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The Mermaid Catches Her Mate

Page 4

by Jax Cassidy

  Oh, Ace knew exactly the reason why she’d pushed so hard. Riley had given him an extensive portfolio on the people and town, including how the spring water affected tourists. He had intentionally faked the memory lapse since she believed he was human. He’d never trusted anyone with something so delicate and potentially destructive for him. In truth, a part of him wanted to confess due to living the lie for so long. He hesitated simply because it was a secret he’d held back from the world. There was no use revealing it now.

  Besides, Ace wasn’t sure how the paranormal population would feel once they realized he’d pulled the biggest con since…well, Houdini. Even the illusionist himself had once been one of his personal mentors. He’d also given Ace this fine idea to live among mortals. The world believed Houdini died of appendicitis; in actuality, he was a draoi who currently served in Ace’s father’s Council.

  “Is Nocturne Falls what you’d thought it’d be?” Luna asked. She dunked two fries in ketchup mixed with hot sauce.

  “It’s charming, I give it that.” He lounged back in the booth. “I hadn’t expected the view to be so fetching.”

  “You’re right. When I moved here I was surprised to discover how beautiful the landscape was a few minutes on the outskirts. Pandora Van Zant, my realtor, knew exactly what I wanted and delivered pretty quickly.” She continued to devour the rest of her basket of fries, oblivious to his compliment. “I’m not sure if you might be interested, but I can give you a referral.”

  “I’m just passing through.”

  “Well, this town and the people grow on you. Even if you don’t want them to,” she said with a musical laugh.

  “I’m starting to see that.” He nodded.

  She pushed her empty dishes aside and settled comfortably in the booth. He wasn’t surprised she had polished off everything and made no excuses for enjoying her food. It was refreshing to see.

  “I’m sure you aren’t familiar with all the local businesses and events around here. I don’t get to participate much these days, but it’s a huge draw with the tourists.”

  Luna’s grin was infectious and endearing as he listened to her talk about all the things she found entertaining and special about the town. Their conversation segued into her work and the regular clients that weren’t shy about supplying the latest gossip. Again, Ace was drawn in by her personality and the way her face lit up as she spoke. He enjoyed her company. Maybe more than he’d imagined.

  They’d been so wrapped up in the silly bantering and drinking that Ace didn’t see Natalia approach their booth.

  “I suppose this explains why you haven’t answered your calls.” The woman held up her cell and showed him the screen with the number of times she’d dialed his phone.

  He grabbed his beer and drank, trying not to get upset that she had interrupted them. “It’s me night off. What were you needin’?”

  She dropped the cell into her clutch. “We still haven’t gone over your promotionals and you’re set to perform in a few days. There’s a ton of contracts that are time sensitive...” Natalia turned to glare at Luna. She continued in a scathing tone, “While you’re here playing footsies with the local hair dresser!”

  “It’s an ‘award winning hairstylist’, thank you,” Luna corrected with a straight face.

  If not for Luna’s hilarious response, he would have shattered the glass out of anger.

  “I suggest you keep your temper in check in front of my date.” He pulled out a handful of bills and threw them on the table as he slid out. “There’s plenty of time to go over those boring details, so if you’ll excuse us, Luna and I have the rest of the evening to finish off.” He reached for Luna’s hand and helped her out. “Feels a wee bit crowded in here. How does someplace more intimate sound, love?”

  Natalia’s expression darkened as she watched Luna casually lace her fingers around his. She intentionally tightened her hold for the woman to see.

  Luna flashed the seething woman a smug smile. “Sounds enthralling,” she purred. “Three’s a crowd and, since I’m trying to seduce him, we’d prefer to have some privacy.” Luna whispered loud enough for Ace to hear.

  Natalia gasped. She opened and shut her mouth a few times, incapable of responding.

  They’d practically rushed out of Howler’s and Ace couldn’t have been prouder of Luna’s spunk.

