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Incubus Inc

Page 40

by Randi Darren

  “I don’t know what’s going on with the lights,” Irene said, looking at Sam with her one eye.

  “It’s not an issue,” Sam said.

  “Okay. Tiffany lost a hand and Decima’s knee doesn’t… bend the right way anymore. No bites, though. They connected with Jes and Stacia,” Tiffany continued. “They’re finishing looting. Jes didn’t have enough Essence to patch Wren up again. Haven’t—”

  A massive explosion shook everything. Dust and ceiling tiles began raining down from above.

  “That the entry explosive you set?” Sam asked as the clamor died away.

  “Yes,” hissed Wren between her teeth.

  “Okay… we’ll just…” Sam looked at Irene and then made a shrugging motion. Grabbing her guts, he started shoving everything back into her stomach cavity. Once he got everything wedged back in, he put a small shield over the front of the gaping wound.

  Irene took in a deep breath while Sam watched. Everything he’d pushed in smashed up against the shield.

  It was amazingly disgusting.

  “Oh, that’s better. Easier to breathe,” she muttered. “I’ll start getting our jump portal.”

  Sam got up and looked down the far hallway, then back the way he’d come.

  “They’ll come,” Wren muttered, slowly pushing herself up into a sitting position. “Don’t worry about them.”

  Nodding his head, Sam started walking back toward where he’d left Aster.

  He found her kneeling in front of the socket, her entire body glowing with electricity as it coursed along her skin. Even her hair seemed to be electrified, hanging in the air above her as little snips of lightning zipped from strand to strand in a crackling web.

  She looked much improved since he’d seen her last.

  Instead of a walking war crime, she instead looked like she’d been on a diet that was far too serious and needed to be hospitalized.

  Which was a vast improvement.

  “Time to go, Aster,” Sam said.

  Pulling her hand away from the metal, Aster sighed and got to her feet.

  “Alright. I’m feeling well enough to travel, but little else,” she said. “How are we escaping?”

  “Portal. Got a witch and a vampire who can make a jump,” Sam said. Taking Aster by the arm, he led her back to where he’d left Irene and Wren.

  As he walked up, he watched Tiffany haul the big Cambion through the portal by her sports bra.

  “Good timing,” Irene said, sitting in the exact same spot he’d last seen her. “We’re the last. Let’s… oh, hello.”

  The witch must have been dampening her emotions. She seemed almost like a doll right now. Not that he could blame her, as she’d been eviscerated by something.

  “Hello there, I’m Aster,” said the Elemental with a short wave. “Do we care about anything in this compound?”

  “No,” Sam said, grabbing Irene by her ankles. He started dragging her through the portal.

  “That’ll make this much easier,” Aster said. Clapping her hands together, she sent a shower of sparks out in every direction. Then she began to rub her hands together. A circle of lightning formed around her hands and continued to build and build.

  Getting Irene through the other side, Sam looked around. They were right next to the truck. Everyone was here, including Carissa.

  She was covered in brown and red, some of which looked like mud and some that was clearly blood.

  “No one saw me and survived,” Carissa said. “I killed eight. They looked like officers and leaders. I was flushed out and had to relocate out of range after that.”

  Before Sam could respond, there was a loud crackle followed by a pop from the other side of the portal.

  Stepping through it, Aster ran her hand through the edge of the portal and collapsed it with a gaunt, wolf like smile.

  “A pleasure to meet you all. I’m Aster,” she said. “I was once known as the Torment of Lightning, and now I am bonded to Sameerixis for four hundred years.”

  In the distance, a massive lightning bolt went up toward the sky. It looked as fat as Sam’s thumb, even from this distance. The whole sky lit up brighter than anything he’d ever seen in his life.

  “I look forward to working—” Aster’s words were lost in the absolutely massive thunderclap.

  Clearing her throat as the sound died away, Aster continued to smile at everyone. “Working with you. Shall we go? I’m so hungry. If possible, can we grab a car battery from somewhere? Any batteries, actually. I’m not really picky.”


