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The Sinful Scot

Page 25

by Maddison Michaels

  Most especially Connie.

  “It seems we both didn’t fare very well in the mother arena, or the romance one, did we?” Connie said, as they still stood facing each other.

  Alec sighed and sat back on the chair. “Aye, seems we didn’t.” His soft brogue washed over her, and she nearly sighed aloud. She could listen to him for hours without getting bored.

  “I’m so dreadfully sorry that your family hurt you, Alec. Especially your brother betraying you with someone you loved. That would have been horrid.” A part of her had to know what was making Alec so resistant to opening his heart. Hesitantly she took a step toward him and reached her hand up to cup his face. “What happened?”

  It seemed as if he was bracing himself before he turned his cheek in toward her palm. “I met Elise, and everything changed.”

  He’d mentioned the name before, and Connie was now beginning to regret asking him about the whole situation. She didn’t know if she wanted to hear that Alec had fallen in love with another woman and had his heart broken in the process. A part of her was already jealous even thinking of it. But she’d always been a curious creature, and it seemed her curiosity outweighed her concerns. “Elise?”

  “She was the daughter of one of the neighboring clansmen,” Alec began, his eyes drifting off into the distance, and Connie knew he was remembering the woman. “She was beautiful. Very polished and accomplished, and she had all the men eating out of the palm of her hand. But she seemed to be interested in me, of all people. I couldn’t understand why at first—after all, I was only the younger son of the Earl of Caldwell. I wasn’t going to inherit any of the wealth or estates that my father owned. That honor belonged solely to my brother, Iain. But that didn’t seem to matter to Elise. She seemed to want me.”

  “And why wouldn’t she? You’re kind and honorable, and, well…you’re you.” The words didn’t do him justice, but he looked adorably uncomfortable by them nonetheless.

  “I don’t think that’s what Elise saw, but regardless, I was bedazzled. Though a part of me was warning myself that it was all too good to be true. I should have listened. Iain even tried to warn me, but I just thought he was jealous, because usually all the ladies in the vicinity would flock to him until he sent them scuttling with one of his dark frowns. But in the end, he was right, though the cost of him proving that was steep.”

  “What did he do?” She was still cupping Alec’s face with her hand, and very much enjoying the solid strength of his jawline under the length of her fingers. He was so big and masculine, but rather than his size intimidating her, it actually made her feel safe and extremely feminine and petite next to him.

  Alec paused, and his eyes refocused on Connie. “In my excitement, I told Iain I was going to propose to her, and he warned me against doing so, claiming she was simply using me, but I was undeterred, as only a twenty-one-year-old can be. We argued, and I stormed off. Then later that night at a ball we were attending, I went to find Elise, the engagement ring I was going to propose to her with tucked safely in my pocket. But I couldn’t find her. Malcolm told me he’d seen her and my brother heading outside toward the maze. I thought Iain was going to warn her off, so I hurried after them.

  “Instead, I found them sitting on a stone bench in its center, Elise on Iain’s lap, kissing him passionately. I think I stood frozen to the spot for a minute or so, not really believing that my brother, whom I trusted with my life, and the woman I wanted to marry were betraying me. Then Elise started talking to Iain, telling him she’d much rather marry him than me. Iain saw me standing there, and I could see the guilt in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything. So I turned on my heel and never looked back. The next day I left the Highlands and vowed never to return.”

  “And yet here you are.”

  “Aye,” he agreed. “I am. My father can be darn right convincing when he wants to be, especially when he suggests he’s at death’s door.”

  “Yes, I imagine that would work on most.” She reached over and stroked back a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “And most especially on you, considering you try to save everyone. Have you spoken to your brother since?”

  Alec shook his head. “We’ve barely said two words to each other, to be honest.”

  “He obviously didn’t marry her, so what happened?” Alec’s brother was considered one of the most eligible bachelors of the region, though he was known for his stubbornness and rather gruff demeanor, but that usually didn’t stop the ladies from trying to catch him.

  “Malcolm tried to explain away Iain’s behavior, saying my brother had arranged the situation on purpose to show me that Elise was using me.” He sighed and seemed to almost nudge his head farther into her palm. “Apparently he never had any interest in her at all.”

  “So he was trying to help you?” She could feel Alec bristle. “In an entirely stupid way, of course.”

  “He betrayed me.” Alec pulled back from her.

  Connie could sense the frigidity suddenly emanating from him. “He did,” she agreed. “Though he also potentially saved you from further heartache.”

  “He could have kept discussing his reservations with me instead of taking such action.”

  “Would you have listened?” She could imagine Alec, thinking himself in love and being warned against such a thing.

  There was silence for a good few minutes, and Connie really thought he wasn’t going to answer her, but he cleared his throat. “No, probably not. Though that doesn’t excuse his behavior. He had no right to kiss the woman I was about to propose to, regardless of his thoughts on the matter.”

  Connie took in a deep breath. “Do you still love her?” She didn’t know why she asked him that and found herself holding her breath in anticipation of the answer.

  Did it matter if he did? It shouldn’t, because she’d already decided upon a future of independence. Yet she knew it would hurt if he did. It would hurt a lot.


