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Assassins & Mob Wives: Couples Retreat

Page 19

by Posey Parks

  On the outside looking in, everyone thought we were the perfect couple. Maybe we were. I didn’t know anymore. Samantha reminded me how much I loved my husband. That day I couldn’t find him, I was afraid I’d lose our child, I was so worked up.

  “We’re not leaving until you talk to us.”

  “I guess you all are sleeping on the floor tonight.” My head thudded the wall.

  The curtain flew open. Samantha’s chest heaved. “I’m sorry you didn’t buy into our sisterhood ritual a little while ago.” She sat beside me. “I guess we’re bunk buddies literally tonight.

  Their pretty dark tresses rested along the tan walls. I scanned the girls’ beautiful faces. Samantha slept over me, so it wasn’t far off that we were bunk buddies. Sydney planned to sleepover the drive cabin. Emoni said she’d take the sofa. Nadine and Sierra would sleep in the bedroom. Carmen claimed the dining area that turned into a bed.

  Sydney tilted her head to the side. “Brandon snapped at Jacob earlier. Samantha and I hadn’t said anything to you. We hoped you’d tell us what was going on.”

  “No one’s marriage is perfect.” Samantha’s eyes held concern.

  A chuckle rolled from my throat. “Says the woman who’s married to a movie star. Who has problems with different women on the daily?” I smacked my lips and stared at the sheets.

  My head snapped back. “And you.” I pointed.

  “Sydney, don’t come for me. You almost threw away a great man, all because he wasn’t black.”

  Her eyes grew in size. No words followed. What could she say to that fact?

  I shook my head. “Marriage was never in the cards for me. Children certainly weren’t a part of my plan. I grew up with a monster who molested me. I never wanted that to happen to anyone else.” I didn’t dare peek at the girls. Couldn’t bear the pity in their eyes.

  “What kind of woman allows herself to get dick whipped after one night? Shit, I was almost killed by my man’s psycho bed buddies. Then I hunted him down after he left and begged him to come back.”

  I stared into the mob wives’ sad eyes. “Don’t worry ladies, I have nothing to say about you guys. I’ve only been privy to all the shit Samantha and Sydney have gone through.”

  “None of us are perfect.” Emoni’s smile rose and fell.

  “I was a man’s punching bag for years. Mentally, I was defeated. Therapy has helped. I’m thankful I met Marco. He didn’t need to get mixed up in my shit. I’m not perfect. I still don’t believe I deserved to be loved unconditionally either. Sometimes I sit on the shower floor in tears. Begging myself to pull it together. My gentle giant never allows me to get swept away too deep in my thoughts. The past has a way of making you feel unworthy.”

  “Say it Emoni.” Sierra gripped her hand. “My ex-husband wanted to fuck every woman on the road. I wasn’t good enough. Once I was tired of being his doormat, I started over. If it wasn’t for Emoni pushing me to get back out there. I doubt I would’ve met Dillon. He was the finest man I’d ever seen in my life. How did I think he’d be interested in an insecure thing like me? I know I told you guys Dillon said he was broken. We could barely make it through our second date because I was so concerned with all the women staring at him. Dillon has never made me feel less than. Maybe because he was cheated on too. I don’t know. But he loves me, flawed and all. If you think for one moment, I don’t break down and wonder how did a woman like me get a man like him, you’re mistaken.”

  “I fell for a hit man. One who said he didn’t do girlfriends, nor would he ever tell me he loved me.” Tears welled in her eyes. “During our first date he killed a man. I’m the worst kind of fucked up there is. The icing on the cake he left me for fourteen fucking years.” Her fingers threaded her hair. “I could barely move on while he was away. The second he came back into my life, I became pregnant by him a second time. Didn’t matter about my success. I could have any man I wanted. But none would have ever taken better care of me than my Tony. He’s the only man I’ll ever love. Now my son wants to be just like him.”

  My eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “He wants to be a hit man.”

  The girls shook their heads.

  “And I’m afraid his great grandfather will have no problem showing him the ropes.”

  Carmen peeked at Nadine. “The same grandfather who turned Dominic into a heartless killing machine?”

