Pixie Hazard

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Pixie Hazard Page 18

by Archibald Bradford

  Donnie nodded in satisfaction as she leaned on the bench and drummed her fingers.

  “Right, when you’re done with that I have another job for you.”

  “Dios mio Skipper!” Eniella laughed in exasperation; “I am only one woman!”

  “You want to have a cry about it? Go bunk with Bunny. I need you to look at this mystery box Kyle and I pulled out of that safe, ideally I want to offload in on Mung. You do want to get paid, right? Because if we don’t find a buyer for the transport there then I’ll be paying you lot in crackers.”

  “Okay okay! Can’t a woman bellyache once and a while without catching shit for it? I’ll take a look when I’m finished with this.”

  “Fair enough. What about that hack-job you and Kyle pulled on the Pixie’s sensors?”

  “That wasn’t even a job worth bellyaching about. It’s already sorted.” Eniella said dismissively.

  “And the inventory?” Donnie pressed.

  “Already in your databank. If there are any problems with that though, you can go and peel Maria off of her new toy to sort them out.”

  “I’ll trust your arithmetic.” The captain said drily; “Carry on then.”

  Eniella bit back another smart remark, choosing instead to focus on scraping the last of the sealant out of the hole in Donnie’s suit.

  Her attention was pulled away though as she spotted the box out of the corner of her eye.

  With a frown she stretched out her robotic arm and pulled it over, turning it around in her hands for several seconds.

  Finally her head drew back on her neck and her face twisted into an expression of confused annoyance.

  “What the fuck even is this thing?”

  It was a common theme.

  Chapter 20:

  Naughty Boy

  As Maria opened the hatch to her bunk she had to suppress a laugh when Bryan made a little yelp of surprise from the bed.

  “It’s okay baby, just me.”

  She let all of the wry snarkiness she used with Eniella fall away, slipping comfortably back into the role of a doting and patient lover as she took in the sight of him on her bed.

  He was lying propped up against the headboard, still fully nude and already sporting half of a hard-on, it almost looked like he hadn’t moved.


  She didn’t miss the flash of dark purple lace in his hand when he panicked and tried to tuck her panties underneath his side.

  Sauntering over to the bed, her eyes raked all over him again as her breathing deepened. She put her knee on the bed and leaned in to loom over him before giving him a warm kiss on his inexperienced, and therefore unmoving, lips.

  “So what have you been up to?” She asked with a teasing smile.

  He squirmed beneath her and answered too quickly.


  She settled down on her side against him, her head propped on her elbow, their faces still close as she used the back of one finger to stroke his cheek.

  “Ah baby, now be honest. A woman hates to be lied to. It hurts us more than anything.”

  At first his mouth opened and he looked ready to try to do just that, but she arched an eyebrow down at him and he closed it again.

  His hand pulled her panties out from beneath his side and together they looked down at them.

  A deep blush spread over his face and shoulders, even a few splotchy patches of red appearing on his upper chest.

  “I-I was just looking at them.” He whispered.

  She chuckled and kissed the side of his head.

  “That’s okay, I said you could, remember? But I’m surprised, you weren’t... smelling them?”

  No response beyond the continued blush, so she reached down and pulled the bit of lace away from his fingers before bringing it up to his narrow chest between his nipples.

  “I see, maybe you think that admitting it makes you a pervert. It doesn’t, there’s no such thing. Being curious about sex, about the feel of things, the touch, the smell... it’s how we survived as a species. Make no mistake, we are sexual animals.”

  She brought her panties to his chin, she had told him they were from the day before, they weren’t, because that would be gross. She’d worn them for a few hours that morning, long enough to infuse them with her scent, but not so long that it became overpowering.

  Maria studied his reaction carefully: she hardly wanted to just stuff them into his face!

  No, she waited for him to ever so slightly tilt his head before pressing them against his lips.

  “It’s okay, I want you to.” She leaned in to kiss his temple.

  Slowly, uncertainly, he shifted his face, tilting his nose to press into the lace that had been covering her pussy not twelve hours ago.

  Just a hesitant little sniff.

  Her head slipped off the hand supporting it, and she brought her face right down to the side of his head, her wet lips brushing against his ear lobe.

  “Oh come on, how were you doing it before I came in? Take a good long sniff.”

  Now she pressed them to his face, making sure that the lacy silk enveloped his nostrils.

  He took a deeper inhalation, her sweet musk filling his world.

  As soon as she heard his nose working, her tongue lashed out and pulled his earlobe between her teeth and he let out an involuntary exclamation of surprise.

  “Do you know what that smell is?” She whispered directly into his ear; “That’s me your smelling, that’s my warm, wet heat. That’s my vagina you’re smelling baby.”

  Her use of the more clinical word was deliberate.

  She didn’t like to use too much crass language in her dealings with virgins.

  When ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’ became ‘cock’ and ‘pussy’ it shifted into the fantastical language of mature seduction and holo-pornos. And none of those held any appeal for her, so she deliberately used words that would strip back that veneer of fantasy.

  To make it more real.

  To make her more real.

  His eyes fluttered closed.

