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The Aurora Conspiracies- Volume One

Page 79

by Sam Nash

  “Just a mild herbal sedative. Something my wife, Sarah, concocted from her garden. It’s harmless.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” She leaned on the table edge, supporting the weight of her head in her hands. A girl placed a wooden bowl before her. It contained steaming slices of pork with a dollop of apple sauce and a chunk of rustic bread.

  “Oh, thanks, but I don’t eat meat.” She said, pushing the bowl away.

  “You must, it was sacrificed in your honour. The Messiah’s got to transubstantiate the body of Christ at her Last Supper.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “What did she say? Her Last Supper? You freaking wackos think I am the next Jesus Christ? Hell no. I am out of here.” Mary stood up to leave, her legs failing to coordinate with her wishes.

  Abraham caught her mid topple and forced her back into her seat. “There is nowhere for you to run, Mary. This is your destiny. Embrace it.”

  The foot washing woman returned with a cup in her hand. She grabbed hold of Mary’s lower jaw, pushing her chin to her neck and pouring more of the Earl Grey liquor down her throat. Mary thrashed her arms about, clawing and flailing, until Isaac stepped in and held her down. Definitely not a dream, she concluded, when at last they released her to examine the bruises blooming on her upper arms.

  Abraham drew close to her and looked into her eyes. “The New Covenant came with a promise of internal power; ‘I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts.’ Hebrews, eight, ten, B. What does God require of us in terms of obedience for The Next Covenant? What powers will he bestow upon the faithful, Mary?” Mary could not stay still. The spinning inside her head wreaked havoc on her spatial awareness, making her over compensate to remain upright. Her upper body resembled a sleepy toddler fighting to stay awake.

  Abraham was determined. “What are the tenets of The Next Covenant? Will this be the final forgiveness of all sins, such as that mentioned in Hebrews eight to twelve? ‘For I will be merciful towards their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.’ Mary?” Again, he attempted to rouse her into debate, shaking her shoulder with vigour. “Sarah, you fool. You gave her too much. Now I cannot get any sense from her.”

  Sarah returned to Abraham’s side, and made a quick evaluation of Mary’s state. “The daughter of God will deliver the terms of the New Relationship, so that Abraham, Father of Many Nations, can claim great riches and unlimited abundance - There will be a promise of intimate knowledge through the body of Christ.” Sarah announced her statement in a loud and confident manner, asserting her authority as the first wife of Abraham. She reached down and grabbed a handful of Mary’s hair. Snapping her head back, Sarah swiped the back of her hand hard across Mary’s, cheek. Mary’s eyes almost popped from the sockets. Every sense receptor in her face stung, sending a fresh wave of cortisol and adrenalin into her bloodstream.

  “Start talking, Messiah, or I’ll do it again.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. I am not who you think I am.” Mary cradled her face, and in the moments of lucidity, vowed that she would make Sarah scream before the night was out.

  Abraham looked around at the table of elders, and then at the groups of followers on their blankets within the circle, and frowned. Leaning into Mary’s hair, he said; “I can hear her words. She speaks… wait…she says that many more will come and be welcomed into this, our house of God. More cities of sin will perish in fire and torment. With her coming, our sins are forgiven, our faith strong…” He looked around at the angelic faces of his congregation and smiled. Fully in his stride now, he relaxed into the fabrication of The Next Covenant with God.

  “Prepare yourselves for a modern day version of the Great Flood. An end to days of profligacy, greed, self-absorption and malice. An end to social media groupies and televisual manipulation. An end to lies and corporate greed. This new epoch will mark the age of temperance and fortitude, of sharing our harvest, our wisdom, ourselves with only the worthy within our flock.” He blanked. He had exhausted the list of imagined promises. Throwing his arms in the air, he shouted, “Let us rejoice!”

  The elders, their women and children all rose to their feet, and replied as one voice. “Hail Mary, full of grace.”

  Mary’s lolling head twisted enough to spy the crowd. With a few exaggerated blinks and a scowl, she announced. “I didn’t say any of that.” Before she could protest further, Sarah drew closer, appearing to lend assistance to Mary’s drooping body. With her back to the crowd, Sarah swung her elbow, catching Mary with such a clout to the head, she rendered the Daughter of God, unconscious.