  “Yeah, one and the same.”

  Carmen met my gaze. “I was an innocent college researcher. The first time I bumped into Dominic, he was with another girl. Didn’t stop me from obsessing over him for years. Then out of nowhere he blew into my life like a tornado. Told me I’d date him. My brothers never let a guy get too close. Dominic’s the pushiest guy I’d ever met. Sometimes I feel he took advantage of me. He was my first and my last. I never experienced another man, nor did I want to. He sucked me into his killing world. Me.” she pointed at her chest. “The good girl. That gorgeous man is crazy and obsessed with me. His rage sometimes scares me. He will kill that guy from the club. There’s nothing I can do about it. I mean really, who loves a beautiful killer inside and out? How fucked up am I?” A tear slid down her cheek.

  Nadine pulled Carmen against her chest. “Don’t cry.”

  “We’re all in love with killers.” Samantha held my gaze.

  “Of course, you’re right. My husband chopped up the man who sexually violated me for years. He doesn’t seem the least bit remorseful.” I squeezed my palms against my lap.

  Samantha placed her hand over mine. “Whatever you two are going through, you’ll get through it.”

  “Someone from Brandon’s past is blackmailing him.” Tears slipped over my cheeks. “This morning he reassured me everything will be ok. Tony and Brandon will handle the situation.”

  “Who do you think it is?”

  “I’m not sure if it’s a woman. He’s closed lipped about the situation.”

  Nadine stood on her knees and stared into my eyes. “I’ll go undercover. Sam I’ll need prosthetics and fake credentials.”

  “No problem. Sydney and I will help too.” Her eyes fell on her cousin.

  “Sydney, better learn all you can about hacking from your hubby because we need to tear Brandon’s life apart.”

  Samantha’s hands swayed my back. “If we find ugly shit, are you willing to work through it?”

  No one knew my secret. The girls could find out what skeletons lie in my closet too.

  “Yes, I love Brandon.”

  Sydney smirked. “We all love our husbands, Zoey. Are you in love with him? Because if you aren’t you won’t stand by his side.”

  I loved Brandon. But was I still in love with him? Honestly, I didn’t know anymore. My husband had spent little time with me in the last year. Malaysia was the only person to witness my loneliness first hand. My husband and I needed this trip. We needed that spark back in our lives. Were they holding their breath? Their intense stares ate at my stomach lining.

  “Yes, I’m in love with him.” I smirked. The lie burned on my tongue.

  Sierra shook her head. “Not believable. Work at your relationship. I doubt you want to lose your husband.”

  “Sierra, I don’t. You’re right. I’ll work harder. Thanks ladies. We need to clean up so we’re ready to hit the road early.”

  They rose. “You’re right.” Carmen stretched as she yawned.

  I grabbed Nadine’s hand as she stood to her full height. “Will you be ok working with Sam? I know you don’t care for her.”

  “Damn, I’m sitting right here.”

  We were the only three near the bunks.

  “I don’t hate you Samantha.” Nadine pinched her eyes.

  “My husband will do anything for you.”

  “And vice versa. He’s my best friend.”

  She yanked Nadine beside her. “I love Tony like a brother. During the staged kidnapping Tony was a part of...” Samantha cut her eyes at me.

  I shrugged.

He said I’m like a little sister to him. We’ll always kill for each other. That’s what family does. Nadine, I’m honestly happy he found you. I hated seeing how depressed he was without you in L.A.”

  Her eyes closed briefly. “I hope you believe me one day.”

  Sam stood. Nadine hopped up and wrapped her arms around Samantha’s neck. My mouth fell open.

  “This trip has brought us closer. I hope we can be best friends too.”

  Samantha held her tight. “I know we can.”

  “Come on, girls. Let’s make this coach shine.” I patted their arms.

  “How about one more drink before we hit the sack?” Emoni held a glass of whiskey high.

  “Sounds good.” I poured wine into a glass then peeked out the window.

  “Shit, hey guys look.”

  The girls stared at the Suburban parked under the streetlamp close to the bus.

  “Fuck, it worked,” Nadine whispered.

