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The Evil Headmaster

Page 23

by Dora Blume

  She slid in front of him. “Okay.” He massaged her shoulders. She moaned as he dug his fingers into the muscles in her shoulders and back.

  “Oh God, Mike. That feels so good,” she moaned.

  He bent to whisper in her ear, “I love you, Sloane.”

  She tensed, “What?” She turned to face him, eyes wide.

  “I said, I love you.” He blinked.

  “Why would you say that?” She tensed. He couldn’t love her. They were just having fun. She shook her head and looked down to her hands. She began picking at the cuticles on her nails. So much for relaxing.

  “I said it because it’s true, love. What’s wrong? I would think you would love to hear me tell you; I love you.” She felt his eyes studying her. She continued to pick at her cuticles. She had thought the same thing the other day, but she wasn’t ready to tell anyone, especially him.

  “We haven’t even been together that long. How can you know you love me? Why would you say it, now? We were just having fun together.” She got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

  Mike sat, mouth open. Then he scrambled to follow her. “Sloane, Sloane, where are you going?” Mike called. She turned toward him in the hall.

  “Downstairs,” she stared at the floor. Mike placed his hand under her chin, lifting it so she would meet his eyes. Sloane could see the calmness in his eyes. She only felt fear.

  “Love, we’re about to go into battle, again. I didn’t want you going into it without knowing how I felt. You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know.” His eyes glistened in the light. She could see the gold flecks in his eyes as he watched her. She nodded slightly.

  “Okay,” she muttered softly.

  “Come on, let’s go back to the room.” He held out his hand to hers. She looked down at it wearily, then back up to his eyes.

  “I want to go check on, what Erik and Jessie have learned from listening to Mr. Hall. Maybe they know where Nicole is since Chloe hasn’t been able to find her.” She turned and hurried down the steps leaving Mike to stare after her.

  Jessie and Erik were sitting on the couch with Erik’s laptop on the coffee table in front of them. “Hey, hear anything interesting?” Sloane asked when she reached the landing.

  “Yeah, but none of it is good. They have Nicole. They’re using her to get others to do what they want. It’s not looking good for us.” Jessie looked back at Sloane. She walked over to take a seat in one of the chairs.

  “That’s why Chloe hasn’t been able to find her.” A moment later, Mike reached the living room. He met her eyes momentarily and sat in a chair across the room from her.

  “Did you let her know we’re going in at three?” Erik asked.

  “Yeah, they’ve dispossessed fifteen students so far. Do you have any idea how many are possessed in there?” She asked.

  “No, we didn’t stay long enough to get an accurate number, but there are plenty. I’m hoping they put a good dent in it before we get there. I’m not sure we’ll have enough of us to go up against an entire school of possessed Shikari. That would be a suicide mission if I ever heard one.” Erik shook his head.

  “I’m sure they have. I’ll message Chloe in an hour for an update. How many of us will there be?” She asked.

  “About twenty-five, I think. Caroline and Nick keep changing the number and Magnus are on his way here. Bryant is with him. They’re putting off going to Kansas City until everything here is wrapped up. Magnus said he didn’t feel right leaving when his city is in turmoil. He’s bringing as many with him as he can spare. There are still demons in Denver he needs to deal with.” Erik shook his head.

  “I called in a few people I know from the area. You can add four more. They weren’t happy to be pulled out of hiding, but they’re coming for me.” Mike looked to Erik. He nodded.

  “Thanks, that will help,” Jessie said.

  “Why are they in hiding?” Sloane couldn’t help herself.

  “Some don’t trust the order. Especially, if they have a particularly useful power.” He studied Sloane. “You should understand that.” His tone was biting as he spoke.

  “I do understand.” She shot back.

  “Oh shit,” Erik said. “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing.” They both said in tandem.

  “Ah, okay, I don’t believe either of you.” Erik looked from Sloane to Mike. “You need to get your shit together because we need to fight in a few hours. The truck is already. We’re just waiting on more people.”

  “We’ll be ready,” Mike said.