  “Mary…wake up.” The voice was distant, and inside her head. She heard it a second time. “You have to stay awake, protect yourself.”

  “Captain? Is that you?” The confusion was justified. Concussion, drugged tea and the remnants of a Russian hive mind tethered to your brain, was enough to send the most stoic crazy. Mary opened her eyes. Flaming torches surrounded the blanket on which she was laid. Her head rested on a pillow that smelled strongly of sage. As she regained her awareness and mental faculties, Mary realised that her situation had not improved. For one, her wrists were bound again. She scrambled to her knees and looked towards the feasting table. Abraham held them in awe with another of his lectures reaffirming his lordly position over them, as the Father of Many Nations.

  Where is Isaac? If I can immobilise him, I can get away. An ominous presence loomed behind her. Isaac stood guard over her, his left hand gripping his right wrist, supporting the weight of the gun as it rested against his thigh. Jeez, doesn't he ever sit down and rest?

  A quick survey of the high sallow moon, the exposed ribs of the roasted pig and the spilled wine on the feasting table, told her that she had lain unconscious for some time. All were in a frenzied state of religious fervour. Every platitude and falsehood that spilled from their leader’s mouth, was met with cheers of Amen, or the laying of hands on his smock. He was worshipped and adored as the claimed descendant of the original Abraham; an unbroken line stretching centuries. She tuned into his sermon just long enough to hear a tirade regarding children.

  “If it were God’s message to procreate with his daughter, his word alone would be my bond. For ever is my faith in his wisdom, and our duty to bring forth many sons and followers of his will. Were it not for the love of my wives Sarah, Hagar and Keturah, I might break with tradition and take Mary as my fourth. No, we will not mix blood with the line of David. Mary will absolve us of all our sins this night.” Abraham called to Isaac. “Bring her to us, my child, that she might bless us with the body of Christ.”

  Isaac dragged Mary up from the blanket by her arm, and propelled her towards Abraham. Sarah cleared the head of the table, brushing away crumbs and removing empty vessels. From an enamelled container, she took a chalice and some flat breads, laying them down on a cotton teacloth. A fresh bottle of red wine arrived via Hagar. She poured from the bottle into the chalice and handed it to Abraham.

  Abraham whispered to Mary. “Do as you are told, and I will spare you Isaacs more lustful advances. He has yet to name a wife.”

  “I’ve killed bigger men than he, old man. Do your worst.”

  Abraham chortled. “You are spirited, I like that. You will make a fine sacrifice.” He grabbed her bound wrists and touched the chalice to her hands. “This chalice of benediction we offer up to thee our Lord, that it be made into the blood of Christ…”

  Mary made a swipe at the goblet, but Abraham was too quick. Only a small fraction of the wine was spilled. “Blood of our blood, in remembrance.” Abraham took a sip.

  Sarah made a show of dabbing the lip of the goblet with a cream linen cloth, before taking a sip herself. “I receive the Eucharist.” She wiped it again, and passed it to Hagar.

  Next was the bread, which Abraham touched to Mary’s screwed up fists. He chanted, “This bread is his body. As we take the bread into our mouths, we take in the body of Christ, so that we may
remember him first and always.” He tore a small piece and ate it, passing the loaf to his wives. “We celebrate the Eucharist.” The offerings went around the table first, and then to the blankets around the circle, each person consuming a tiny portion and muttering the incantation.

  Abraham signalled to the elders sitting around the feasting table with a nod. They rose from the benching and walked beyond the fire pit with the sizzling pork. Mary struggled against Isaac, who clamped his meaty paws around her body and held her firm. Abraham signalled for Isaac to take Mary towards the men. This he did with an air of pure elation. The short walk around the fire pit, gave Mary an opportunity to run, but Isaac caught hold of her robe and yanked her back under his control, ripping the fabric across her back.

