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The Inheritance

Page 9

by Matthew Lopez

  Eric Boy, have you got a lot to learn, Henry Wilcox.

  Henry And I suppose you think you’re the person to teach me.

  Eric About certain things, yes.

  Henry How long is this thing at BAM?

  Eric Four hours.

  Henry My God, that’s obscene.

  Eric But there’s two intermissions.

  Henry All in German?

  Eric Ja.

  Henry Fine, but I reserve the right to renegotiate at the first intermission.

  2. Eric and Henry

  Young Man 2 Thus the tyranny of the autumnal New York cultural scene continued to hold its sway over Eric Glass, infecting Henry Wilcox as well with its unrelenting demands.

  Young Man 4 Henry’s life was entrenched completely in commerce. Yet in the weeks that followed, Henry spent more time inside theatres, museums and concert halls than he had in decades.

  Henry What the fuck are we watching here?

  Eric This playwright is a genius.

  Henry Says who?

  Eric Well, he won the MacArthur Award.

  Henry Which means what, exactly?

  Eric That he’s a genius.

  Henry But what makes him a genius?

  Young Man 8 Shhh!

  Eric Beats me. I’ve never liked any of his plays.

  Young Man 4 They frequented hot new restaurants in Bushwick that took no reservations and boasted of two-hour waits.

  Young Man 3 Eric was appalled when Henry slipped the host a fifty-dollar bill. But his resistance faded when the action promptly landed them a table.

  Henry Negotiation is like standing on opposing ends of a football field. The goal is to get the other guy to travel closer to your end of the field than you to his.

  Eric You know that sports metaphors are completely lost on me, right?

  Henry Decide what you want to hold on to but never let the other guy know what that is. Make him think everything is precious to you. That way he doesn’t know what you’re really willing to give up. Half of the things you ask for at the outset are there so you can make a show of letting go of them. And always be willing to walk away from the deal.

  3. Peter Luger Steakhouse

  Eric, Henry, Charles and Paul at dinner.

  Morgan December arrived and Henry surprised both his sons by inviting Eric to join them for their annual visit to Peter Luger Steakhouse, the only reason Henry found a trip to Brooklyn was warranted.

  Henry How is it you’ve lived in or around New York City all your life and you’ve never eaten here?

  Eric It never occurred to me to travel outside of Manhattan for a steak. You can get a steak at any restaurant.

  Paul No, you cannot.

  Charles Not true at all.

  Henry You can get grilled beef at any restaurant. But for a real steak, you have to come to Peter Luger’s. What looks good to you?

  Eric Everything. I can’t decide.

  Henry Let me order for the table, then. We’ll start with the bacon. (Not on the menu – you have to know to order it.) Four shrimp cocktails. Then we’ll have two orders of the porterhouse for two, medium rare. Also the prime rib, medium rare.

  Charles and Paul Yes!

  Paul Peter Luger Sauce, please.

  Henry and Charles Yes!

  Henry What else? Baked potatoes?

  Charles and Paul Yes!

  Charles And steak fries.

  Paul And the German hash browns.

  Henry and Charles Yes!

  Henry And for dessert, a piece of cheesecake and the Holy Cow sundae.

  Charles and Paul Yes!

  Henry Do we feel that’s enough?

  Eric Maybe a vegetable?

  Paul We’re getting three.

  Henry I think he means something green. Creamed spinach?

  Eric Yes!

  Henry That’s how you order at Peter Luger’s.

  Young Man 5 It quickly became apparent to Charles and Paul that their father was engaged in a kind of courtship with Eric.

  Young Man 2 The brothers sat dumbfounded as Henry prompted Eric to prattle on about whatever subjects he could devise.

  Henry How’s the apartment hunt coming along?

  Eric Ugh, it’s not. I just got outbid by a cash offer. Twenty percent above asking. For a studio!

  Henry This is why you need to have four or five other properties ready to make offers on next.

  Eric I know, I know. I just loved that apartment so much.

