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Assassins & Mob Wives: Couples Retreat

Page 14

by Posey Parks

  “Tell me you know I don’t want her. Say it, Kitten. I love only you. Baby, you know that.”

  His sinful lips crushed mine.

  “You only want me,” I cried.

  “I love you so much, Kitten. Don’t ever ask me again to fall back. I need to know you’re safe.”

  My fingers trailed along his cheek as he sank deeper inside of me. The best dick I ever had filled me. I was so gone for this man.

  He knew that bitch would have an unfortunate accident if she didn’t stop imploring my husband to fuck her. Shit, she was practically begging me to kill her.

  Tony squeezed my thigh, staring into my eyes. “Come for me, Kitten.”

  I threw that bitch out of my brain and focused on the here and now with my husband.

  He slammed inside of me, slapping my clit every time.

  “Tony, Tony,” I shrilled, gripping his bulging shoulders.

  “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

  “Good job, Kitten.” He wrapped his big strong arm around me as he pounded into me a final time, exploding deep inside my pussy.

  He stared into my eyes. “Denying your husband, how did that work out for you?”

  I flashed a devilish smile. “So fucking good.”

  He chuckled as he slid out of me. Tony pulled me into his arms. “We’ll continue this party in the shower. I need to come inside that good pussy one more time before Friday.”

  I laughed. “Not denying you anymore.”

  Arms clutched around his neck.

  I enjoyed that special time with my husband before I boarded the bus.




  ARMS FOLDED, STRETCHED out in the passenger seat, Emoni’s loud snores trailed through the coach. Riding shot gun was the plan. You know, to keep Sierra awake. Emoni drifted off to sleep. We had a long, rough night. Reclined in the captain’s chair, I peeked at Zoey, who was also in a deep slumber on the sofa. Understandable. Last night the motherfucker shoved her to the ground. Scanning the coach, I realized Samantha, and I were the only ones awake. Nadine and Carmen must have climbed in the bunks and fallen asleep. Sam and I rarely slept, anyway. We were technically stay at home moms. Don’t mention that to Samantha. She’d bite your head off.

  She promoted Jane to run her company. Didn’t stop her from popping in and staring over her employee’s shoulders.

  That reminded me. “Sierra, how’s your company performing in Portland?”

  She smiled as she drove down I-55. “Good. My husband acquired more cleaning accounts. So many businesses agreed to sign contracts. I couldn’t believe it. We had to mass hire. We’re the number one cleaning company in Oregon.”

  “Did he mention any of the owners turning him down?”

  She shrugged. “Nope.”

  I tapped my lip. “Hmm, wonder how he persuaded all those businesses to hire your company.”

  Sierra laughed. “We both know how that conversation went. I’m well versed in all things Dillon Magarelli. He walked in and introduced himself. Asked if they had a cleaning company. They said yes. He said Simmons cleaning services would be a stronger fit. He whipped out the contract and told them it was in their best interest to sign. They said no thanks. Dillon mentioned their addresses and very private information no one should know. They asked was he threatening them. His muscle pushed them back in their seat and squeezed the pen in their hand. That’s all she wrote. I have thirty contracts in total.”

  I shook my head. “Figured it went something like that. If your tired, I can take over in an hour.”

  “How about you drive the last two hours? That would allow me to get an hour of sleep, then press my hair before dinner.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I glanced at Sam.

  “Take a nap so you can keep me company later.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes, then stabbed her fist into the pillow against the window. “Fine.” Her heavy eyelids lowered.

  “WE’LL ARRIVE AT GATES in thirty minutes, ladies,” I yelled as I barreled down the highway.

  The girls’ laughter carried around the coach.

  Samantha leaned over the passenger seat. “I have a booty shaking playlist ready for tonight.”

  “Yes,” Zoey shouted.

  “What songs are we singing at the karaoke bar?” Emoni asked.

  “I know what I’m singing.” Carmen stood. “’You’re Making Me High’ by Toni Braxton.”

  The girls slapped hands.

  “That’s a good one.” Nadine threw her hand in the air.

