Pixie Hazard

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Pixie Hazard Page 17

by Archibald Bradford

  Nearly done with the teasing now, she opened her mouth again to show him exactly what he was in for, her tongue shifting around inside as he watched, utterly enthralled.

  Her eyes shifted from his face to his cock as she prepared herself...

  Then deliberately leaned forwards and took his entire length into her mouth all at once.

  He cried out at the unexpected wet heat engulfing his virginal cock to the hilt. He knew it would feel good, but had no frame of reference to prepare himself for the moistness, the taut smoothness of her lips around the base, the rigid texture of the roof of her mouth, the spongy bed that was her tongue, or the ever-present danger of her teeth hovering just off of his flesh.

  Nor was he prepared for the suction.

  He wasn’t particularly long or thick, in fact Bunny was right in her prediction that he was on the small side, but in Maria’s mind he was perfect: just the right length to reach the back of her mouth without choking her and narrow enough that her jaws weren’t uncomfortably spread apart.

  Truth be told, she would be quite happy to suckle on his cock for hours.

  But she didn’t have hours.

  And he was already straining and groaning mightily from the unreal pleasure, so she ramped up the pace, bobbing her head rapidly to get her reward while using every trick she knew so that his first blowjob, while short, would still be the best that she could make it.

  She made sure that every time she pulled back his uncircumcised head slipped out from between her lips with a wet pop, wanting to keep the pressure changing rather than steady.

  And her tongue never stopped moving, wriggling beneath his cock and all around the sides as she twisted her head to give herself access to all of him.

  Out of the corner of her eyes she could see his clenched hands held out, frozen between staying at his sides and settling them on her head to hold on for dear life.

  It was a minor distraction from her rapid pistoning, so she made it easier for him by grabbing them and placing them in her hair. Then she wrapped her hands around his waist and clutched his ass cheeks to pull him harder against her face, her nose pressing into his pelvis.

  He made an odd grunting squeak when her powerful hands took control of his lower body, then without warning he abruptly came in her mouth. She pulled back to circle her tongue around his cockhead and make sure his foreskin was clear so she could stimulate his head throughout his release.

  And what a release it was.

  One jet after another of his fresh young spunk shot onto her tongue and rebounded off her teeth, her mouth flooding quickly. His hands gripped her hair so tight it almost hurt and his hips shuddered and spasmed while he sobbed out in absolute ecstasy.

  Unbeknownst to him, Maria also had a little orgasm of her own when he gripped her hair; she was no masochist, but that brief instant where he unknowingly had her at his mercy was enough for her pussy to convulse and her whole body to shudder.

  With his cock still in her mouth and his orgasm still going, she took a moment to swallow what he had given her so far, never a doubt in her mind that she would, and then went right back to sucking and twirling her tongue around him, the slick muscle tangling with more jets of hot cum that ejected from his bucking penis as he continued to sob and cry out from the most intense sexual encounter of his young life.

  His legs finally quit on him and he would have slumped to the floor, but that would have meant his cock coming out of her mouth and that was simply not acceptable so she propped him up with her strong arms. It was nothing for her to support his weight with her hands on his ass as she languished in the moment, slowly bobbing her head again to ensure that she drew every last drop of his cum into her mouth and down her throat.

  If she didn’t have to hook up with Eniella to inventory their ammo, she’d be at this for ages.

  As it was, a full minute after his orgasm started she took mercy on him by taking him to the hilt one last time before slowly pulling back and sucking as hard as she was able, making sure that when his head finally left her lips it did so with a very satisfying pop.

  The whole experience had been just too intense, and his breath came in shuddering gasps as he tried and failed to recover his already shaky composure.

  He was crying.

  She had to bite back a surprised laugh: seriously, he couldn’t have been more her type if she had designed him in a lab.

  Without delay she got back to her feet and folded him in her arms, pulling his face into her breasts.

  “Awww! Come here baby, it’s okay. Shhh. I know that was intense for you, but you did so good! Mmmm, so good, that was the best thing to happen to me in a long time. Thank you.”

  He swallowed as he fought to control his breathing, and unconsciously snuggled closer into her breasts, the smell of her filling his nostrils.

  “Your w-welcome.” His words were muffled in her cleavage but she heard them.

  It seemed odd to him to say it, given that he was the one who should be grateful, but he was too polite not to.

  She hefted him straight off his feet and carried him with her to lie down on the bed, still holding him in her arms, his slender frame on top of her as she rubbed his back and murmured words of endearing comfort and praise.

  With his half hard penis pressed against the warmth of her stomach, she felt a sticky line of clear ejaculate forming against her abs from his cock-head.

  They stayed like that for five minutes before she sadly had to roll him off of her.

  “Sorry baby, I know you want more, and so do I, but I also have to get back to work.”

  Despite his earlier discomfort, he felt a crushing sense of loss at the thought of her leaving, and he watched her with wide eyes as she put her bra back on.

  She made sure that he could see everything as she got her breasts settled comfortably in the cups, knowing it was the exact kind of mundane human thing that enthralled young men like him.