  Henry Eric, I have told you and told you: you can’t be sentimental about real estate.

  Eric I know, I know. I’m about to give up and start looking outside the city. Maybe you should just let me have Walter’s house.

  Paul chokes on his drink.

  Did I say something wrong?

  Charles and Paul look at each other.

  Don’t tell me you sold it.

  Paul You can’t have it.

  Charles It’s rented.

  Henry You don’t want to live in the country, Eric. You’re a city mouse through and through.

  Eric I know. You’re right. But it is tempting to think about leaving here. Well, if it ever becomes available, let me know. I’m at the point where I’m ready to throw in the towel and start raising alpacas.

  4. Elevator

  Eric Thank you so much for dinner tonight, Henry. It was nice to … Well, anyway, it was nice.

  Henry It was my pleasure.

  Eric Your sons think I’m a total weirdo.

  Henry You are a total weirdo.

  Eric I don’t think they find it charming.

  Henry I do.

  Eric Do you ever worry about the future, Henry?

  Henry No.

  Eric How is that possible? Will you teach me?

  Henry It’s easy: just live through much worse and become a billionaire.

  Eric Why didn’t I think of that? It just feels as though the world is falling apart.

  Henry The world has been falling apart since it began. That is what the world does: it falls, it’s rebuilt. The same is true of people. You’re stronger than you think.

  The elevator dings.

  Eric Do you want to come up to my place … for a bit?

  Henry It’s late. And I should be getting home.

  Eric Yeah. Yeah, okay. Well. Goodnight, Henry.

  Thank you.

  Henry Goodnight, Eric.

  He exits.

  Morgan Eric returned to his apartment and examined the decanter that Henry had brought him several weeks before.

  Eric He thought about Walter and felt his loving embrace in that moment.

  Morgan And in the next, longed for Henry’s.

  End of Scene Two.


  Christmas Eve, 2016.

  Toby Toby rented a corner apartment on the sixty-seventh floor of a new construction in Hell’s Kitchen. He bought clothes and furniture, he began working with a trainer –

  Young Man 5 And started fucking his trainer.

  Toby Toby was having the time of his life. Parties at the Public Hotel, dinners at The Polo Bar, threeways with Juilliard dancers.

  Morgan But the emptiness he felt as a result of his breakup with Eric could not be easily pasted over by his libertine adventures.

  Toby No, Toby was having fun.

  Morgan But why was he having fun?

  Toby Because he was young and handsome with a kickass fuck-pad in the heart of New York City.

  Morgan Because he is in pain.

  Toby What the fuck is Toby in pain about?

  Morgan Take your pick: the end of his relationship with Eric, Adam’s rejection, the critical dismissal of his work. There’s a ‘why’ behind every action. And very likely a ‘why’ behind every ‘why’.

  Toby It was Toby and Eric’s tradition to attend the matinee of The Nutcracker every Christmas Eve with Eric’s friends.

  Morgan But Toby was disinvited this year.

  Toby Fine, then. It’s a stupid ballet anyway.

  Toby thought of calling Adam.

  Morgan But Adam was in Brazil with the director Tom Durrell.

  Toby Fine, then. Toby called Tristan.

  Tristan As if, bitch.

  Toby Toby called Jason.

  Jason 2 Oh my God, Toby, have you seen the new sonograms? The baby is getting so big.

  Toby Toby hung up on Jason.

  Morgan Who then does Toby turn to?

  Toby No one. Toby treats himself to a meal at Eleven Madison Park.

  Young Man 3 Thanks for the tip. Merry Christmas!

  Toby He goes home and … He goes home and opens an expensive bottle of wine.

  Morgan And then what?

  Toby He drinks it.

  Morgan And then what?

  Toby It tastes good.

  Morgan And then what?

  Then he felt an overwhelming spasm of loneliness that, on this night, the wine could not alleviate.

  Toby No.

  Morgan And that is how he found himself online, seeking out less complicated companionship.