  “You need to sing ‘Come on Over’ by Christina Aguilera because that’s what you say to Dominic every time.” Emoni leaned across the aisle, slapping Nadine’s hand.

  “Off Key has a huge selection of songs.” Samantha smiled.

  “Once we arrive, we’ll chill at the bar. Sing a song or two, then they’ll escort us to a VIP room.”

  “Sounds good.” I tapped the middle compartment.

  My hair was flat ironed and my makeup was on point. All the wives wore their cute jeans and blouses. We toned it down a tad from last night. Sierra was the last to get ready.

  “I can’t wait to eat.” Emoni stepped to the kitchen counter. “Sydney, would you like a soda?”

  “Yes, Emoni. A cola, please.”

  “Emoni, I thought you knew. Cola is her jam,” Samantha stated.

  I grinned. “It is.”

  “Guys, Jasper just texted me. He said he’ll drive us to the club and back to the bus,” Nadine stated.

  “It’s probably for the best.” I peeked at them through the rearview mirror. “Our Uber never arrived yesterday, which led us to kill those pieces of shit.”

  “True. We relieved the world of six horrible assholes by wiping them out of existence,” Zoey growled.

  I flicked my wrist in the air. “That they did.”

  The girls howled behind me. “Yes. No one fucks with us,” Carmen shouted.

  Sam threw her hands in the air. “I told them they picked the wrong women to mess with.”

  “You sure did.” Emoni placed the open bottle of cola in the cup holder.

  “Guys, we don’t have to drive. We have Jasper to watch out for us. Tonight, I want to get pissy drunk at our pajama party. Not worry about bullshit.”

  “Sydney, we’re with you.” Sierra sauntered toward me.

  Nadine released a low whistle. “Damn, girl your looking good.”

  Sierra’s hair was straightened perfectly. The coral blouse dipped off her shoulder and the skinny dark jeans hugged her figure.

  “Sierra, you pulled it together. Nice.” I smiled through the rearview mirror.

  “Thank you. You all look beautiful too. I thought we were wearing ponytails until Friday?”

  “For the past two days, I’ve felt like straightening mine. I needed to pull it together. You know and make my face up again like last night. Sierra, I see you baked your face.” Zoey snapped her fingers.

  “This will be the last time I do this also until the weekend.” Sierra sat next to Zoey.

  “Tonight, we need to air our dirty laundry.” Samantha’s tone changed from light to serious.

  “What makes you think we have secrets?” Emoni spoke up, giving a little attitude.

  “Everyone has secrets. Just not amongst this sisterhood. We are assassins and mob wives. Together we can cause a ruckus in a suitable way. We’re the storm a bad guy doesn’t want to see coming.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.” I turned into Gates parking lot.

  “We’re here. Time to eat,” I yelled.

  Clapping erupted behind me.

  “Oh, I forgot to mention. Dominic is paying for dinner,” Carmen announced.

  “Yay,” we roared.

  I rolled to a stop. “Sam and Emoni, I need help parking?”

  “Yup. On it,” Emoni yelled.

  After parking across several spaces in the rear of the lot, I rose. “Ready.”

  The girls ch
eered as they filed out of the bus, weaving through clusters of cars.

  Carmen walked backwards in front of us. “Did you guys know this is the oldest black owned restaurant in Kansas City?” she grinned and pointed to the black statue of a man in a top hat and tuxedo.

  “Yes,” Samantha blurted out.

  “I knew the restaurant was black owned.”

  “Me too.” Sierra agreed with me.

  The rest of the girls shook their heads.

  Emoni hugged my arm. “I’m excited it’s black owned.”

  “Not only will Dominic pay for our dinner, but he’ll pay for whoever is dining in this evening. And we’ll donate five thousand to the owner’s favorite charity.”

  “Carmen, that’s a brilliant idea. We should all donate five thousand a piece,” Samantha pointed between us.

  “Sounds good.” Sierra raised her finger. “How about we make it an even fifty thousand?”

  “Awesome,” I yelled.

