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Catching an Evil Tail

Page 11

by Mary Abshire

  "Ah, excellent choice." Alan flipped open his menu.

  Ryan grinned, obviously happy he'd pleased his pack leader.

  "What's good here?" I scanned over the pictures and descriptions.

  "They specialize in southwest cuisine, but as you can see…" Alan paused and reached over to point at my menu. "They have Asian, Italian, and seafood, as well."

  I couldn't help but noticed his tanned skin and hard muscles in his arm. I couldn't recall ever meeting someone with such defined muscles. Yes, Jeremy and Drake were toned and had solid frames, but this Alpha look sculpted. The man was big and undoubtedly strong, but his soft voice and gentle candor led me to believe he was a good man with a passionate heart.

  I perused the menu. "See anything appealing, Jeremy?"

  His lips curled ever so slightly, but I noticed. "The scallops might be good," he said.

  I held back the urge to chuckle. Every time Jeremy recommended a dish, I avoided getting it. Since we'd eaten out together plenty of times now, he knew I favored seafood. So, now I had two choices—search for something else like always, or surprise him and go with his recommendation. I closed my menu and slid it onto the table.

  The waitress arrived with the two additional drinks. "Have you decided what you want?"

  Alan glanced at us. I gave him a nod. His lips tugged to one side when his eyes met mine. "I believe we're ready."

  The waitress pulled out her pen and notepad. I ordered first and selected the scallops. As Alan gave his request, I glanced at Jeremy. His eyes were wide and he had a stunned look on his face. Pleased with his reaction, I grinned. Jeremy ordered next, followed by Ryan, then Gabe.

  "We will need wine with our meal," Alan said as the waitress collected our menus. "A Sauvignon Blanc and a nice Shiraz, please."

  "I'll have them brought out with your meal." She flashed a smile, then turned away to go place our orders.

  My gaze strayed to the window with the view of the mountains. The reddish-brown rock drew me away from the three werewolves sitting at the table.

  "Jessie," Alan said, jolting my attention. "Ryan tells me you live in Indianapolis. What do you do there?"

  I reached for my white napkin-wrapped silverware. "I work as a data technician for a mid-size firm."

  The corner of Alan's lips hinted at a smile. "That sounds—"

  "Boring," I finished for him and unwrapped the napkin.

  He chuckled. "I didn't want to presume anything."

  "It's boring, but it pays the bills and keeps me out of trouble."

  The waitress appeared with two baskets in her hand. As soon as she set them on the table, Jeremy and Ryan dug inside one.

  Alan drank his scotch with his eyes on the two greedy vultures. "And how did you meet Jeremy, if you don't mind me asking?"

  "I was looking for a vampire at a nightclub in Chicago and ran into him." My details were a little off since Jeremy had found me, but I doubted it would matter. The outcome was the same.

  Alan grabbed the other basket and held it in front of me. The Alpha had good manners and I appreciated them. Smiling, I took one of the square pieces of bread from beneath the white tissue paper.

  "Thanks," I said, and he returned the basket to the table.

  Gabe leaned over the table. "What were you doing looking for a vampire?"

  "Well, long story short, I was helping a friend. The vamp I was looking for was a real evil f—fiend. He had a particular interest in children." I paused and took a bite of my bread.

  Ryan wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Did you find him?"

  I nodded. "Jeremy helped find the vamp. He set up a meeting. After my friend severed his head, his soul jumped out. I caught him."

  "What did you do with the soul?" Gabe asked.

  "I'm sorry, Jessie." Alan rested his hand over mine. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Gabe doesn't know anything about you. Only Ryan and a few others know why you are here."

  I stared at his soft, ringless hand as I swallowed. My skin tingled from his warm touch. Deep within me, a silent need that had been hushed for six weeks was awakened. I quickly tried to ignore the feeling.

  "I sent his soul to Hell," I said.

  Alan removed his hand and I glanced at Jeremy. Tension had claimed Jeremy's face. He clenched his jaw and glared at Alan. I took a sip of scotch and hoped the demon wouldn't start trouble.

  "You sent his soul to Hell?" Gabe asked. "How?"

  "She's a demon," Alan said on my behalf.

  "Maybe that's why she smells different," Gabe said.

