And to the extent that you can reinforce those images in the real world around you – so much the better.
So try having a vision board full of photos and pictures which reflect the mental imagery you’re creating, constantly reminding you of what you’re trying to achieve.
(Warning: if you find yourself thinking “Oh, I’ll never achieve that… it’s all beyond me”, and the like, then take the vision board down and start using some stronger positive emotions in your visualization.)
To sum all of this up: certainly creative visualization – so-called because you are creating a mental vision of your future – is the easiest way to manifest anything.
And it isn’t just a daydream. It’s a process of literally bringing into being what you want to create. You do this by picturing your desires in your mind’s eye as if they were already in your world.
That’s what creates the thought forms which become physical reality.
Sure, it does require a degree of mental and visual discipline.
In other words, you have to keep your mind focused on the image of whatever it is you’re trying to create.
Keep Things Positive
And you have to avoid negative thoughts – and to make that possible, you need to have complete belief in what you’re doing.
Your image should be clear and exact, as precise as you can make it, so that the subconscious has a good blueprint to send out as a new “program” for the universe to manifest your desires.
The more intensely you energize this process with emotions and feelings, the quicker manifestation will happen.
Finally, manifestation tends to work better if your visualization is performed directly after or during meditation or in an altered state of consciousness – which you can generate using the methods described in Chapter 3.
And as you become more experienced, you can practice using your own techniques.
A popular trick to speed up manifestation seems to be to focus on your intended desire in a beam of energy before sending it out to the universe.
To do this, imagine the image of what you want to create concentrated in a point between your eyes, about an inch above your eyebrows (in the area some people call the third eye).
Then imagine a beam of white light coming down from the heavens above, entering your body, and passing out through that spot on your forehead, taking with it the focused and concentrated image of your desired objective, before releasing it into the universe for manifestation.
Steve Pavlina has an interesting take on visualization: he says that visualizing your future should be very much the same as remembering your past:
“Just as you would recall and mentally review what you did yesterday, that’s how you want to imagine your new reality. What are the highlights of your typical day, and how do you feel about them? Notice that emotional memories are much stronger than routine events. Such memories can draw the past back into your present, but they can also draw powerful future into your present if you create powerful new memories of the future.”
It can be a mistake to just visualize part of what you want – in other words, to see only one or two aspects of your new reality.
Another trap is to visualize only a part of that reality – perhaps a pile of cash in your hand, or a bank statement with numbers on it that represent your desired wealth.
Although that’s part of the answer, why don’t you visualize what you would actually be doing when you have that money?
This can be a much more powerful driving force for most people, since we tend to think of money as just a means to an end. So visualize the whole reality you wish to create in as much detail as possible.
Sure, you can focus on one area of your life at a time – such as personal relationships, but make sure the image is in line with what you’re trying to create in other areas of your life.
For example, you might be trying to create great wealth, in which case make sure that you are picturing yourself in balance and harmony, surrounded by good friends and in good relationships, living a life of prosperity and abundance.
You see, when you create a reality, you also need to visualize yourself as being a person who can live comfortably and happily within that new reality.
If you’re trying to create a reality that is at odds with your personality, values, skills and talents, you can create difficulties and disruptions for yourself.
There’s no point trying to summon up, for example, a relationship with a particular type of man or woman unless you are the type of man or woman that they would like to be with.
Do you see the point? Your visualization must center on a balanced image where everything is in harmony.
Since your visualization is always involved with outcomes which affect other people, you need to keep in mind that the images you create must be congruent with who you are and the qualities you exemplify.
For example, if you want to create prosperity and abundance, then it’s probably going to be easier and more productive to achieve this if you’re a person who is worthy of abundance.
This might mean being a particular type of person with a particular style of being in the world, perhaps creating value for others, rather than making the entire financial outcome about you and your own self interests.
This is, of course, the main reason why visualizing money for its own sake, may not be as useful or productive as finding a purpose in life which will fulfill you and then visualizing yourself fulfilling that purpose.
In essence, you want to visualize a total package where you can function to your fullest extent in the world, and attract kind of people who you want to be with.
Often people find that being in service to the world or the people in it is a better approach.
This may just mean offering your natural talents and abilities freely to the world – certainly that’s a good image to use during visualization. And it certainly matches the idea that prosperity isn’t just about money, but about social values and personal behavior as well.