  “Do we have a plan for how we’re going into the building? Who is focusing on what? Anything like that?” Sloane asked. She knew Erik was the king of planning, and if she asked, he would forget all about their issues.

  “Yes, Nick got Carlos to help us. He’s Shikari, which was surprising. He’s meeting the truck as expected. Jessie will freeze the other workers when he opens the door for them. We’re going for the leaders in the offices first. Then we’ll spread to the different buildings. Jessie will help as much as she can to freeze. The rest of us will spread out and try to dispossess without too much of a fight if possible. I’m hoping the students are taken care of by your friend. Do you think the students will help when we get there? Do any of them have similar powers to Jessie?” Erik looked expectantly toward Sloane.

  “I’ll check.” She reached for her phone but remembered it was still up in the bedroom. “Oh, I left my phone upstairs. I’ll go text her.” She stood.

  Mike stood. “I’m going with you.”

  Sloane’s eyes widened. “Why? I’m just going to get my phone.”

  “We should talk,” he said.

  Erik looked between the two, “Yes, you should.”

  Sloane glared at him. “You promised you wouldn’t read our thoughts, Erik.” She spat out his name.

  “It’s obvious you two are having issues. It’d be good if you resolved them before we left.”

  “Ugh, fine.” Sloane stomped up the stairs. Mike shook his head and followed her.

  Sloane went right for her phone and messaged Chloe. Mike watched her. Then she put the phone down on the desk and met his eyes. He strode toward her, his eyes never leaving hers. He captured her lips with his. She gasped in surprise, and he slipped his tongue in her mouth. She savored his soft lips on hers. The hunger in his kiss. His hands tightened around her, she felt safe, and dare she say it, loved. He pushed her against the desk. He dropped his hands, skimming her thighs before gripping them and lifting her onto the desk. His lips moved from her mouth to her neck. She ran her hand through his dark curls. He drew in a quick breath.

  He stopped and rose to look her in the eyes. “Sloane, love is it such a bad thing to be loved by me?” he asked. His eyes searched hers. She took a deep breath.

  “No,” she breathed.

  “So, what are you so worried about?” he brushed his hands along the lines forming on the side of her eyes. He caressed her cheek with his fingers.

  “I’m not ready. I can’t say it back to you.” She looked down and gripped her pointer finger with her other hand.

  “Sloane love, you don’t have to say it back. I still love you regardless.” His eyes were soft, patient as they looked at her. He took her hands in his. “Love, I just wanted you to know. I don’t want to lose you again. Please, just talk to me. Don’t close up on me.” He kissed her hands, then her lips. He was so gentle in his kisses. His lips caressing hers with feather-light pecks. He kissed her lips, her jawline, savoring every tough. He brushed his fingertips from the back of her neck down her spine. Sloane felt tingles go down her entire body as he savored her.

  She ran her hands through his curls again. “You’re amazing, Mike.”

  He smiled and met her lips with his. “Glad to hear it, love.” He breathed the words against her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to tell him, yet. She knew she didn’t want to lose him, either. She wanted to stay with him. To keep him with her like th
is. Was that enough? His thumb flicked over her nipple, and her breath caught. For now, it would have to be. He wasn’t asking for her to tell him, right now. He tugged at her shirt. She raised her arms as he pulled it over her head. He took her nipple in his mouth, and she’d forgotten her train of thought.

  She wasn’t sure how long they’d been in the bedroom, but no one had come looking for them. Mike gazed at her. His head propped on his hand as he lay on his side on the bed. He ran his hand down her face, and she stared back at him. She could stay in this bed with him forever. “This is enough,” he said.

  She closed her eyes. She wanted to say she loved him, she did. She tried to pull the words out. She took a deep breath. Instead, she said, “Are you sure?”

  His laugh rang out, “Yes, love. I’m sure.” He caressed the lines on the side of her eyes again. “If you’re not careful, these worry line will stick.” He kissed the side of each eye. “Stop worrying, love. I’m a very patient man. I know you. When you’re ready, you’ll say what you mean. You always do.” He kissed her. “Now, come on. There’s a fight happening, and I know you’re not skipping it.” He held his hand out to her. She took it, and he pulled her into his arms for a kiss. She giggled at his eagerness. “Oh, how I love the sound of your laugh.” He kissed her again. He let her go, and she felt his absence immediately. She grabbed up her phone. She had messages from Chloe.

