here?” She teased.

  He leaned back a bit to give her better access, turning his attention to his loving cat-girl as he traced the back of one knuckle over the soft fur of her cheek.

  “Just an old man wishing he were a virgin again.”

  “Aww, you’re so sweet. Guess I get to play suck-suck after all.” She kissed him on the cheek noisily.

  Donnie snorted a laugh at the goofy pair, but then she finally looked up from her datapad to scowl as Bunny ducked under the table to see to her man’s needs.

  “Aren’t you like, thirty-three?”

  He leaned back a bit and sighed as wet heat enveloped his cock.

  “Yeah, like I said. Old.”

  Chapter 16:


  Maria Gustav’s greatest sexual fantasy was teaching a hands-on sex-ed class to a horde of innocently terrified virgins.

  She had spent most of her adult life teaching said course, one virgin at a time.

  And now she had her hands on the ideal student.

  His brown eyes were wide when she closed the hatch to her bunk, and they got even wider when she sealed it.

  She turned her back on the hatchway and leaned against it, one arm hidden behind her, hand pinned between her ass and the cool metal of the door. Her opposite fingers were languidly resting on her cheek next to her mouth as she bit down gently on her pinky, watching him.

  The other members of her crew always found it hard to believe, but his skinny ass was her idea of Adonis and she was greatly enjoying the view of him squirming uncomfortably next to her bunk.

  Not just physically inexperienced, but emotionally as well, with soft features and the perfect short and slender frame of someone who really didn’t belong in this particular part of the galaxy.

  To make him even more perfect he still had his share of baby fat on his pinchable cheeks and there was not even a hint of stubble on his face.

  But despite her ardent mindset, Maria was a genuinely good person, who was very conscious of his recent ordeals and his feelings.

  Unfortunately, she could see far more fear in his eyes than arousal.

  It was time to change that.

  She had two faces she showed the universe: the rough and ready marine, who smiled and laughed bawdily with her friends, more than happy to bust heads or kick down doors to get what she wanted...

  And then the softer, more protective side, the side she only ever showed cuddlesome friends like Bunny or virginal guys like Bryan, the persona of a selfless and motherly teacher with infinite patience.

  Her demeanor shifted, her predatory edge seeming to just float away as she spoke in a calm and soothing voice.

  “Don’t worry Bryan, most of that out there was just for show. The bulk of the crew is ex-military, so I have to act all hard around them or I’ll catch shit. You want to sit down and talk?”

  She held her hand out to a bench against the wall, not the bed.

  He didn’t move.

  “It’s alright, we’ll just talk. Nothing will happen here that you don’t want to. I promise.”

  Her gentle voice and friendly demeanor gradually melted away his earlier panic and he nodded quickly.

  “Yeah, o-okay, uh, sure.”

  It helped that the image of her floating with her blonde hair forming a glorious nimbus around her face was seared into his memory.

  Nonetheless patience was one thing Maria had learned in her hunt for virgin cock, and she exercised it now.

  He moved to the narrow upholstered bench, it was a wooden antique that she had riveted to the wall years ago in a bid to stave off the cold quality of the room, perfect for lacing up her boots and for occasions such as this.

  She sat down beside him, making sure her muscular bicep didn’t touch his shoulder, and gave him a spell to take in the messy room. Though she smiled to herself when he saw his gaze dart away from the bras and underwear she had ‘accidently’ left drying on a rack next to her bunk.

  For almost a minute she continued to watch him out of the corner of her eyes, watched as he worked up the courage to steal f
urtive looks of her undergarments.

  His gaze never stayed more than a half second, as if she wouldn’t notice if he kept his eyes on the move, but despite his fear of getting caught he couldn’t stop himself from going back.

  Oh yeah, he was a teenager all right.

  He squirmed in place a bit and she made a show of looking to one side, while once again on the edge of her vision she saw him adjust his erection in his borrowed pants.

  He certainly hadn’t forgotten why she had brought him into her bunk.

  Back into the fray.

