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Human and Freakn'

Page 21

by Eve Langlais

  Sticking around for one final round wouldn’t make going their separate ways any easier. And she feared begging them for a crumb when the time for goodbye came around. Oh God, I don’t want to be one of those girls who breaks down and begs them not to let me go. Because, somehow, somewhere along the line, she’d fallen in love with them. Fallen in love with an impossibility.

  Forget the confidence she’d gained on her travels. The way they made her feel. A lifetime of self-doubt came back to haunt her.

  There was an alternative to an ugly scene. She could make it easier on everyone and get out while the memories were still happy ones. They’d probably breathe a sigh of relief when they saw she’d made the break-up easy.

  Tears rolling down her cheeks, she packed her meager possessions, left them a note, a short one when she realized anything longer than thank you sounded too clingy. With a heavy sigh and even heavier heart, she made her way downstairs. She ran into Peter who tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen to anything he had to say. A lifetime of experience had taught her what to expect, despite what Peter seemed to think.

  She refused to listen when he talked of them taking her as mate. Surely she’d know if Joel and Kendrick married her even a la werewolf? Surely they would have said something? They hadn’t, though. No declarations of love, or happily-ever-afters. And Ruth found she had too much pride, a pride they’d help her find in the jungle, to beg.

  She took a cab to the airport and booked the first flight out. Lucky her, it left within the hour. With her passport a little worse for wear, but usable, Ruth boarded a plane for home – via three connecting flights – alone. And without saying goodbye. What was there left to say?

  Thanks, but we all knew it was only temporary. Even if her heart hoped otherwise. Even if she loved them. It hurt, but Ruth was a realist. Outside of the jungle, back in the real world, what did she have to keep two men like Kendrick and Joel at her side? She’d lost some weight in her travels, but she’d never end up petite or truly skinny. Heck, she’d gain back the pounds she lost in no time at all. They lived in different countries. Came from different backgrounds. She didn’t howl at the moon. Heck, she didn’t even like dogs, although, she would have made an exception for them.

  She’d enjoyed herself during the time they had. Found pleasure beyond belief. And now the real world called, a world without the hunks she’d come to think of as her own. Where was some Prozac when you needed it?

  Chapter 17

  “What do you mean she’s gone?” Joel’s heart stopped.

  Peter lifted his shoulders in a helpless shrug. “I tried to convince her to stay when I ran into her in the lobby. I told her to talk to you guys, but she kept saying something about not being one of those desperate girls.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “She seemed to think what you had wasn’t permanent,” Peter clarified.

  Kendrick’s brows shot up. “We marked her? How much more permanent could we get?”

  “Did you tell her what the biting meant?”

  “Of course not. She’s human.”

  “She’s your mate. And she suffers from low self-esteem.”

  “About what?” Joel asked, puzzled.

  “Her weight.”

  “What about it? She’s perfect.”

  “To you and Joel, but in her mind, she’s not. She seems to think you pity fucked her because there was nothing better around.”

  “Of all the stupid things,” Kendrick growled. “I thought she’d gotten over that.”

  “I’m with you this time. How could she think we didn’t worship her body?”

  “And yet, you didn’t tell her this. Apparently, from what I could make out of her babbling, she thought you’d ditch her like a hot potato once you got to civilization. She decided to avoid it by running away.”

  “To where?” Kendrick asked.

  Peter groaned. “God, I hope I never get mated. I swear it makes you dumber than a rock. She went back home, dumbasses, where else?”

  Joel punched a wall, unable to contain his anger – and heartache. Abandoned. Again. By a woman who was supposed to love him. He wanted to howl with the unfairness of it. “I knew this would happen. Without the mating bond, she doesn’t need us. We should have changed her when we had the chance.”

  Kendrick paced the tight confines of the hotel hall. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think she’d do this to us. I really thought she cared. I never expected her to ditch us like this, without even giving us a chance.”

  “Oh would you get off your drama horse,” Peter barked, exasperation clear in his tone. “Ruth loves you. It’s why she left.”

