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Page 7

by Brad Stucki

  Kokos and Sauros understood and gradually increased their pressure, focusing on one point of the barrier. The pressure grew and the force multiplied. Finally Javin, in desperation, added his own strength to theirs.

  "Aaahhh!!!" Javin's mind reeled with pain. He didn't realize he was screaming aloud. There was a blinding mental flash as the force rebounded from the barrier, and all went dark.


  Nemesis was standing in front of the pedestal on which rested the two Articles of Power. He was about to try working again with the second, the Power of Emotion, as his Masters had told him. They'd also told him accessing this one was slightly different, and they had explained it as accessing it through his 'feelings' rather than his 'thoughts'. It had taken him a bit, but slowly he'd made some progress. It was hard for him, as he'd pushed hard to suppress his emotions while working with his Masters. They were not forgiving of any sort of weakness, and when he was younger he'd quickly learned that expressing emotion of any sort was dangerous - considered a weakness.

  Nemesis was about to reach out to it again when he 'felt' a rupture, a pulse riding toward him as if carried on a wave that wasn’t physical. He hesitated a moment, tensing himself, preparing . . .

  It hit him like a jolt of psionic energy. It was painful and spiked through his skull and embedded within his breast right where the gestalt stone resided, numbing it, then tingling within as it passed over, leaving a dull ache in his skull. It had been powerful, like an explosion, though psionic in nature. A surge of panic started too well up. Had they found him? He quickly checked his barriers and protections. They were all in place.

  What had happened? He glanced at the two articles of power sitting on the pedestal. They were inert. No energy radiated from them. Where did the pulse come from? His wondering was interrupted as he felt something else encroaching upon his space.

  Nemesis glanced to the corner of the room where the disturbance emanated. He knew what was coming and blanched.

  A shadow started to coalesce in the corner of his sparse room. Light was being forced away from that area, physically barred and severed. The darkness grew, gathered around and formed into the image of a man.

  Nemesis fell to his knees and touched a fist to the floor with his other hand outstretched, palm up. He bowed his head and spoke softly. "Master, I live to serve."

  He carefully raised his head slightly to see the darkly shimmering feet and legs of the Provider.

  “I can’t 'feel' you Nemesis. Why is that?”

  Nemesis’ mind was racing. The Provider hadn't said anything about what had just occurred, the psionic wave. Why? Did he not 'feel' it from where he came? And with his first question upon fully 'arriving.' It confirmed his protections were in place. Yet now he needed to delve into the Providers’ limitations. He was beginning the chafe at their bondage. True, they had promised him much – to rule over the corporeal worlds – but only under their thumbs. And those thumbs were growing heavy indeed since they had last ‘punished him’. For now, he needed to answer to this Master.

  “Master, if you please. I have learned how to create barriers where our enemies cannot find me and thwart our plans. I did not realize I had hidden myself from you. I will release them if you desire, of course.”

  “Curious,” the Provider said. “You may rise. Are our enemies so powerful then?”

  Nemesis came to his feet slowly, arms spread at his sides, palms out in deference and keeping his head slightly bowed so his eyes did not meet the Provider’s. He did not want to be punished ever again.

  “I thought it only prudent, Master. The longer I remain hidden from them, the easier for me to discover the secrets of the Articles of Power undisturbed.”

  “Yes, that is prudent,” the Provider said. Was there a hint of sarcasm in his voice? It was barely evident.

  Nemesis remained silent. He had learned not to speak unless requested.

  “Report on your discoveries.” Again there was that hint of sarcasm. Nemesis knew he must tread carefully.

  “I have learned to activate the Articles. Also, I have gained some small measure of control – as you have felt.

  “So that is the source of your shielding?” the Provider asked.

  “Yes Master.” The Provider was confirming that Nemesis was, indeed, shielded from them. It was then he decided he must chance touching . . . feeling out while he was shielded. Perhaps the Provider would not realize what he was doing and he could get some answers he needed.