  Toby Is Toby about to get laid? Totally down with that.

  Morgan Toby was stopped short by the profile.

  Was it him?

  Toby Who?

  Morgan But no, it couldn’t be.

  Young Man 3 Who are you talking about, Morgan?

  Morgan But that face. It was the same face, give or take.

  Toby Whose face?

  Morgan Toby knew he had to have this boy, if only for one night. If only to pretend. Toby texted the number on the ad and, two hours later … Leo appeared at his door.

  1. Toby’s Apartment

  Young Man 1 becomes Leo.

  Toby Hi.

  Leo Hey.

  Toby Thanks for coming on such short notice.

  Leo Yeah.

  Toby Can I get you a drink?

  Leo I’m good.

  Leo goes to the window, staring out.

  Toby Great view, huh? You can see the whole city.

  Leo Cool.

  Toby reaches for Leo. Leo pulls away.

  Toby Sorry, I – I’ve never done this before.

  Leo With a guy?

  Toby Oh God no. That ship has sailed. And sank a few times. It’s just my first time, um, you know …

  Morgan Paying for it.

  Toby So how does this work, exactly?

  Leo You tell me what you want, I’ll tell you if I do it.

  Toby I wanna fuck you.

  Leo Okay.

  Toby How much?

  Leo looks around the apartment, and then decides:

  Leo Three hundred.

  Toby Okay.

  Leo You have condoms?

  Toby Oh. Um –

  Leo I brought some.

  Toby I’m neg for what it’s worth.

  Leo Me too, but I don’t fuck raw.

  Toby Right. I wasn’t trying to not use them. I was just saying that you have nothing to fear from me. How old are you?

  Leo Old enough.

  Leo starts undressing. He then realizes Toby isn’t.

  Are you okay?

  Toby Yeah. It’s just that you’re really beautiful, you know that? Can I kiss you?

  Leo That’s more intimate than I like.

  Toby I’m about to fuck you.

  Leo I know.

  Toby But kissing is too intimate?

  Leo Yes.

  Toby I’ll pay an extra hundred if you let me kiss you.

  A beat.

  Leo Okay.

  Toby approaches Leo, takes a moment, then kisses him. Leo quickly pulls away. It’s a two-dollar kiss at best. Leo continues undressing.

  Toby What’s your name?

  Leo Leo.

  Toby Can I call you ‘Adam’?

  Leo Why?

  Toby You just look like an ‘Adam’ to me.

  Leo Whatever, man.

  Toby Tell me you love me.

  Leo What?

  Toby I’ll pay you another hundred.


  Leo looks at Morgan for help.

  Morgan Tell him.

  Leo I love you.

  Toby Say, ‘I love you, Toby.’

  Leo I love you, Toby.

  Toby Say it again. Make me believe it.

  Leo I love you, Toby.

  Toby I love you, Adam. Again.

  Leo I love you, Toby.

  Toby I love you, Adam. Again.

  Leo I love you, Toby.

  A beat, then:

  Toby Let’s go to bed.

  2. Leo and Morgan

  Leo sits in Toby’s bed, looking out Toby’s massive windows. Toby is asleep. Both are naked.

  Morgan Leo sat in Toby’s bed, looking at the skyline that – what?

  Leo Shimmered?

  Morgan Yes. That shimmered before him. He had never been this high up in the city before. He couldn’t help being … what?

  Leo Dazzled by the view. Leo knew he should dress and go home, that the trip would be a long one at this hour. He’d forgotten to ask for cash upfront.

  Morgan Rookie mistake, not to be repeated.

  Leo Leo would have to wake him to get his money. And that got scary sometimes, even with the nice ones. The need to ask made him feel … well, like a whore.

  Morgan But sitting in this warm, comfortable bed, looking out at the city –

  Leo – relaxed and even sleepy after his unexpected orgasm, Leo took a breath and pretended for one, two, three seconds that he belonged here, in this apartment, in this man’s bed.