  “I don’t want to put you on the spot again, but the only topic on my mind right now is still how a sweetheart like you never had a girlfriend!”

  He blushed as deep as before, and oh how she loved to see it!

  “I-I don’t know I just n-never got the chance I guess.”

  “Come on.” She leaned towards him and nudged him with her elbow encouragingly; “There was never a girl? Never the girl?”

  Her head was turned to face him, wanting to put him on the spot a bit. It certainly worked as he was incapable of meeting her gaze for more than a couple seconds at a time.

  But soon she could see the signs of him withdrawing from her in the way his shoulders tensed up, so she eased off, turning her face away again.

  Okay, new plan: he was still too nervous to open up, so...

  “It’s cool. You don’t have to tell me.”

  This was it, this was the trap.

  “It’s the muscles right? I’m not as bad as some other women with the same augments but I’m still no match for Billy’s curves or that sexy minx Bunny.”

  She baited the hook further with a morose sigh.

  Maria was certain he wanted her, wanted what she was offering, and that he just didn’t know how to ask. So she needed to open up first to build the necessary trust to get him to crack. But while it was true that some men found her muscles unattractive, that was hardly her problem.

  Like most veterans, she had her share of mental health issues, but body image was never one of them.

  Point of fact she was quite proud of how she looked.

  And if she actually opened up to him about some of the shit she’d been through in her life it would probably break his naive little mind.

  For now all she wanted to do was just get him to admit that he found her attractive. Then she would have a foothold from which to launch her assault on his virginal body.

  So she watched and waited, patient as the greatest of anglers.

  His jaw was working as he tried to find the words, still hesitating. She spoke again to buy him a few more seconds to work up his nerve so he wouldn’t miss the window she was holding open for him.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I know what I look like.”

  She gave another heavy sigh, then a sniff.

  Not a sniffle, just a sniff, as if she was too tough to ever sniffle.

  Finally the teen spoke in a rush.

  “I-I, you’re not-” He had to stop as he tripped over his own words; “You’re very, um, pretty.”

  An uncertain and half-assed compliment to be sure, but Maria could work with it.

  She turned and flashed her warmest smile, the kind of smile that only Bunny could match, and used the opportunity to put her arm around him and shift closer in a side-hug.

  “That’s really sweet of you to say. But we still don’t have to do anything, it’s alright. Just think of me like a trusted older sister. An older sister who wants to see your naked bod.”

  He had turned his head when she hugged him so she winked at him.

  That got a shaky laugh out of him, and he turned a bit vulnerable as he ever so slightly exposed a piece of his anxieties to her.

  “I just, with girls, er, women-” He corrected himself immediately; “Like right now I c-can’t help but feel like you’re teasing me, you know, when you say stuff like that.”

  She nodded kindly.

  “I’m not, I swear I’m not. But I bet it still feels kind of like a setup doesn’t it? Like someone is going to pop out and laugh at you or something?”

  “Y-yeah.” He said uncertainly as he furrowed his brow; “How did you know that?”

  Maria hugged him to her side closer, making sure that he could feel her breast pressing into his shoulder, a subtle reminder, but otherwise keeping the embrace totally innocent.

  “I’ve seen it before. You have to understand Bryan: I have a type and you’re it. If I seemed too blunt or pushy earlier, it’s because in my life I’ve learned not to pass up the opportunity to relish the things that I want if I have the chance to get them.”

  “And you want... me?”

  He was still uncertain and she could tell, so she pressed onwards.

  “Words aren’t going to be enough to convince you, I think. It’s like I’m asking you to expose yourself, physically and emotionally right? But you don’t know me well enough to realize that I’m not messing with you. Which makes sense given that we’ve been acquainted for exactly one hot minute.”

  She paused to gauge his reaction, then after he didn’t say anything she pulled the elastic out of her ponytail and combed her lustrous hair out with her fingers.

  The ancient and innocuous signifier of a woman dropping her guard.

  His breathing hitched and he swallowed, not even really understanding why the rich blonde hair dancing between her fingers elicited such a reaction out of him.