  I set my drink back on the table. "I'm sorry if I stink. I showered before I came."

  I grinned while they laughed. A little humor never hurt.

  "Most demons have a strong, burning scent," Alan said, his eyes on Jeremy.

  Jeremy's burning leaf perfume was very light to me, but it could've been because I was half demon. Or it could've been the mere fact I didn't have any heightened sense of hearing or smell like the werewolves.

  "I hear demons have red auras, but mine is different in that area, too," I said.

  "We can't see your aura in this form, but we can in our other." Alan smiled softly.

  "What color is it?" Ryan asked.

  "You'll have to wait and see, or not see," Jeremy replied a bit flatly, and we all turned our attention to him.

  The air thickened around the table. While I understood Jeremy wanted to protect me, he didn't need to be rude. I opened my mouth to say something when two waitresses appeared with our meals. One by one, they set our dishes on the table.

  "The food looks delicious," I said, glancing at each plate. And pretty, too.

  A square, red plate was set in front of me. White scallops were arranged in an artistic design with a red potato cut into four pieces, each one placed in a corner. I almost didn't want to mess up the design, but hunger called to me.

  A waiter arrived with two bottles of wine and displayed them to us. After Alan nodded, the waiter went around the table, starting with Alan. He chose red and the waiter poured the liquor into glasses.

  "Do you like wine?" Alan asked as the waiter spoke to Gabe.

  I smiled. "It's okay. I prefer stronger liquor since my metabolism dissolves it quickly. If I had choice of red versus white, I'd definitely take the red."

  "Me too." He grinned.

  The Alpha was giving off good vibes. He was calm, confident, well mannered, and pleasing to the eye. He didn't seem cocky or arrogant as I'd thought he might be. Not once did I sense something bad. But as always, I reserved trust.

  After the waiter finished pouring red wine into my glass, he walked away. Alan held up his drink. "I'd like to make a toast…" He gazed around the table before bring it to rest on me. "To success and to Jessie."

  "I'll drink to that," Jeremy said, and lifted his glass.

  I joined the toast and held my wine up. We clinked our glasses together, then sipped our drinks. Alan kept his eyes on me. I wanted to believe he was studying me, but the way he smiled at me led me to think otherwise. Curiosity might have been luring behind his green eyes, but so was desire, and it made my heart unsteady.

  After a few bites of food and additional sips of wine, I relaxed. Alan talked about his business as well as how and why he’d come to lead it. He spoke about the past and the future he hoped for. His polite yet dominating persona intrigued me.

  "I don't understand." Gabe gestured with his empty fork. "Why are two demons here?"

  Alan drank more wine and then set his glass down. "I invited them to the party after the challenge."

  Gabe furrowed his brows as he eyed his leader.

  "I'm going to make an example of Matthew. After I defeat him, Jessie is going to send his soul to Hell," Alan explained without showing any emotion.

  "How can she do that?" Gabe asked.

  "We shall find out Sunday night. You are not to mention this to anyone," Alan commanded with a stern gaze.

  "No, of course not." Gabe lowered his gaze to hi
s plate and continued eating.

  The rest of us resumed devouring our meals. When my stomach felt full and satisfied, I leaned back in my chair and imbibed more wine. Dinner had turned out better than I had expected.

  "Would you like dessert?" Alan asked.

  "No, thank you." I held up my hand. "I'm good."

  Jeremy picked up his wine and gestured toward me. "To life, love, and happiness."

  I repeated the words and clanked my glass against his.

  As I sipped the wine, the hairs on the back of my neck twitched, alerting me to another supernatural presence. The energy surrounding me amplified. I set my glass down and surveyed the area. A balding, husky, African-American man stepped between Alan and me. My heart jumped from the unexpected appearance.

  "Excuse me, sir," the bulk of a man said to Alan. "A message from David came through. He is available for the next half hour if you would like to reach him."

  "Thank you, I'll be out in a little while," Alan said to the man.

  I couldn't help but stare as the stranger headed toward the exit.

  Alan gripped my hand gently. "Are you all right? Your heart is beating fast, and I sense anxiety."

  "I'll be fine," I said, and nodded. "I sensed a presence and when that man suddenly appeared by us…it startled me. And by the way, you have good hearing."