  Morgan The city was … hypnotic from way up here, safely above the chaos.

  Leo From this great height, in this warm bed, for just this moment, Leo was safe.

  Morgan For once, he could stare at the tiger –

  Leo – and not fear its teeth.

  3. Toby and Leo

  Leo dresses. Toby stirs awake.

  Toby Did I fall asleep?

  Leo Just for a minute.

  Toby What are you doing?

  Leo Getting dressed.

  Toby What’s the rush?

  Leo It’s late.

  Toby Come here for a second.

  Leo I should go.

  Toby Stay.

  Leo It’s late.

  Toby So stay.

  Leo I can’t. Really.

  So, um …

  Toby Yeah?

  Leo Money?

  Toby Oh! Right, sorry. What’s the damage?

  Leo Five hundred.

  Toby What?!

  Leo With the extras?

  Toby Oh. Right.

  He takes out a wad of cash, hands it over.

  Leo Thank you.

  Toby Thank you.

  He notices a small book in Leo’s back pocket. He snatches it.

  What book are you reading?

  Leo Please give that back to me.

  Toby What’s it about?

  Leo Nothing. Give it back.

  Toby It has to be about something.

  Leo It’s just a bunch of old poems about nature and shit.

  Toby Read one to me.

  Leo No.

  Toby Oh go on. Read me one of your favorites. Please?

  I’ll pay you a hundred dollars to read me a poem right now.

  Leo opens the book, looks for his favorite and reads.

  Leo ‘With lifted / feet – ’

  Toby Wait, that’s the poem called?

  Leo Oh. Um …

  ‘Going Downhill on a Bicycle’.

  Toby Who’s it by?

  Leo Um, Henry Beeching.

  Toby Who’s that?

  Leo I don’t know.

  Toby Okay, go on.

  Leo ‘With lifted feet hands still I am poised, and down the hill dart with heedful mind the air goes by in a wind –’ This is stupid, I can’t do this.

  Morgan helps Leo understand the verse.


  With lifted feet, hands still,

  I am poised, and down the hill

  Dart, with heedful mind;

  The air goes by in a wind.


  Swifter and yet more swift,

  Till the heart, with a mighty lift,

  Makes the lungs laugh, the throat cry

  ‘O bird, see: see, bird: I fly!

  Is this, is this your joy,

  O bird, then I, though a boy,

  For a golden moment share

  Your feathery life in air!’

  Morgan Well done.

  Toby Thank you.

  He hands Leo a hundred-dollar bill.

  Leo You’re funny.

  Toby Why do you say that?

  Leo You act like we’re friends.

  Toby I make friends easily.

  Leo I don’t.

  Toby So go.

  Leo Yeah, okay.

  Toby That wasn’t me kicking you out.

  Leo I was leaving anyway.

  Toby I just want to make you feel comfortable here.

  Leo You have.

  Toby Can I see you again?

  Leo Call me whenever you wanna fuck.

  Toby Right. Yeah. Here … my card.

  He pulls out a card, hands it to Leo.

  Leo You have cards?

  Toby Classy, no?

  Morgan ‘Toby Darling, Child of Privilege’.

  Toby It’s just a little joke.

  Leo I don’t get it.

  Toby Keep it. In case you ever need me.

  Leo Why would I need you?

  Toby I don’t know. Just in case you do.

  Leo slides the card into his book, heads to the door.

  You sure you don’t want to stay over?

  A moment, then Leo comes back into the room, approaches Toby and gives him a hundred-dollar kiss.

  Leo Merry Christmas.

  End of Scene Three.


  December, 2016.

  1. An Empty Apartment

  Morgan Two days after Christmas, Henry attempted to solve Eric’s housing dilemma.

  Eric Oh wow!

  Henry You like it?

  Eric I love it!

  Henry And it comes with a key.

  Eric Well, I should hope so.

  Henry No, numbskull. A key to the park.


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