  What a woman! He’d known many women in his lifetime but no one as exciting and who lit a fire in his veins—and other parts—like nobody’s business. Luna was so bold yet totally unapologetic. His heart squeezed and he couldn’t breathe from the sudden realization. It hit him like a ten ton boulder to the gut. He was falling for her. Hard.


  Luna laughed until her stomach hurt as they slowed their pace now that they were a safe distance from the bar. Ace made no move to release her hand as they strolled down the sidewalk. She’d always shied away from public displays of affection, yet for some reason, this act felt so natural. Everything about tonight was magical. She was beginning to think he cast a spell on her since she wasn’t her usual unsocial self.

  The round moon glowed brightly above as if she were in agreement with Luna’s thoughts. There was a decent crowd making their way around, exploring the town and filling the shops and eateries. They continued with a steady pace without any plans or direction.

  Funny how she never appreciated what Nocturne Falls had to offer until tonight. She’d taken so much for granted, simply having her blinders on without seeing the world around her. Maybe she didn’t want to know for fear she’d want to stay. She’d missed so much by having her walls up and not fully embracing this quirky place she now called home. Why did she not see it?

  They passed the supernaturals in their elaborate attire, entertaining onlookers as they played their roles perfectly. The tourists happily ate it up since they had no idea this wasn’t an act for the residents of the town. Her smile widened. Nothing could compare to the thrill of acknowledging this kind of high energy, and this happened almost every single night!

  She felt a tug on her hand and her attention was pulled back to her companion.

  Ace stopped and turned to her. “How about we go there? Looks mighty enticing.” He pointed in the distance at the Gargoyle fountain at the center of all the activity.

  “It does appear enchanting.” She nodded and followed him to the landmark that delighted adults and children alike.

  She inhaled the fragrance of surrounding flowers and admired her surroundings. Small white skull lights were strewn across the streetlamps and around the parameters, resembling softly glowing fireflies casting a dreamy effect. The magnificent creature atop the fountain wasn’t just a monument, but a live supernatural on guard. He made the area seem protected with a sense of privacy even if tourists were wandering nearby.

  Ace finally released her hand and eyed the Gargoyle. “He seems a mite bored.” Tilting his head from one side to the other for a closer view.

  “Wouldn’t anyone, if that’s what they did all day?” She let out a nervous laugh. “But since he’s a statue it shouldn’t matter.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” He turned to face her. “I’ve heard something peculiar about this spot. I’m curious if it’s true.”

  Luna grinned in understanding. “That’s right. If you throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish, it’s supposed to come true.”

  He rubbed his stubbled jaw. “Is that so?” Ace reached into his pants pocket and pulled out two coins, handing her one. “Let’s test that theory, shall we?”

  “I never thought about what I’d wish for,” she whispered.

  PLOP! The sound made her head jerk up.

  Luna stated, “You have to make a wish—”

  She didn’t get a chance to finish when Ace stepped in, looped his arm around her waist and pulled her body toward him. He dipped his head and his mouth closed over hers. The kiss sent her mermaid tail in a spin! It was a toe-curling, high velocity k
iss that made her temperature rise to almost boiling point from the heat.

  Ace reluctantly withdrew his lips. He lifted his head and gazed deep into her eyes. “I guess it came true.”

  Luna was too stunned to speak. Her heart beat in a rhythm that rivaled a bullet train. She shifted her gaze to refocus and the Gargoyle’s eyes lit up as he winked his approval.

  Reality set in at what had occurred. This wasn’t some daydream she walked into, but a mistake she shouldn’t have let happen. Was it really a mistake?

  She swallowed hard, licking her suddenly dry lips.

  “Please don’t do that.” He gave her an anguished expression. “I think you make me want to take actions that I don’t think we’d want witnesses for.” Ace chuckled. “Unless you’re into that sorta thing…”

  Clarity rocked her and she pushed away from him. She needed to allow an appropriate breathing distance to sort out what just transpired. Her head buzzed frantically with thoughts, desires, and it scared the starfish out of her. This was not supposed to happen. Luna wasn’t supposed to have this kind of attraction…with this man!