  “It did.” I beamed. The guys were in a deep slumber.

  “Yes.” Sierra stood.

  “I’ll drive for the first few hours.” I sucked down the wine.

  “Great.” Sam clutched my shoulder. “I’ll drive after you.”

  “Tulsa, Oklahoma here we come.” I thrust my fists in the air.




  MY STOMACH VIBRATED. I rolled on my side and my eyes fluttered open. This time I swayed my hand under my side.

  “Who’s calling so early?” I muttered into the pillow, gripping the phone in my hand. One eye popped open as I peeked at the screen. Dad? What did he want? Sliding the button to the right, the cutest face came into view.

  “Charlotte, what are you doing up so early? It’s seven thirty-four.”

  “Mommy, I miss you.” She snuggled under a blanket on the sofa. We shared the same nose. The bridge was straight, then rounded out on the sides. Her eyes were the same color as Jacob’s, but almond-shaped like mine. The sun kissed Charlotte’s almond complexion, probably more than usual. Bet she played on the ranch under the sun. She had a golden glow.

  My heart raced. “Baby, mommy misses you too. Why didn’t you call from your iPad?”

  “Granddad, wants to talk to you. Mommy, when are you coming to Tesas?”

  Covering my mouth, I snickered. My little one struggled to pronounce Texas.

  “Say Texas, Charlotte.”

  “Tesas.” She giggled.

  My high cheekbones bit the corners of my eyes.

  “Mommy, don’t laugh at me.”

  “But you sound so cute.”

  Charlotte covered her face.

  “Don’t hide that pretty face from mommy. Where are the twins?”


  “I can’t wait to hug you guys tomorrow.”

  She sat straight up, smiling.

  “Put granddad on the phone.”

  “Kisses mommy.” Her little hand extended as she puckered her lips.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I blew her a kiss.

  “Here Granddad.”

  He kissed her wild curly hair. “See if nana’s awake. Ask her to cook breakfast.”

  “Ok.” I heard Charlotte’s feet shuffle across the wooden floor.

  “Samantha, are you enjoying your trip?”

  “I am.”

  The shiny gray hairs around his temples stood out. Were they there the last time I saw him? I didn’t see my dad much anymore. Finding forgiveness in your heart can be tricky. Especially when the person who betrayed you was your father.

  “Didn’t know you and mom flew to Dallas.”

  “Rebecca called your mother and said Jacob dropped off the kids for two weeks. The only time we get to see them is if we fly to L.A.”

  I bit my lower lip. “You know why that is dad. Jacob should’ve left the kids at home with the staff.”

  “They’re safer here with us. You know that, Samantha.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Do I?”

  Curling the pillow under my head, I glared at him like he had two heads. “Why did you need to talk to me, dad?”

  He raised his index finger. My other phone rang under my pillow. I disconnected the call and pressed accept on the secret bat phone.

  “What do you need?” I bit out.

  “I have a minor job for you in Tulsa. That is where you’re headed?”

  “Of course, you know where we’re on our way to. Why am I not surprised?”

  “What time will you arrive?”

  “Not sure. Maybe ten.”

  “The job begins at noon. All you have to do is pick up six crates of AK-47’s and AR-15’s from a serpent named Quavo Sanchez. He’ll be heavily guarded. Did you bring fire power and fake I.D.’s?”

  “Between you and the President I kind of didn’t have a choice to bring my aliases. The guns well, I don’t leave home without them. Who do I need to be?”

  “Tamara Jones. She has street cred. You know bodies under her feet.”

  I hopped off the bunk and strolled toward Zoey.

  “Ok, and yes, Dad, I know what street cred is. One sec.”

  Leaning over the driver seat, I smiled. “How long before we hit Tulsa?”

  “An hour.”

  “Cool. Arrive at the destination at noon.”

  Her brows wrinkled.

  “We’ll discuss after I’m off the call. I’ll make a fresh cup of coffee for you.”

  She nodded.

  Grabbing her cup, I sauntered to the countertop.

