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Retribution: Skulls Renegade MC Book #10

Page 7

by Knox, Elizabeth

  I stand up, not wanting to continue this dinner. It’s drained too much of my energy. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll take my leave.” I say to Stefan, walking past him into the living area. The heat consumes me with a radiating pounding in my head, and the next thing I know, the carpet isn’t so far away. It’s right in front of my eyes. I drift off into the darkness, hearing Enzo call out my name over and over again.


  Keep your face always towards the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.

  -Walt Whitman


  “It is taking everything within me not to shoot across the room and choke you. Get out!” I roar, not caring who I offend or upset. Ksenia just passed out in the living room from all of the stress she went through. I managed to carry her upstairs and put her on the bed, not leaving her side the entire time while we waited for our family doctor to show up. Now that I think about it, probably wasn’t the smartest thing for me to do. I just wanted her far away from my mother, and considering this is all my mother’s doing, I will be as furious as I want.

  Ksenia is carrying our child inside of her, and my mother . . . God, she could have harmed the baby. I glance back over to the doc, who has a cuff around Ksenia’s arm. “Her blood pressure is high, but I don’t see why she can’t come down from it. You really shouldn’t be letting her get stressed given that she’s pregnant. What’s not good for mom, isn’t good for the baby.”

  I look back to my left and see my mother is still in the room. “Are you deaf? Or just not listening? Get. The. Fuck. OUT!” I don’t care that I’m screaming at my mother. Normally, I would, but not in this case. Not when she’s done this.

  “B-but the baby. Is the baby okay?” She asks, her lip trembling.

  “Do you even care? You put her in this state. How can you care when you did that?” I look to Stefano, “Get her out. Please. Actually, everyone but Carla please get out.” I throw my hands up in the air, frustrated as all hell. I’m pleased as I see everyone respecting my wishes, only leaving my sister in the room.

  Before Stefano is out of the doorway, I speak up, “You and I need to have a talk later, after I make sure Ksenia is okay.”

  “I’ll be in my study. Meet me whenever you’re sure she and the little one are alright.” I nod at his statement and he shuts the door behind him, leaving Carla, Ksenia and I in with the doctor.

  Ksenia stirs, stretching out her arms. “W-what h-happened?” She murmurs, looking confused.

  “You passed out, sweetie. Do you remember?”

  “I remember the carpet.” She says it plain as day, and I have no idea what she’s really saying.

  Carla pipes up, “She must remember hitting the ground. We have that god awful carpet in there.”

  “Is that good, that she remembers?” I ask the doctor, who nods.

  “Ksenia, I’m going to go over a series of tests with you and then we’ll check and see how your little one is doing. Okay?” Ksenia nods at him and I see him work through a couple things with her. It looks like he tests her eyes with a light and asks a series of questions. He even makes her get out of bed to walk in a straight line, but once that is all said and done, he makes her sit back down. “Alright, let’s check on the nugget.”

  When he came upstairs, he brought some sort of portable ultrasound. I’m amazed that these things are even around these days. I know technology is only advancing through the years, but really, who would’ve known?

  He pulls out some sort of cord like device and grabs a bottle of something from his bag. It looks like lube, but it’s firmer. “I’m going to ask you to lift your shirt up so we can get a good look-see at the baby.”

  Ksenia nods, “Okay.” Lifting her shirt up for him to expose her belly.

  I go sit next to her on the bed and watch as he flips a switch and the monitor turns on. It’s black at first, but when he presses the device against her stomach I see a variety of blacks, grays and whites. With the picture comes a fast paced thumping sound.

  Ksenia’s face shifts from worry to a beaming smile, and somehow, I know that things are going to be okay. “It looks like your son is going to be just fine. Seems to be a tough son of a bitch, just like his father.”

  My mind is blown. “Did you say son?”

  “I sure did. Oh, shoot. Did you two not know?”