  He grinned. "Our senses are superior to a vampire's."

  "Really?" I asked, surprised.

  He maintained his happy expression. "You're calming now."

  How could I not when he was gazing at me with kind eyes and a warm-hearted smile? His charm was an additional bonus.

  "Who was that?" I asked.

  "Ron is one of my bodyguards," Alan said. "He decided to wait outside and monitor my calls for me."

  "What kind of werewolf chooses to monitor calls instead of eating a free meal?" Jeremy asked curtly.

  He looked at Alan's hand on top of mine, then lifted his gaze to me. It became clear to me the demon didn't like the Alpha touching me, even if it was a comforting gesture, which he often did. Regardless, I didn't want him to start trouble, so I slid my hand away from Alan.

  "One who is loyal," Alan said in a moderately flat tone.

  Jeremy clamped his jaw, then reached for his drink. I ignored his attitude and pondered his question because of the dream I'd had at the hotel. A werewolf had come after me. Why? What if Alan had traitors in his pack and they wanted to stop me from helping him? I needed to warn him.

  "Alan, I think you should be careful," I said.

  Curious and inquiring eyes examined me. "Do you know something I don't?"

  "Sometimes I have premonitions." I gazed from Jeremy to Alan. The demon was too busy studying the red wine swirl in his glass, so I continued. "I took a nap earlier and had a dream. I was at a truck stop, at least I think it was, and a large brown werewolf attacked me."

  Alan stiffened. "That is serious." He gathered the napkin in his lap, then threw it on his plate. "I will not tolerate threats to you or Jeremy while both of you are here."

  "If someone comes after me, they might come after you too," I said.

  "I have a large security team. I assure you, I am well protected. As for you, perhaps we should have a guard at the hotel." Alan looked at Ryan.

  "I can stay with Jeremy. The rooms are connected," Ryan said.

  "I think that would be wise," Alan said, and it sounded like a directive.

  "We'll stop by my place before we head back to the hotel," Ryan said. I'll pick up a few things. I've got a gun I can carry."

  I tensed at the mention of a weapon.

  "Why don't we meet tomorrow for breakfast?" Alan turned to me. "Is nine good for you?"

  I smiled at his courtesy. "It's fine."

  "Ryan, why don't you take them and get going. I'll contact you in the morning," Alan said.

  Without hesitating, Ryan pushed his chair way from the table. He stood, then Jeremy followed.

  "Thank you for everything," I said as I dropped my napkin on my plate.

  "I should be the one thanking you. You're going to send an evil soul to Hell for me."

  I stood up and lightheartedly shrugged. "It's what I do."

  "Come on." Jeremy put his hand around my waist, then nudged me.

  "Sleep well, Jessie," Alan said as I walked away. I gave him a single wave goodbye.

  The heat from the sun warmed my skin the minute I stepped from the restaurant. Jeremy walked at my side, escorting me to Ryan's car. Like Jeremy, I was squinting my eyes from the bright sunlight.

  "I believe he likes you," Jeremy said.

  "He's nice. He's not like I thought he might be."


  Hearing Alan's voice, I stopped and spun around. The Alpha strode alone between cars and headed toward us.

  "Now what?" Jeremy asked, an air of annoyance surrounding his words.

  Alan looked from Jeremy to me. "I failed to mention the party Sunday night is formal. I would like to send something nice for you to wear. Are you a size six?"

  "Good guess." I smiled.

  "I will have something delivered by Sunday afternoon," he said, then turned to Jeremy. "Give Ryan your size, and I will get it from him."

  "No problem." Jeremy crossed his arms.

  The two men held an equally fierce gaze at each other. Alan stood a few inches taller and had broader shoulders. But Jeremy held his ground and didn't move. I imagined the two were silently cursing at each other.

  I placed my hand on Alan's arm. "Thanks again, Alan, for everything."

  His chest expanded as he took a deep breath. "My pleasure." He reached into his back pocket and withdrew his wallet. "If you need anything, call me. It will ring to my secretary. Tell her your name and she will connect you directly to me."

  I took the small business card from his hand.

  "Let's go." Jeremy gripped my arm and tugged me away from Alan.