  I don’t know anyone with the power to freeze, but I’ll ask around. Brb.

  Nope, no one can freeze time. Super cool power. We’ll be ready to help when you get here. We’re spreading around campus, so we’re not suspicious. We can dispossess while you guys go after Mr. Hall. lmk when you’re here.

  “Chloe says there’s no one there that can freeze time. What powers do your friends have that are so secret?” She pulled her shirt back over her head. Mike had his jeans back on and was pulling his belt tight. She licked her lips at sight. She wanted to jump him all over again. The muscles in his arms tightened. She wanted to run her fingers over his abdomen. Feel each curve of muscle under her fingertips. She bit her lip and walked over to him. She splayed her hands over his chest, rubbing. He smiled down at her.

  “Couldn’t resist me, aye?” He placed a hand over hers on his chest.

  “You’re so beautiful.” She breathed and bent to lick his chest. She couldn’t help herself she wanted to taste him. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm.

  “So are you, love.” He smiled as she met his eyes. “We have some pressing matters to attend.” His smirk was playful. She could tell he enjoyed her preoccupation with his body.

  She jutted out her lip in a pout, “Fine.” She turned and went back to the desk and plopped down in the chair. He shook his head and laughed at her. He reached down and picked up his shirt. He pulled it over his head.

  “You ready to go battle some demons?” he asked.

  “I guess.” She pouted.

  “You love battling demons.” He walked over and brushed his hand down her cheek.

  “I love being with you, more.” She looked up at him through his lashes.

  “Good to know.” He held his hand out to her. She slipped her hand in his and followed him out of the room.

  Erik and Jessie had moved into the Kitchen. Caroline and Nick were there, along with about seven other people. Sloane looked around at each of them. Her eyes stopped at one guy, leaning against the counter, popping a grape into his mouth. His dark hair was swept back out of his face. One piece rebelled and hung down the side, next to his eye. He had the beginning scruff of a dark beard around his mouth. Sloane could tell he’d trimmed it all but around his mouth in a sexy goatee. Mike walked up to him.

  “Hey Ely, it’s good to see you, brother.” Mike took his hand and pulled him into a quick hug with a single pat on the back.

  “Yeah, you called, I came.” He glanced over at Sloane. He raked his apprehensive gaze over Sloane. “This your girl?” He asked.

  Mike looked over to Sloane. “Yeah, Sloane meet Ely.” He held out a hand. She placed her hand in his. He turned it and placed a kiss on her knuckles, looking deep into her eyes.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sloane.” Her name sounded like velvet coming from his mouth.

  Mike wrapped his arm around Sloane. Ely smiled up to Mike. “She’s a beauty, Mike.” He looked Sloane up and down again. Mike tightened his hand around her shoulders. Sloane looked to him, was he jealous? She narrowed her eyes on the tightness of his face. She’d never seen him jealous; her heart swelled at the thought.

  “She is.” Mike gazed into Sloane’s eyes. She caressed his cheek with her hand. When he smiled, she could see the brightness of it in his eyes. They were about to go into a huge battle, and Mike’s smile meant everything.

  “Ahem,” Erik stood next to the two. “Nice of you to finally join us. You know we have to leave in ten minutes, and you don’t know what’s going on.” He looked at them with annoyance.

  “Okay Erik, what’s going on?” Sloane turned on her brother.

  Mike wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him. “Erik can you fill us in. We’re all getting in the truck, right? Anything else we need to know.” Sloane placed her arm over Mike’s.

  Erik looked down at Sloane, then up to Mike. “Yes, we’re all going in the truck. Then we’ll go through the offices as we discussed. A few groups are breaking off to go after the teachers in other buildings. Caroline is staying in the offices since her daughter is with Mr. Hall. Jessie will be going with her. I’m going to another team to the West. I can hear the thoughts of everyone, so I’m going to help distinguish between demons and Shikari.” He paused to look at Sloane. “What’s the status on Chloe?”

