Reclusive: Skulls Renegade MC

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Reclusive: Skulls Renegade MC Page 5

by Knox, Elizabeth

  Furrowing my brows, I’m confused beyond belief. “What? Are you a coach or something?”

  He smiles quickly before it fades, his expression turning more serious, almost as if something is haunting him. “In a past life I might have coached football. I could just fuck you, you know.”

  “Oh, do you want to do that? You barely have your hands on me.” I tease, hoping that if I poke the bear just enough that he might just turn into a grizzly.

  “Me, barely touching you?” He asks, cocking his head to the side. “Have you looked at yourself? You know how hard it is for me to behave?”

  I scoff, before my laughter gets the best of me. “Not that hard, obviously. You behave all the fucking time. What do you think is going to happen if you touch me, that the sky is gonna turn black and flying monkeys will come down from the sky?”

  “We just have to follow the yellow brick road, baby.” He snickers, making me wanna throw my fist into his mouth.

  “Asshole,” I grumble.

  Trick grabs the back of my hair and pulls me back against our mattress, pulling the comforter over my legs, his eyes dart up from my pussy to my eyes. “Do you want to find out what happens to bad girls who disrespect me?”

  “Only if being a bad girl leads to me feeling oh so good.” I taunt him, sliding my tongue out to lick my bottom lip. The bear is so close to turning into a grizzly, and by God he will.

  “You’re such a lil’ devil.” He tells me, eyes turning dark as midnight. Oh yes, I’m getting what I want.

  “Nu-uh. I’m an Angel, my name says so.” I flirtatiously argue, riling him up even more and more. Before I realize what’s happening, he flips me over and tears off my pajama pants, slamming his hand down hard onto my ass.

  “Eeeps!” I yelp out, flashing my head back up to him. “What was that for?!”

  “You being a smart ass brat.”

  “Seriously? You like my sassy mouth. Don’t tell me you don’t.” He lands his hand on my ass again, this time even harder than before. The stinging sensation radiates through my cheek. “Jesus! What in the actual fuck? Obviously you like it when I get this way. I see Peter the pecker getting hard as we speak, waiting to go to pound town with Paula the pussy!” I hiss-yell at him.

  “You’re fuckin’ crazy, namin’ your private parts.”

  “I named yours too, but obviously you didn’t notice that.”

  Stinging meets my ass yet again. “Jesus!” I yell at him, somehow managing to fenagle my pants off my legs. I’m just in a soft pink thong, with a gray cami shirt. Never have I been this exposed to him before. “If you want Paula so much, just take her.” Spreading my legs, I cock my eyebrow and stare up at him.

  His hand shoots up to my throat as his grip tightens around me. Fingers constricting my airway, he smirks before his lips are pressing against my ear. A low grumble greets me before the sound of his voice follows, “Let’s get one thing straight. I don’t want Paula, I want Angel and I’m gonna get every single part.” Trick releases my neck and grabs my hips, pulling me down to his torso. I don’t know how the hell I didn’t notice he freed his cock from his jeans, but I feel him pressing against my entrance. “Now’s the chance to back out, baby. It’s gonna hurt.”

  “Yeah, right. There’s no way –“ I stop immediately at the feel of him shoving his cock inside of me. It’s like trying to squeeze an oversized butternut squash up there! “Relax, your body knows what to do.” He whispers in a soothing tone, easing in and out of me. I’m soaking wet, biting the bottom of my lip as he rocks himself inside. The pain slowly transforms into pleasure, making me feel at ease.

  “You were sayin’?” He teases, and I roll my eyes at him. I move my hand to his beard, yanking him down closer to me, needing the taste of his lips on mine. There’s never been a moment like this in my entire life, where I feel like I’m not alone. Trick makes me feel so much but most of all, he makes me feel alive. As though I’ve never lived before.

  “Jesus,” I mutter out a groan, smirking up at the man who never ceases to surprise me. He accepts me for everything I am, flaws and quirks. Turns pain into pleasure, so I wonder if there’s anything that he can’t do.