  The wives took an easterly approach, the remaining men walked a westerly route, until all but the children were gathered around a huge wooden crucifix, laid in the damp grass. Shit, these people are not messing about. They really mean to sacrifice me. “Dan! Dan, help me. I am in serious trouble.”

  Sarah, and the other wives, removed what was left of her robe, leaving her with just the bindings to cover her modesty.

  “See how her wounds mirror that which was suffered by our lord Jesus Christ, son of God.” Abraham pointed to the weeping gash in her side where Isaacs rough handling had ripped her stitches. “See the lacerations in her scalp, just as Jesus endured with the crown of thorns.”

  The wives each took up their positions either side and behind Mary, forcing her down onto the cross, and pushing her limbs in place to allow the elders to strap her at the elbows and knees to the wooden shaft.

  Panicked, Mary tried to channel her thoughts into a direct message to her brother, but her situation grew all the more serious as they produced a series of masonry nails and two hammers. “No…I am not the daughter of God, you have to let me go. Please don’t do this, you are making a terrible mistake.” Her wriggling and protestations, delayed the ritualistic nailing, while they added more straps to hold her still.

  Mary closed her eyes. “Dan. You have to hear me…please.”

  “Hey, sis. What’s happening, are you alright?”

  “No, things have taken a really shitty turn for the worse. I thought I could handle things, but it has gone beyond blasting a few people. Did you get through to Yelena?”

  “I did. She says the American Security Services are being awkward. Something about one British holiday maker is not their concern, when they have a state of emergency declared in Las Vegas. She is also trying to get verifiable facts about your Summerfield Retreat report.”

  “Dan, they are quite literally going to crucify me. Alert the media, get the British Embassy on board, whatever it takes, please. There is a massive fire and a whole bunch of flaming torches in a circle. It should be seen for miles from above.”

  “Hang in, Mary. I’ll get Connie to help me. Delay them as long as you can.” The connection severed, she was alone with her thoughts once more.

  Delay them…Okay, I’m ready to audition for my Oscar. Mary ceased to struggle, the elder men let go their grip. Her body limp, her manner calm and compliant, she opened her eyes and searched out Abraham. “I am ready to disclose God’s wisdom and give you all my blessings.”

  Wives, elders and children clapped their hands together in praise. Discordant choruses of “Hail Mary, full of grace,” rang out.

  Sarah scowled. “Go on then, Daughter of God. What do you got to say for yourself?”

  “Untie me and let me up and I will tell you everything that God would wish you to know.”

  “No, tell us from there. We can all hear you.”

  As you wish, wife of Abraham, mother of Isaac. You must have been exceedingly young when you gave birth?” Mary watched Sarah’s lips purse and her eyes narrow in contempt. “Never mind. It is the past. God wants you to know that you are forever in his thoughts, and that he loves each and every one of you. He would like to amend the teachings that dear Abraham has laid down, to include an abstinence of the consumption of animal flesh.” She paused to think of her next amendment, allowing Sarah to interrupt.

  “On which day of the week?”

  “On all days. Does not the bible give the commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill’? It does not specify man or beast, but all of God’s creatures. The spilling of blood saddens the Lord. A sacrifice is only worthy if it is of great value to those making the offering, something which would be of enormous cost and inconvenience. In biblical times, sheep and cows were all the material wealth a tribe had to offer. In today’s communities, greater value is placed on technology. You should offer up your mobile phones and computers for sacrifice, to show that you love your God.”

  “She makes a fair point.” Abraham said, stroking his beard.

  “She is lying to save her skin. Only a life for a life can be offered. Her death will be our salvation.” There was a spite to her intonation which bypassed Abraham’s senses entirely.

  “Can you take that risk, Abraham. Will you take the word of your first wife over that of the Daughter of Christ, descendant of King David, who slay Goliath with a simple sling shot? Would you rather incur God’s wrath, than offend one of your women?”

  Abraham contemplated her words, glancing from Mary, to his flock and then finally to a seething Sarah. A lengthy unspoken conversation took place between the couple, one played out in looks and non-verbal warnings. She had a power over him that was reinforced by Hagar and third wife, Keturah, as they moved to stand behind Sarah. Their folded arms and ill-disposed pouts, lent support to Sarah’s plight. Mary was outnumbered. They could give him a life of undiminished pleasure, or round the clock aggravation.