  Pulling back on Gabriella’s wrists, Sam let out a breath as he pushed up into her one last time. His climax was fading.

  Moaning hard and quivering all over, Gabriella was lost to everything. He could only see her back, shoulders, and the back of her head.

  Letting her down gently, he eased her into her bed while holding her wrists.

  When she seemed to be safely on the mattress, he let go of her completely.

  Panting, the human woman lay there unmoving—other than to breathe.

  “No more,” said Gabriella in a pant. “Six is—too much.”

  Chuckling softly, Sam patted Gabriella on the hip. “As you like. Thank you for doing your best. I appreciate it.”

  “Sorry—sex is—great but—I’m spent,” Gabriella said, still gasping. “Want more—but can’t—hips done—pussy broken.”

  Laughing now, Sam leaned down and kissed Gabriella’s sweaty cheek. Turning her head, she moved toward him. Sam immediately kissed her and lingered there for several seconds.

  “You’re wonderful. Thank you. I’ll make sure you get something extra later. You didn’t have to do all that. I appreciate the dedication to me,” Sam murmured.

  Gabriella grunted, her eyes still closed. “Was great—great sex. Don’t need extra—but thanks. So great. Sex addict now.”

  After patting her on the back, Sam summoned his constructed clothes and left her apartment, then closing the door behind him.

  “You kill her?” Tiffany asked. She was leaning up against the wall next to the stairs.

  While they were out on their mission, Irma had moved his entire feed harem into the apartment building. She’d bribed, cajoled, offered new contracts, and outright paid people off. Everyone was now centrally located.

  Even Abigail had taken the offer.

  Not paying rent was hard to say no to.

  “No, but she’s spent. Why, is it your turn?” Sam asked.

  “Sure is,” Tiffany said. “Kinda wanna get laid. Maybe spar a little, too. Got a problem with that?”

  “Nope, happy to oblige. You’re an amazing woman,” Sam said. “Before that, though, I need to go check in with Irma and Aster.”

  “That’s fine. Your place? Mine?” Tiffany asked.

  “Either. Whatever you prefer,” Sam said.

  “My place. I’ll get the beer, you just bring yourself. And a lot of yourself,” Tiffany muttered. “Horny enough to kill Decima if she says something stupid.”

  Flipping a hand over her shoulder, Tiffany started going down the stairs. More than likely straight to Sam’s apartment.

  Sam shrugged. He was more than happy to turn the Were inside out.

  Since coming back three days ago, he’d done nothing but feed. Going apartment to apartment, he’d devoured everyone in his feed harem. He’d spent hours at a time with each one, feasting and feasting until they were simply no longer able to keep up.

  He’d kept the feeding away from the mercenary company, with the exception of Wren. But that was only one time.

  Jes and Irma were also on his “don’t bother” list for the moment. Mixing food with when he wanted more than just to eat—to have sex for sex—was starting to feel strange.

  The very idea of eating from Irma felt twisted over on itself now. Eating from her brought him an intense emotional reaction that rivaled an orgasm. She always reinforced that she wanted him to feed from her, especially since she got part of it back fr
om him, but it still felt odd to him now.

  Trudging up the stairs, Sam got off on the next floor.

  As he walked down the row of apartment doors, Sam felt strange. He still wasn’t quite over the fact that he had another Torment as a bonded servant. One who was just a smidgen older than he himself.

  She was an Elemental from the creation event itself.

  Walking up to the door, he knocked on it twice.

  “Come on in, Sam!” called Aster from inside.

  He smirked. He didn’t need to be a genius to know how she’d managed that feat. She was the Torment of Lightning. It meant that all electronic devices fell within her domain. For her, spying on someone through a light in a hallway, like the one above him, was as easy as looking through a window.

  Opening the door, Sam walked in and then closed it behind him.

  “And before you ask, no, I’m not spying on anyone,” Aster said from deeper in her apartment. “I just watch my own place and the hallway outside. Oh, and the stairwells. But that’s more of a paranoia thing. Not going to let someone sneak up on me again.”

