The Complete Works of L M Montgomery
Page 671
“I shall leave it to Willard,” said Sara abruptly. “If he says to let her come, come she shall, even if Dorothy and I have to camp in the barn.”
“I’m going to have a prowl around the garret,” said Ray, apropos of nothing.
“And I shall get the tea ready,” answered Sara briskly. “Dorothy will be home from school very soon, and I hear Uncle Joel stirring. Willard won’t be back till dark, so there is no use waiting for him.”
At twilight Sara decided to walk up the lane and meet Willard. She always liked to meet him thus when he had been away for a whole day. Sara thought there was nobody in the world as good and dear as Willard.
It was a dull grey November twilight; the maples in the hollow were all leafless, and the hawthorn hedge along the lane was sere and frosted; a little snow had fallen in the afternoon, and lay in broad patches on the brown fields. The world looked very dull and dispirited, and Sara sighed. She could not help thinking of the dark side of things just then. “Everything is wrong,” said poor Sara dolefully. “Willard has to work like a slave, and yet with all his efforts he can barely pay the interest on the mortgage. And Ray ought to go to college. But I don’t see how we can ever manage. To be sure, he won’t be ready until next fall, but we won’t have the money then any more than now. It would take every bit of a hundred and fifty dollars to fit him out with books and clothes, and pay for board and tuition at the academy. If he could just have a year there he could teach and earn his own way through college. But we might as well hope for the moon as one hundred and fifty dollars.”
Sara sighed again. She was only eighteen, but she felt very old. Willard was nineteen, and Willard had never had a chance to be young. His father had died when he was twelve, and he had run the farm since then, he and Sara together indeed, for Sara was a capital planner and manager and worker. The little mother had died two years ago, and the household cares had all fallen on Sara’s shoulders since. Sometimes, as now, they pressed very heavily, but a talk with Willard always heartened her up. Willard had his blue spells too, but Sara thought it a special Providence that their blue turns never came together. When one got downhearted the other was always ready to do the cheering up.
Sara was glad to hear Willard whistling when he drove into the lane; it was a sign he was in good spirits. He pulled up, and Sara climbed into the wagon.
“Things go all right today, Sally?” he asked cheerfully.
“There was a letter from Aunt Josephina,” answered Sara, anxious to get the worst over, “and she wants to come to Maple Hollow for the winter. I thought at first we just couldn’t have her, but I decided to leave it to you.”
“Well, we’ve got a pretty good houseful already,” said Willard thoughtfully. “But I suppose if Aunt Josephina wants to come we’d better have her. I always liked Aunt Josephina, and so did Mother, you know.”
“I don’t know where we can put her. We haven’t any spare room, Will.”
“Ray and I can sleep in the kitchen loft. You and Dolly take our room, and let Aunt Josephina take yours.”
“The kitchen loft isn’t really fit to sleep in,” said Sara pessimistically. “It’s awfully cold, and there’re mice and rats — ugh! You and Ray will get nibbled in spots. But it’s the only thing to do if we must have Aunt Josephina. I’ll get Ray to write to her tomorrow. I couldn’t put enough cordiality into the letter if I wrote it myself.”
Ray came in while Willard was at supper. There were cobwebs all over him from his head to his heels. “I’ve solved the Aunt J. problem,” he announced cheerfully. “We will furnish the blue north room.”
“With what?” asked Sara disbelievingly.
“I’ve been poking about in the garret and in the carriage house loft,” said Ray, “and I’ve found furniture galore. It’s very old and cobwebby — witness my appearance — and very much in want of scrubbing and a few nails. But it will do.”
“I’d forgotten about those old things,” said Sara slowly. “They’ve never been used since I can remember, and long before. They were discarded before Mother came here. But I thought they were all broken and quite useless.”
