Pixie Hazard

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Pixie Hazard Page 16

by Archibald Bradford

Her right hand held the cups of her bra to her breasts, while her left brought the loose strap over her shoulder, then her hands traded places and she repeated the process for the opposite shoulder.

  “Here they are baby, I hope you like them.”

  She pulled the cups away and tossed the garment aside.

  He frigging loved them.

  They were large and firm, with perky light brown nipples that pointed directly at him.

  But it wasn’t her nipples that caught his attention at first; one of her more prominent scars was on the side of her right breast and carried up underneath her armpit.

  She caught his gaze.

  “Ah right, mortar round.” With her left hand on her nipple she shifted her tit to one side so he could get a better look; “Maybe you’ll earn the story someday, but let’s stay on task eh?”

  He swallowed, noticing several more scars that he had missed before on her upper chest and shoulders, though none were as visible as the one on her breast.

  He found that they did nothing to mar the beauty of her exposed flesh, rather serving to accentuate her strength and power.

  “I take it you like what you see?” She whispered as his eyes moved back and forth between the naked mounds.

  His head jerked down once unsteadily and his already red face got redder at the inadvertent admission.

  “I’m glad, later on you can play with them. But right now I’m running short on time. So I’ll get right to the point. Have you ever masturbated before Bryan?”

  She leaned her head down closer to his and pulled her long blonde hair to one side of her face, forming an intimate curtain that framed the glorious view of her breasts on one side while she waited on his reply.

  He didn’t answer right away, or rather couldn’t, and her voice was breathy and warm when she prompted him to.

  “It’s okay, you can tell me. I promise I won’t laugh or get mad or anything.”

  The beleaguered teen actually had a few stressful tears going down his face as she stood topless and leaning over him, the mounting sexual tension coming to a head.

  He gave a guilty nod.

  By then he would have confessed to anything she accused him of, whether he did it or not, what with her breasts barely a foot from his nose and his dick straining to escape the bunched up coveralls at his waist.

  She trailed her fingers over his cheek, wiping away a few of his tears before her palm fell lower to rest on his naked chest, being very careful of his numerous bruises.

  Her cheek twitched as she saw the evidence of the Junkers’ abuse, but she didn’t say anything, because it was time for the main-course.

  Or at the very least a proper side-dish.

  “Okay Bryan.” She spoke in her most gentle, soothing voice, knowing he was on the razor’s edge; “Here’s what’s going to happen next. You’re going to stand right here, because I can tell you are having a really hard time. So all you have to do is just stand right here, can you do that for me baby?”

  “Y-yeah, yes.” He stammered helplessly.

  Her smile was figuratively breathtaking at his answer.

  But what she said next literally took his breath away.

  “Do you know what a blowjob is?”

  Chapter 17:

  Little Black Box

  After Maria had dragged her victim off to her bunk, and after Bunny had finished playing suck-suck with Kyle, Donnie and the mechanic suited up to get back to work; the pair of them going over to the transport to see about breaking into the mystery safe.

  It took no time at all to actually get the safe out of the wall, the long part had been scanning it with a mobile ETD unit to make sure its contents weren’t made of acid and bees.

  Or explosives, whichever.

  Until it finished no way would Donnie allow the safe aboard the Pixie.

  It was the sort of thing that Eniella should have done, but since the Explosive Trace Detector was doing all of the heavy lifting it really didn’t matter who switched it on and the inventory of their munitions was the last item on Donnie’s checklist for a supply order she was trying to make.

  And no fucking way was the captain going to be the one counting bullets.

  Fortunately after their talk the other day regarding her fucking his wife there was no awkwardness between Donnie and Kyle and they were able to pass the time in companionable silence, interspersed with the occasional bit of friendly conversation.

  Forty minutes after the mechanic had excised the safe from the wall the ETD unit gave a happy series of beeps to sound the all-clear.