  I rise up, pulling my cami free from my body and let my tits fall in front of his face. I won’t ask him what I want him to do, because I beg for no man. He’ll get the message, though.

  His tongue rolls out over my flesh, gliding along my collarbone before dipping down over my breasts. Sucking one nipple into his mouth and then the other, he goes back and forth as his pace quickens inside my pussy.

  I throw my head back as my breathing quickens, “Good God, Trick!” He might have a monster of a cock, but he sure knows how to use it.

  “You have no idea just how long I’ve wanted to hear that come from your lips.”

  I counter back to him, opening up my heart, body and soul just a bit more. “And you probably don’t know how long I’ve wanted to.”

  “You are a fuckin’ Angel, and you don’t even see it.”

  “We both know I’m not.” He can say it as much as he wants, but I’m nowhere near as sweet as he thinks I am.

  “You are. You’re my Angel.”

  “Fuck!” I scream out, clenching the sheets to our bed. His cock hit me and just the right spot, my orgasm rolling over me in a series of waves. He pounds his cock into me over and over again so fast I can hear the gush of cum coming out of me. Not stopping, he continues for a good few minutes until he growls out like an uncaged animal.

  The door to our room flies open, “Are you Oo-. OH MY GOD!” I don’t know whose voice that just was… but I find it hysterical that we were just walked in on.

  I laugh like I haven’t in years and look up to the man whose holding me in his arms, monster cock still nestled deep inside me. “Do I wanna know who that was?”

  He shrugs, “Daisy. I’m wonderin’ what she’s more shocked about, the fact half my cock is still out of you, or that she saw me pounding your pretty cunt.”

  “A combination of both no doubt.” I chuckle, glancing between us to see the bastard isn’t fucking with me. He can win a world record for biggest dick, both thick and long.

  Jesus. It’ll be fun playing with his Peter.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Karma doesn’t spare anyone.”

  - IdeaSpot


  “We’ve all been preparing for this for weeks. All of you know your roles, and you know that even though we hate the bastard, keeping him alive is our job. After he’s sold is another story,” Reed tells us, adding a wink on the last bit. Today is a day we have been waiting on for quite a while. The day of Rafael’s auction and shit I can’t wait for this.

  We all arrived here a couple of hours ago, conducting perimeter checks, ensuring that no one tried to fuck with anything, checking for bombs. That kinda shit. Honestly, I was a bit surprised when not a hair was out of place. I didn’t expect that. Then again, everyone wants to buy this bastard, so they can conduct their own torture on him.

  Dmitri arrived a few minutes ago and met both Chaos and I in the middle of the hotel’s ballroom. The entire place has been re-decorated and re-constructed to fit the needs of tonight’s event. In the middle of the room, Rafael is chained on a concrete pedestal with a collar around his neck. The only way he is able to break free of it is by unlocking him, using the key that Mariana Petran holds in her possession. After he is sold, Mariana will give to the highest bidder to do whatever it is that they wish.

  “This has been a long time coming. Rafael had done some shit to the Vipers MC, back before we patched over into the Skulls Renegade. He always has been and always will be a disgusting human being. I can’t wait for someone to buy him and give him what he deserves.” Dmitri speaks with disgust lacing his voice, and even goes as to so much as turn, spitting on Rafael. The glare that he gets in return is useless. Rafael won’t be breaking free, not in the slightest. Truthfully, I would’ve spit on him first if Dmitri hadn’t. The man deserves no respec

  Two of Mariana and Ion Petran’s team are at the entryway of the ballroom, and another two are around the corner in case anyone were to attempt to try to get in through the back doors. They’re locked, but when push comes to shove, people know how to break in. The thought process of placing security at the auction was a grueling task. We need a combination of both Skulls and mafia men throughout the surrounding area.

  The double doors open, and five people come walking in. I recognize Reed and Elena immediately, and it takes me a moment to notice Mariana and Ion. But I don’t know who the older gentleman is who entered with them. He smiles to both the Romanian King and Queen, shaking both of their hands before walking in our direction.