  His expression changed to one of concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “I…I’m sorry, Ace. I don’t think this was a good idea.” Luna backed away and did the one thing she knew how to do well.

  She ran.

  Basil smacked her chewing gum and then blew an elaborate bubble, popping it back into her mouth. “Here’s the labels you ordered. They’re bloody good.” She placed the bundled stack on the counter. “Keke did an epic job with the design.”

  Luna hadn’t heard a single word, only nodded in agreement. The mix she had been pouring into the bottle overflowed and she jerked her hand, knocking the liquid across the floor.

  “Jeez!” She grabbed a handful of paper towels and tried to wipe up the mess with poor results.

  Basil grabbed a mop and took over the cleaning. Once the floor was squeaky clean, she propped her back against the counter and quirked a brow at Luna. “Since I’ve been here, never have I seen you so out of sorts. I fear it’s due to a certain species of the male persuasion?”

  “It’s complicated,” she replied.

  “Nothing is complicated unless you make it so,” the woman countered.

  Luna had only known the fox shifter for a short while, but she trusted the woman’s sincerity. Letting out a slow breath, she asked, “What if the person you didn’t want anything to do with isn’t the person you thought he’d be?”

  “For what it’s worth, Ace Conall isn’t as bad as you’d think.” She grinned broadly. “The media may be all up in his business, but as a founding member of his secret fan club—don’t you dare say a word—I’ve heard he’s quite a gent cloaked in wolf’s clothing.”

  “I don’t know.” Luna wasn’t sure what to think anymore. The truth was that she didn’t want to like the man. It made it easier not to fall for him. He’d be gone in a few months and that should be the end of it. But what if she wanted more?

  No. She’d sworn not to fall for a mortal. It had destroyed lives. The tortured face of her aunt manifested in her mind, making her tense up.

  Basil fluffed her bangs. “My suggestion is not to overthink. Just be.”

  “Just be,” she repeated.

  “Yah, enjoy the ride while you can.”

  Luna laughed, crinkling her nose as she stared at the woman differently. She shook her head in disbelief. “I never would’ve known.”

  She shrugged. “I couldn’t rightly fall at his feet like a blubbering idiot the other day without revealing myself, would I?” Her expression serious.

  “You’re so right.” Luna burst out laughing and Basil joined along, their voices echoing in the room.

  The rest of the day at the salon was a mad house. Word had gotten around that Ace endorsed the salon and Luna’s expert skills. Every tourist and supernatural in town seemed to be booking appointments so there was no time to think about the man.

  Luna wrapped up for the day and took on last sweep at her station to make sure everything was in order before she grabbed her purse and left.

  “How about getting a bite sometime soon? Bring Keke, aye?” Basil called after her.

  “Sounds good,” she responded, a happy bubble forming in her stomach.

  Her smile fell as the realization hit her. Just when she’d decided to leave, she was making new friends that she wasn’t ready to leave behind. Luna exhaled deeply as her souring mood guided her feet to The I Scream Shop. She’d pick up a carton of her favorite Cookies and Scream and maybe call Keke over to fill her in on the details after Ace and Luna had left Howler’s. She also wanted to trade her usual night of alchemy for some company.

  Luna got out of her hybrid and grabbed the bag containing her ice cream. She closed the door and whipped around when her eyes landed on the most delicious morsel standing at her door.

  “I needed to see you.”

  She took her time to reach him and held up the bag. “You’re lucky. You got here just in time.”

  Ace’s face brightened and his body relaxed. Luna didn’t think as she made a step toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she planted a kiss smack on his lips. It was as if her head wasn’t involved in the act. Did they have a real connection, or was she interested in him purely because she’d been single for too long? Her body reacted instantly, drawing close to his warmth. His body pressed tight against hers and the connection they made had her feeling as if they were floating upward.

  She’d never experienced a kiss quite like this one.