  Not long after that, Kyle and Donnie were well and truly flummoxed.

  He had cut the door off of the safe with careful precision and they were now staring at its contents: a little black box, maybe a foot long on each side.

  With no buttons, wires, hinges, seams, switches or labels to make its purpose clear.

  Ever the cautious one, Donnie scanned it directly with the ETD, but again it came back with a negative reading.

  After that Kyle tried to use one of his tools to score the surface of it only to come away with a broken drill bit.

  Very briefly he considered his cutting torch but Donnie vetoed that almost immediately.

  “Eniella’s toy here says it’s inert, but the stupid thing could react to heat for all we know.” She ran her hand through her hair and huffed in aggravation; “That does it then, colour me confused.”

  “Yeah, I have no idea either Captain. If you handed this thing to me and told me it was an oversized paper weight, I’d accept it and move on.”

  The skipper glared at the confounding package, daring it to reveal its secrets.

  Neither of them could figure out what it was even made of.

  Kyle hefted it in his calloused hands, turning it over and examining each of its six sides.

  “Got some weight to it, smooth like silk, but it would have to be hard as diamond to break my drill bit like that. A sample of some new low-friction armoured alloy maybe?”

  “A weird shape for an alloy sample. And then why was it locked away in a safe on a ship buried at the bottom of a pile of garbage? Besides, slipspace doesn’t give a shit about friction.”

  Kyle frowned and shook his head slowly.

  “Neither does normal space, but I’ve got nothing else. I can’t for the life of me figure this out.”

  “Valuable?” Donnie asked grudgingly.

  His frown didn’t waver.

  “To who? We’d need a proper spectrometer just to get a clue since the handheld one we got is such a piece of shit. Beyond that I wouldn’t even know who to ask to appraise this thing.”

  “What can you do with it?”

  He shrugged helplessly.

  “Short of farting around with lasers, we could maybe get a micro-scan of the surface with some of Billy’s equipment in medical. Won’t tell us what it’s made of, but maybe someone signed their name on it somewhere. Even then though I imagine it would take ages to go over the whole bloody thing.”

  Donnie huffed out an irritated breath and shook her head.

  “Fantastic. For now I’ll just call it Donnie’s magic box and store it in the armoury, a problem for another day.”

  In that moment she was grateful Eniella wasn’t there to make a quip at her phrasing.

  Kyle looked hesitant though.

  “You sure? This thing could be a bigger find than the transport for all we know.”

  “That’s just it: we don’t know. We got too much going on to try to solve this puzzle right now, and the last thing you and I need is Billy whipping us to death for breaking one of her medical gizmos trying. Can you patch up the wall where the safe was? No sense losing out on a few deks because the transport isn’t ‘mint’ anymore.”

  Kyle nodded.

  “I scrounged a fair bit of scrap when we are on Kentis to sort out the airlock so it’s no big deal to add this to the job. Won’t even charge you extra.”

  “How generous of you. I guess this is your
homework for now. Focus on the airlock first though: the wall is just beautification.”

  He nodded.

  “That’s my plan.”

  She scooped up her magic box and sucked air between her teeth in annoyance.

  “Why couldn’t this have been a block of expensive cheese or something?”

  “Take a bite, I won’t tell.” Kyle chuckled as he packed his tools into his bag.

  “Har har.” She said sarcastically; “I’m heading back to the Pixie, you need me to send some slave labour over?”

  He shook his head and smiled as he hefted his tool bag.

  “Nah, I love this kind of work. A busted up airlock is far preferable to some of the other shit I could be doing.”

  “Suit yourself. Stay on coms though, last thing I need is you getting hurt and no one knowing. I’ll send Bunny over with some lunch in a bit anyways.”


  He smirked and she knew he would be having more than food for lunch.

  Any other employer would be in a huff at their employee blatantly planning on taking a break from work for a nooner, but Donnie saw the big picture: Bunny needed constant affection or she would sulk them all to death.

