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A Little Rain Must Fall (Summer Lake Silver Book 3)

Page 11

by SJ McCoy

  Eddie cast his line and then sat down beside Ted and offered him a beer from the cooler.

  “Thanks. Is April coming down?”

  “Probably not. She’ll no doubt chat with Megan for a while, but she planned to do some studying tonight anyway. She was going to leave the three of us to have a boys’ night. Do you mind that Marcus is hanging with Ethan instead?”

  “Of course not. I’m not here to demand that he spend every spare minute with me. I just like being around to be part of your everyday lives. And him having his friend over is his everyday life.”

  Eddie nodded. “I guess. I just … don’t take this the wrong way, but I would have given anything to have you there wanting to spend the evening with me after school when I was his age.”

  Ted’s heart clenched in his chest. “I’m sorry, son.”

  “Don’t be! I didn’t mean it that way. It was Mom who did that to us, not you.”

  “I should never have listened to her.”

  “Neither should I.”

  “You were just a little kid. I should have known better. I should have fought to be able to stay in your life.”

  “And you would have if you thought I wanted you in it, right?” Eddie took a slug of his beer. “Let’s drop it, can we? I only get mad at her when I think about it. And all’s well that ends well, we have each other now.”

  Ted knew he should be grateful for that, but he couldn’t help resenting Irene—and himself—for all the years he’d lost.

  “Anyway,” said Eddie, “I’m kind of glad it’s worked out this way. I want to hear about Ally’s mom.” He smiled. “Your new girlfriend.”

  Ted smiled through pursed lips. “I’d hardly call her that.”


  He met Eddie’s gaze. “I don’t know. She’s … I … I don’t know what to say, son. I met her on Saturday night, it’s only Monday now.”

  “Yeah, but you like her, don’t you?”

  “I do. I’m not going to lie to you. A part of me is very interested to see what might happen between us.”

  “And the rest of you?”

  “The rest of me thinks I’m a fool. I’m too old. I don’t need a woman in my life. I have you and April and Marcus. I have work, and of course, there’s Diego. Why would I look for something more?”

  “Because I think deep down, we all want someone to love, someone to share life with. I have no idea if Audrey might be that someone for you, but she could be. You won’t know if you don’t explore it.”

  Ted nodded and stared out at the lake. He’d believed that he didn’t need someone to share his life with. The one time he’d tried, it hadn’t ended well. It had cost him his relationship with his son. He hadn’t ever wanted to give anyone that much power over his life and his happiness again.

  “When are you seeing her again?”

  Ted tried to hide his smile, but he couldn’t.

  “Tonight?” asked Eddie.


  “So, why the hell are you sitting here with me?”

  “Because there’s nowhere else on earth I’d rather be. I missed way too many years of your life, son. I’m hardly going to pass up an opportunity like this. Audrey and I plan to meet later. I’m looking forward to seeing her, but it’s not more important than this.”

  Eddie held up his bottle, and Ted chinked his against it. “I get the feeling that the day will come when you bring her here with you, and she’ll be a part of this—not something that you have to choose instead of this.”

  Ted took a slug of his beer. He liked the sound of that, but he knew it was too soon to even think about it.

  ~ ~ ~

  Audrey checked herself over in the mirror and smiled. Roberto had done her proud again. He and Holly had put together a whole new wardrobe for her this morning. It had been so much fun shopping with them and hanging out with Marianne. It’d felt like she really was starting a new chapter in her life. New clothes, new friends, a new place—which she was already starting to love—and a new man. Well, she could hardly call him that, but still. She applied a little lipstick and pressed her lips together. She was aware of the lines around her mouth, and her eyes, too. But she didn’t mind them. Some of the women she knew, especially in the advertising world, fought hard to stave off any sign of aging. She didn’t feel the need. She’d earned every line—and she fought every pound! She lost more of those than fights than she’d like, but she stayed in some kind of shape. She chuckled. At least, it was a shape other than round.

  She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was only eight. She’d ordered room service for dinner earlier, preferring to eat before she got changed for her date with Ted. She wanted to look good in her new clothes, and she had a terrible habit of managing to spill whenever she wore something new. She used to joke that she looked good in everything she ate. Her smile faded. She used to feel so comfortable in that life—her old life with Richard. Maybe she’d gotten too comfortable. Who could blame him for falling for the young and immaculate Natalee when his wife was a slob who had let herself go so far that she even joked about it?

  No. She picked up her wineglass and took a sip. She wasn’t going to go blaming herself. She wasn’t going to exempt herself from all blame, but she was hardly responsible for Richard’s choice to lie and cheat.

  The only constructive thing she could do with that line of thought was to take the lessons she’d learned about becoming too complacent in a relationship and apply them to her new life. She didn’t know if she and Ted would embark on a relationship, so she couldn’t say she would apply the lessons there, but she did know that she wanted to see herself as an attractive woman—because if she didn’t see herself that way, why would he?

  She jumped when her phone buzzed with a text and smiled when she saw Ted’s name on the display.