  “Gee, that makes me so much happier.” Joel shot him a dark look.

  “Love or not, it doesn’t change the fact she’s gone,” Kendrick added, his expression morose.

  “Doesn’t change it, no, but it means something because, don’t you get it? She didn’t want to let you go. She left because she was afraid of rejection.”

  “So she rejected us instead.” Joel sulked.

  “And I took you for fighters,” Peter muttered in disgust.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Kendrick snarled.

  “Figure it out. I’m done talking to you boneheads. Maybe she is better off without you.” Peter stalked off while Kendrick muttered.

  Joel, however, looking past his hurt, grasped what Peter meant. Why was he giving up? He wasn’t his father. And Ruth cared for him. He knew it. So why was he indulging in a pity fest instead of going after the woman he loved?

  Fight for our mate? His wolf’s query made Joel want to smack himself. Even his inner beast knew better than to throw in the towel without a fight. “We need to get her back.”

  “Agreed. Peter is right. We’re obviously not thinking straight. Since when are we cowards? We just need to convince her that we’re serious about her. Serious about having a relationship.”

  “And if she still says no?”

  “We persevere. We can’t let her walk away, Joel. She’s our mate. The woman we need.”

  “The woman we love.” Loved more than his pride. Hell, he’d beg her on his knees if he had to. Anything to have her give him a chance to prove his worth, and his love.

  “You book the flight,” Kendrick ordered. “I’ll get our luggage.”

  “On it. Got a plan for when we get there?” Joel asked.

  “Actually, I do. I think it’s time we took a page from our new tribal friends and kidnap our bride.”

  Kidnap her, make love to her, and tell her in every way imaginable how much he cared and wanted to spend his life with her. He’d let nothing stand in his way to her heart—well, nothing except customs, which seemed determined to drive him mental.

  Joel sighed as he slumped in the hard plastic chair of the customs office. Funny how when he watched those romantic comedies, the heroes never had to wait hours to get off the damned plane and find the woman he loved. He just hoped the guy snapping on latex gloves wasn’t coming for him, because there was no way he’d allow a full cavity search. Shudder.

  Only back a few hours and already Ruth regretted it. Regretted the adventure ever had to end. Regretted not giving in to temptation one more time. Almost regretted her choice to get involved in the first place.

  But how was I to know I’d fall in love, and with two men? She’d not set out expecting to meet such great guys, or to indulge in the most mind-blowing sex imaginable. Now, however, after having tasted and experienced male perfection, how the hell would she ever date again? And a better question, how would she make it through the rest of her life never seeing Joel or Kendrick again?

  Tears tracked down her cheeks. She scrubbed at them, furious at herself. She knew this might happen. Warned herself not to get emotionally involved. To not fall for their pretty words and promises – sensual touches and kisses – knowing men would do or say anything for sex.

  They seemed so sincere though. Sniffle.

  With Carlie gone, it was
up to Ruth to keep her spirits up and not let momentary jungle madness turn her into a depressed woman who ended up with a houseful of cats. Stupid, hairball-puking things. She decided in that moment she much preferred dogs. Big overgrown ones with washboard abs.

  Sigh. Funny how the whole werewolf thing didn’t bother her at all. So what if they turned hairy and howled at the moon? She’d gladly invest in lint rollers if it meant keeping them in her life.

  Washing her face with cold water again, she knew what she needed. Cherry cheesecake ice cream in a waffle bowl. With extra cherries. Lots of whipped cream. And maybe some caramel sauce. Lots of caramel sauce.

  Grabbing her purse, Ruth ignored her still packed luggage and dusty apartment with its dying plants. The local ice cream parlor called, and she intended to answer.

  An hour later, belly full of ice cream, not feeling any happier, she returned home. She tossed down her purse, kicked off her shoes, and headed for bed.

  She stopped dead in the doorway, fingers frozen on the light switch. What the heck was on her comforter? Blinking, she noted the pile of bills – in a variety of colors she recognized as Canadian currency – didn’t diminish.