  Ksenia laughs, a couple tears flowing down her face. “It’s okay. It was a very welcome surprise. Thank you.”

  “He looks to be perfectly healthy to me and I’d say you two have nothing to worry about. But you, Momma, you need to stay calm. Don’t let anything stress you out this badly again. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Alright. I’m going to gather my things and be off. Carla, do me a favor and see if you have any fresh cannoli’s in the kitchen?” Doc wipes the goo off of Ksenia’s stomach and she puts her shirt back over her belly.

  “Sure thing, Doc.” Carla responds. She’s always liked the good doctor, but he always gave her stickers and candy as a kid.

  “Oh, and one for Ksenia too. She’s had a rough day and deserves a little something to sweeten it up.”

  “You got it.” Carla leaves the room and we stay quiet as Doc packs up his things and gets ready to leave. It’s been a long day and I just want to have a private conversation with Ksenia. God knows we need to have a discussion.

  “Hopefully, I won’t be seeing you two anytime soon and when I do, you’ll have a baby boy in your arms.”

  I laugh, “I sure hope so.” And watch as Doc leaves, shutting the door behind him.

  “I had no idea you had a child.” I admit, wondering why she kept this secret from me.

  “I don’t have a child. She doesn’t belong to me, Enzo. If I so much as mention her name, she will be killed. Sergei is crazy enough to do that. I have no doubt in my mind that he would harm her.”

  I’ve never felt my insides burn the way they do right now. I want to harm this fucker more than Max. As a matter of fact, maybe I’ll kill them both. “Ksenia, I had no idea.”

  “Why would you do that? I’ve kept this secret from my own sister for years. The only people who know about her are your family and Sergei. Minus the DiGiovanni’s of course.”

  “We will get her back. I don’t know how yet, but we will. I promise you that we will.”

  Ksenia looks at me in a way that she never has before, with sad eyes. “Please don’t promise me things that you can’t follow through on.” She grows quiet for a moment before changing the subject. “Have you talked to Stefano about helping the Skulls yet? You should. Carla will be up to bring me the cannoli anyway. It will give her and I a better opportunity to get acquainted.” I can’t argue with her, but I know what she’s asking. She wants me to stay away from her, to give her some space for the time being. Message received.


  Own who you are.



  I exit the bedroom and head straight down the stairwell, and go through the living room just off of where we were eating dinner an hour or so ago. Stefano’s study is behind a double set of doors, looking more like a library whenever you walk inside.

  I rap lightly on the door and wait to be told I can come in. “Come inside.” He states. I place my hand on the knob and turn it, pushing the doors open as I go inside. It looks just as I remember, a deep cherry wood covering every aspect of the room. The floors, the built in cabinets and lastly, his desk. He sits in a matching leather chair, not one color out of place in this room because, well – there are no others. It’s cherry wood on cherry.

  I shut the door behind me and take a seat on one of the leather chairs that sit across from his desk. “Is she alright?”

  I nod once, “Yes, she seems to be.”

  “You know as well as I that I can’t control your mother. She is a rare beast.” He lets out a laugh at the end, but I can tell that what she did made him uncomfortable. Stefano rarely apologizes so I doubt I’ll get
one out of him.

  I shrug, “She will never treat Ksenia that way ever again. I won’t stand by and allow that to happen. It was an ambush, even worse, an interrogation.”

  Stefano stands up from his chair and walks across to one of the shelves, pulling a book from it, he sets it down in front of me. “The Art of War?” I read the name, looking up to him. “What does that have to do with this?”

  “Nothing. This has to do with business. We can talk about our family issues later, but we really need to talk about is why you came here to see us. I think it is because of this,” He points to the word war, and little does he know. This war has been going on for years, and it’s going to end very soon. Frankly, I can’t wait until it does.

  “Yes, I did come here because of that. We’re having a problem at the club. Hell, they didn’t even want me to come to you because my Prez is afraid you’ll want something in return.”