  I should be back over there by eight-thirty if you want to get together then?

  The butterflies took to flight in her stomach once again.

  Great. Shall I meet you in the lobby?

  There was a bar in the restaurant; she assumed that they’d go there. She doubted that the café over in the plaza would be open much longer.

  His reply set her heart racing.

  I can come to you if you like?

  “Oh. I’d like!” She told her phone. “But the last two nights, you’ve left me all hot and bothered on my doorstep.” She chuckled. She wanted to tell him that he should only come here if he understood that she might not let him leave again. That was probably a little too forward, though, even for the new, upfront and honest Audrey.

  Great. You can come whenever you’re ready.

  She tapped out the message quickly, hoping that he wouldn’t wonder why she’d hesitated before she replied. She read it over and hit send with a smile, hoping that he wouldn’t read into it the same double entendre that she just had.

  See you soon.

  She looked around the room, it was neat and tidy, she had no concerns there. They could sit out on the balcony; it was still pleasant out there. If it got cooler, they could come inside. She let out a little laugh, she needed to calm her nerves—or her excitement, she wasn’t sure which was making her so giddy. The thought of him coming inside! A shiver ran down her spine. She hadn’t had sex in … way too long. She really didn’t want to do the math and know for certain just how long it’d been. She’d rather focus on the number she did know—the one that set her body tingling. Thirty-three years. That was how long it had been since she’d had sex with someone who wasn’t Richard. She’d dated some back then and had had some fun. Now, more than half a lifetime later, she was ready to have some more.

  She went back into the bathroom and sprayed her wrist with perfume, which she then rubbed into her neck. With a smile, she pressed her wrist between her breasts, wondering if the way tonight went would mean that Ted got to smell it there.

  A jolt of excitement shot through her when she heard the knock on the door. She started to hurry toward it and then sto
pped and took a deep breath. She held her hands out in front of her and was pleased to see that they were only shaking slightly. She opened the door and sucked in a deep breath when she saw him.

  He was so incredibly handsome! He looked as though he’d stepped out of a magazine. His gray hair was perfect, his eyes shone as he smiled at her—and boy, that smile!

  “Hi!” He pulled his hand out from behind his back to present her with a bunch of flowers—roses of every color imaginable.

  “Oh, my goodness! Thank you!”

  “I don’t know what flowers you like; I don’t even know if you like them. You’re not allergic, are you?”

  She shook her head with a laugh. “No. I’m not. These are beautiful, thank you. Roses are my favorites, and I can never decide which color I like best, so these are perfect. You couldn’t have chosen better if you did know. Come on in.”

  She led him inside and looked around, wondering what she could use as a vase to put them in.

  “I thought about that,” said Ted. “Check the cabinet next to the fridge. I found a spare carafe for the coffee pot in mine. If you don’t have one, we can go and get that.”

  Audrey checked and wasn’t surprised to see that there wasn’t a spare carafe there. Her coffee maker used pods.

  “Do you want to come with me?” asked Ted.

  She had to bite back a laugh. Her mind was still caught up in thoughts of going to bed with him. “Of course,” she answered, glad that he wasn’t aware which question she was really answering.

  When they got to his room, he stopped outside the door. “I think it’s tidy in there, but forgive me if it’s not?”

  She laughed. “I can wait outside if you prefer.”

  “No.” He took her hand and led her inside.

  She wasn’t surprised to see that it was indeed tidy. He didn’t strike her as someone who left things out of place.

  He went to the cabinet and pulled out the spare carafe. “We can go and get a vase for them tomorrow, but this should get them through the night.”

  She nodded and had to swallow as a wave of desire coursed through her. She wasn’t sure what did it, perhaps the thought of him getting her through the night. She’d kept having little fantasies about sleeping with him, but not about sleeping with him. What would it be like to wake up beside him? And was she about to find out?

  It seemed that whatever it was, it affected him, too. He set the carafe down on the counter and came toward her. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked down into her eyes. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you, too.” She slid her arms up around his neck and stepped closer as he circled his arms around her waist.

  “I want to take this slowly, Audrey. There’s no rush.”

  She held his gaze, hoping that her eyes could tell him what her mouth didn’t want to say. He lowered his head and claimed her mouth in a kiss that belied his words. His hands roved over her, up and down her back, one tangling in her hair, the other closing around her ass and holding her against him as he rocked his hips.

  She clung to him in a desperate effort to stay upright. She wasn’t equipped to deal with the effect he had on her. Her knees felt like jelly.

  He lifted his head and looked down at her. His breath was coming slow and shallow. “We should wait.”

  “Why?” She was surprised at the way it sounded; it was a desperate plea. She didn’t want to wait. She wanted him to take her, right here right now, and that one moaned syllable made that abundantly clear.

  He looked as though he was in pain as he shook his head. “It’s too soon. I don’t want this to be just a quick … a quick … one and done.”

  “Neither do I … it doesn’t have to be.” She felt a smile spread across her face as a thought occurred to her. “But the sooner we get started, the more chances we’ll have—and the better we’ll get.”