  “Pleasant day, isn’t it lads?” He greets us, lowering his gaze to Rafael. “I’m betting the lot of you don’t know much about who I am. Do ya?”

  “No, Sir.” I reply, not knowing where the Sir comes from. Assumption, probably. He came walkin’ in with the two power couples which tells me that he’s just as important as them.

  “Doesn’t surprise me in the least bit. I don’t have too much business over on this side of the pond. I’m Desmond Mackenzie, Irish Mafia.” Did this dude really just introduce himself like he’s James Bond? It sure as fuck felt like he did. I try not to laugh, wanting to show respect to the old man, but shit, it’s hard to keep this one tucked down.

  “You seem to have gotten yourself in quite the bit of trouble now, haven’t ya Rafael?”

  Rafael mumbles something out. It’s no use, though. He has a red ball gag in his mouth, prepped and ready to be someone’s bitch. Who’d want to listen to this motherfucker anyway?

  “You see here boys, Rafael is my wife’s brother. He’s obviously the sour one of the bunch and I’ve never been able to prove the things he’s done against me and my children… but I am no fool. Some would assume I’d be here to help you, you poor idiot. But instead I will be here to shake hands with the person who buys you like the overused heifer you are. I can’t wait until you go to slaughter. Lord knows you deserve it for every atrocity you’ve committed.”

  Rafael continues trying to mumble, thrashing his body towards his brother in law but it’s no use. He’s on his knees, tied down so securely that all he can do is thrash his body a little bit to the right or left. Not much else he can do. “Oh, Rafael. Are you trying to say something? I can’t hear you.” I’m beginning to like this old bastard more and more with each growing moment. He’s giving Rafael what he deserves.

  Out of nowhere I see Desmond grab Rafael by the back of the head and my gun is drawn, trained on him. “Let go of the prisoner, lucky charms.”

  “Oh, relax. I’m not going to kill him. I’m merely having a bit of fun before we begin.” He states, as if that will change what I’ve just said.

  I sigh, looking over to both Dmitri and Chaos who both shrug. “I won’t repeat myself. Back it up.”

  He rips his fist away from Rafael’s head and as he opens his fist, a clump of hair falls free. Gross. Desmond glances back to Rafael, giving him a look that I know very well. It’s obvious these two don’t have a normal family relationship. Desmond might have said he isn’t going to kill him, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to. “You’re the reason she’s in a coma. I know that in my heart, and for all these years I’ve wondered why you would do this to her. Of why your actions would have led her to a place like this. She has been suffering all of these years because of you.”

  I glimpse towards the door and see that the room now has at least fifty, if not sixty people in it. It’s funny how your surroundings can drastically change when you’re focused on something.

  “It’s go time, brothers. Game faces on.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Never underestimate the power of intuition. I know your game before you even play it.”

  - LittleNivi


  “Thank you all so much for attending this evening. I know that you have each travelled from great distances, so I’ll save us some time and hop straight to it.” Mariana speaks into a microphone, her voice echoing through the entire ballroom, calling everyone into a round of silence. “Rafael Ramirez is finally where he belongs, chained to the floor like the rabid animal he is. Un-logical. Blood-thirsty. Power-hungry. These are the three traits that this supposed leader has, and ultimately they are the three things that led to his demise. His rap-sheet is long, and while most would commend him for that. I am confident that no one in this room will. We’re all here for one reason, because Rafael has harmed each and every one of us in some way. I will ask this, though. How is it that a room filled with some of the most powerful people in the world, we were unable to cage this monster? That is something that we can simply never allow to happen again. We all might not get along from time to time because of our business dealings, but we are businessmen and women, nonetheless. I would like to formally welcome the Francisco Lopez as the newly reigning cartel leader. I hope that we can have a fruitful business relationship.” Ion takes his stance next to his wife, so late in her speech. It shocks me a bit, considering the Romanian’s are a generation or two behind women equality. From what I understand, the men hold all the power.