  The white porch and balcony at the front of the brick building gave it that homey feeling.

  We strolled inside and stood at the end of the line.

  “I’ll be right back. I need to find the manager.” Samantha scurried off.

  She always made reservations or arrangements so we’d have a section or private room. She didn’t care if the restaurant didn’t take reservations. Samantha usually paid a small fee in advance to ensure we were seated right away.

  “Hopefully, she chose a section not too far from the customers. I want to people watch.” My eyes fell over the customers in line ahead of us.

  “I’m with you.” Nadine’s eyes widened.

  I followed her line of sight. A woman kept tugging at the hem of her tight, hot pink shorts.

  Nadine leaned in. “That’s how you get a yeast infection.”

  We chuckled as we inched closer to the register.

  The manager appeared out of nowhere.

  “I’m back.” Samantha squeezed past us and stood in front of the register. She glanced at us. “If you have your checks ready, please give them to the manager.”

  “Excuse me.” Sierra tapped a man behind us in line.

  “Can you take a picture of us, please?”


  She gave the tall guy her phone. He snapped our group picture with the manager.

  “Thank you,” we chimed as he placed her phone back in her hand.

  “I’ll send everyone a copy, including the guys.”

  “Thanks, Sierra.” I smiled.


  I peeked around the spacious room filled with silver chairs and wooden tables.

  We could watch the customers who were brave enough to sit outside on the patio. The temperature was sixty-five. Felt like fifty-five. The weather in L.A. was always beautiful. Light breeze, if any around sixty-five degrees. The sun kissed our skin daily. I’d grown accustomed to living there. Couldn’t believe it had been four years. The manager placed our drinks on the table.

  Her brown lips hiked up at one end. “I’ll be right back with your meal.”

  “Thank you,” we stated one after the other.

  Sam’s eyes followed the manager as she walked away.

  “Girl, what are you up to?” I tapped her shoulder.

  She turned back, pulling a silver flask from her purse.

  Samantha flashed the top. “Anyone want to spice up their drinks?”

  Nadine raised her hand across from us.

  “Sydney, we’re on vacation.” Samantha poured a little in my sweet tea too.

  She shook the flask. “Anyone else?”

  Carmen and Zoey raised their hands.

  “I won’t drink right now. I’m driving to the RV lot.” Sierra waved Samantha away.

  “Don’t worry, Sierra, we’ll get you nice and lit once we’re settled at the karaoke club.”

  Sierra gripped her forehead. “No doubt you will.”

  We laughed.

  “Leave it to Samantha to keep us turned up.”

  “Girls, we don’t have to parent unless we’re on FaceTime with our little beauties. Our husbands are off enjoying themselves today. It’s just us.”

  I sat back and exhaled. “Today was chill.”

  Their faces brightened.

  “It was.” Nadine sipped her spiked lemonade.

  “Ladies, I’m back.” The manager's brown eyes glinted. She placed the platters in the center of the table. A red visor covered her short black hair.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Latters for the signed T-shirt from Jacob.”

  Samantha smiled. “You’re welcome. It was the least I could do. Thank you for accommodating us. I’ll give a shout out to you and the restaurant on social media.”

  “Oh, wait.” Samantha tapped her phone screen. Jacob’s deep voice carried through the phone.

  “Jacob, can you FaceTime a moment? I have a fan of yours who’s taking great care of us at Gates barbeque.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “No, you can’t have any?”

  Her wide eyes fell over our shocked faces. “I mean you can’t have any barbeque.”

  We laughed.

  Samantha tapped her screen again and Jacob’s face appeared.

  “Jacob say hello to Tonya.”

  He flashed that Hollywood smile as she turned the screen to the manager.

  Her hand flew over her mouth. “Oh my God. I can’t believe it’s you.”

  “Tonya, thank you for taking care of my family.”

  Her shaky hand reached into her pocket.

  She lifted the T-shirt eye level. “Thank you for the souvenir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Samantha placed the screen against her chest, glancing at Tonya.

  “Can I get you ladies anything else?”