  “No, you’re famigilia.” Stefano states, looking at me with confusion.

  “Reed isn’t Italian. He doesn’t understand what famigilia is to us.”

  “Ah, well what is your problem?”

  I run my hand over my head and tell him everything that we know about Max. Even about the parts of the puzzle that Trick put together for us not too long ago. Max is the brother of a man Reed crossed, and Trick ended up paying the time in prison. Max killed Trick’s sister and two nephews, who were kids at the time. Max was essentially a spy under our noses the entire time. Eventually he created some bullshit excuse about wanting to go Nomad, and it gave him the opportunity to cause more mayhem in our lives. Kyle was thrown in jail after being framed in Las Vegas. Trying to remember the sequence of events is difficult. After Kyle got out, Max raped Michelle at Butch and Bellamy’s wedding. Like that wasn’t enough, he beat her to a pulp as well. This man has done more harm than any of our enemies combined.

  “And he’s slipped under your nose again?” Stefano sounds somewhat judgmental, irritated that we’ve allowed this to happen.

  “Not my nose, but the clubs, yes.”

  He scoffs, shaking his head back and forth. “I told you that you’d want to be in the family business, but you constantly keep fighting me on it. Look where your troubles have taken you, son.” For some, being called son by someone who isn’t your blood would bother you. Me on the other hand, well, it’s different. Stefano has been my fill in father for as long as I can remember. “You want to end this scums life more than anything.” He balls his hand into a fist, “You crave for him to suffer, for him to no longer breathe the same air as you or I.”

  I look at him point blank. “You’re right. I think Max deserves to die, and I want him to suffer in ways that no one can ever imagine, but I will never assassinate anyone who doesn’t deserve it. I won’t just pick and choose who lives and dies like the rest of you do. I’m not going to murder someone for political gain, or what other reasons people may have on hiring the family. I’m not like that.”

  “Do you think we kill good people?” I’m surprised by his question, it’s one that he’s never once asked me. To be frank, I thought they did.

  I nod, without making a sound.

  Stefano laughs, and continues for a few moments. “Lorenzo, we take out people who deserve it. Much like Max, we take out the scum, the politically corrupt, the ones who only want to harm others. It’s not like we’re taking hits for mothers of four who drive mini-vans.”

  “We aren’t decent people, Stefano.”

  With raised eyebrows, he responds. “No, we are not, but I never claimed that. What we do is bloody, and more than that, it’s malevolent . . . but I put it to good use. I use my evil in a way that serves the greater good, as do your brothers.”

  “I think it’s time I use it for some good as well.” I comment, glancing out the window behind his desk.

  He claps, “It’s about time. Now, let’s chat and see how we can solve this problem. I expect you can debrief me before we call your Prez and get his input. I’ll need to know everything that you all know, so maybe a good throw of the church would be acceptable.”

  I roll my eyes at the man who thinks he knows it all. “It’s not a throw of the church. The Prez calls church to discuss important issues.”

  “Issues like this, yes?” He questions.


  “Alright, then call your Prez and tell him he must host a church. We have much to discuss and I’ll need accurate information from everyone. As you know . . .”

  “Any small detail is valuable.” I finish his sentence for him, pulling out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. It seems like this night is just getting started.


  A woman like the sun, should always stay bright.



  “You didn’t have to go into detail. You could’ve just told her to fuck off. Knowing my brother, he would’ve continued to stand by you. We all saw what she was doing, but that’s just how our mother is.” Carla tells me as she hands me a plate with some cannoli.

  I grab the cannoli from the plate and shove part of it in my mouth, practically starved. I don’t even think I picked up my fork when we were at dinner. Chewing on the Cannoli, a great idea comes to mind. “I really want a cheeseburger.” My thoughts spill out of my lips, and as soon as I realize what I just did, I feel mortified.

