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The Mysterious Visitors

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by Vaimitra Chandrasehar

  Chapter 18

  How did it Happen?

  It was not the case until last few years. The harvest was in abundance and people used to be very happy participating in the fest. All of them wanted to understand why this happened and also find a solution for this.

  Witcho and Wizardo had the power to see the past but it needed a lot of magic. First they had to turn into a chicken and then into a monkey, and then into a human to see the past.

  “We will not be getting sufficient veggies if we don’t find a solution quickly. Even our favorite potatoes!” wailed the children.

  They sulked the whole day. Now, Witcho and Wizardo had no other go, but to turn into a chicken then into a monkey and then into human (which was risky) to find out what had actually happened.

  Witcho and Wizardo decided to take the risk to look back into the past.

  “ABRACADABRAAA!” both said and POOF! They turned themselves into chickens. Before they could run away, Ally and her friends caught them.

  The chickens they clucked, “ABRACADABRAAA!”

  POOF! They turned into monkeys. Before they could climb trees, all the parents caught them.

  The monkeys chattered, “ABRACADABRAAA!”

  POOF! They changed into two humans.

  Chapter 19

  The Flash Back

  “Take us to the time when the veggies were growing,” said the human Witch and Wizardo

  POOF! They vanished.

  Now there was no one around, only the vegetable farms. Long long ago…There were people standing around the farms and they all looked sad. They were worried because the harvest was very very less. They saw something appear in the sky. It was a giant! A hungry giant! He had not eaten for long.

  He felt pity for the people and helped them. He sprinkled the “growth powder” on the plants and they grew fast and produced lot of veggies. The happy people made a yummy salad with the fresh veggies, mayonnaise, pepper and coriander and offered to the giant.

  This became a routine during every harvest. People used to make salad with fresh veggies and offer to the giant, remembering him.

  The human Witcho and Wizardo now understood what the reason for the poor harvest was.

  Chapter 20

  Salad Time

  The human Witcho and Wizardo came back to the present.

  POOF! Human to Monkey

  POOF! Monkey to Chicken

  POOF! Chicken to Witch & Wizard

  Witcho and Wizardo explained all of them in detail. They all knew exactly what to do.

  They started the work. The kids chopped the veggies into big chunks and mixed them with mayonnaise, pepper and coriander. The parents helped them in mixing the salad. Witcho and Wizardo used their magic to transfer the salad into a big bowl.

  The huge bowl of salad was kept on the river side, where no one goes (except fishermen). It was night time. The giant smelt something delicious and came down to see what it was.

  They had kept yummy vegetable salad for him! He was the happiest man on earth to have a big bowl of salad after being hungry for a long time!

  Then he read the note which said, “Dear Giant, we have made this specially for you. Hope you will be our friend and help us to have a good harvest next time.”

  The giant was very pleased and he wrote a reply, “Yes, I promise that you will have a great harvest next time. I also welcome you all to my home in the sky. I will give you some presents and I will also give the power to turn invisible- for a minute at a time.”

  Next morning, Ally, her friends and the parents were very happy and relieved seeing the giant’s reply. They all decided to go to the giant’s house.

  Witcho and Wizardo quickly made a hot air balloon and they went off to see the giant. How happy they could be!

  They reached the place and were eager to enter into the house. It was huge! The door was so big that one person was only 1% of the door. There was a bell, which was high up. So they flew the hot air balloon to reach the door-bell- DING-DONG!

  The bell was so loud that everyone shook! The giant opened the door with a big smile.

  “Hearty Welcome! Come in, come in, have your seat,” said the giant.

  “Yes, it is our pleasure,” said everyone and got in.

  “Oh! It is so embarrassing to say this. I don’t have anything to offer you for eating,” said the giant, feeling shy.

  “Oh, no problem, we are full anyway,” said Ally.

  They had a great time with the giant, playing, jumping on the clouds. The giant then gave them all presents wrapped in shiny colored paper.