  She donned her tank-top and tied her hair back up, then took a moment to look him over. He was fidgeting with nerves again, Davie’s coveralls still tangled around his ankles on the bed, but otherwise fully nude as he awkwardly sat up.

  “Why don’t you just take those off for now? Davie would be pissed at me if we stained them.” She smiled warmly; “Besides I like the idea of you naked in my bunk waiting for me.”

  She knelt on edge of the mattress and leaned over to give his stomach and chest a few warm kisses before reaching his quivering lips. She kept it more or less chaste, knowing that if she went too far then she’d dive right back into it, inventory be damned.

  So to stay on task she forced herself to get off the bed.

  When she turned towards the door though, he spoke hesitantly in a small voice.

  “Th-thank you. For, for b-before. And for being so nice to me.”

  His unexpected and earnest words made her groin spasm and she had to take a second to school her features to keep the facade from slipping before she turned back to him.

  She saw him quickly wipe at one tear-stained cheek, embarrassed by his emotional display, and she gave another helpless laugh.

  “You are such a cutie. You’re so welcome baby. How about this? I’ll be gone for a few hours, and when I get back I’m going to give you another nice wet blowjob, and this time we’ll be able to really take our time. Does that sound good?”

  Once again his hips spasmed and she saw his rod move, fully erect once more.

  “Yes, th-that sounds g-good.” His voice cracked and he looked to the side shyly.

  It took some effort not to pop him back into her mouth right then and there.

  “It’s a date then. You stay right there, naked in my bed so that I have something to look forward to, meanwhile, you get to look forward to this.”

  She unsnapped her pants and hooked her thumb in her waistband before pulling them down along with her panties to reveal the forbidden sight of her hairless pussy, just for a second or two.

  From across the room the secre
t vision she provided lasted long enough for him to appreciate what she was offering but nowhere near long enough to satisfy his primal curiosity.

  He gawked at her as she hid herself away again.

  “It’s only fair: you showed me everything, or rather you’re showing me everything.”

  She winked at him and gave his cock a pointed look, he blushed before smiling sheepishly.


  She had so many lessons planned for him.

  “Feel free to take a nap, or fiddle with my underwear if you want, I know you’re curious. The ones on the rack are still wet from the wash, but the bottom drawer is all clean.” She raised an eyebrow as pointed at a heap of her clothes on the floor; “And those ones are from yesterday...”

  His eyes followed her finger to the rich purple panties and matching bra crumpled up with her clothes on the floor.

  They weren’t there by accident, none of it was; her quarters was a carefully prepared set, a stage for her to teach her newest pupil every little titillating thing that she could.

  “Just please don’t use them to masturbate, I wouldn’t mind if you did, but I want you fresh for when I get back.”

  He didn’t even flinch, didn’t nod, didn’t let out a sound.

  To him, making any kind of indication would be tantamount to admitting that he was captivated with the illicit idea of getting a closer look at her undergarments.

  She once again savoured his predictable reaction for a moment, the cause of his frozen expression plainly obvious to the experienced woman, then she feasted on his exposed body one last time with her eyes before exiting her bunk and closing the hatch behind her.

  And unbeknownst to Bryan the next lesson had already begun: coping with the slow boil of anticipation.

  Chapter 19:

  Underpaid, Overworked

  Donnie hefted her box and set it on the table in the common room, then vaguely gestured at it as she looked to her first mate.

  “You know what this thing is? Kyle is stumped.”

  “All I see is a black cube Donnie, unless you want me to get up?”

  Billy said the last part somewhat ominously, as if waking the sleeping K’or-Macka in her lap was a grave sin.

  Which it kinda was.

  It became a moot point though as the cat sat bolt upright a few seconds later when Eva and Davie came into the room, the pair not being at all quiet as they bantered with each other, panting and sweating profusely from what appeared to be an intense workout.

  “What happ’nd?” Bunny slurred as she blearily wiped at her face.

  “Your tit is hanging out.” Eva remarked as her eyes darted back and forth between her exposed breast and face.

  Bunny made no move to correct her wardrobe malfunction though; instead she made it worse by stretching languorously, then turned to Billy with a bright smile and gave her an affectionate lick on the cheek.

  “Thanks for the company Billy! You’re a great snuggler.”

  “Yeah, she was known for that in the academy.” Donnie remarked sarcastically; “All the boys said the same.”

  “That’s good.” Bunny said with another yawn and stretch that exposed more of her skin.

  The doctor smiled as she got up from the couch, not feeling the need to defend herself with Bunny around.

  Somewhat captivated by the expanse of semi-nude cat-flesh, Donnie turned her head to one side to address the twins without looking away from the erotic sight.

  “What have you two been up to?”

  “Sparring. Need to whip your pilot into shape.” Eva replied with a smirk; “She’s getting fat.”

  Davie kicked her under the table as Billy took a look at the mystery box.

  “Nothing worse than a fat starship pilot.” The medic mumbled as she prodded at the black box.

  Fat starship pilots were as common as dirt in the galaxy; it was something of a cliché, so poor Davie had an uphill battle to fight.

  “Is Maria still toying with the kid?” Donnie asked as Bunny scampered past her into the galley to start making lunch.