  Ryan led the way back to his SUV. Jeremy walked behind me and didn't say a word. His actions and comments led me to believe he didn't like Alan. I didn't understand why since the Alpha had been nothing but kind and generous. There had to be one reason—the demon was jealous.

  I hopped into the back seat of Ryan's vehicle. After I buckled my seatbelt, I studied the small card Alan had given to me. It had a semi truck logo and listed his title as owner and chief operating officer of Vandett Trucking. Numbers were listed underneath. The card looked professional, just like the man who'd given it to me. Alan acted professional too. Could I say the same for Jeremy? The answer was no. The two men clearly didn't approve of each other. But we all had to work together. Staring at the back of the demon in the front seat, I hoped and prayed he wouldn't start trouble.

  Chapter Twelve

  An awkward silence lingered between the three of us as Ryan drove to his house. I sat in the back with a clear view of Jeremy in the passenger seat. He faced the side windows and had his arms crossed. Ryan glanced in his rearview mirror. After meeting my eyes, he turned to Jeremy.

  "I'm still hungry. I could stop somewhere for a bite to eat after we drop by my place," Ryan said, ending the silence.

  Jeremy turned and faced Ryan. "A big, greasy hamburger sounds really good right now."

  "With onions, bacon, and everything else. I know just the place," Ryan added, and Jeremy grinned.

  He glanced over his shoulder at me. "Hungry, Jessie?" Jeremy asked.

  "No, I'm fine. I thought dinner was good." The meal at the restaurant had filled me well. Any additional food would make me want to vomit.

  Jeremy smirked. "That was all an act and the food was an appetizer."

  "What do you mean it was an act?" I asked, annoyed by his accusation.

  "Alan put on a good show for you, keeping you interested and asking questions. And the food…" He shook his head "If that kid-sized portion satisfied his appetite, then I'm a saint. I'm sure the wolf is out getting a big steak somewhere. Am I right, Ryan?"

  I scooted over and glanced at
Ryan. He gripped the wheel tightly while he pressed his lips together.

  "You are a real son of a bitch," I said, ire flavoring my tone. "You don't have to insult Ryan's leader. And come to think of it, I recall you being nice and asking me questions the first time we met."

  "I'm not a wolf in sheep's clothing," Jeremy said.

  My fury rose. "What are you talking about?"

  "I don't hide what I am," he said.

  "You're right. You're a fucking asshole and you don't hide it!"

  I wanted to reach forward and slap his face. Could he be any ruder in front of his friend? I crossed my arms and jammed my back against the seat.

  "You seem to be enjoying everything Alan is paying for, yet you sit there and act like he's the scumbag," I said.

  "He is." He raised his voice at me. "He's the one using you to set an example."

  "He wouldn't hurt her," Ryan chimed in.

  "No, he won't," Jeremy said curtly. "If he tries anything, I won't hesitate to give the mutt a little burn."

  "Jeremy!" I barked.

  Ryan's face tensed as he glared at Jeremy. "I think you're overreacting."

  "Don't tell me I'm overreacting," Jeremy shot back, his face reddening. "I don't need your doggy sense of smell and hearing to know he's more than curious about her."

  The car accelerated, then Ryan steered the vehicle into the gas station on a corner. Wheels screeched when he braked hard in a parking spot on the side of the building. Jeremy rushed out of the car. He slammed the door behind him. Ryan exited the car too, then strode to the front to meet Jeremy.

  "Fucking asshole," I cursed in the empty car. I knew Jeremy would start trouble. Knew it. But with his friend? He was being so disrespectful to Ryan. I shoved open my door. There was no way I was going to allow Jeremy to start a nasty fight.

  "We've been friends a long time," Ryan said in a tone more calm than I'd expected from a werewolf after such a verbal exchange. "There isn't any reason for you to think Alan might hurt her."

  Jeremy stood with his fists clenched at his sides. His body was stiff. He glared at Ryan. "I'm warning you, if he tries anything, I won't hesitate to bring him down."

  Ryan took a step forward. "And I'm telling you, he wouldn't. He's been in charge for thirty years. He knows what he's doing. Leaders from other packs are going to be at the challenge. He wants Matthew to pay for his crimes, then show everyone he will not tolerate criminal behavior. When Jessie is done, she will walk away without a scratch."


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