  “Is that enough?” purred a familiar voice.

  “Joel?” She whirled to see him leaning on the wall across her bedroom door. “Where did you come from? How did you get in here?”

  “Hello, querida. Your building security sucks.”

  “Apparently,” was her dry reply. “You still haven’t said what you’re here for?”

  “Don’t you know? That wasn’t very nice of you, to leave without even saying goodbye.” Kendrick chided her.

  She raised her chin. “I did what was best, and thought you’d appreciate it, too. Don’t most guys hate messy scenes?”

  “We do, but we hate it even more when our woman tries to run without even giving us a kiss goodbye or a chance to make her stay,” Joel growled in a low voice.

  “I didn’t want to miss my flight,” she lied.

  “You shouldn’t have left without us.”

  Why did Joel seem so angry? And not just angry, but livid – and she caught glimpses of hurt – that she’d slipped away without facing him. Cowardly, yes, but she’d hoped to avoid anything unpleasant, preferring to end things on an amicable note. But it seemed she might have misjudged Joel. Did he actually care for her? Want her? Oh God, recalling how his mother abandoned him, had she hurt him? She never meant to do that. What about Kendrick? Was he upset too? Or, her practical side snidely interrupted, was there something about the rescue mission that required her attention? “What are you doing here?”

  “We came to find you since you so erroneously thought to escape us. We weren’t done yet. Not by a long shot,” Kendrick murmured, startling her as he snuck up from behind. Once there, he seemed determined to let her know he wasn’t going anywhere, or so she assumed as he pressed into her back, his familiar hard body molding intimately to hers. Oh sweet God, how she missed that in the day they spent apart. Her body responded to his closeness by heating instantly. Every nerve ending came to life and practically swooned in ecstasy, especially when Joel closed in from the front.

  She licked her lips, a motion avidly tracked by his eyes. The small laugh she attempted emerged breathy and weak, weak like her knees, which buckled when Kendrick nuzzled her neck. She didn’t slump, but only because four hands grabbed her. She tried to answer despite her mind already going fuzzy. “Of course we’re done. The mission was over. The girls didn’t want to come back. We brought the letters and videos, which I might add were a nice touch. No mission, no reason for me to stay. Sorry if I didn’t say goodbye in person, but you know me, I hate confrontation.” She shrugged her shoulders. Joel’s brows arched and his lips curved in amusement.

  Kendrick snorted. “Hate confrontation? Since when? You’ve gone toe-to-toe with me since the first time we met.”

  “Did not,” she retorted.

  “You did and still are,” Joel agreed, his vivid gaze latched onto hers.

  “Well, it’s only because you’re bossy. Most of the time I’m a really meek girl.”

  “Ha.” Joel snickered.

  “I am not bossy,” Kendrick retorted. “I acted that way because I cared.”

  “Funny way of showing it,” she muttered.

  “Yes, but what can I say? You bring out the savage in me,” he agreed. “I see you and I just want to wrap you up and keep you safe.”

  “Not at first,” she reminded.

  “No, but only because you scared me. Scared both of us.”

  “I scared you?” Ruth laughed. “Now that’s priceless.”

  “But true. We didn’t go to the jungle expecting to find you,” Kendrick replied.

  “I’m aware I ruined your all-boys trip. Too bad. So sad.”

  “See? There goes that saucy tongue of hers again,” Kendrick replied, his breath fanning the lobe of her ear. “You know, I can think of much better uses for that tongue.”

  A shiver went down her spine as she flashed to his meaning, more specifically, the time she ran it down Kendrick’s more-than-perfect chest.

  Joel inched closer, his lips close enough to touch if she leaned just a little forward. “I can’t believe you still don’t get it. You didn’t ruin anything. As a matter of fact, you are the best thing that happened to us on that trip.”

  “Forget trip, best thing to happen to us ever,” Kendrick amended.

