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The Second Renaissance Series Boxset

Page 15

by Paul Heron

  ‘What a house!’ Mohammad groaned, gazing out of the window, sunglasses on.

  ‘That’s Larry in the garden,’ she said.

  They all watched out their windows as a tiny figure moved around on the grass. Everything grew larger by the second as the aircraft made it’s descent. The house was similar to the one at Little Camberly: enormous, but this one came with the advantage of being on the coast. There were two gardens, front and back, both the size of football pitches.

  Alban headed for the rear garden.

  Michael watched as the house grew bigger and bigger.

  ‘What’s he doing?’ Marcel said.

  ‘He’s building suits for you all to wear in the jungle,’ Scarlett said. ‘Ajit, have you constructed what you were asked?’

  ‘Yes, before we left England.’

  ‘So, nobody can track us? We’re invisible?’

  ‘All phones are connected to the private network “La Sirani” and no one can enter this frequency or see us. We may as well call ourselves the invisibles.’

  God I love that device, Michael thought to himself.

  ‘Brace yourselves!’ Alban screamed. The Albanian was a competent pilot. He got them across the Atlantic without a hint of trouble, but his landing could do with a little work. And that was being kind to him.

  Michael sat upright in his chair, waiting for the moment the wheels would make contact with the ground.

  One thud, followed by a second, then a constant shuddering from the floor of the jet right up through their seats. A few seconds later, the vibrations stopped. Everything was smooth again.

  ‘We made it?’ Alban gasped as if surprised. Not inspiring confidence in the rest.

  They were on the ground, and happy as the jet taxied along the runway for another hundred yards. He brought it to a complete halt near the pool house. He glanced over his shoulder into the passenger lounge to check that everyone was okay.

  ‘Thank the Irish Gods for that,’ Mohammad mumbled.

  ‘Welcome!’ Scarlett said, getting up from her seat as if desperate to get off. She grabbed her handbag and headed for the door. As she opened the door, the sunlight flooded in, blinding everyone.

  ‘Welcome to Guatemala!’ The Nigerian bellowed from the bottom of the steps. He wore black sunglasses, spoke humorously, and his smile was as loud as his shirt.

  ‘Hi, Larry! The suits are ready?’ Scarlett asked, stepping off the aircraft.

  ‘They’re just about done,’ he said, with a hint of child-like excitement.

  ‘Kasun layo o,’ Sofia said.

  Larry was stunned. ‘How did you know my language was Yoruba? And how did you know how to say hello in it?’

  ‘Just a hunch. I know you’re Nigerian, and that’s one of the languages in that area. I’m Sofia.’ She shook Larry’s hand.

  It was around nine in the morning, and already roasting hot. Michael removed the suit jacket Scarlett had given him as a replacement to the one he’d given to Anthony. He rolled up his sleeves as if ready to get his hands dirty.

  The sea spray flew over the bright white walls that outlined the edge of the garden. ‘This is paradise,’ Michael whispered to himself. ‘I could get used to a place like this!’

  ‘Larry, I’m Mohammad – animal legend. And this person behind me is my Indian sister.’

  ‘Sister, yes!’ Ajit mumbled, without looking up from his phone, not paying much attention.

  ‘He’s funny!’ Larry shouted over his laughter.

  ‘Hi! I’m Carolina. Nice to meet you.’

  ‘Ola,’ Larry replied.

  ‘And I’m Marcel.’ He stood beside Carolina, clearing his throat, sounding more serious than usual.

  ‘Have a look around. Relax a while,’ Scarlett said. ‘The house is yours. We’ve got all day here, and then we’ll leave when it’s dark. Try and rest.’ She turned from them and walked towards the house.

  Michael went after her. ‘Are you okay?’ He followed her into the kitchen, thinking she had Anthony on her mind. ‘Have you heard from him yet?’

  The kitchen looked like something from a show house. Everything was perfectly in order. No dirty dishes lying around, windows and work surfaces were gleaming.

  ‘I’ll be okay, Michael. But thanks!’ She planted herself down on one of the wooden stools at the breakfast bar.

  He walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yes. I said yes, okay?’ She snapped.

  ‘Okay.’ He made his way back to the garden, feeling wounded.

  As he opened the door, the sound of chatter grew. Mohammad was in full entertainment mode, Ajit watching in disgust.