  “I’ll leave you to it then.” She declared as they reached one of the undamaged airlocks and she cycled through on her way back to the Pixie Hazard.


  While Kyle and Donnie were still fiddling with her box, back in the common room Doctor Wu at last had no more patients left to treat so she was hard at work sitting on her ass on the couch.

  After the hectic near-disaster that was Kentis, she was unwinding in her own way, her nose in her datapad again.

  Every member of the crew save Donnie believed that she was always reading medical journals or something equally intelligent.

  Not so.

  Though she did diligently keep up to date with various medical readings, in truth she was halfway through a thoroughly trashy romance novel, a guilty pleasure that she indulged in on a fairly frequent basis.

  And she wasn’t sitting alone.

  Her feet were propped up on the end table while a certain cat was dozing in her lap, likely dreaming of naughty things that would put the contents of Billy’s book to shame.

  Even the members of the crew that weren’t attracted to the K’or-Macka sexually found themselves drawn to her physically, to the point that petting and cuddling with her became as natural as breathing.

  K’or-Macka fur was sleek and delicate, when resting a hand against Bunny’s bare skin it was impossible not to stroke it.

  Billy paused in her reading though when the restless cat started to moan and twitch in her lap.

  With a roll of her eyes she gently shook the cat awake.

  “Bunny if you have a wet dream on top of me again I swear I’ll-”

  The cat’s eyes fluttered open and she began to defend herself immediately.

  “I wasn’t! I was dreaming about a fish! I almost had it too...” She finished in a pout.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  Bunny yawned, her feline tongue curling as she stretched.

  “It’s okay, it would have been worse if I caught it and then you woke me up. I’d be tearing the galley apart!”

  Billy smiled and scratched at her ears until she purred and her eyes closed again.

  The doctor looked around the common room though as a thought crossed her mind.

  “Where’s Bryan?”

  While Donnie was on the transport with Kyle she was in charge of the ship and therefore knew, or at least had a pretty good idea, what most of the crew was up to, but she hadn’t seen their guest in a while.

  Finished stretching, Bunny sighed.

  “Maria has him.”

  “Shit, already?”

  She knew the blonde worked fast, but still...

  “Yup. She didn’t like that he was a virgin so she’s fixing it for him.”

  The K’or-Macka rolled over and shifted more of herself onto Billy’s legs, her breasts smooshing into the doctor’s thighs as she purred and worked to get comfortable again.

  Billy pursed her lips as she mulled over the revelation.

  Picking up on the human’s potential discomfort, Bunny’s ears twisted around as her head turned slightly, looking at her with one eye.

  “Does that bug you Billy? Did you want Maria’s cherry?”

  Billy laughed low at the cat’s phrasing.

  The K’or-Macka had a pretty good handle on human idioms, but sometimes she was just slightly off.

  “No Bunny. I’m Bryan’s doctor not his mother. So long as he’s getting laid by choice I’m not about to cock-block Maria. Besides, I think she’ll be good for him.”

  “Mrowkay.” Bunny yawned again.

  Now satisfied that her seat wasn’t upset about anything, she settled down, intent on getting back to her nap.

  There was just one thing missing...

  “Scratch my back?” She asked in the sort of pleading voice no one with a heart could possibly refuse.

  Billy looked down at the puddle of cat coating her legs.

  “So long as you behave. Try to get your fingers into places and I’ll spank you raw.”

  “Oooh, I like raw...” Bunny purred.

  Billy smirked as she reached her hand up the back of the K’or-Macka’s loose shirt and began to scritch and scratch at her fuzzy back.

  “It was a warning you little ass-pirate, not an invitation.”

  She needn’t have worried about the cat-girl’s behaviour though: Bunny was asleep again a few seconds after she got the scratching she wanted.

  Truth be told, Billy enjoyed the scratching as much as she did; nothing like having a cat curled up in your lap and purring to help you relax.