  Sam definitely understood that sentiment.

  Walking through Aster’s kitchen and into her living room, he found her sprawled out on her couch. Snacking on what looked like chocolate-covered pretzels by the handful while watching TV.

  She’d filled out amazingly since her rescue. It wouldn’t be long till she looked as she did in his memories. An athletic woman with a lithe build and narrow waist, a good-sized bust, and being very toned.

  Resting between her toes and wrapped around her big toe was a long blue electrical wire that ran to the outlet itself. It seemed she was plugged into the electrical system directly.

  And of course—as was her norm, he’d learned from long ago—she was naked. After living through the eras she had, side by side with humans, her shame no longer existed.

  “Have I mentioned I’m really grateful?” Aster asked, not looking away from the television. “If you want, we can have sex right now. But can we keep the TV on? You have no idea how long I sat in that cell with nothing to do.

  “I mean… I haven’t had sex in two hundred years, give or take, so maybe I’ll turn the TV off anyways. Maybe it was three hundred years? Four?

  “Now that I think about it, I’d turn off the TV for sex. I could really use a good banging.”

  It was odd hearing her use modern lingo but he wasn’t going to judge.

  “Aster,” Sam said, trying to get her attention.

  Slowly, the Elemental’s eyes moved to Sam.

  “I’m tempted by your beauty alone, but not what I came here for,” Sam said, being honest. “I came here to talk about what my plans are. What your plans are. To get us on the same page. Haven’t had a lot of time to really talk lately. You were… recovering, as was I.”

  “Oh,” Aster said, giving him a wide and pretty smile. With her health greatly improved, the beauty that had kept a pantheon on its toes seemed much more herself. “I already spoke with your wife, Irma. We had a very long talk about what we’re all doing for you. Then I spoke with Jes, the Succubus. She’s awfully pretty, by the way. Hard to believe Jena would let something like that happen. She was always so jealous of anything that was even remotely prettier than her.

  “Which, come on, let’s be honest—lots and lots of women were and will be. She wasn’t that good looking at all.

  “But realistically? I get it. We’re going to rob criminals, make lots of money, get our Essence stable, and get lots of planes to call home. Which is all great to me. Pity I had to abandon my original plane, though. Jena turned it into her own little hellscape. Now that I abandoned it, she’ll have no way back to it. Meh. They’re better off without her. I’ll make a new one.”

  Raising his eyebrows at that, Sam processed everything she’d said.

  “Alright then,” he said. “You don’t need anything?”

  Aster’s eyes stilled, the electric rattle of them slowing till they were like marbles.

  “I want Jena to feel my retribution,” she said, sparks jumping around her teeth as she spoke. “I would love nothing more than to watch you skull-fuck her to death. To squish that nasty brain of hers on your dick until she’s nothing more than a corpse.

  “That’s what I want. Can you give that to me? I’d give you hundreds of years of myself for that alone.”

  Unprepared for the absolute vitriol Aster had put out, Sam just stood there for several seconds.

  “Sure,” he said finally. “I think I can give you retribution. Though I might pass on the skull-fucking aspect of it. Forgive me, but the idea of having any interaction with Jena at all is… well, unpleasant.”

  Aster stared at Sam for several seconds more before she smiled at him.

  “Not a problem. You can bang me on her before we make her a corpse instead. Maybe as she’s dying. You can unload in me as I moan atop her. That’d probably be better anyways.

  “Other than that, I could use more junk food, soda, or sex. Feel free to bring me whatever you’re up for. Just don’t keep me waiting too long. My sex drive is starting to turn back on the more we talk about it,” she said, then looked back to the TV, stuffing another handful of chocolate pretzels in her mouth. “Actually. Come back tonight. We’ll bang. Lots of banging.

  “Bring batteries, too. I’d love some car batteries. You can hook me up and juice me while you fill me up over and over. That’d be a treat.”

  Reaching behind herself she gave her own ass a smack.

  “You know you want it, so come get it,” she said.


