The Wealthy Mind

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The Wealthy Mind Page 11

by Chris Masters

  The problem is that when you’re coming from your head in this way – which means coming from your ego, or coming from a place where you’re basically concerned with status or appearance or something materialistic in nature – you often don’t have the energy to sustain the process of manifesting your desires.

  Happiness or money – which would you prefer to manifest?

  For one thing, the desires of the mind, the desires of the ego, can be distracted by the trivialities of everyday life that call upon us.

  Imagine, then, how this compares with your soul purpose: if you’re trying to manifest something which is essentially about the nature of “who you are” and “what your purpose on the planet is”, I guess you can put a lot more energy into creating your reality.

  That’s because heart-driven objectives will provide you with more vital energy to sustain the process between coming up with the idea and manifesting in your life.

  To put it simply: you just don’t want it enough. Oh dear.

  In addition, of course, heartfelt desires are not superficial, unlike the desires that we come up with from our minds in response to fads and fashions or what’s seen as desirable in society at the moment.

  On the other hand, there is a danger in listening to experts on the Law of Attraction who become too puritanical and claim that there’s no point trying to manifest anything unless your objective is in line with your soul purpose.

  That’s just a viewpoint which goes to the opposite extreme and is no more helpful. Fact is: we are given the ability to manifest material goods, and many people use it successfully.

  So If You Keep Your Energy Focused, Will Something Manifest More Quickly?

  You’d certainly think so, wouldn’t you, from reading so much of the Law of Attraction material which has been published recently?

  I mean, almost every author speaks of the need to constantly focus on what you want, to provide your vision with emotional energy all the time.

  Indeed some people will say that you need to become almost “obsessed” with your objectives.

  However, there is another point of view. It’s this: what about the idea that constantly obsessing about what you want will actually stop things manifesting for you?

  Sidebar: At this point you may feel some frustration, because what I’ve written above is probably a minor representation of so much material on the Law of Attraction. One author says one thing, another says the opposite. Both say that their views are correct. Both swear their views are correct. Indeed, both say that you can’t possibly manifest anything if you follow any advice but theirs. And clearly that’s ridiculous. So where does the truth lie? The simplest explanation of this is that what you believe determines how successful you are with manifestation. So if you believe something is essential to the process of creating it, then it becomes so for you. Perhaps that’s why authors who’ve had success with their own system of manifestation will so clearly and fervently affirm that theirs is the only way.

  I agree that it’s certainly possible that obsessing may get in the way of your desires manifesting.

  But there are other explanations too; the simplest of them is this – there really are several different ways in which you can achieve success at manifestation.

  Let Go Of Your Desires

  Michael Mackintosh says that for him success comes when he does the opposite of trying to think about what he wants and believes he has. As he says:

  “Ironically, every time amazing things happen in my life it is after I’ve done the following:

  Got clear my heart’s true desires.

  Surrendered to the divine and felt so full inside myself that I must don’t need anything. He calls this receiving divine power and freedom.

  Let go of any desire to have the things I want completely.”

  In other words he is saying that the magic happens when he truly no longer wants the thing he was thinking about, because the universe then somehow brings it about for him. He calls it bizarre.

  And indeed at first reading it does sound pretty strange. He says however, that on countless occasions, within one second up to 24-hours after letting go, amazing things have shown up for him.

  To quote him again: “This is a strange surprise because I have just given up wanting it completely and have no interest in it.”

  You’ll see that the key to this, the key to this method of achieving your goals, I mean, is letting go, surrendering, and feeling full before the desire has been attained.

  Michael illustrates this more clearly by saying it’s one thing to imagine you have a nice car and feel good because you are daydreaming about it; and quite another to feel quite contented with your life now regardless of any cars or other circumstances.

  In other words, his suggestion is that you need to just be content with the way things are now. It’s a form of surrender, of letting go, perhaps even of being open to the Highest Good for all concerned.

  Michael calls this a secret, and if it’s true, then it probably is a greater secret than any so-called secret in The Secret!

  To summarize again: you need to be willing to genuinely surrender and let go of your desire. Replace it with the knowledge that the universe can supply all your needs, all the time, and is ready to do so. (Indeed, it already has. All you have to do is ask for them.) And then open to whatever manifestation represents the highest good for all concerned.

  But how do you let go?

  Well, of course we are materialistic animals, and completely surrendering and releasing your desire for something is not so easy.

  The question is, as Michael so rightly says, how can you want something with all your heart and yet not care whether or not you get it?

  This is what people mean when they talk about releasing your desires.

  One technique which I have seen repeated in several places is to imagine the scene of your desired manifestation inside a bubble and then to release it back into the universe, offering it up to God, and allowing yourself to relinquish the dream if it isn’t for the highest good of all concerned. (It’s probably a good idea to ask for something which IS for the highest good of all concerned.)

  It’s a highly evolved spiritual position, I think, where you can accept that the universe is ready to give you everything that you need, if you can completely surrender your desires.

  It’s summed up in an expression that you may well have heard in many different situations: all you need is within you now. That is a profound statement which is true on many levels.