  With everything right in her world, the Pixie Hazard’s executive officer took up her datapad and got back to her trashy book.

  She’d have to remember this one: the sex scenes were pretty good.

  Chapter 18:


  The air had left Bryan’s lungs in a half moan at Maria’s direct question. Somewhere in his mind though, he felt a slight stab of indignation.

  Of course he knew what a blowjob was: he was a virgin, not a moron.

  But it was all part of Maria’s game, the more innocent her partner the better it was for her.

  Honestly, if Bunny had a dick she’d be all over the fuzzy girl, they were such good friends for a reason.

  “Yes I know what a... th-that is. B-but I-” He finally broke through his own silence and stuttered.


  She shushed him, the air from her lips tracing across his forehead and wet cheeks, sending a thrill down his spine that caused him to let out a sharp grunt while his hips involuntarily thrust forwards in a bid to find a home for his throbbing cock.

  She savoured every delightful sound he made, every second of his trembling.

  Seeing a virgin react when she told them exactly what she was going to do to them was just about the best aphrodisiac in the universe for her.

  “That’s good. I’m going to get down on my knees now. Remember, all I need you to do is stand there. Then I’m going to put your penis in my mouth and suck on it for you. You can stand still for me so I can do that can’t you baby?”

  He made an inarticulate noise in his throat and his face was screwed up into a grimace as his body’s terrifying urges overwhelmed him.

  She chuckled warmly.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Now, when I take your penis into my mouth for the first time, it’s okay for you to cum right away, I won’t be mad. I understand that you won’t be able to help yourself, so I want you to let it all out for me.”

  “O-okay.” He sobbed.

  To an outsider it would almost seem like she was coercing him by the weakness of his reply: his scrunched up eyes were still leaking tears constantly from the stress, his breath was coming hard and fast and he had to frequently sniffle to keep snot from leaking out o
f his nose.

  Her hands drifted over his chest and down to his sensitive sides, her hooded eyes watching his skin tighten with goose-bumps as he trembled from her touch.

  Finally her fingers hooked into the waist of his coveralls and she fell to her knees, taking his clothes with her.

  In that sudden rush he was completely exposed to her.

  It was a risk that he might go off prematurely from the thrill of it, but Maria was beginning to worry Eniella might come pounding on her door if she didn’t finish soon, and that would just ruin the entire mood she’d been working to build up between them.

  And indeed he had let out another desperate grunt from the sudden absence of any fabric against his hardened need, his hips spasming forwards and causing his cock to almost brush up against her descending face.

  It was good that it didn’t as the slightest touch of her skin would have made him cum for sure.

  She settled onto her thighs and looked up at him, licking her parted lips so that he could see just how full and wet they were.

  But his eyes were still tightly shut.

  “Open your eyes baby, you need to watch.”

  She knew she was playing a dangerous game: over-stimulated as he was, Bryan could easily pop off at any moment before she even got him into her mouth.

  But for her, over-stimulating virgins was half the fun.

  Unless they were trained by cat-pussy like Kyle, a grown man was good for one or two shots at best, maybe three if you catch one with more of a libido, and even then it would take a long time for him to recover between orgasms.

  But a teenage virgin getting his very first blowjob?

  She had no doubt that after he came down her throat she could suck him back to hardness only to have him flood her mouth again just minutes after first going off.

  She certainly wanted to, time allowing.

  “Okay here it comes, remember, no more closing your eyes. This is part of becoming a man, and the beautiful woman who is about to suck on your penis wants you to watch her.”

  He nodded desperately, her eyes flickered to his hands clenched at his sides, and she smiled again.

  “We’re almost there baby I promise, just one last thing. I know a cute little virgin getting his penis sucked on for the very first time doesn’t know what to do with his hands. It’s okay to put them on my head if you want, but don’t pull my hair or try to move me, you’ll break my rhythm.”


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