  The Provider was silent, apparently mulling over whether he thought the shielding was a good idea or not.

  Nemesis reached out with a slender tendril of awareness, not contacting the Provider, more like sampling the emanations which surrounded the Provider. Any type of contact would surely be detected. He felt the familiar darkness each Provider carried, emanations of anger and malevolence. And then he felt . . . revulsion!

  “And these Articles?” the Provider continued. “They will do your bidding? Their power is yours to command?”

  Nemesis continued to sense a surge in the abhorrence when mentioning the Articles and their power. He had been right. The Providers feared them. It wasn’t just a fear of the unknown. He sensed this Provider knew all too well the power the Articles contained.

  “You have not tried to join them!” The feeling of revulsion spiked along with a strong mix of pure terror!

  “No Master!” Nemesis went to his knees again gathering in the tendrils of awareness he’d sent out. Had he been discovered? If so, he’d be experiencing punishment. Nemesis cringed at the memory of his most recent punishment.

  There was silence in the chamber.

  “That is good,” the Provider finally said. “Remember that we expressly forbid your joining them in any way.”

  There was something in the Provider’s voice . . . Nemesis chanced moving a tendril closer again. This was something he had to discern. Why were they fearful? Why must they not be joined? Yes. He could sense there was something deeply hidden. This Provider knew all too well what would happen if the Articles were joined. It terrified the Provider, but Nemesis couldn’t plumb why.

  “There is a third Article.” The Provider hadn’t bidden Nemesis to rise so he stayed on his knees, eyes downcast.

  “Yes, Master. I know.”

  “Any progress on finding it?”

  “I’m sorry, Master. No. I have focused myself on harnessing the first two, hoping my knowledge of them would more easily lead to the third.

  Again there was silence. Through the tendril of awareness, Nemesis could feel the Provider thinking. He couldn’t read his thoughts, only the jumble of emotion, the feeling of urgency bordering on panic barely controlled.

  Nemesis realized he must be very careful not to trigger any type of suspicion or anger since he would immediately become the brunt of it.

  “I will hasten my efforts, Master. I live only to serve the Providers and their cause.” A quick idea occurred to Nemesis and he blurted it out before he thought.

  “Master, perhaps if I knew more of the overall plan it may assist my efforts.” Nemesis felt the swirling maelstrom of emotions in the Provider ratchet up yet another notch.

  “You will know only what you need to know, when you need to know it!”

  “Yes, Master.” Nemesis agreed. That didn’t work.

  “Then of our enemies. Once I have gained sufficient control, I can destroy them once and for all. When they first came here, they sought me out; tried to touch me. I turned it back on them. I thought they had been destroyed. I have since learned of their survival. They are still seeking me, desiring the Articles for themselves and their cause. Later, through observing them, I discovered how to shield myself through harnessing just a bit of the Article’s power.”

  The Provider hesitated a moment. Through the tendril Nemesis could feel another rush of apprehension, although the Provider’s features didn’t betray anything.

  “You must not destroy the one called Javin. He is part of the tapes
try. We must win him to our side.”

  Now it was Nemesis’ turn to be astonished.

  “Why? Clearly he is opposed to us. He has sided with our enemies.”

  “Do not question us! We know the fullness.”

  Nemesis quickly bowed his head as he felt the Provider's Anger surge.

  “Yes, Master. Will you please enlighten me so I may understand? Then I might be better able to serve.”

  “Do not press! You will know when it is time. I will not tell you again. For now, continue. I shall return and you will have something of significance to report.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He kept his eyes averted, but he could, through the extended tendrils, feel the Provider fading from the room, allowing the light to gather in again, and returning to wherever it was the Providers existed. Nemesis knew from close observation it was in a different realm completely than the physical.

  He was alone again. With a sigh of relief, Nemesis got back to his feet.