  Chapter 21

  The Jelly Alien

  Ally and her friends went back home with all the gifts from the giant. It was night and so they all went to sleep. Suddenly, a huge light shined into their window. It was multi-colored!

  Ally was so curious to know what was going on outside. She wore her sunglasses and peeped through the window. It looked like a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). It looked a bit like Saturn. The door opened and out came a… a…

  “What on earth! ( or may be from other planet!) is this?” wondered Ally.

  Ally slowly tip-toed to her friends’ house, without disturbing her parents and called all her friends to check it out. No one knew what it was, but it looked like this

  So they quietly went and called Wizardo and Witcho, made a powerful shield on themselves and went to explore the alien, creature or -----------. The creature wore an identity card that read:

  Mr. Bloopy Plop

  Good Alien

  Jelly producing Alien

  “This is an alien,” said Wizardo looking into the identity card. “He produces Jelly and he is a good alien. His name is Bloopy Plop.”

  Witcho and Wizardo removed their shield and asked the alien, “Where did you come from?”

  “I hail from the Jelly planet, ehmm, I seem to be lost. Can you please tell me where am I?” replied the alien in a ploppy voice.

  “Oh! Of course. You are on planet earth. You can stay with us over here. You can make a lot of friends,” said Witcho.

  “Oh, that is so nice of you. But my **Kio Kio will scold me,” said Mr. Bloopy Plop.

  Meanwhile, Ally and her friends were very curious, and they went closer.

  “Hello children, my name is Bloopy Plop. I lost my way. I come from the Jelly planet. I want some help to get back home,” explained Mr. Bloopy.

  All the children’s eyes went straight to his ID card.

  “Ehmm, If … you… don’t.. mind…cccan we ehmmm… have some Jelly, Mr. Bloopy Plop?” asked Albert hesitantly.

  “Oh! Sure! “said Mr. Bloopy


  Jelly poured out of Mr. Bloopy. All the kids loved jelly. They started eating it. It was the yummiest jelly that they had ever tasted.

  “Hey, you will have great business selling this jelly,” said Ally.

  “Yes, yes, you will get millions of dollars!” exclaimed Tina and Mina together.

  “Oh, thank you! It is surely going to cost a fortune to mend my spaceship,” said Mr. Bloopy.

  “Don’t you worry my jelly producing friend. We will help you mend your spaceship, come may whatever!” said Ally.

  They tried mending it by themselves but could not. They even tried using some magic from Witcho and Wizardo, but that also did not help.

  Suddenly a piece of paper fell out. It read- “If not functioning, you need to call a plumber, carpenter, engineer, architect, electrician, joker, magician, pilot and all the elements from the Periodic table to mend it.

  “Oh my God! All that just to mend a spaceship!” said Wizardo.

  “What do you mean? Give me that paper,” said Witcho and grabbed the paper from Wizardo and read again.

  “If not functioning, you need to call a plumber, carpenter, engineer, architect, electrician, joker, magician, pilot and all the elements from the Periodic table to mend it.”

  “What on earth!” she screamed.


>   Chapter 22

  Seriously or Joking?

  The children had gone to play after handing over the job of mending the spaceship to Witcho and Wizardo (before the paper fell out of the spaceship). When they came back, Wizardo explained the way to mend the spaceship.

  “Seriously! Or Joking?” asked everyone.

  “Serious,” said Wizardo.

  “Tell me the truth. Serious or joking?” asked Ally.

  “SERIOUS,” shouted Witcho.

  She was quite short tempered.

  All the children went home and came back with a board that read “We Need Proof.” Witcho and Wizardo showed them the paper. Albert and George went and told their parents.

  Fifi and Finola said, “We don’t know what is a periodic table!”

  Everyone were dumbstruck. They did not know what to do. They went back home.

  Mr. Bloopy came back from business. He had earned 50 dollars.

  “I don’t think this will help in mending your spaceship,” said Witcho disappointedly.

  “Oh, so you found my note from the spacecraft. You know, we Jelly aliens are so forgetful forgetful and that is why I had kept the note inside.”