One good way to focus your mind on the image of your new reality is to start by writing it down on paper, giving yourself an impression of what your life will be like when you’ve manifested your desires.
For example, if you want to manifest a particular type of person in your life, you could write down a detailed description of them – and this would be a good way to help yourself create an appropriate image when you’re visualizing.
A lot of people do find a vision board helpful – that’s an assembly of pictures or images which helps you imagine the entirety of your new life.
Another very helpful way of detailing the images you can use in visualization is by keeping a journal, in which you record your impressions, thoughts and feelings about what you want to create in your life.
You see, for many people, a copious level of detail about the situation they’re trying to create makes it easier to imagine it as real during visualization.
This is when everything in your imagery is real, not some kind of imaginary archetype or ideal figure – so if you find that imagining the minute details of a situation helps you create a realistic image during visualization, then go for it.
And remember always that the more you practice visualization, the richer and more vivid your visualizations will become.
And once they are vivid and detailed, you will find it much easier to summon up the intense emotion that drives the process of manifestation.
If you have some problems with visualization, then simply create the image of what you’re trying to manifest in whatever sense is easiest and most real to you: for example, an auditory impression, or a kinesthetic impression (something based on the sensations of physical feeling), or on the emotional aspects of the situation.
Even if your images seem to be weak and incomplete, keep trying, because the brain responds to this sort of challenge by developing new skills.
And finally, here’s a challenge for people who think they can’t visualize at all:
take a moment to imagine in great detail a scene in which you are slicing into a lemon, then imagine the cut half of the lemon, glistening as you pick it up, and finally imagine squeezing the juice into your mouth.
Do this with your eyes closed – I guarantee you’ll find your mouth produces saliva to neutralize the acidity of the lemon juice. Except, of course, there is no lemon juice. Truly, it would seem our subconscious cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality.
And you thought you couldn’t visualize….. yet this proves you can create an image in your mind which is strong enough to change your reality.
I’ve written quite a bit in this e-book about the emotional power that drives manifestation.
It stands to reason, I think, that anything you do in life, whether physical or emotional, requires energy to drive the process.
It’s no different with manifestation – even though you can’t necessarily see what’s happening as the universe goes about its mysterious ways to bring you what you want, there’s still an energetic requirement to drive the process, to make things happen.
And that energy is supplied by you: it’s the energy of visualization with emotion.
It’s the energy you put into your process of visualization, of envisaging, of literally “seeing” in your mind’s eye the future as you would like it to be.
For, make no mistake about it, no matter how intense your belief and your desire and your expectancy, the thing which really drives manifestation is the energetic fuel of emotion and feeling so intense it pervades every fiber of your being as you visualize your objective.
That’s because it’s YOUR energy which convinces the universe you’re serious about what you want.
It’s your energy which drives change in the unseen and unformed space of the universal intelligence, from where all manifestation takes place.
When you visualize there are several ways of generating the energy that will drive manifestation.
Feeling It Like It Is
(Or Will Be In The Future You’re Now Creating)
You’ve probably heard of a technique that a lot of people find successful: as you visualize the picture of your goal in your mind, you feel what it would be like to have your objective.
You feel the joy, the satisfaction, the happiness, the positive emotion associated with the acquisition of your goal of your objective.
You feel in every fiber of your being the transformation that you’re making happen as though it was in your life already.
Now, you may be thinking, “How can I possibly feel the joy and the gratitude and the delight for something that hasn’t yet appeared in my life?”
Well, that’s a very good question, of course, but it’s absolutely critical that you find a way of doing it.
Consider this: as you know, it’s not hard to feel emotions about events that have taken place in the past.
Think for a moment of some significant event in your life – perhaps the birth of your first child, or your wedding day, your graduation day, or the day you first made love to your girlfriend or boyfriend.
Or perhaps a delightful experience in childhood – Christmas, maybe, or one of your birthdays.
I’m sure if you think back to some delightful event in your history you can recall and imagine the joy, satisfaction, happiness and gratitude you felt.
(Equally I am sure you can remember the emotions associated with negative events.)
You see, emotions are stored in the mind just as memories are, but we access them much less because our attention is usually directed to the world around us now, to what is happening. In other words, we are mostly reacting to the things that are happening to us right now.