  Look At “The One Process”

  Be patient and allow your desire (or something better) to occur. This is also known as “letting go”. Again, thousands of books have been written on “letting go’, and they tend to make it more complicated than it needs to be.

  It is true that if you visualize something strongly and then stop thinking about it, that dream will come true in super-fast time.

  It is also true that if you visualize something strongly and then worry about whether or not it will come true, or how it will come true, then the entire operation is probably wasted.

  From: Michael Ellington’s book Manifest Like The Rich: Hack Reality With Simple Money Magic (page 50 Kindle Edition) – it describes The One Process.

  Hold Your Peace and Attract More

  Keep silent about what it is you want, because talking to other people about your hoped-for miracle creation certainly will dissipate the energy.

  If you must talk to other people, do so only to those of like mind who understand the process of manifestation and share your desire for success.

  Remember to maintain your belief in the way that’s most easy for you: the classic advice is to act and think about the miracles that you are creating as if you already have the results you desire.

  And if you feel your intuition moving in a particular direction then follow it, because this may well be a signal from the universe about how you can make manifestation occur more easily.

  And don’t be too
serious: be light-hearted and joyous. After all, you are now a miracle worker!

  Forgiveness and Dissolving Limiting Beliefs

  This process can be used for clearing limiting beliefs. If it doesn’t work, use the techniques in Chapter 4.

  1) Briefly close your eyes and imagine a beam of white light starting at the base of your spine, and then moving right up through your body and out of the top of your head so that it connects with the highest level of the universal energy above you.

  2) When you feel connected, make an affirmation to yourself that you're going to release all limiting beliefs which may interfere with your manifestation, and assert that you are now as one with your higher self and the universal power around you.

  3) Focus on your heart centre – the area around your heart, and imagine it lit up with white, golden, pink or green light – whichever colour represents unconditional love for you. Imagine this light streaming out of your heart, encompassing everything around you, all the people who might be involved in your manifestation, and the universe at large.

  4) While your heart beams out this loving energy, state your limiting belief in the following way: "Even though I know that I am afraid of acquiring wealth and abundance, I deeply and completely love, our Christ right well you should give me more notice accept and forgive myself on every level both known and unknown."

  5) Allow the coloured light, encompassing the energy of unconditional love, to flow through every part of your body, dissolving the issue which limits you and restoring the area where the limiting belief has been held to its full natural innocence and power.

  6) Make sure that you feel loving compassion and acceptance for yourself for limiting yourself in whatever way you have been doing in the past.

  This technique works very powerfully because it allows you to shift the energy held in your body.

  The whole process should take no more than a minute, and you can run through one limiting belief after another very quickly.

  7) You can also use the same technique if you have any identified any sub- personalities or parts of yourself which don't want to change.

  You see, no matter how much YOU as an adult think you want to be rich and abundant, the reason you're not is because there’s a powerful part of you – and very probably an innocent, young part of you – which is quite happy, and indeed probably feels quite safe, with the way things are right now.

  You can use the same healing energy that you used to dissolve limiting beliefs to encompass and embrace those parts of yourself in your imagination, and to allow those parts to move forward to a better place – one which is governed by you, in your adult power, right here, right now.

  After all, it's a fact that most limiting beliefs come from childhood, where we learn what we can and can't do, what's expected of us, what's acceptable and what isn't.

  By encompassing the parts of ourselves which hold these limiting beliefs with the love which they never experienced during childhood, they can come to accept change and stop holding onto their fearful historical memories.

  Please be compassionate towards yourself because all the parts of yourself which stop you getting what you want now only developed those behaviors because they were concerned about keeping you safe as a child.

  Using Sexual Energy

  One of the more esoteric techniques for manifestation is to use your sexual energy to empower the process of manifestation. If you’re not attracted to this idea please stop reading right now!

  But those of you who are still with me might like to know about the way in which you can use the energy of sexual arousal – and perhaps even orgasm – to propel your intended desires out into the universe.

  This is a technique that requires great self-discipline and mastery, so it’s not recommended for beginners.

  Start by using some meditation and visualization techniques to imagine the energy channels around your body flowing freely.

  Get yourself sexually aroused in whatever way you wish – either by manual stimulation by using a rousing material. You are going to aim for a situation where you're not going to get so aroused that you need to come to climax. But you are going to aim to build up as much sexual energy as you can, so the longer you can go on with this without reaching climax the better.

  Let's say 10 minutes of high levels of arousal will produce enough sexual energy for you to use for the process of manifestation.

  Now imagine your sexual energy moving up – classically as red energy – from the base of your spine, up through your spine, perhaps using your hands to aid the flow of that energy, until the sexual energy you've built up has filled each of your chakras and is rising into your brain.

  Once you've completed that transition, imagine sexual energy moving back down the front of your body into your base chakra, and then surrender yourself to the flow of energy in that loop around your body.

  You may feel some unusual sensations, perhaps feeling like electricity in your arms and legs - which is great; it means you’re really getting the sense of the energy flowing through you.

  Then, when the energy is at a peak, you can send it out into the universe as you visualize your intention riding the wave of that energy into the universal intelligence.




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