  “No, I don’t still love her,” Alec answered resolutely.

  In fact, he was beginning to suspect he hadn’t ever actually loved her at all and that what he’d felt was most likely a young man’s infatuation. How could he have loved her, when whatever he’d felt for Elise absolutely paled in comparison to what he felt for Connie?

  Not that he loved Connie, he was quick to assure himself.

  Goodness, no.

  And as she herself had just said, they could care about each other without wanting a happily ever after with each other. That was all it was, even though the feelings he felt for her were ridiculously complicated and fascinatingly terrifying all at the same time…

  “The true heartache for me,” Alec continued, “was my brother’s betrayal. I no longer feel anything toward Elise except gladness that I discovered her for who she was sooner rather than later.”

  “The woman never deserved you.” There was such conviction in her eyes that Alec could almost believe it, too.

  The door rattled as someone banged on it loudly from the other side.

  Connie hastily took a step backward, while Alec stood and strode over to the door. “Yes?”

  “Your transport awaits,” Malcolm’s voice floated through the wood.

  The cavalry was here to save them, but instead of relief, Alec felt disappointment.

  It had been the first time he’d really opened up to anyone about his past—and it had felt good.

  So much so that he’d forgotten about all the wanted posters of her plastered across the city, and that Connie and he were now most likely suspects in not only Duncan’s murder, but Mr. Middleton’s and Seraphina’s, too.

  Time was running out. They needed to get out of the city and onto McGuiness lands before the authorities or Fergus caught them.

  Connie’s very life could depend upon it.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The ride out of Inverness was
an interesting experience for Alec. He hadn’t been expecting to find himself sitting on the floor of a wagon, with Connie nestled between his thighs, surrounded by bales of hay on all sides. But that was exactly how he and Connie were smuggled out of the city, by Malcolm and the wagon driver, and thus avoided being discovered as they tensely went through the roadblocks set up by the police at access points of the city.

  An effective escape, really, even if the feel of Connie’s derrière, minus her crinoline, had felt ridiculously good nestled against him. She’d been somewhat mortified when he’d told her to remove the thing, but then she’d seen the small space they were going to be hidden in and had been pragmatic about the issue, especially considering that, though her crinoline was modest in width compared to some, it was still too big for their hiding space.

  So she’d removed it, and then Alec had had to endure the feel of her without any hoops between their clothing and each other. He’d had a darn hard time trying to control his body’s physical reactions to her when she’d sat between his legs. His damn cock seemed to have a mind of its own when it came to Constance, but thankfully, thoughts of his brother and Elise had tamed the beast.

  Enough so that he was able to maintain his control until they had been driven well past the city limits to a location northwest of the city, where Malcolm had prearranged for a McGuiness carriage to be waiting for them.

  “Well, that was a bit of an adventure, wasn’t it!” Malcolm pronounced as he rapped on the wood panel, signaling for the driver to leave. A moment later, the carriage lurched forward and began to pick up speed as the four horses pulling the vehicle began to gather speed as they commenced their hasty journey toward the McGuiness estate.

  Alec stretched his legs out, constantly aware of Connie sitting close beside him. The tight confines of the carriage had always been particularly narrow for a man of Alec’s size, which was why he usually opted to travel by horse or train when he had the chance, but with Connie next to him, he rather liked the cozy atmosphere.

  Sitting next to her was pleasurable and torturous all at once.

  He almost felt like hauling her onto his lap, wanting nothing more than to enjoy the feel of her sitting on him. But Malcolm was across from him, appearing rather interested in them both, in Alec’s opinion. Too interested. He’d always been a nosy bugger, probably came from having to know what was going on in managing the McGuiness affairs, but the man was too inquisitive and perceptive by far. And Malcolm usually shared his observations with Iain.

  “Can’t say I’ve ever had such an entertaining ride out of Inverness before,” Malcolm continued. “How did you two fare among the hay? A bit cozy, perhaps?”

  “It was fine.” Alec’s voice sounded gruffer than he’d expected it to, but Malcolm did like to needle him, and Alec had been in a bit of a foul mood since realizing he’d be returning to his father’s estate, with Iain there, too, and Connie. He didn’t like the thought of his brother being anywhere near her.

  “And you, your grace?” Malcolm asked Connie. “That must have been a novel experience for you.”

  From the corner of his eyes, Alec could see her gulp slightly. He wondered if she, too, was remembering how she’d been pressed in between his legs only a few minutes ago, something he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about.

  “It was unusual,” Connie answered briefly, before turning her head to stare out the window.

  Alec knew Malcolm had been fishing for more information, but he hoped the man would leave it at that. “Do my father and brother know to expect us?”

  Malcolm nodded. “Aye, they do, and they know all about the possible risks, too. But no one, not even the authorities, would dare set foot on McGuiness lands without the laird’s permission. You’ll be safe there, your grace.” He directed his last statement to Connie.

  Connie glanced back to Malcolm. “I hope you are correct.” She turned to Alec. “And I hope I’m not bringing trouble to your family. I would hate for them to be at odds with the law.”

  Alec shrugged. “My father is the Laird of McGuiness. Trust me—he’ll be fine.”