  “There will be students spread around campus to assist. They know we’re coming and can help identify those who are demons. She said they were still working on dispossessing as many students as possible. I need to text her when we’re on campus.” She explained.

  “Good, they’ll be a big help.” Erik looked over to Caroline, and she nodded. “Looks like it’s time to head to the truck.” He walked over and took Jessie’s hand.

  Sloane looked to Mike, “You ready?”

  “Always,” He bent and kissed her lips quickly before following everyone outside.

  Chapter 22

  Erik bent to Jessie’s ear. “I thought there would be more people here. What did Caroline say to you?”

  Jessie clutched Erik’s hand. “Nothing, just that more people were coming, but they were driving. I thought there would be more, too. She said we’d have twenty-five at least. I only count thirteen of us total. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to go in with only thirteen of us.” Jessie’s eyes were creased in worry.

  “Magnus and Bryant are meeting us at the truck. He has people with him. We should be up to twenty with them. I’m still worried. I don’t like the idea of being away from you in the fight.” He slid into the driver’s seat of the car. Sloane and Mike slid in the seats behind them.

  “What do you guys think? Do we have enough people?” Erik looked back at Mike. He was the more reasonable of the two.

  “I was wondering about that, myself. I thought you said we’d have twenty-five. I only counted thirteen people including us. Caroline wouldn’t send us in without enough people, would she?” Mike grasped Sloane’s hand in his.

  “Yes, when it comes to her daughter, she’d do anything. We have to save the school. Besides, Chloe and the other students will be helping us. There’s no way they outnumber us if we have most of the students dispossessed.” Sloane squared her shoulders in confidence.

  “I’m just worried. We’ll see how many people show up at the truck. I think one group of us needs to arrive in a separate car, in case anything goes wrong. I hate the idea of us all sitting in one truck.” Erik drove to the warehouse. He parked next to the procession of cars. “It looks like Magnus brought a few people. I just wish we had someone with the power to freeze time besides Jessie.” He gave Jessie a concer
ned look.

  “Erik, I’ll be fine. We can do this.” She gripped his hand tighter.

  “Let’s get a count on how many people we have and their abilities, so we are sending everyone to the place best suited to them,” Mike suggested.

  “Sounds good. Hey, what does your friend Ely do?” Erik asked.

  “Astral projection.” He answered. “That’s why he hides out. I only came across him when I was looking for someone else in Southern Colorado. He keeps himself pretty hidden away. When I sensed his ability, I was curious, so I found him. We’ve been friends ever since. He’s from New York City originally, but he came out here to hide in the mountains.”

  “Wow, that’s a pretty cool ability.” Sloane peeked out the window to see Ely, lounged against his black Chevy Impala. Mike rubbed his thumb across her knuckles.

  “Okay Mike, can sense them? What are we working with here? It’d be nice to know who we have on our side. We need to be quick though. They’ll be expecting us to join them soon.” Erik darted a glance out the window. Magnus was talking with Caroline. They were probably talking logistics before loading up.

  “Okay,” Mike closed his eyes to concentrate. “So, Caroline can read minds like you can, Erik. Nick can manipulate the element of water. He can freeze people, but in a very different way.” He chuckled. “Magnus is copying Jessie’s power, right now. That should come in handy.” He continued.

  “I’ll listen to what I can while you do your thing.” Erik began scanning the surrounding minds. Usually, he wouldn’t do this to people he knew, but he needed to know who was here.

  “Whoa, one girl here can overload another’s mind with voices. That could come in handy to distract others while we dispossess them.” Mike looked from Sloane to Jessie. “She could go with one group while Jessie goes with another. You freeze, and she distracts. Another guy has the power of augmentation, his being here boosts all our powers. He’s probably the reason I’m getting such a clear picture of what everyone can do. I have to say; Caroline and Magnus have a powerful group of friends.” Mike felt pleased with the prospective fight, knowing they would have some serious help to go into it.


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