  ‘Michael! Michael!’ Scarlett called after him, ‘I’m sorry.’

  He turned on his heel, and entered the kitchen again. ‘He’ll be okay.’ He planted himself on the stool beside her. ‘Can I ask you something?’

  ‘What?’ She blew her nose on a tissue.

  ‘What did he do for you at the lake?’ He placed his hand on her trembling hand.

  She smiled as she looked at his hand on top of hers. ‘He saved my life.’

  ‘I know, but how?’

  ‘Ten years ago, during summer, I went for a swim. It was roasting – thirty-five degrees or more. June 28th, 2006. I’ll never forget that day. It was the most important day of my life. It was just after ten in the morning. Funny thing is I don’t really remember what happened. I went unconscious. Anthony was in his boat, watching me swim. He saw me go under and went in after me. He cut his hand on a rusty nail that was protruding from the side of the boat. His hand got badly infected, so they had to cut it off to stop the infection from spreading.’

  Michael thought for a moment. ‘I can see why you appreciate him so much.’

  ‘He has an enormous heart, but it’s not healthy. His heart, I mean. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to him.’

  ‘Look, Scarlett. I’m only beginning to find out parts of who the hell I really am. But I’m slowly starting to like you guys and we seem to be important enough to warrant this much attention. So, lets get Eduardo and the device back and we can make Mancini Corporation sorry.’

  Scarlett smiled back, the corners of her mouth curling up to reach the tears that ran down her cheeks.

  For a second, Michael felt like the elder. Scarlett is an international, kickass Sirani agent, assigned to look after us all, and I’m acting as her shoulder to cry on. Michael looked at his reflection on the door of the steel refrigerator. This will be a great story to tell one day.

  ‘I’m going for a shower. Go and relax with the rest.’ She placed her hand ontop of his and looked deeply into his eyes. ‘You all must be there for each other, Michael. Above all else, just be there for each other.’ She kissed him on the cheek. ‘You’ll love the new suits that Larry has made for you,’ she said, blowing her nose again. ‘They’re really cool.’

  Michael handed her another tissue.


  Outside, Michael watched the rest messing around with Larry and Alban in the garden. For a moment, it seemed as though the group had forgotten what they were involved in, or who they’d become.

  He sat on the three-foot high garden wall that looked down over the beach.

  ‘What’s up?’ Sofia said, taking a seat beside him.

  ‘Just thinking.’

  ‘Look.’ She kicked his foot playfully. ‘We understand why you contacted your dad. It’s okay, really!’

  ‘Really?’ He replied sarcastically, ‘I don’t even know why I did it!’

  Sofia stood up, grabbed a pebble from the flowerbed that lined the wall and launched it into the water. ‘There are problems everywhere now, according to the news. They say there’s a serious possibility of a war breaking out.’

  ‘We need to find Eduardo and Elisabetta’s book. I can’t believe Mancini Corporation would want to do something so destructive.’

  ‘What if Pietro Mancini aka The God of Greed has been comm
unicating with his family. Driving them to do all this?’ Sofia looked uncertain about the words that just passed through her lips. ‘And we need L’amico,’

  ‘God, yes... The device too.’

  They looked at each other, uncertain of the future. Far from grateful for the responsibility. The tasks before them were enormous. Michael felt completely ill-equipped to deal with it all.

  He looked out at the sea as if it would give him an answer, when he felt her soft hand grip his. In that moment, all he wanted to do was hold her hand and forget the rest.

  ‘We’ll be okay,’ she said.

  ‘I’ve got an idea.’


  ‘The jungle. From the jungle, we intercept the planet's satellite communication systems the second we find Eduardo. I don’t want to waste any time. Once we have the device, we unearth these sons of bitches. We can grab evidence from The Dark Tree, tell them they can test the tree for the substance that’s in the politician’s systems.’

  ‘Hmmm.’ Sofia was thinking about it, but she didn’t seem sold on the idea entirely.

  ‘Look, we can find Eduardo, track down L’amico, and get the book, and then... Then I’m hoping Eduardo is as clever as we all think he is. I hope he’s been able to keep them from breaking him.’

  ‘But if they’ve drugged him, he would have had no control. I’m pretty sure they drugged him, Michael. Why wouldn’t they, when so much is at stake?’