  When her feet were firmly planted back on the ground, she pulled away, not sure if it was her imagination or Ace’s wickedly delicious sorcery.

  “I think I’d better go,” he murmured. “Otherwise, I won’t be able to leave.”

  “Maybe I want you to stay,” she said in a breathless tone.

  He chuckled. “Maybe I will,” he agreed before dragging her back for another kiss that propelled her into another dimension.


  “Well, well, well.” Kearney observed. “Look what the cat dragged in. It’s a might late, isn’t it?” He crossed his arms and walked around Ace in a circle.

  “Stop that,” he commanded.

  The man broke out into a wide grin. “More like the cat got some—”

  “Don’t you dare!” Ace warned with lack of force behind it. “I’m sure you’ll nag it out of me. Yes, I spent the evening in Luna’s company. We didn’t do what you think we did. You happy?”

  Kearney’s hands shot up in the air. “Hey, it’s not me business, but if you’re sharing, I can tell this one’s different than the others.”

  “I don’t need your approval,” Ace said as he walked to the bar and poured himself a drink. He was growing fond of the spacious luxury rental. This place offered all the amenities that a person could ever want and then some.

  The man ignored him. “You’ve not been such a good judge of character in the past.” Kearney swiped the glass and headed to the leather sofa.

  Ace sighed and poured himself another glass of whiskey. He took a seat on the recliner. They sat for a few minutes in silence as he cradled the drink.

  Kearney seemed frustrated as he set the glass down on the table. “I can sense your negative energy even from here!”

  He raised his head and frowned. “Should I tell her the truth?”

  “You mad, man? You’ve kept this secret all this time and you’re willing to throw it away for a woman?” He said in an incredulous tone.

  “Luna’s a mermaid,” Ace blurted.

  “You don’t say?” Kearney’s face was one of amusement. “Why didn’t you say so before? This changes everythin’.”

  “Does it?” Ace drained the rest of his drink. “It’s unheard of, you realize.”

  Ace didn’t know what came over him as he told his friend everything about discovering Luna in the lake, leading up to the Moonbow incident and
their kiss at the fountain.

  Kearney settled back against the cushion deep in thought. “It’s obvious you’ve got feelings for the lass. Otherwise you’d never think of telling the truth.” He paused. “The only other person you’ve ever shared this with was the one you ended up wed to.”

  “How am I going to explain that I’m really not mortal but a draoi? Not only that, but I’m the only heir and prince from some ancient kingdom that everyone doesn’t know exists between worlds.” Ace said in exasperation, “How do you think she’d take it?”

  The man stood up and spoke with emotion, “We create illusions, but we shouldn’t confine ourselves in one.”

  “What the bloody hell does that even mean?” Ace closed his eyes and his head dropped back against the chair.

  “Exactly what it means. Don’t be a fool.” Kearney’s voice lowered, “Don’t wait until it’s too late before you discover how the other person will react.” He heaved a heavy sigh as if he was glad he could finally speak about it. “Now sleep up, your performance starts tomorrow and you need to be in your right head.” With those words of wisdom, his dearest friend retired for the night.

  The heaviness sunk deep in his heart. The past came hurtling back to him. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath. Aislinn had died. All because of his secrets and lies.

  His fingers loosened their grip and the glass slipped, crashing against the floor into a hundred pieces.

  Just like his heart.

  Luna couldn’t believe she’d agreed to meet up with Natalia. The woman was like a case of hives that wouldn’t go away. She was waiting by the lake, curious as to what the surly manager had to say to her. She had a hunch it was her disapproval of Ace dating her. It didn’t bother her except that she wondered if the woman also had him on her personal agenda.

  The woman took her time to meet Luna, her runway strides enhanced her lengthy legs, yet she made no attempt to quicken her pace. It wasn’t surprising every time she saw her, she wore designer everything. There was a vast difference between the two women. Coral to kelp. With all her confidence, it was surprising that the magician wasn’t dating her.


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