  “We’re good for now.” Sam grinned.

  Tonya disappeared.

  Waving her phone over the table, she snickered. “Jacob, look at all the great food. It smells so good.”

  “Why are you torturing me?”

  “Samantha, baby, I want ribs too.” She flipped the camera.

  “Text me the address to the Cigar bar. I’ll order for you and the guys. I’ll have the food delivered.”

  He smiled from ear to ear. “Thanks, baby.”

  “You’re welcome.” She blushed. “Bye.”

  “Let’s bless the food so we can eat.” I peeked at the girls as we joined hands.

  I rubbed my hands together. “I’m starving. I swear my stomach is eating its self right now.” The tangy aroma from the barbecue sauce swept up my nose.

  “My stomach was touching my back, it was so empty.” Zoey shook her head.

  Our laughter filled the room.

  “One more picture.” Carmen snapped pictures of the food at different angles.

  I cocked my head. “Girl, come on. We’re starving.”

  “I’m done. Dig in.” Carmen placed her phone at her side.

  Zoey held the rib bone at each end and bit into the mouthwatering meat.

  “Is that rib good, Zoey?”

  Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. “Delicious.”

  “If I didn’t take such a long nap, I wouldn’t be this hungry.” Carmen shoved a spoonful of macaroni and cheese into her mouth.

  “Nothing’s better than delicious barbeque.” Sierra spooned shredded pork on a roll and doused it with barbeque sauce.

  “Good thing none of us are vegetarians.” I peeked around the table.

  Nadine nodded. “Because if anyone was, they’d be sitting in the corner eating only collard greens.”

  “Exactly. We were eating at Gates no matter what.”

  “I can’t believe we only have one more day to ourselves.” Carmen frowned.

  I met her gaze. “We can steal some alone time in Punta Cana.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Other than the cold nights the weather has been good to us.”

  Nadine pointed her finger my way.

  “Don’t jinx us.”
r />   “Hopefully, I didn’t.”

  I glanced at Samantha. “How did you know to bring a shirt for Tonya?”

  She sipped her sweet tea. “I asked her was she a fan of Jacob Latters. Luckily, she was, and I brought a T-shirt for her. I figured we’d receive great service.”

  I hugged her close. “Thanks for using your celebrity husband to our advantage.”

  “Yeah, thanks, Sam,” the girls sang.

  “Does he ever tire of you pimping him out?” Emoni slipped a forkful of greens into her mouth.

  Sam twisted her lips. “I don’t offer merch often. Usually only if I have a high-profile client I’d like to impress.”

  She dried her hands on the napkins. “That reminds me. I better place their order. Actually, Jasper can deliver their meal. I don’t trust anyone around their food.”

  “Thank you, Samantha,” rang out around the table.

  TWO HOURS LATER, WE strolled into Off Key Karaoke lounge.

  Sitting at the half empty bar, I scanned the room.

  “Excuse me.” Carmen leaned over the wooden bar on her forearm, flagging down the bartender. He was deep in a conversation with an attractive female at the other end of the counter.

  I glanced to the right.

  Someone walked onto the main stage. The red theater curtains were the backdrop. Scanning the bustling bar, I noticed crowds forming. Guess we picked a popular night.

  Thirty-inch TV screens hung from the ceiling throughout. Our reservation wasn’t until eight thirty. Our slumber party was loosely planned for ten thirty. Tomorrow we could sleep in for once.

  Four orange decorative fixtures hung overhead, running the length of the bar. The light gave our brown hues a special glow.

  A smile crept across the bartender’s lips in the distance. Guess Carmen had another admirer. I could’ve been wrong.

  His pecs peaked out through his tight purple company T-shirt as he approached. “My name is Trent. What can I get for you, beautiful?” His smile grew wider under his almond complexion.

  The waves in his brown hair could make you sea sick.

  She glanced over her shoulder at us, then back to the bartender. Carmen pointed to a bottle on the bar with her left hand. The huge diamond sparkled as the light hit it.

  His smile withered as he shook his head. “Coming right up.”


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