  Her desire with all of her lovers was to make the experience as visceral and tangible as she could in order to brand the experience into their brains so that years later they would look back fondly and still get aroused when thinking of her.

  He took another deep breath and let out a moan through his mouth.

  She could feel the heat of his exhalation on her palm as it saturated the fabric in her hand. Breath by breath, it would eventually mingle his scent with hers.

  “Do you like that smell baby? Does my vagina smell good to you?”

  He couldn’t reply with a face-full of her panties so she pulled them away a bit.

  “Y-yes. You smell so nice.”

  Her tongue slid into his ear and a cold wave of goose-bumps went over the right side of his neck and shoulder from the unfamiliar, but not unwelcome sensation.

  She brought her hand away from his face, the silky fabric bunching up in her fist as she settled it against his chest again.

  Her lips moved from his ear to his cheek, her face now hovering over his.

  “What do you want baby? Say it, and it’s yours.” She asked with a husky whisper.

  His throat moved as he swallowed, while his eyes flicked back and forth between hers as her sweet breath washed over his face.

  Shyly, still hesitant, he answered her.

  “C-can we, can we maybe k-kiss again?”

  He surprised her. She had promised him another blowjob when she returned, that was what she was expecting him to ask for, what she had wanted him to ask for.

  This was so much better.

  Her smile was like the sun coming out right in his face.

  “Oh honey, you are just too sweet!” She pecked him on the lips quickly; “Make-out session it is.”

  She rolled off of the bed just long enough to tear her shirt off, while her purple panties stayed sitting in a bunch on his chest.

  He made to remove them, but she put her hand ove
r his to stop him.

  “Not yet baby, I still have a use for those.”

  His brow furrowed and she smirked as she settled back down against him, her bra-clad breasts pressing tight to his side.

  “You’ll see. Now just relax.” She whispered before turning his head to face hers and pressing their lips together again.

  At first she went slow, little pecks and sweet nibbles, but soon she used her tongue to pull his lower lip between her teeth and suckle on it as he moaned into her mouth.

  After a few nibbles and bites she realized he was holding back, his tongue having barely brushed up against hers.

  So with a high-pitch noise of wet suction she pulled back.

  “I have to be honest. I’m a bit too horny to teach you how to kiss, so just go for it. Go wild, do whatever you want to do.” She giggled then; “Just, uh, don’t stick your tongue up my nose or something.”

  He laughed as well, though he was breathing heavily.

  She locked eyes with him.

  “I’m serious baby! I had a guy do that once! Freaked me out.”

  “I-I want, I want you to enjoy it too.” He said softly, bravely reaching out to touch her cheek with one shaky hand.

  She shuddered and it was her turn to let out an involuntary moan from his touch.

  “Ah fuck, you have been pressing all the right buttons since we met. But the kissing stuff? That’s all about exploration and practice, sure you should try to figure out what your partner likes, but right now you need to figure out what you like. So we’re going to go crazy to figure out how much is too much for you. If you want to shove your tongue all the way down my throat, go for it. And if you get the urge to lick my face all over like an animal, go for it!”

  Her breathing was as unsteady as his was now.

  “But I’m sorry baby, we’re going to have to get into that while I get off, or my hair is going to catch fire!”


  She sat up abruptly and took her bra off again, his heart pounding as he got to see her magnificent tits for the second time.

  “Spread your legs a bit, I’m going to put my knees between them.”

  He did as she asked and once they were positioned how she wanted she explained the plan.

  “Now I want you to raise your leg up until your thigh is pressed right to my crotch, press it hard and keep it there.”

  Wide-eyed and almost panting now, he once again did as he was told.

  She was still wearing her pants, though she had unsnapped the buttons on them.

  “Oh fuck, okay, now for the best part baby, you wanted to kiss some more right?”

  “Yes p-please.” He said in a tiny voice, she was scaring him a bit with her urgency.

  She laughed, a good hearty laugh, then dipped down to give him another quick peck.

  “Aargh! Too cute! Don’t be afraid of my passion baby, it’s all for you. And now I need these.”

  She plucked the purple panties up off of his chest.

  With a great deal of effort she made herself slow down, just long enough to let him know exactly what was about to happen.

  “I’m going to grind my vagina against your leg, to make myself feel good, and while I’m doing that we’re going to make out like horny teenagers.” She smiled given that he was a teenager; “And while we’re doing that, I’m going to wrap my panties around your penis and stroke it until you cum.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him questioningly, he wasn’t breathing anymore.

  “Sound good?”

  He nodded vigorously.

  Without delay she wrapped her panties around him and began to stroke him off. Then hunched over and opened her mouth before laving her tongue right across his face, it wasn’t really her thing, but she wanted him to know it was okay to go wild with his own tongue.

  It worked.

  He stuck his tongue out to meet hers and pushed up with his leg into her groin.

  Good boy.

  With a grunt she began to grind on his thigh, pressing hard while steadily stroking him with a slight twist.

  “Mmmph.” She moaned into his mouth as her hips worked, pulling away just long enough to speak; “You can play with my tits now if you want, just don’t pinch my nipples too much, they’re sensitive.”