  Only someone made of stone wouldn’t have felt her heart flutter at such a speech. But it seemed too grandiose. “Did you borrow one of Joel’s corny lines?”

  Joel rolled his eyes at her weak joke. “So smart most of the time, and yet so freakn’ clueless.” He shook his head.

  “Is this an ego thing? Because if it is, too bad. I’m not stupid. We all knew this wasn’t going anywhere.”

  “And that was your first mistake, querida. Did you really think Kendrick and I took up with you just to scratch an itch?”

  “We do have more self-control than that, you know,” Kendrick added. “Or did, until we met you. See, from the first moment we met, we knew you were the one.”

  “One what?” Her heart refused to beat, as if it sensed something momentous playing out. The one second in time that would decide her future – and happiness. If she managed to stop arguing with them that was. Why did she keep denying what they seemed determined to say? Why did she keep denying the evidence? Because it scares me. Scared the hell right out of her because when it came right down to it, she loved them both. But whoever heard of a forever after with two men? The moon ghost jaguars, that’s who.

  “You are the one woman made for us,” Joel murmured, his lips dancing across her neck, his breath warm and shiver-inducing.

  Kendrick, not to be forgotten, rubbed his mouth over her nape in a way she enjoyed all too much. “We tried to fight it at first, not wanting to share, dealing with jealousy, dealing with our secret and your humanity.”

  “We worried we would hurt you, which by the way, will never happen. You mean too much to us.”

  “You mean the world,” Kendrick whispered against her skin. “You are our world. Every tough, woman-of-the-jungle, inch of you.”

  “You’re beautiful. Brave.”

  “Sexy, and smart. Everything a man, or two, could want in a mate.”

  The words spun around Ruth, teasing her with hope and warmth. But what they seemed to suggest? The two of them, plus her, living a forever after? She needed to hear it in black and white. Needed to be sure. “What do you want from me?”


  “And ever.”

  “The whole nine yards.”

  “Until death do us part.”

  “The three of us, though? What will people think?” Did she care? Could she truly say she’d find happiness if she had to choose between the two? She loved them both so much. And hey, there’s always the jungle. So long as she had them, did anything else matter?

  “Who cares what they think? Let the
m envy you as the luckiest woman alive.” Kendrick kissed her neck, softly, sensually. A shiver rolled down her body.

  How could I ever say no? “Forever, huh?”

  “And an eternity. I love you.” Joel slid his lips across hers.

  “Love you so much, we’ll even put up with the fact your comforter is pink.” Kendrick sounded so pained.

  She giggled. “My sheets are flowered.”

  He groaned. “My masculinity is shot. Quick, Joel, we need to do something to assert ourselves.”

  “Then we’ll need her in less clothes.”

  “Hey, I never said yes,” she protested feebly as hands tore at her garments, stripping her in record time.

  “We won’t let you say no,” Joel murmured before claiming her lips in a scorching kiss.

  “And don’t forget, we bought you fair and square,” Kendrick said in a light voice, nipping her ear.

  So that explained the pile of money. Did Carlie tell them about her secret fantasy? “But you didn’t abduct me,” she managed to gasp between tugs of her lower lip by Joel.

  “Easily arranged. Consider yourself our prisoner bride,” Kendrick growled, but she heard the sensual hunger and didn’t fear. She floated on a cloud as they carried her to the bed and placed her upon it, the bills fluttering around them like colorful leaves.

  Joel grasped her wrists in one of his hands and pulled them over her head, stretching her torso for his smoldering gaze.

  “I have missed seeing this,” he breathed, his eyes reverent. “Perfection.”

  “Delicious,” Kendrick added, dipping his head to flick a tongue against a straining peak as his hands spread her thighs.

  “And in need of a proper ravishing as our prisoner,” Joel concluded, angling himself over her upper body so that his cock lined up with her lips. He stroked it in front of her as he kept her hands pulled taut over her head. She ached for a taste. Ached for him, as a matter of fact. Kendrick too. “You will promise us, right now, to never ever leave us again.”


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