  “But still…” She bit her lower lip. “Are you certain you should take me there? Perhaps we should go somewhere else? Or perhaps I should.”

  “Trouble and my family are old friends, Connie, I can assure you of that,” Alec replied, briefly squeezing her hand. “There’s no need to worry. The McGuiness estate is the safest place for us at the moment.” Alec would put up with being in his brother’s vicinity for Connie. He was beginning to think he’d do anything for her. Anything but give her his heart. That he couldn’t give to anyone anymore, even if his treacherous organ was starting to think it might be safe in her hands.

  He quickly dropped her hand and swiveled his head forward, away from those piercing blue eyes of hers, only to be confronted by Malcolm’s expression of keen interest, as the man regarded them both in speculation.

  He’d nearly forgotten Malcolm was there, paying close attention. And now that Alec had taken Connie’s hand and used her first name, he’d know that she was more to Alec than simply a family friend. Exactly what she was to Alec, even he didn’t know, but she roused in him feelings of protectiveness that he’d had for no one else before.

  He shouldn’t have made it so obvious, though. He should have stuck with the proprieties and used her title in front of him. Things were relaxed in the Highlands, but not that relaxed. Especially not with a duchess.

  But Alec had been more concerned with ensuring Connie was all right than fussing over the proprieties of social etiquette. Not that he was concerned about what Malcolm thought, but the man was likely to tell Iain what he’d witnessed, as Malcolm was not only Iain’s man of affairs but loyal to him to a fault.

  And his brother did tend to use information to his advantage, of which Alec was only too well aware.

  “Well then.” Malcolm clapped his hands together. “We should settle in for the trip, and I daresay Cook will have a delicious supper ready for us when we arrive, just before we start the celebrations. Don’t know about you two, but with all the excitement from this morning, I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast and am absolutely famished.”

  “Your idea of excitement and my own differ greatly, Mr. Dalton,” Connie replied, glancing out the window at the passing countryside. She sounded unimpressed. “But what celebrations are you talking of?”

  “Why, Beltane’s Eve, of course!” Malcolm replied. “I imagine with everything that’s been going on, you would have forgotten. And who could really blame you?” Malcolm winked at her. “It’s not every day a duchess is wanted by the police. Why, it’ll be a story for the ages.”

  Alec had to resist the urge to grab his friend’s jacket and throttle him for daring to wink at her.

  Connie raised one of her eyebrows, and it was a look Alec knew from experience did not bode well for his friend.

  “Alec and I have just seen two dead bodies in the space of an hour, Mr. Dalton. With one of them killed in front of our eyes. And on both occasions, we have been forced to flee the scene of those crimes.” Her voice was calm and measured, with just a hint of ice in it, as she turned to regard him with an expression of haughty reproach. “We’ve had to be smuggled out of a city, past a police roadblock, surrounded by bales of hay, daring to barely breath for fear of being caught. Because if captured, I face the very real prospect of swinging from the gallows. So, no, Mr. Dalton, I definitely would not consider those experiences to be part of an exciting morning nor to be a story for the ages. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

  Alec couldn’t help but grin. Malcolm was literally squirming in his chair under Connie’s scathing response and even fiercer blue gaze. She had certainly mastered the art of putting someone in their place over the years, and he was glad she hadn’t lost that innate confidence after what Duncan, and her mother, too, had done to her.

  “I’m very sorry,
y-your grace,” Malcolm all but spluttered. “I, um…well I certainly meant no offense…I simply hadn’t considered the horror of the experiences you’ve had to endure.”

  “Well, that is patently obvious, is it not?” She wasn’t giving him an inch. “Perhaps in future you will think before you make such ill-considered comments?” And with that she returned to stare out at the passing countryside, all but dismissing him.

  Malcolm licked his suddenly dry lips and could only nod, an expression of contriteness on his face. Alec really did have to work hard to suppress the chuckle that was threatening. He’d never seen Malcolm taken to task before, and it was jolly amusing. It would be interesting to see Connie take Iain to task, too, as Alec’s brother couldn’t but help insult anyone he came into contact with, with his bluntness and lack of manners. Iain would surely insult Connie at some point, unintentional though it probably would be.

  Seeing such a moment would be well worth returning to the estate. Mostly.

  At least it was something to look forward to, because he was certainly not looking forward to anything else while there. Though his father would be happy he’d be back in time for the Beltane’s Day celebrations, where all of Clan McGuiness gathered and celebrated with a great feast, bonfires, and lots of Scottish reels.

  He remembered vividly such celebrations as a child, and the joy and magic that had filled him when he’d been down in the paddocks with the clan, bonfires burning bright, as everyone danced until their feet ached. Until he’d been taken to London, and everything had changed. Instead of the wild celebrations and knockabout times with the clan, Alec had been introduced to the refined sensibilities of his grandfather’s house and society as a whole. How he’d wished desperately to return home to Scotland.

  Then, when he had, and he was a man instead of a boy, well…the festival had held a different meaning then. It was full of fun and dancing still, but he could also partake in the joy of ale and charming the ladies. He’d still been so innocent of how manipulative women could be. He should have known better, most especially after his mother’s betrayal.


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