  Chapter 14

  The light had returned to normal. The feeling in the room lightened from its oppressive atmosphere at which Nemesis marveled. Even though the Providers were not physical beings, they left a ‘feeling’ that was physically ‘heavy’ whenever they appeared. Nemesis felt drained though relieved. The danger had passed and he had learned some significant things. First and foremost was that the Provider had not been able to ‘sense’ him in any way. He had also been able to ‘sense’ the Provider without his knowing. It had been a close thing. Still the risk had proven worthwhile.

  What he’d learned was crucial. He could ‘hide’ things.

  Nemesis knew he had to be extremely cautious. He couldn’t ever give the Providers reason to question and require him to lower his shielding. For then they would certainly sense his doubts. As it was now, the sense he had from the Provider is they were preoccupied with other parts of their plan, and were a bit distracted for now. That was good and bad for him. Good because he would have time to himself to prepare, plan and practice with the Articles he had. Bad for him because he was in the dark as to what they were planning for him . . . and for Javin, his apparent twin.

  That was something he needed to discover, and quickly. How and why was Javin even alive? And what was his part in all this? Was Nemesis now to be cast aside? What of his Master's promises to him?

  Thinking of Javin, he remembered that he’d promised the Provider he would capture and contain him. How could he do that? He had to do it, though, to buy time for him to more fully study and learn to control the Articles of Power. They were the key.

  Nemesis was silent, thinking. Then something occurred to him. It was all centered on the Articles. He could use them to capture and contain Javin and his friends. He would also learn more about their control and use at the same time.

  He moved over to the pedestal and focused on the Article dealing with the power of emotion, the power of ‘feeling.’ May as well use this as an experiment. It won’t hurt me if it fails. If it succeeds, I’ll gain my goal as well as learn from it.

  The plan he had was just forming as he activated the Article. He slowly increased its power and then drew it into himself, molding a suggestion, a compulsion he could send out into this subterranean world.

  If he was right, he could turn this world’s inhabitants against Javin and his allies. It was something he’d been able to do with a group of people on the previous world. He’d done that with the aid and power of the Gestalt Crystal. With the power of the Article, perhaps he could make it so widespread there would be nowhere Javin and his friends could escape and find refuge.

  The power continued to surge and Nemesis continued to mold it, form it into the emotional imperative that would cause every sentient being on this planet to capture and hold anyone not of this world – and anyone with them. He didn’t know how he could make it more specific.

  At the same time a smile crossed his face. It would be ironic if Javin and his friends fell under the same suggestion. Would they capture and hold themselves, waiting for him to come and take them captive? It was an interesting thought. Again, it would be part of his experiment.

  The burning in his breast was growing, roiling and spinning, waiting for the moment it built to climax. Nemesis continued to let it grow until it was nigh to consuming him as he infused the psionic energy with his commands. Then at the final moment he thrust it outward in an ever widening wave of compulsion. It was almost a reverse of the wave he'd felt surge through earlier, but his was smoother, more controlled and much more powerful. It wouldn't jolt the recipient. It would slide in and around the emotional centers and take control.

  Like a boulder dropped in the middle of a pond from a great height, the wave sped outward, flowing over, around, engulfing and suffusing everything it touched. Out in the subterranean world, the inhabitants dropped tools, fell to their knees and grasped their heads. Others teetered, disoriented. Everyone was affected.

  Nemesis watched from inside his mind with that special ability the Article seemed to endow. He watched as the wave had its desired effect of instilling the imperative into the minds of all it contacted. Will this be permanent or temporary? Nemesis wondered somewhat clinically. Some part of him was curious to see the total effect over time. He made a mental note to also check the accelerated growth on this planet through the Article of Power which governed creation. If the accelerated growth was remaining constant or diminishing over time it would give him a clue as to what affect this wave might have.

  He continued to observe, and then he came to a certain spot. It was the general area where he had last had contact with Javin and his friends. Would he be able to determine something from the passage of the wave?

  While engulfed in the power of the Article, he tentatively allowed his senses to become more pronounced, seeking specifically for Javin and his cohort. The power of the wave would probably mask his probing. Still he was cautious; using the minimal amount of probing he felt would work.