  There’s a quick movement to my left, and I see the shimmer of a blade heading in one direction – towards Rafael. I see the woman who wields it and decide not to pull out my glock. Instead, I grab her by the wrist and fling her so hard she doesn’t know what to do. The knife falls to the floor, and she has an obvious case of whiplash as her ass hits the ground. “What the hell were you thinkin’?” I ask her, not understanding how she could be so stupid. She can’t be older than her early twenties. Her skin looks so soft, telling me she is young, but her eyes show so much pain.

  She refuses to look at me, glaring eyes looking straight at Rafael. “He raped my sister and then slit her throat in our home. My father did nothing. He refused to get justice for her. This man breathes air every day while my sister is in the ground. It isn’t right.” I can’t argue with her. It isn’t right, but what she’s doing is not the right way.

  “Listen, kid. Life’s a bitch and nothing ever works out the way we want it to. Today, I can assure you this motherfucker will die. But you just have to be patient. Your sister wouldn’t want you to die from attempting to avenge her. You have a hell of a lot to live for, so live. Don’t just live for you, Live for your sister, too.” Ion has witnessed the entire ordeal I just de-escalated, and I’m waiting to see what he wants me to do. All he does is stares in my direction, so I wave my hand up towards one of the mafia goons to come over and grab the girl. At my signal, one comes walking right over and once he’s in front of me I speak. “Take the girl out of here and make sure she doesn’t re-gain entry.”

  “Let’s get this started, shall we?” Ion says, the roaring of the crowd behind him. “We’ll start this auction at three million dollars. All of the proceeds from this sale will be split amongst many charities, primarily focusing in sexual and domestic abuse, human trafficking, and cancer centers.”

  A group of men and women come to stand before Ion, all holding signs with numbers on them to place their bid. “Do I have anyone for three million?” Several bidders raise their numbers at his question, and the process continues over and over again until he’s well over twenty-four million. It’s astonishing to see what price one head can hold.

  I keep my eyes focused on my surroundings, looking for any sort of imminent threat but am pleased when I don’t see anyone else attempt what that dumb, young girl did. She was lucky to leave here with her life. Everyone in this room seems dead set on causing a shit ton of harm to Rafael, and I don’t blame them for that. Bastard deserves everything that’s coming to him.

  As more minutes quickly pass, the crowd in front of Ion starts to slowly diminish. Each meeting their limit. “Thirty-three million?” Ion states, looking to the three people who stand before him. An Asian woman holds the number thirty-seven, A tall red-headed man holds the number sevent
y-two and a short blonde woman is holding the number fifty-two. The Asian girl smirks, raising her number and I think she’s pretty sure she has this, but the blonde girl raises hers quickly, “Thirty-seven million.” She offers.

  The man shakes his head and backs away, leaving these two eager women to bid for their bosses.

  I see Mariana staring down at the Asian girl and if I’m seein’ this shit it sure as fuck means everyone else is. This Romanian Queen is smart, I’ll give her that. “Forty-seven million,” The Asian girl counters, giving a bit of side eye to the blonde bitch beside her.

  Shit, we might even have a good old cat fight tonight too.

  The blonde girl takes a visible gulp, a slight bit of fear crossing over her face. She doesn’t know what to do, whether to keep going or stop it now.

  “Going once, going twice, sold to number thirty-seven!” The auction had used private bidders, no one wanting to show themselves to their opposition. I completely understand that, and can only imagine how high he would have gone for if that was the case.

  Mariana takes the microphone from Ion’s hand and begins speaking, “I am the proud new owner of Rafael Ramirez, as Jing-Lee was bidding on my behalf.” The crowd begins to speak up, shocked at what she’s done. But how can they be shocked by her actions? She’s a woman who obviously doesn’t stand up for any bullshit.

  “This whole thing was rigged, wasn’t it?!” A man shouts out from the corner.

  She cackles into the microphone, “No, it most certainly was not. If it was, none of you would have been provided with ample opportunity to outbid me. Quit being a sore loser, will you, Fredrik?”

  Ion chuckles, but then shoots his wife a warning glare.


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