  “Don’t know.” The doctor said as she turned the box over in her hands with an increasingly frustrated look on her face; “What the fuck is this thing Donnie?”

  “Here I was hoping you could tell me.”

  “Not a clue.” Billy pronounced as she set it back on the table.

  Determined not to waste much more time on it, the captain activated her coms.

  “Sledge! Pull out of the kid and get to work on that inventory.”

  Maria’s voice came back a few seconds later, more than a little cheek in her tone.

  “Me and Eniella are already on it Skipper! Now fuck off or you’ll make her lose count!”

  Donnie cursed but left her alone, turning her attention back to the three others now puzzling over her magic box.

  Yeah, she could have picked a different name for it.

  Davie and Eva were turning it to and fro, but they were just as clueless as the rest of her crew.

  “So... valuable?”

  At least Eva’s priorities lined up fairly well with Donnie’s.

  “Who fucking knows? I’m tempted to jump back and dump it on Kentis just to be rid of any trouble it might bring.”

  “Bullshit.” Eva snorted; “We salvaged it, so it’s ours.”

  “Yes because the mega-corps all agree with the ancient and sacred law of ‘finders keepers’.” Davie mocked.

  “You looking to work off some more of that fat, sister mine?”

  Bunny giggled then as she brought out a plate of sandwiches for them.

  “Get a room you two!”

  Silence fell on the lot of them as all eyes turned to the blissfully clueless K’or-Macka.

  After a moment Donnie and Billy both started laughing as Eva and Davie cringed.

  “Urgh. No! Just... no! Bunny!” The pilot whined.

  “What? What did I do?” The pouting cat asked innocently.

  With her ears flat to her head it wasn’t long before Donnie took pity on her, explaining the exact meaning of the phrase while Eva and Davie both studiously ignored her, focusing on their lunch.

  “Oh I get it, because some humans don’t like to be seen having sex!” Bunny said with a laugh.

  “Yeah, some humans.” Eva mumbled bitterly around a mouthful of tuna salad.

  “Right, well speaking of, can you make some of these sandwiches to go? I’ll have you bring them over to your hubby on the transport.”

  “Okee-dokee!” Bunny chirped as she skipped back into the galley to prepare her husband’s lunch.

  “Sounds like Kyle gets to christen the other ship with a quickie.” Davie chuckled.

  Donnie rolled her eyes at the lame joke.

  “Keep talking and I’ll send you over with a mop once they’re done.”


  “Munitions, Javelin, stern block: less than nine hundred rounds.” Eniella dictated, her datapad making a note; “We’ll need to stock up.”

  She was standing on a special step at a forty degree angle from Maria, just at the edge of the Pixie’s mass generation field where the gravity began to curve upwards.

  Artificial gravity was impossible, but years ago some eggheads discovered that by farting around with graphene artificial mass was not, and since mass and gravity had that oh-so special connection...

  The whole process required an enormous amount of energy, so it all had to start with a power-source, hence why the mass-gen was the first thing to go during a reactor cascade, as had been the case on the Junker frigate.

  Riding the high of anticipation, and knowing that Bryan was no doubt doing the same, Maria was smiling and humming to herself while she helped Eniella re-connect the ammo feed for the tri-barreled railgun battery.

  The pink-haired woman interlaced her robotic fingers together with her other hand and cracked her knuckles, yawning widely before giving the humming Maria an arch look.

  “You’re in a good mood.” She observ

  “I am.”

  “Care to share?”

  She shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Got me a taste of some Bryan. Gunna get laid soon as we’re done.”

  “Huh, good on you. Though I think it’ll be more you doing the laying. Your taste in men has always baffled me.”

  Maria’s smile broadened as she put the last locking clamp in place for the ammo feed.

  “That’s because you and I are polar opposites when it comes to sex. You like it nasty and dirty, I like it nice and clean.”

  Eniella snorted and stretched, cracking her back and her neck.

  “What kind of woman doesn’t like getting her hair pulled?”

  “I don’t know, the healthy kind? Are we done in here?”

  “Yeah, only thing left are the Dobermans, and those are easy; sixty four, same as the last time I counted.”

  “Just be grateful we haven’t been in a situation where we needed to do more than point them at people.”

  “No shit. I’ll forward the report to the skipper, go lay some pipe.”

  Maria winked and blew her a kiss before all but skipping down the passageway.

  Eniella smiled as she went, glad that the kindly blonde woman was enjoying herself. She sighed though when she thought about the amount of work she had waiting for her in the armoury.

  She wouldn’t be laying any pipes any time soon.

  As if to drive that point home Donnie poked her head into the armoury barely ten minutes after Eniella had started working on her exo-rig.

  “Here, brought you some sandwiches. How’s my suit?”

  The captain set the plate of lunch and the strange black box down on Eniella’s work bench.

  “Not great, but not as bad as you thought. Need to replace the armour plate, but we got enough scrap carapace for me to work with.” The Hispanic woman gestured at the hole melted through the suit’s hip with the metal pick she’d been using to clear out the emergency sealant; “Internals are intact, except for one servo-relay that’s junked, I have a replacement though.”


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