  ‘I don’t want to think about that, Sofia. We’ve got nothing else to go on. But remember what Elisabetta said: that device is the greatest power we have in the world today. A world that can’t live without communication systems. Well, that device controls that.’

  Sofia still didn’t seem too enthusiastic; it seemed a lot would be riding on sheer luck.

  ‘We can use the device in the jungle to intercept the world’s communication networks via satellite. We just need to find broadcasting equipment that can operate outside the frequency that L’amico will be controlling.’

  ‘Smarty-pants!’ Sofia kicked his shoe playfully.

  ‘I know it’s a long shot, but after the last few days, my ability to believe the impossible has been somewhat altered! Look at us, for God’s sake.’ Michael looked at himself. ‘After all this, we should take a holiday.’

  Yeah, one long ass holiday!’ Sofia agreed.

  ‘These past three days have been a bit draining.’

  ‘A bit? Just a bit crazy? Are you kidding?’ Sofia rolled her eyes.

  ‘Okay, totally, completely, unbelievably, batshit crazy,’ he laughed. ‘Excuse my, um, French.’

  They both enjoyed sharing the moment when they thought it was them against the world. That’s how they all felt. They were seven young adults, barely world-weary, fighting against the world, in order to save the world.

  ‘You’re batshit crazy!’ Sofia laughed pushing him.


  ‘So, what?’ She smiled. ‘If you want, we can visit my family home. The farm in Tuscany, I’m sure they’ll love to meet you. After all, you’re Michael – the chosen one!’ She teased.

  ‘Piss off,’ he laughed, ‘but this time, let’s take a plane, not a portal.’ They both laughed at how absurd it all was.

  Michael brought up the jungle on Sirani Maps and thought of the best way to get into the jungle and get to Eduardo. He was able to piece together a sketchy plan to get in, and get out, hopefully undetected. He was relying totally on whatever blueprint had been placed in his mind since he came back from The Otherworld.

  After a few minutes of trying to be a leader, and piecing together an operation, he spotted Marcel walking alone along the sun-kissed beach.

  ‘Back in a minute,’ he said to Sofia who was still sat beside him, playing on her phone. Jumping off the wall on to the beach side, he ran up after Marcel. ‘Hey, you big wuss,’ he shouted, ‘what’s got you in a huff?’

  Marcel turned and looked at him. He repositioned his sunglasses and forced a smile. ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘Why the depressing face, then?’

  Carolina strode up to them. ‘He’s okay. He’s just upset he couldn’t take part in the Olympics this year.’

  ‘But I’m ready to represent Brazil. I’m ready!’ he said, sounding disappointed.

  ‘I’ve seen your skills. I think you’d have an unfair advantage,’ Michael said. ‘And, anyway, think of this, when we find Eduardo, and do everything that Elisabetta has chosen us to do, we can go back to our lives and you can compete in the Olympics. Believe me, I want to go back to Ireland, too. I miss my family,’ Michael cleared his throat. ‘We have an opportunity to do something great for this world, man. Let’s create the ultimate story about how we kicked this Mancini Corp’s sorry ass!’ He was feeling exhilarated by his own words. ‘We can take the fight to The Fomorians, and send them all back to The Otherworld where they can bug The Dark One and Pietro Mancini.’

  ‘Also,’ Mohammad shouted. ‘You’re lucky you’re not going to the Olympics. You’re not that good, you know, you might get your ass kicked. We’ve just been nice to you by saying you’re good. Carolina’s the real scrapper.’ He turned and ran towards the house, laughing.

  ‘Is that right?’ Marcel snorted. ‘Maybe you need another demonstration to convince you,’ he sprinted after Mohammad.

  They all laughed at Marcel chasing Mohammad around the garden. Mohammad was fast when he wanted to be.

  ‘Marcel!’ Mohammad yelled as Marcel finally caught him. ‘Please, my beautiful Brazilian brother! You’re very skilled! You’re the greatest fighter in the world. The greatest friend. The greatest guy in the galaxy!’

  The girls erupted in a fit of hysterical laughter as they watched Ajit tiptoe up behind Marcel. He pushed Marcel, who fell down into the sand, face first. ‘There you go, my friend!’ he screamed a belly-ache laugh while running away.

  Chapter Two

  IN THE GARDEN, ALL taking advantage of the Mexican weather, and the Sirani network – enjoying the unlimited internet, Larry approached from the kitchen door still acting a little like an outsider. ‘The cook has prepared something for us to eat!’