  As they were discussing, all the parents came with their eyes wide-open, seeing Mr. Bloopy.

  “Are you joking?” asked some parents.

  “Is that true?” said some of them.

  “We are sorry. We cannot help you mend your spaceship,” declared some parents.

  “Right! No way that we can help,” said Ally’s mom.

  “YES WAY!” shouted all the children in one voice.

  “We promised Mr. Bloopy to mend his craft so that he could go back,” said Ally.

  “Yes! Yes!” screamed Tina an Mina together.

  All the parents hesitated, sighed, huffed and puffed, made faces and then at last, they agreed.

  There were half of the hands on “Yes” side and the other half on “No” side.

  Chapter 23

  The Business

  “We can sell jelly from Mr. Bloopy and earn some money, make a house, bring all the required team of people to the newly built house. They would stay there till they mend the spacecraft,” decided the children.

  Mr. Bloopy Plop prepared gallons and gallons of jelly. The rate was fixed as $5 per 500 grams. In a day, they could raise $150.

  The next day morning.

  “Dear people, my **Kio Kio has given me 1 ##moonic time to go back to my planet, or else, he won’t accept me as his minister,” said Mr. Bloopy with a long face.

  “Ok, don’t worry. We will find whatever we need for mending your spaceship. By the way, what is the meaning of moonic?” asked Ally.

  “Oh, a moonic is 365 days,” said Mr. Bloopy.

  “Ok, an year. You will be there in your Kio Kio palace in a year,” assured Ally.

  “Thank you so much Ally. That makes me feel so better. Ok, off to sell my jelly now. bye,” said Mr. Bloopy.

  A couple of months passed. They had raised $70,000 by selling jelly. It was enough to build a house with 2 bedrooms. Another week went by and guess what! They had money to build a 4-bedroom house. The jelly was selling like hot cakes.

  They hired some laborers and built the house in 3 months’ time. They gathered all the people needed to mend the spaceship and made them stay in the brand new house.

  All the people who had come to stay in the house had a big bag. There were three major things in their bags- 1. Clothes 2. Daily needs 3. Work tools. For example, a carpenter needed a saw and a measuring tape.

  “Your bag is so big!” said George and Albert every time a work man came in.

  “These two kids don’t have any courtesy,” complained all the workmen as they entered.

  “Oh! I do miss my old workplace,” sulked the carpenter.

  “Yeah, me too,” said the joker who loved to entertain people at the circus.

  “Me three,” said the architect, who loved to design the buildings.

  The children got the workmen some tea.

  “Sorry to trouble you. But it is only till we get all the elements from the periodic table, after which we can start the work, “ said Wizardo rather happily.

  “What! Have you gone out of your mind?” asked the magician.

  “No, I am perfectly fine. All of you plus the elements from the periodic table are needed to fix Mr. Bloopy Plop’s spacecraft,” said Wizardo.

  “I need to talk to this Bloopy guy of yours. Take me to him NOW,” shouted the engineer angrily.

  The engineer was quite short tempered. Wizardo took them to Bloopy.

  “Ughhh!! It looks so ugly!” said the engineer in disgust.

  “Now you don’t have courtesy,” said George and Albert together.

  “Look, you are not going to keep me till you get all the stuff you need, alright? I have better work to do!” yelled the engineer.

  “Listen up buddy, not if I give you some jelly,” said Mr. Bloopy.

  The engineer reluctantly took the jelly and tasted a bit. He really enjoyed it.

  “ Ok, I suppose I can stay only if I get to have this jelly every day,” announced the engineer.

  “My pleasure,” said Mr. Bloopy.

  Mr. Bloopy Plop’s jelly business was doing great and he earned lots and lots of money and saved it.

  “What are we going to do with this whole lot of money?” he asked.

  “Hey, we can spend it on the elements!” said Emily’s mom.

  So they decided to find out the periodic elements while the professionals watched movies, ate popcorn and lazed around.

  “I have got an idea!!” screamed Ally.