  “Dad, we need two black Suburban’s and a heavy-duty pick-up truck.” I placed a K-cup in the Keurig and watched the coffee drip into her heavy-duty paper cup.

  “No problem. There’s a garage on East fifty first street and County Line Road. Ask for Carson. He’ll have the vehicles ready. You can leave the bus there while you’re on the mission. The meet point is at Tulsa Mountain Park. Once you get the weapons, take them to Major Knox at Tulsa Air National Guard Base.”

  “You never mentioned money so it sounds like I’m taking the merchandise. What do you want me to do with the guys?”

  “Whatever you want. Oh yeah, take two hundred thousand in cash.”

  My lips tipped up at one end. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll call when it’s done.”

  “See you tomorrow.”


  I ended the call and read the thread of text messages from Jacob on my personal phone.

  Jacob: Where are you?

  Jacob: Samantha, this isn’t funny. Answer the phone.

  Peering at the screen, I placed Zoey’s coffee in the cup holder.

  “Thanks. I needed that.”

  “Zoey, I could have driven for two hours.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll take a nap later.” Her dark hair was piled on top of her head. She smiled behind her pink aviators. “I’ll sleep before we go line dancing tonight.”

  “I think we could all use a nap by then. We should hit a breakfast spot once we arrive.”

  “Yes, I’d love a stack of blueberry pancakes,” she giggled.

  “I reserved three hotel rooms on the first floor at the Wyndham. We can enjoy the piping hot showers and the queen-sized beds. We’ll park the bus near the side entrance. That gives us quick access to the coach.”

  I peeked at my phone again.

  Jacob: Almost to Tulsa, huh? We’ll be there before you.

  “Shit,” I growled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Jacob keeps texting me. He said they’ll arrive before us. I can’t tell him about the job my father asked me to do. He’ll lose it. Besides, it sounds harmless.”

  Zoey met my gaze in the rearview mirror. “We’ll be your back up, anyway.”

  “Great. I better call Jacob back before he has a heart attack.”

  Sydney climbed down the ladder. “Did I hear job?” She rubbed her eyes.

  “Yes. I’ll fill everyone in before breakfast.” I leaned over and programmed the address to the diner i
nto the GPS.

  Placing the phone to my ear, I glanced at Emoni hugging the sofa. Carmen’s arm rested over her head. She was knocked out.


  “Good morning, baby.”

  “Samantha,” Jacob growled. “Don’t baby me. Why would you guys dodge your detail?”

  Resting the phone between my shoulder and ear, I closed the bathroom door behind me.

  “We don’t need a detail today. It’s our last day on our own.”

  “Samantha, we’re landing in Tulsa in fifteen minutes. Don’t worry, we won’t bother you guys. I just want to keep you safe.”

  Nothing was sexier than Jacob Latters wanting to protect me. The second I see him tomorrow, I planned to fuck him good. “Thank you. I love you, Jacob.”

  “Love you, too. Baby, stay out of trouble, please.” Worry poured over his words through the phone.

  “Uh huh.” Quickly I tapped the red button, ending the call.

  Staring at my reflection, a tingle slipped up my spine. I felt terrible for betraying his trust.

  He’ll be pissed once he learns from his father, I had a mission to handle. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.


  Parked in the Wyndham hotel lot, I opened the door and scanned the neighboring businesses before my Gore-Tex hit the ground. Time to assemble my weapons. One by one, the girls grabbed their duffels from the storage compartments under the bus. They were filled with weapons. We climbed back on the bus and closed the door behind us.

  I sat in the captain’s chair across from the wives. “Ok ladies, remember you don’t have to accompany us on this mission. This is what Sydney and I like to call a milk run. We’re just picking up dirty weapons from street thugs.”

  “Are you saying it’s like taking candy from a baby?” Carmen retrieved the Desert Eagle from her bag. Her eyes combed the steel like it was her favorite toy.

  I tilted my head from side to side. “Yeah, I wouldn’t go that far. They are the bad guys. They’ll want payment for the weapons they believe they’re selling. Sydney, Zoey, and I will rob them.”

  “Samantha, we’ll help. What’s the plan?” Sierra loaded a clip in her Glock.


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