“Not at all. I believe we can furbish them up sufficiently to make the room habitable. It will be rather old-fashioned, but then it’s Hobson’s choice. There are the pieces of an old bed out in the loft, and they can be put together. There’s an old corner cupboard out there too, with leaded glass doors, two old solid wooden armchairs, and a funny old chest of drawers with a writing desk in place of the top drawer, all full of yellow old letters and trash. I found it under a pile of old carpet. Then there’s a washstand, and also a towel rack up in the garret, and the funniest old table with three claw legs, and a tippy top. One leg is broken off, but I hunted around and found it, and I guess we can fix it on. And there are two more old chairs and a queer little oval table with a cracked swing mirror on it.”
“I have it,” exclaimed Sara, with a burst of inspiration, “let us fix up a real old-fashioned room for Aunt Josephina. It won’t do to put anything modern with those old things. One would kill the other. I’ll put Mother’s rag carpet down in it, and the four braided mats Grandma Sheldon gave me, and the old brass candlestick and the Irish chain coverlet. Oh, I believe it will be lots of fun.”
It was. For a week the Sheldons hammered and glued and washed and consulted. The north room was already papered with a blue paper of an old-fashioned stripe-and-diamond pattern. The rag carpet was put down, and the braided rugs laid on it. The old bedstead was set up in one corner and, having been well cleaned and polished with beeswax and turpentine, was really a handsome piece of furniture. On the washstand Sara placed a quaint old basin and ewer which had been Grandma Sheldon’s. Ray had fixed up the table as good as new; Sara had polished the brass claws, and on the table she put the brass tray, two candlesticks, and snuffers which had been long stowed away in the kitchen loft. The dressing table and swing mirror, with its scroll frame of tarnished gilt, was in the window corner, and opposite it was the old chest of drawers. The cupboard was set up in a corner, and beside it stood the spinning-wheel from the kitchen loft. The big grandfather clock, which had always stood in the hall below was carried up, and two platters of blue willow-ware were set up over the mantel. Above them was hung the faded sampler that Grandma Sheldon had worked ninety years ago when she was a little girl.
“Do you know,” said Sara, when they stood in the middle of the room and surveyed the result, “I expected to have a good laugh over this, but it doesn’t look funny after all. The things all seem to suit each other, some way, and they look good, don’t they? I mean they look real, clear through. I believe that table and those drawers are solid mahogany. And look at the carving on those bedposts. Cleaning them has made such a difference. I do hope Aunt Josephina won’t mind their being so old.”
Aunt Josephina didn’t. She was very philosophical about it when Sara explained that Cousin Caroline had the spare room, and the blue north room was all they had left. “Oh, it will be all right,” she said, plainly determined to make the best of things. “Those old things are thought a lot of now, anyhow. I can’t say I fancy them much myself — I like something a little brighter. But the rich folks have gone cracked over them. I know a woman in Boston that’s got her whole house furnished with old truck, and as soon as she hears of any old furniture anywhere she’s not contented till she’s got it. She says it’s her hobby, and she spends a heap on it. She’d be in raptures if she saw this old room of yours, Sary.”
“Do you mean,” said Sara slowly, “that there are people who would buy old things like these?”
“Yes, and pay more for them than would buy a real nice set with a marble-topped burey. You may well say there’s lots of fools in the world, Sary.” Sara was not saying or thinking any such thing. It was a new idea to her that any value was attached to old furniture, for Sara lived very much out of the world of fads and collectors. But she did not forget what Aunt Josephina had said.
The winter passed awa
y. Aunt Josephina plainly enjoyed her visit, whatever the Sheldons felt about it. In March her son returned, and Aunt Josephina went home to him. Before she left, Sara asked her for the address of the woman whose hobby was old furniture, and the very afternoon after Aunt Josephina had gone Sara wrote and mailed a letter. For a week she looked so mysterious that Willard and Ray could not guess what she was plotting. At the end of that time Mrs. Stanton came.
Mrs. Stanton always declared afterwards that the mere sight of that blue north room gave her raptures. Such a find! Such a discovery! A bedstead with carved posts, a claw-footed table, real old willow-ware plates with the birds’ bills meeting! Here was luck, if you like!
When Willard and Ray came home to tea Sara was sitting on the stairs counting her wealth.
“Sally, where did you discover all that long-lost treasure?” demanded Ray.