  ‘Great, I’m starving!’ Michael sprang to his feet. Rubbing his stomach, and dusting the dry sand off his trousers, he followed Sofia and Marcel towards the house. ‘Ahmad?’ he shouted. The Syrian was sitting alone under a coconut tree on the far end of the garden, staring at the sky. ‘You alright?’ He sat down beside him; Ahmad’s blank face spoke volumes.

  ‘I’m confused about what’s happened to them. They’re gone, and I don’t know what to do. You all miss your families, too, that I realise. But at least you know they’re safe at home.’

  Michael dropped his head, his shoulders slumped, mirroring Ahamd. ‘I know this might be hard for you to hear, but you need to have a little faith; faith that, somehow, we’ll find them.’ His shoulders lifted again, slightly, followed by his expression. ‘Imagine how good it will be when you see them again.’

  ‘You have this all figured out?’ Ahmad sniggered. ‘I wish I could be like that.’ His response displayed a hint resentment towards Michael for apparently making light of everything.

  ‘Figured out? Man, you must be joking; I’m crapping myself. But we’ve got no other choice. What can we do? Go back and pretend this isn’t happening?’ He looked down at himself. ‘Look at me! You think I can just go home?’ He shook his head, still in disbelief. ‘We’ve got no other choice.’ He paused for a second. Just looking at Ahmad, as if waiting for Ahmad to respond. He didn’t. He just looked at Michael. A smirk started to show. Michael matched Ahmad’s with one of his own.

  He jumped up and helped Ahmad to his feet. ‘Let’s go get something to eat.’

  ‘Are you two planning on eating or what? Your dinner’s getting cold,’ Ringo shouted from the kitchen door. ‘Marcel and Mohammad are ready to arm wrestle over your food.’

  They entered the kitchen, and planted themselves down on a seat at the table. Like a proper family.

/>   ‘You have quite a house, Scarlett,’ Ahmad said, reaching across the table for the jug of water. ‘Reminds me of our home in Syria, high ceilings, spacious rooms, a table fit to serve royalty.’ His stomach grumbled in spite of his depression. The aroma of the steaming food had teased everyone’s appetite. ‘What is this?’

  ‘It’s a traditional Mexican dish,’ Scarlett said, seated at the end of the table. ‘White rice, tortillas, black beans, black peppers, onion, garlic, and enchilada sauce with some olive oil.’ She took a spoon full of onions, then passed the dish on to Ajit who was seated to her right.

  The group took in the aroma of the delicious meal.

  Michael sat thoughtfully, looking around the table, wondering how this group of average individuals were the hope for everyone. He caught Ajit looking at Mohammad, who was sniffing his food like there was no tomorrow.

  As he stuffed himself with mouthfuls of cheesy tortilla, Michael buried the thought about what the future would hold for them. In that moment, he knew that somehow, together, they’d see it through.

  ‘So what’s our strategy for getting Eduardo?’ Marcel spoke through a mouth full of rice.

  Nobody took any notice of the question. Their faces were buried in their plates. Only Scarlett looked at Michael. ‘Captain? What do you propose?’

  ‘Well...’ Michael’s mind raced like the engine of Ringo’s Maserati. ‘You know...’ He struggled to string a thought together, then he choked on a grain on rice. ‘I think... Well...’ He stumbled over every word, reaching for a glass of water while he coughed up the grain.

  Sofia stepped in. ‘He came up with a great idea earlier. An idea that could free Eduardo and stop Mancini Corporation all while we’re still in the jungle.’ Sofia looked at Michael and smiled. ‘We better act now. Making this group public news and allowing the world’s population to take note of what’s really happening. If the masses know what’s going, then we’ve a better chance of fixing our compromised governments.’

  Thanks to Sofia, Michael had time to gather his thoughts.

  After a moment, he felt calmer and was able to think clearly, so he took over. ‘This is what I think we should do.’ He grabbed a piece of tortilla. ‘We take the helicopter to the Usumacinta River, which is where Mexico borders Guatemala. I’ve checked on Sirani Maps, and there’s an old, abandoned village at the river we can use as the drop point. It will be a quiet way to sneak into the jungle. According to George, and also GPS coordinates, L’amico and, hopefully, Eduardo are only ten kilometres west inland from the drop.’


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