  Batteries. Because to her, Essence is derived from lightning. Or electricity, as it were.

  Whole lot of lust in her, too.

  She might not be the same anymore as I used to know her.

  Then again, am I?

  We both suffered our own prisons.

  Nodding his head, Sam turned and left Aster to her own amusements. Her attitude and directness wasn’t something he was quite used to. The only person who even got close to that was Irene, but it seemed he had to be holding her soulcore for that to happen.

  Exiting her apartment, he went straight for Irma’s.

  Except he didn’t bother to knock.

  He just opened the door and went inside.

  “It’s me,” Sam called and closed the door.

  “Welcome home, dear,” Irma called. He heard the rattle of a chair with wheels as he assumed she got up. Then the Imp popped out of her office and gave him a smile. “You all full finally?”

  “Almost. Probably go for another day and I’ll be relatively close to where I was. Spent a lot, but I feel like we gained a lot,” Sam said.

  “Oh, most definitely that. We won’t be able to move the gold anytime soon, but we already laundered the cash and sent it out and about. Had everything pass through Florida on our way through. Really good place to do it,” Irma said, walking up to Sam and hugging him tightly. “We’ve got more than enough funds to do nothing for a few years and be really picky with our contracts.

  “But we both know Jes will want to go hit more of them as soon as she can. She’s so obvious, it’s almost funny. She’s amazingly pure-hearted for a sex demon who just wants my husband.”

  Sam couldn’t disagree with that, and he hugged Irma back tightly.

  “Everything else we’re still organizing, cataloging, sorting. Lots to inventory,” Irma said. “But it’s going. And our side business is up and running. I’ve been scheduling you out next week for visits to speak with women about their debt. And how they can get out of it.

  “That survey form and all the recommendations Abby has really made the whole thing take off. You’ll be playing gigolo for a bit. Sorry. Be sure to bring back everything you earn; I don’t want to have to go looking for my money. Pimpin’ ain’t easy.”

  Sam rolled his eyes at that but couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

  “Right. I’ll be sure to remember that,” he said. “Bring
you your money.”

  Irma grinned at him, patting his cheek. “Be sure you do, Sammy. Now. Are you free for the evening, or are you going to go eat some more?”

  “Eat more,” Sam said with a shrug. “Sorry. I feel ravenous. Next up is Tiffany. She came to tell me she wanted to ‘get laid’ as it were.”

  “I understand completely. Both her and you. I was an Essence junkie for a short time, you’ll remember,” Irma said. “Alright, go ahead and get—”

  There was a sharp knock on the door.

  “Irma? It’s Jes! I just got the mail and there’s a letter from that Amazon at the office,” she said through the door.

  Reaching over, Sam opened the door.

  Jes immediately walked in and looked at Irma, who was still hugging Sam.

  “Oh!” Jes said, and then she immediately hugged the two of them. “My two favorite people. Hello, hello. We got a letter from that one you left a message inside of. I picked up the stuff at the PO box on my way home from the grocery store.”

  “The one with the photo?” Irma asked. “Of Sam and Jena?”

  “That one, yes,” Jes said before Sam could answer. “Rather simple letter, but it’s definitely an in.”

  Jes stopped hugging them for a moment to fish out a postcard from the pack of mail she was clutching against Sam’s back.

  She handed it to Irma with a smile.

  “If we can get her on board, does that mean we can start hitting more targets?” Jes said.

  Between you and Aster, Jena won’t be able to sleep without worrying about something getting robbed or someone murdered.

  “One would imagine,” Irma said, looking at the card. “If we use the data we’ve been stealing, pair it with Alexis, Stacia, Irene, and then this woman, I’m sure we can figure out the best places to hit her. Though we’ll have to slow down for a time. Let the heat die down.”

  “That’s fine,” Jes said with a wave of her hand. “There’s a whole lot of cartels we can take on in the south. Even the smaller ones would have lots of money.

  “I really kinda wanna stick around, but Wren and Carissa promised to help me with my shooting. We’re going to practice right now. See you two tonight.”


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