  For once he didn’t need to be told twice, his hands cupping the warm flesh as he answered her moan, the firm stroking of her hand feeling infinitely better than his ever could.

  He felt the peaks of her nipples in his palms, but wasn’t really sure what to do with her breasts besides knead them like dough. Her lips tilted up against his as she smiled at his clumsy efforts; little did he know that his earnest desire to make her feel good was making her feel good.

  But she was slacking off a bit on her end, so she tightened her grip around his cock and stroked faster. They kept up the pace for a little longer, but soon she tore her mouth away from his, a string of saliva bridging the gap between their lips.

  “Tell me when you’re going to cum.” She whispered, then gasped as she bucked against his thigh harder; “Ah fuck, tell me, we’ll cum together.”

  “Oh man, s-soon!” He said as she sat up a bit, pulling her face away from his and shifting up.

  “Lick my nipples!” She grunted loudly.

  Her insistence would have been intimidating but the urgency of his impending orgasm was too great, so when she pressed the warm and heavy flesh of her breast to his lips his tongue lashed out to lick across her sensitive skin.

  Meanwhile she ditched the panties, leaving them on his stomach as she gripped him tight; the sudden lack of fabric between her palm and his cock left his skin insanely sensitive as her tight grip worked him hard and he quickly cried out from the intense sensation.

  She ground against him even as the first spurt of his cum shot out across her panties and his stomach, her eyes fluttering closed.

  “Ah! Me too baby!”

  As she worked the slimy spunk over his cock he pulled her nipple into his mouth and sucked as hard as he could, making her gasp at the unexpectedly bold move, her hips gyrating as she cried out her own bliss.

  Her hips moved jerkily, involuntarily, as his cum continued to shoot out over her hand, making a real mess between them as he thrashed and groaned.

  Soon her orgasm abated, and the spitting of his member diminished, though he was still harder than steel as she worked him.

  He said something, but whatever it was was muffled by her hardened nipple. So, with his eyes tightly shut, he turned his face from her enveloping tit to speak, her wet nipple now poking into his cheek.

  “Please! Too much!” He begged.

  Still trembling from her own climax, she giggled and pulled her breasts off of him, turning in place on wobbly knees without releasing his cock.

  “Sorry, baby, but that was the best orgasm I’ve had in ages. So it’s not too much, in fact it’s not nearly enough.”

  Starting at his nipple she licked downward, drawing a line through the spunk on his abdomen as she worked her way towards her pumping fist. Without delay she took his length back into her mouth and bobbed frantically as he involuntarily thrust his hips upwards, his body not knowing whether to seek out more pleasure or retreat from the divine agony of her lips on his over-stimulated flesh.

  She meanwhile savored the taste of his cum again, her working tongue and the intense suction of her mouth coaxing out a few more spurts of his seed as she felt his hands entwine in her hair, involuntarily gripping her tight.

  No matter how much he begged or pleaded, she didn’t relinquish his cock from between her lips.

  In fact, she kept sucking even as he softened, then stiffened again; kept sucking until he was begging her not to stop as he held her head in place and bucked his hips, cumming into her mouth again, though not nearly as much as he had previously.

  Only then did she relinquish his flesh from her mouth with another satisfying pop before laying down against his side, her breasts on his lower chest and her head on his

  Humming in satisfaction she picked her now cum-covered panties off of his stomach and held them up for them both to see.

  “You know what? These are my favorite pair of panties.”

  Through a blissful haze his eyes widened in alarm.

  “I-I’m sorry I didn’t-”

  She laughed loudly, dropping the messy fabric and putting her hand to her mouth to stifle the sudden noise.

  “Silly boy! I mean they’re my favorite pair now! Your cum makes them my favorite.”

  “Oh.” His ears reddened at the mistake as she settled her head against him again with a comfortable sigh.

  “And now we cuddle.”


  His reply was uncertain so she reached down and cupped his balls, squeezing just slightly too hard.

  “Never forget the cuddling, it’s more important than the sex.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He yelped.

  She squeezed harder.

  “Don’t make me squish these, you’re going to need them again in a bit.”

  “Sorry! Um, I don’t- I mean, what do I call you?”

  It was an inane question, but not an unexpected one.

  The fact was she held all the power: she was older and wiser, and definitely more experienced, so it was naturally hard for him to just casually use her name.

  She shifted up a bit, her breasts dragging against his chest as she kissed his jaw.

  “Sledge is what the others call me, or Maria, but you? You can call me Mary. But only in my bunk.”

  “Okay, M-Mary.” He sniffled, then swallowed.

  She tilted her head up to see his eyes had tears standing in them again.

  “Sorry baby, did I squeeze too hard?” She asked with no small amount of remorse.

  “No it’s not that!” His words were thick as he shook his head; “It’s just, I mean, I thought I was going to die! I thought I was dead! And then you were there, and now this-”

  She hushed and as she sat up, pulling him into her embrace as his emotions got the better of him for a moment.

  After a brief spate of tears they ended up with her on her back and him resting against her naked breasts, mortified by his own weakness as he regained control of himself in her arms.


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