  He laughed. “You’re going to try to persuade me?”

  She nodded, shocked at herself, but not about to back down. “Apparently, I have no shame.”

  He cupped her face between his hands. “There’s nothing shameful about it. It’s … damn, it’s a turn-on. I’m not going to make you ask twice. I need you to know; I want you.” He ran his hands down her sides, and she felt herself tremble under his touch.

  She lifted her lips, and he claimed her mouth again in a kiss that left her with no doubt that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ted forced himself to take his time. He hadn’t stopped thinking about this moment since he’d left her outside her door on Saturday night. It’d taken everything he had to walk away from her then, and even more to walk away again last night. He’d used up every last reserve of willpower he had.

  He let his hands rove over her as he kissed her, trying to get some feel for how she would respond. She was eager if he went by her words, but he knew she might be more hesitant when it came down to it. The last thing he wanted to do was rush into something she wasn’t ready for.

  He needn’t have worried. Her hands roved over his chest, and she started to unfasten the buttons on his shirt. That only heightened his desire for her. He slid his hands under her skirt and closed them around her ass. That did nothing for his attempt to take it slowly. Her ass was full and round, and her skin was soft and warm. He needed to feel more of it against him.

  He got rid of the skirt and then unfastened the buttons on her blouse as she watched. She was breathing deeply, and the rise and fall of her breasts mesmerized him. When the blouse was gone, he unfastened her bra and filled his hands with her full breasts. She gave a little moan that reminded him that he needed to get rid of his pants. He stepped back and let his gaze wander over her.

  Her hands came up and covered her breasts. “They don’t get out much,” she said with an embarrassed laugh.

  He took hold of her hands and gently moved them away. “Don’t. Please. I want to see you. You’re beautiful.” He ducked his head, trailed his tongue over each nipple in turn. They tightened into stiff little buds that only made him stiffer.

  He led her to the bed and sat her down while he quickly got rid of his pants. She held her arms up to him, and he sat beside her, then pulled her down to lie with him.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  He cupped her breast in his hand, then trailed it over her stomach and on down between her legs, holding her gaze the whole while. She turned her head and looked away when he touched her.

  “Look at me.”

  She did, and he dropped a kiss on her lips. “I want to do this with you, not to you.”

  She frowned.

  “I don’t want you to look away; I don’t want you to feel embarrassed. I want you to enjoy me, let me enjoy you. Don’t hide inside your head. Stay here with me … let’s figure it out together.”

  She searched his face and then nodded. He traced her opening with his fingertip, and she bit down on her bottom lip.

  “Does that feel good?”

  She nodded.

  He circled her with his thumb and pressed his finger a little deeper.

  “So good,” she breathed.

  To his surprise, her fingers closed around him and began to move up and down his length. “Does that?”

  He closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a moment. “Maybe a little too good.” He moved out of her reach and curled his arm around her, pulling her closer. “I want you, Audrey.”

  She smiled. “So, what are you waiting for?”

  He lowered his head and claimed her mouth, kissing her deeply, while he made sure she was ready. He rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb until she writhed underneath him, then he slid his hand back between her legs. She was hot and wet, and when he circled her with his thumb again, she gasped and rocked her hips.

  “Please,” she breathed.

  He positioned himself above her, spreading her legs with his knees.

er arms came up around his shoulders, and when she said it again, “Please, Ted,” he had no choice but to give her what she wanted.

  He thrust his hips and gasped as he sank into her velvety wetness. Her fingers dug into his back, and her legs came up and wrapped around his. All restraint was gone. He thrust his hips in a desperate rhythm, needing to be deeper and deeper inside her. She moved with him, matching every thrust, her head thrown back, all caution gone.

  He pushed himself up on his hands so he could go deeper and harder. She looked up into his eyes and moaned as she moved with him. “Yes,” she gasped, and he felt her start to tense. “Oh, God! Ted! Yes!” She let herself go as her orgasm took her, and her inner muscles clenched around him, gripping him tighter and tighter until he surrendered to her. The tension that had built inside him found its release in a great wave of pleasure that made him see stars as he came hard. Their bodies melded into one as they carried each other away.

  When they finally lay still, he looked down into her eyes.

  “Wow!” she murmured.

  “I—” Ted clamped his jaw shut just in time. He had no idea where those three words had come from, and even if they felt true, he knew he couldn’t say them yet—for her sake or for his. “I think you’re amazing, Audrey.” It sounded trite, but even that was preferable to telling her that he loved her! He wasn’t a kid who was so overwhelmed with the rush of lovemaking that he should mistake it for the real thing.

  She smiled. “I think you’re pretty great yourself.”

  He rolled to the side and wrapped his arms around her, dropping a kiss in her hair. “You were right.”

  “About what?”

  He smiled. “You said that the sooner we made love, the more chances we’d have to do it again—if you want to?”

  She rolled onto her side and looked into his eyes. “Oh, I want to.”

  “Good.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Because I do.”


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