  Nothing . . . He could ‘feel’ the people being affected by the wave. He dipped into the consciousness of several and saw memory-images there of Javin, the Lion-man and the Keeper. Still, there was no indication of where they were and what they were doing. Had they moved on? If so, where had they gone?

  Then a thought occurred to him. They were seeking him! Quickly he drew back into himself, and realized if they weren’t affected by the wave, and if they were sensitive enough to feel it pass by, they might be able to deduce the center of it. They would be able to use the wave to find him.

  The question was whether they were sensitive enough to ‘see’ the wave in the way they’d need to in order to triangulate on his position.

  Perhaps he should move. He didn’t know what their capabilities were. On the last planet, they’d surely had some surprises for him. They’d done things he was sure they wouldn’t be capable of. Underestimating them on this world would not be something he did. If he moved, he’d have to let the Providers know. But that was a small matter for a later time.

  Nemesis powered down the Article of Feeling and put them both into the pouch he’d fashioned to carry them in. He knew there were other places on this world he could go. Pyramids like the one he was currently occupying were evenly spaced throughout this small world. He’d go to the one furthest away from the last place Javin had been. Then he would take other precautions while he worked with the Articles.

  He moved to the gate room as he called it; the three tiered chamber and the slabs all around in random order. The archway stood on the lowest level, waiting. Nemesis didn’t need the archway like Javin did. From watching on the last planet, he knew Javin used the archways. He’d watched he and the Lion-man step through one in the throne room, thinking it would send them to oblivion only to learn it had sent them somewhere else. They’d been able to return and ruin all his planning which led to his . . . punishment. Nemesis cringed again at the memory. He wouldn’t survive another punishment like that. He’d felt his soul being stripp
ed from his body and drug across hot shards before being allowed to slip back into his physical frame.

  He shook his head to rid himself of the memory so he could focus on what he needed to do. His mode of ‘traveling’ was different. It didn’t require an archway, just a gestalt crystal and knowledge of how to use it.

  Nemesis closed his eyes and concentrated, focusing his attention on where he needed to go. He saw it in his mind’s eye, and willed his body to harmonize with the physical surroundings he ‘saw’ there. It had helped that he’d used both Articles to sweep the entire world and had ‘seen’ where he needed to go.

  A dark crimson glow started from his breast, swirling with increasing speed and intensity, the glow growing in brightness as the power built. He could feel his body changing, accepting the new location and ‘being’ there rather than here.

  The transition, as usual, was gradual. His body faded from one location to ‘be’ in the new. Javin had done this once that he’d observed. But it was far from gradual. It was during their confrontation on the last planet. Javin and his friend had just appeared in the room! There had been no warning. He had sensed nothing before and there was nothing gradual about it.

  Nemesis didn’t know how he could have done it. No, he could never underestimate Javin. Somehow he had to find out what Javin knew and how he knew it. Hopefully his plan, his compulsion of the beings on this planet, would work.

  Opening his eyes, he saw exactly what he expected. He was in the gateway room of the pyramid he’d wanted to arrive at. Like all the others, he knew the layout and where he could place his things, where he would sleep and where he’d get water and sustenance. The pyramids were self-sufficient for humanoid beings like him if you knew where to look. The sustenance wasn’t much on taste, but it was nutritious and easy to absorb.

  He caressed the pouch and moved into the next chamber through the passage he knew to open. To any others it appeared as a solid wall. To those who knew the pyramid's secrets, the concealed doorway easily swung open and he moved into the hidden living and work areas and took occupancy of his new base of operations. Just as he knew there would be, a pedestal awaited in a side room off the main corridor where he could place the Articles and continue his learning and experimenting. He also needed to remember to alert the Providers to his new location. Or should he stay hidden even from them? It was tempting, but he wasn’t quite ready to burst from his chains. This would be an all or nothing break.


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