  “I think we have heard enough of your blessings, Mary.” Abraham nodded again to the elders. The straps were tightened. There was absolutely no wriggle room.

  “No, wait. I have more…um…Kill me and the western world will burn. Lightning strikes and mayhem in every major city will render this great country and others powerless. Hospitals will crumble, children will die, looters will take your home and your wives, Abraham… Abraham, this is a big mistake.” Her last words were shrieked as the final bindings were made fast.

  One of the elders forced open her left hand and pinned her fingers down against the wood. Another man took up a hammer and long nail.

  “Don’t do it…I’m warning you.” Mary growled.

  The man hesitated, looking to Abraham for approval. Another nod egged him on. The hammer high above the man’s head, Mary could hear him whispering a prayer of forgiveness.

  In a quieter, more conspiratorial tone, Mary said. “You don’t have to do this. You know that it is wrong. You have free will to choose for yourself. If you truly believe that I am the Daughter of God, I will bless and forgive you, but you must do no harm and leave this place.”

  The elder looked across to her bloodied and bruised face. His eyes glistened with pity.

  “Please, I beg of you.” Mary implored, watching the elder crumple into tears and dropping the hammer.

  Sarah rushed forwards. “Oh, for Christ’s sake, I’ll do it.” She knelt in the damp grass and took up the nail, adjusting its position in Mary’s palm.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, Sarah.” Mary said, with calm assurance.

  “Really? Enlighten me.”

  The moment the nail connected with Mary’s skin, she sent a pulse of voltage through her palm, along the nail and into Sarah’s body. The charge was sufficient to have her yelping and screaming, her hand charred and blistered. She smelled as delicious as the pig. Her screaming transformed into enraged shouting, for someone to get the cordless nail gun.

  “You’ll pay for that.” Sarah spat. “Just you see.”

  Men scurried at her command to the tool sheds, others poured water from a table jug into a bowl and soothed her burns. Abraham stood back, struck dumb with the display of strength.

  He came to his senses as the men jogged the length of the lawns carrying the power tool. “Pe
rhaps we are mistaken. Let us consider for one moment, whether what she says is the truth.”

  Sarah scoffed. “You never were able to finish what you start, old fool. Give me the nail gun.” Sarah grit her teeth against the agony, and held the gun with both hands until the nail at the terminal end was close but not touching Mary’s skin. She fired.

  Two nails shot into the soft tissue at the centre of Mary’s palm, tearing through flesh and sinew, each of them grinding the small bones in her hand. Mary squealed. The initial shock of the steel driving through her dulled the lacerating pain, but as the weight of her hand pulled against the fixing, a fresh wave of agony jangled her nervous system.

  Sarah smirked, and then stepped over Mary’s body to her right hand and repeated the double tap procedure, basking in screams and wails from the Daughter of God. Blood oozed from her hands, between her fingers and painted the crucifix claret. The elders bent down to grapple the top of the cross, ready to hoist it into a prepared hole in the ground.

  “Wait…” Sarah commanded of them. “She will take forever to die with such small wounds. Ideally, we need to hit a gusher.” Standing one leg either side of Mary’s arm, Sarah aimed the nail gun at the vessel rich wrists and fired another shot.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Mary’s nervous system had already reached the apex of pain reception. Sarah’s additional malice was met with groans and pleas and a great deal more blood. There was an excited buoyancy in Sarah’s keenness to exact revenge. A couple of additional nails embedded in Marys arms, and Sarah ordered that the men hoist her aloft.

  The agony renewed in intensity with every movement, every twitch of her body. If I can just survive until they find me. Dan won’t leave me to die. He will summon help. I can do this. Bodies heal, I just need to slow my heart rate so that I don’t bleed out. Mary tried everything to calm her muscles and reduce the pounding in her chest to control the blood loss, but it was not working. It was impossible to tell herself not to feel the nauseating throb of ripped flesh and scuffed bone. It seemed hopeless.


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