“Mrs. Stanton of Boston was here today,” said Sara, enjoying the moment of revelation hugely. “She makes a hobby of collecting old furniture. I sold her every blessed thing in the blue north room except Mother’s carpet and Grandma’s mats and sampler. She wanted those too, but I couldn’t part with them. She bought everything else and,” Sara lifted her hands, full of bills, dramatically, “here are two hundred and fifty dollars to take you to the Valley Academy next fall, Ray.”
“It wouldn’t be fair to take it for that,” said Ray, flushing. “You and Will—” “Will and I say you must take it,” said Sara. “Don’t we, Will? There is nothing we want so much as to give you a college start. It is an enormous burden off my mind to think it is so nicely provided for. Besides, most of those old things were yours by the right of rediscovery, and you voted first of all to have Aunt Josephina come.”
“You must take it, of course, Ray,” said Willard. “Nothing else would give Sara and me so much pleasure. A blessing on Aunt Josephina.”
“Amen,” said Sara and Ray.
The Christmas Surprise at Enderly Road
“Phil, I’m getting fearfully hungry. When are we going to strike civilization?”
The speaker was my chum, Frank Ward. We were home from our academy for the Christmas holidays and had been amusing ourselves on this sunshiny December afternoon by a tramp through the “back lands,” as the barrens that swept away south behind the village were called. They were grown over with scrub maple and spruce, and were quite pathless save for meandering sheep tracks that crossed and recrossed, but led apparently nowhere.
Frank and I did not know exactly where we were, but the back lands were not so extensive but that we would come out somewhere if we kept on. It was getting late and we wished to go home.
“I have an idea that we ought to strike civilization somewhere up the Enderly Road pretty soon,” I answered.
“Do you call that civilization?” said Frank, with a laugh.
No Blackburn Hill boy was ever known to miss an opportunity of flinging a slur at Enderly Road, even if no Enderly Roader were by to feel the sting.
Enderly Road was a miserable little settlement straggling back from Blackburn Hill. It was a forsaken looking place, and the people, as a rule, were poor and shiftless. Between Blackburn Hill and Enderly Road very little social intercourse existed and, as the Road people resented what they called the pride of Blackburn Hill, there was a good deal of bad feeling between the two districts.
Presently Frank and I came out on the Enderly Road. We sat on the fence a few minutes to rest and discuss our route home. “If we go by the road it’s three miles,” said Frank. “Isn’t there a short cut?”
“There ought to be one by the wood-lane that comes out by Jacob Hart’s,” I answered, “but I don’t know where to strike it.”
“Here is someone coming now; we’ll inquire,” said Frank, looking up the curve of the hard-frozen road. The “someone” was a little girl of about ten years old, who was trotting along with a basketful of school books on her arm. She was a pale, pinched little thing, and her jacket and red hood seemed very old and thin.
“Hello, missy,” I said, as she came up, and then I stopped, for I saw she had been crying.
“What is the matter?” asked Frank, who was much more at ease with children than I was, and had always a warm spot in his heart for their small troubles. “Has your teacher kept you in for being naughty?”
The mite dashed her little red knuckles across her eyes and answered indignantly, “No, indeed. I stayed after school with Minnie Lawler to sweep the floor.”
“And did you and Minnie quarrel, and is that why you are crying?” asked Frank solemnly.
“Minnie and I never quarrel. I am crying because we can’t have the school decorated on Monday for the examination, after all. The Dickeys have gone back on us ... after promising, too,” and the tears began to swell up in the blue eyes again.
“Very bad behaviour on the part of the Dickeys,” commented Frank. “But can’t you decorate the school without them?”
“Why, of course not. They are the only big boys in the school. They said they would cut the boughs, and bring a ladder tomorrow and help us nail the wreaths up, and now they won’t ... and everything is spoiled ... and Miss Davis will be so disappointed.”