Even so, some experts on body memory say that every experience we have ever had, and the feelings associated with it, leave a residue or memory in the body.
Perhaps that is another reason why the emotional memories of the past are more remote from us than the logical and visual memories of the past.
But the fact of the matter is that even if we ignore the feelings associated with events in our history, they are inside us somewhere. The idea that feelings are limited to our experience in the here and now is an illusion.
They’re not. You have visual and cognitive and emotional memories of every event that has taken place in your life that is
And this capacity of the mind to hold emotional memories, and for you to be able to imagine them and feel them right now, years later, also means you are capable of actually imagining and feeling the emotion associated with an image in your mind of how things might be in the future.
You know what it feels like to have a memory of happiness and gratitude and joy and delight. If you cast your mind back to some really significant and joyous event in your life, and stop to consider how you felt at the time, that becomes obvious.
So hopefully you’ll also understand that you can equally well feel emotion around an image of your projected future.
To put this into practice, as you visualize the image of what you want to achieve in the future, you need to summon up an experience of positive emotion and allow that positive emotion to flow through your body, so it touches every part of your being.
The character of this emotion will be joy, happiness, gratitude and delight.
Some people find it particularly effective when they’re in this joyous emotional state to project their feelings out into the world – imagining, perhaps, a beam of white light coming from their heart and spreading out into the universe around them, surrounding them and the desired objective they wish to manifest in physical form in the world today.
(In the chapter on special manifestation techniques, I’ve described some more techniques that can speed up the process of manifestation.)
This energetic connection with the universe can take various forms – but it is absolutely essential to creating a new and different reality.
By now you will see that manifestation and visualization are not just about picturing what you want to have in your life, or what you want to change.
They also involve feeling the energetic state you’ll be in when those things manifest.
And if you still doubt that feeling this way is possible, just think for a moment what it would be like if you won several million dollars on the lottery.
Close your eyes and imagine this for a few moments.
Imagine what you would do with the money, imagine the changes you could bring about in your life. Imagine the happiness you could bring to other people as well as yourself. Imagine the joy and happiness that money can bring you and those around you. How it could allow you to fulfill your deepest objectives.
Or, if you find that difficult, then think of something personally significant to you that would give you great pleasure, and do the same exercise – simply close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to have, do or be like that right now.
How would you feel? What would be your predominant emotions?
This is a technique by which you can generate emotions and feelings as you visualize your objective.
Positive Or Negative Emotions?
Many people say you should always use positive emotions like gratitude when you visualize your future.
But you should know it’s also possible to use anger and other strong negative emotions to fuel manifestation.
In the early days when I needed to manifest money, I very successfully changed my situation in life by feeling a lot of anger about the family background that left me with a real poverty consciousness.
It’s a mistake to think that the universe responds to positive energy only. In fact, the universe responds to strong energy of any kind – as long as it is powerful enough, it will impact the physical form of reality manifesting in the world around you.
You may discover for yourself the incredible power of these negative emotions by simply experimenting with them, bu
t I do want to offer you a word of caution: when you’re at the level of mind necessary for successful visualization (the alpha level), you are susceptible to imprinting new patterns of thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Therefore, unless you can control the way you use negative emotions to probe fuel the process visualization, there’s a danger you may reinforce habit patterns of anger, rage, resentment, fear and the like.
This is something you need to explore for yourself. This is something you need to gain experience with, so you can judge which is the most successful fuel for manifestation for you.
In general, as a beginner in the process of manifestation, it’s better to summon up the intense positive energy of gratitude, joy, and delight as you imagine the world around you filled with the things you wish to manifest.
One of the questions I get asked time and time is one of the simplest: why doesn’t the Law of Attraction work for me?
After all, Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret made it sound so easy.
There are a few reasons why things might not be working out for you.
Head and Heart
First of all, are you coming from your head or your heart?
Desires from the ego may lead to failure....
If you’re coming from your head, thinking of the things that you might like to have in your life, then I’m wondering if perhaps you’re being influenced by the world around you…. By what we are conditioned to “want” through adverts on TV and other ephemeral rubbish.
To what extent, in other words, are your desires guided by the cultural norm?
However, in my opinion, there’s no reason you shouldn’t try and manifest material goods and wealth. If you’re serious about what you want, you will be successful.
The Wealthy Mind Page 10