  She stood up and he followed her, uncertain as to her intent, but still enthralled as her loose hair played over her shoulders for him.

  Together they moved away from the bench slightly and she set him at arm’s length.

  Close, but not too close, to the bed.

  He was primed and she was ready, so she locked eyes with him, preparing to finally go for a frontal assault.

  A full frontal as it happened.

  When she spoke again her voice had lost some of its softness, becoming lower and more seductive.

  “Bryan, I’m going to take my shirt off now. If you don’t want me to, just shake your head.”

  Her declaration staggered him nearly as much as his body’s reaction to it.

  Heart pounding and mouth dry, he once again had that panicked look, but he didn’t shake his head.

  Neither did he look away.

  She bit her lip to contain a smile as her own heart fluttered with desire.


  Despite a surge of smug satisfaction, she stayed on task and with deliberate slowness pulled her short tank-top over her head, her lacy black bra and weighty breasts now visible to his eyes which were at the perfect height to appreciate them fully.

  Maria’s body certainly had more than her fair share of muscle definition, but she was more smooth-and-toned than jagged-and-bulky.

  And though her skin was marred by a number of serious scars and her abs were still sporting a nasty yellow-red bruise from the Junker rocket she had taken on Kentis, nonetheless the teen’s heart nearly exploded from all of the naked flesh in front of him.

  He experienced a strange and special kind of guilt for looking at her so exposed, but his eyes continued to gobble up the swell of her breasts and the curve of her waist, unable to do otherwise.

  The poor teen had been struggling to hide his erection when they were sitting down and she still had her shirt on, now that they were standing he had two hands in front of his groin and it was painfully obvious why.

  She smirked and he followed her eyes as they lowered to his groin. She licked her lips hungrily but gave him a kindly look as she spoke low.

  “You have a hard-on. Don’t be embarrassed, women always know.”

  He blushed and stammered but she slowly stepped closer so that her tits were right in his face as she reassured him.

  “Bryan, it would seriously hurt my feelings if you didn’t have one.”

  He swallowed and struggled to overcome his embarrassment at being called out so plainly, the kindly blonde’s accepting words helpin
g enormously.

  Her head tilted down until her lips were beside his ear, her hot breath washing over his skin.

  “Would you like to see more, baby?” She murmured.

  His jaw fell open and once again he was at a loss for words as she leaned back to meet his expression.

  “You don’t have to say anything. In fact, saying nothing means ‘yes’ from now on, okay?”

  Oh yeah, she knew all the tricks.

  Plus she was actually running a little short on time; as Donnie said, Eniella needed her help with the inventory, so she needed to wrap up this little encounter.

  She traced one finger from his temple to behind his ear, then down to his jaw before pulling it away.

  “I’m going to take my bra off now.” She said softly.

  It was a genuine struggle for him not to fall over, his legs wobbled from the intensity and the erotic thrills that she sent through him.

  Her fingers reached out and traced down the front of his overalls as her expression turned slightly pleading.

  “But before I do. Maybe lose some buttons? I’m feeling a little lonely over here.”

  She raised one eyebrow beseechingly and took a step back to give him a bit of space.

  The thought of the war goddess before him seeing his pale and weak chest was worrisome, but the opportunity to see her breasts in all their glory was enough that he only waffled for a moment before quickly pulling his arms out of his coveralls and tearing the undershirt over his head.

  Stifling a laugh at his eagerness, she caught his hands with hers when he moved to hide the tent in his pants again.

  “Don’t, please. When you see my breasts for the first time I want to be able to see how much you like them.”

  He squirmed a bit, but eventually settled his arms uncomfortably against his sides, his fingers playing off of his thumbs nervously.

  She backed off and made sure that he saw her look down at his crotch yet again, this time her eyes lingered and he panted slightly from her shameless ogling.

  “Good boy. Now for your reward.”

  She reached both arms behind her back.

  The faint click of Maria Gustav’s bra coming undone would be a memory Bryan Everson cherished for the rest of his life.


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