By dint of questioning Frank soon found out the whole story. The semi-annual public examination was to be held on Monday afternoon, the day before Christmas. Miss Davis had been drilling her little flock for the occasion; and a program of recitations, speeches, and dialogues had been prepared. Our small informant, whose name was Maggie Bates, together with Minnie Lawler and several other little girls, had conceived the idea that it would be a fine thing to decorate the schoolroom with greens. For this it was necessary to ask the help of the boys. Boys were scarce at Enderly school, but the Dickeys, three in number, had promised to see that the thing was done.
“And now they won’t,” sobbed Maggie. “Matt Dickey is mad at Miss Davis ‘cause she stood him on the floor today for not learning his lesson, and he says he won’t do a thing nor let any of the other boys help us. Matt just makes all the boys do as he says. I feel dreadful bad, and so does Minnie.”
“Well, I wouldn’t cry any more about it,” said Frank consolingly. “Crying won’t do any good, you know. Can you tell us where to find the wood-lane that cuts across to Blackburn Hill?” Maggie could, and gave us minute directions. So, having thanked her, we left her to pursue her disconsolate way and betook ourselves homeward.
“I would like to spoil Matt Dickey’s little game,” said Frank. “He is evidently trying to run things at Enderly Road school and revenge himself on the teacher. Let us put a spoke in his wheel and do Maggie a good turn as well.”
“Agreed. But how?”
Frank had a plan ready to hand and, when we reached home, we took his sisters, Carrie and Mabel, into our confidence; and the four of us worked to such good purpose all the next day, which was Saturday, that by night everything was in readiness.
At dusk Frank and I set out for the Enderly Road, carrying a basket, a small step-ladder, an unlit lantern, a hammer, and a box of tacks. It was dark when we reached the Enderly Road schoolhouse. Fortunately, it was quite out of sight of any inhabited spot, being surrounded by woods. Hence, mysterious lights in it at strange hours would not be likely to attract attention.
The door was locked, but we easily got in by a window, lighted our lantern, and went to work. The schoolroom was small, and the old-fashioned furniture bore marks of hard usage; but everything was very snug, and the carefully swept floor and dusted desks bore testimony to the neatness of our small friend Maggie and her chum Minnie.
Our basket was full of mottoes made from letters cut out of cardboard and covered with lissome sprays of fir. They were, moreover, adorned with gorgeous pink and red tissue roses, which Carrie and Mabel had contributed. We had considerable trouble in getting them tacked up properly, but when we had succeeded, and had furthermore surmounted doors, windows, and blackboard with wreaths of green, the little Enderly Road schoolroom was quite transformed.
; “It looks nice,” said Frank in a tone of satisfaction. “Hope Maggie will like it.”
We swept up the litter we had made, and then scrambled out of the window.
“I’d like to see Matt Dickey’s face when he comes Monday morning,” I laughed, as we struck into the back lands.
“I’d like to see that midget of a Maggie’s,” said Frank. “See here, Phil, let’s attend the examination Monday afternoon. I’d like to see our decorations in daylight.”
We decided to do so, and also thought of something else. Snow fell all day Sunday, so that, on Monday morning, sleighs had to be brought out. Frank and I drove down to the store and invested a considerable share of our spare cash in a varied assortment of knick-knacks. After dinner we drove through to the Enderly Road schoolhouse, tied our horse in a quiet spot, and went in. Our arrival created quite a sensation for, as a rule, Blackburn Hillites did not patronize Enderly Road functions. Miss Davis, the pale, tired-looking little teacher, was evidently pleased, and we were given seats of honour next to the minister on the platform.
Our decorations really looked very well, and were further enhanced by two large red geraniums in full bloom which, it appeared, Maggie had brought from home to adorn the teacher’s desk. The side benches were lined with Enderly Road parents, and all the pupils were in their best attire. Our friend Maggie was there, of course, and she smiled and nodded towards the wreaths when she caught our eyes.
The examination was a decided success, and the program which followed was very creditable indeed. Maggie and Minnie, in particular, covered themselves with glory, both in class and on the platform. At its close, while the minister was making his speech, Frank slipped out; when the minister sat down the door opened and Santa Claus himself, with big fur coat, ruddy mask, and long white beard, strode into the room with a huge basket on his arm, amid a chorus of surprised “Ohs” from old and young.