  Everyone was puzzled.

  “Witcho and Wizardo can use magic to make the elements of harmony,” continued Ally.

  “Why didn’t I think of this before!” said Witcho.

  Witcho and Wizardo tried their best magical powers, but nothing happened.

  POP! Something popped out from inside the spacecraft. It was a piece of paper that read”:

  You cannot make the elements of periodic table with magic!

  It Is impossible!

  Yours sincerely

  Your teacher

  Ally felt disappointed when she read the note. They started on a journey to bring the periodic table.

  **Kio Kio – KING

  ##moonic- 365 days

  Chapter 24

  The Very Mysterious Place

  Ally and her friends, along with Witcho and Wizardo went out of the country and reached a place called TEOPT- The Elements Of Periodic Table. Everyone were so happy that they jumped with joy. They entered and there was a board that read:

  Rules for entry:

  1. You should be more than two years old.

  2. Your team should have more than 5 people

  3. You should have atleast one person in your team who can do magic


  They made sure that they were following all the rules and went inside. It was pitch dark! The lights turned on suddenly. They saw so many boxes with the names of elements in each. The next instant the boxes came alive and started singing!

  “YooHooooo YooHooooo YooHooooo

  We are the elements ;

  We have come alive.

  You can take any elements;

  More than five!

  Take everything, we don’t mind;

  You would think that we are so kind.

  YooHooooo YooHooooo YooHooooo!”

  “Whoa!! Are we dreaming things or is it real?” asked Tina and Mina together.

  All of them grabbed all the boxes and stuffed inside their enormous bag. Witcho and Wizardo lifted it with magic.

  They were all so excited and happy. Suddenly- TRING TRING TRING TRING!

  “Whose phone is that?” asked Ally.

  “Oh, it is mine,” replied Mr. Bloopy Plop and answered the call. “Bonji, Bloopy here,”

  “This is Kio Kio. How long are you planning to take to come back?” asked Kio Kio angrily.
  “Oh, Your highness! NNNot more than TTTwo days,” stammered Mr. Bloopy getting frightened.

  “Fine, I shall grant you only TWO days and nothing more than that,” said Kio Kio in a stern voice.

  “Thank you very much, Your Highness,” replied Mr. Bloopy and with that he hung up the call.

  “Quick friends, we need to fix my spacecraft! Kio Kio will blast me otherwise,” cried Mr. Bloopy.

  Chapter 25

  The Fixing Part

  “Ok, So how on earth are we going to fix this thing,” asked Wizardo.

  Just then, another note fell out of the spaceship. It read- “Get a big mixing bowl and mix the elements well.”

  “Ok, let us do it!” said Witcho.

  Wizardo did magic and POOOF! A huge big bowl appeared!

  “Whoa, That is a HUUUUUGE bowl indeed,” shrieked Albert.

  The bowl was so huge that Witcho needed a ladder to pour the elements into the bowl and mix. She mixed and mixed and mixed until she got a greyish blue mixture.

  Meanwhile, the professionals were on their job fixing up all the damaged parts. They were finally very happy to do some serious work. The entire place was suddenly buzzing with lot of activities!

  “Hey, the mixture is ready. Now what?” asked Witcho loudly.

  POOF! Another letter appeared. It read- “Pour the mixture into a small hole that you may find on the spacecraft.”

  So they started looking for the hole everywhere.

  “Look, it is here!” said Finola.

  They poured the mixture inside. And POOOFF! A huge light bulb popped out.

  “It started working!!” shouted Mr. Bloopy Plop happily. “I don’t know how to thank you guys. I need to leave now. Bye friends!”

  “Awww, can’t you stay, your Kio Kio has given you two days and it is only half a day now,” pleaded George.

  “Alright, Alright, I will stay for another day,” said Mr. Bloopy.

  “Excuse me there,” called the engineer. “We are done with our work. Now will you stop your drama and pay us so that we can go back?”

  “Oh! come on! Chill man! Here is your money,” said Wizardo.


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