  Carla chuckles loudly, “I have a great idea. Let’s get the hell out of this joint and go get some grub. I didn’t really eat either.” Carla waves her hand to follow her, and I wasn’t told that I couldn’t move. The doctor just said I needed to rest. So, my happy butt will be resting in Carla’s car as we go get some food.

  I get off the bed and slide on my shoes, following Carla out of the bedroom, down the hallway and descend down the stairs.

  I continue to follow her, heading straight out the front door. We step onto the same beautifully landscaped path that we came in on and approach her car. She unlocks it and even opens my door for me. “I’m not some chivalrous bitch. You’re pregnant and that kid probably got the scare of its life today. C’mon, let’s feed you.”

  I get in the car and Carla does the same, inserting the key into the ignition, and reverses out of the driveway. We’re both quiet for a few minutes, until one of us gets the courage to speak.

  “It wasn’t any of her business, or any of ours, but regardless we know now.” Carla turns her head to look at me for a split second before directing her attention back on the road. “I’m just very sorry that happened to you. No one deserves it. Some people might argue with me and say shit like this is brought upon us, but no one gets to say how the length of a skirt or dress puts the blame on us.”

  I don’t really understand what Carla is saying, why she talks about how the length of clothing matters. In my case, it didn’t matter. No length of my clothes would determine my fate. The only thing responsible for that is the black hearted man who chose to act in a malicious way. I bring my brows together, still trying to register what she meant. Carla turns down another road and I speak.

  I’m honest with her. “I don’t know what you mean. Why does skirt length matter?” My accent comes out a bit thicker now. I don’t intend for it to, but on occasion, this does happen.

  “Was it like that for you? Where he blamed you because of what you were wearing?” Carla asks. I can tell by the look on her face that now she’s getting confused.

  “Why would he blame me for what he did?” This baffles me, and I don’t understand what she’s saying.

  “Did you not pursue him in a legal sense at all?” Oh, now I understand. She thinks that I would have gone after him for what he did to me.

  “No, I didn’t. Things never worked that way back home in Russia. Everything always happens behind closed doors and the police rarely interferes. No one knows about this, and not many ever will.”

  Carla goes into a lane and stops, putting her blinker on to turn left. “Here in the United States, it’s much different. Women accuse their rapi
sts and the police conduct an investigation. There’s been a mentality developed here, by the wrong people of course. They pin the blame on the women, the victims, based on how they look. Is their skirt too short? Are they showing too much cleavage? It’s that kind of shit where people want to find an excuse for rapists. It’s fucking disgusting. But our country is doing good, we are convicting these people and making them pay for what they’ve done.”

  “Different countries handle things differently. Russia hardly intervenes when it comes to domestic cases. They say it is ‘family business’. I want my country to do better, to do more, but it has been this way for so long. I do not know if I will be alive when a new leader finally makes things change. I hope I am, but I have serious doubts.”

  The light turns green and Carla goes down the street. She makes another turn and we enter the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. Within what seems like two minutes, she’s ordered us both cheeseburgers and goes up to the window, paying for the food, goes to the next window and grabs the bag, and we’re off.

  The burgers smell delicious and I could probably eat both of them. She digs her hand inside of the paper bag and hands me one, while she grabs the other. It seems she likes to live a little dangerously considering she’s driving her car and eating.

  I take a bite into the burger and am met with a combination of juiciness, with cheese overflowing on the sides. It’s hands down the best burger I’ve ever had, the perfect pairing of lettuce, onion, ketchup, meat and cheese. Add in the potato roll, and it’s a decadent desire.

  “That’s sad. I’m sorry that the world has been so cruel to you.” Carla’s words resonate with me, hitting me deep in my heart. I’ve only known this girl for a day, but I can sense that she is one of those rare, genuine souls.

  I shrug, “The world is cruel to everyone. I am no exception. No point in whining about it, though. All of us have endured things that make us stronger. At least, that’s what I tell myself to get through the worst of the worst.”


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