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Hero Bear

Page 10

by Candace Ayers

  “You should clean up better.” I forced my legs to move backward, and stepped out of the shower. I edged around Dmitry and motioned for him to get in as I turned my back to him. “I’ll get you a clean towel.”

  There was still blood on the towel he’d been carrying as well as on him. There had been blood everywhere. Even down the back of his head and neck. His broad shoulders were still streaked in it. He’d killed. For me! I’d seen the truth in his eyes in those moments afterwards. He’d do it again. And again. He would’ve attacked his friends if they’d been any closer to me. The animal in him had been unleashed and I finally got a good look at it. I supposed it had always been there, at the back of his eyes, something hungry and dangerous.

  I wasn’t afraid of his bear, though, even if I should’ve been. He’d ripped Nicky to shreds with eight inch claws that were sharper than any knife I’d ever seen. He’d snarled and growled, wildly, viciously, ferociously. Yet…I wasn’t afraid of him.

  Dmitry was darker and more dangerous than I’d realized, but that shouldn’t have surprised me. The things the team did, their job, it wasn’t easy. He’d probably had to use deadly force more than a few times. Yet, I knew instinctually that he’d never hurt me. Just as I knew my own reflection in the mirror, I knew it. I wasn’t afraid of him.

  I heard him step into the shower, heard the water hitting his body. My temperature climbed higher. There was so much that needed to be said. We had to talk and I needed to know why he’d been avoiding me when it was clear that we were mates. But, before any of that, I needed to touch him and feel him next to me.

  I didn’t give myself time to stress about it. I didn’t stop to worry about how it might or might not be perceived. I stopped being scared for once in my life.

  Shit or get off the pot.

  I turned to face the shower and found him watching me, the water hitting the back of his shoulders and running down his back. My heart skipped a beat, a little stumble, but it didn’t change my mind. I swallowed and took the first step towards him.

  Sliding my dress of one shoulder and then the other, I took another step closer. The steam from the shower filled the bathroom and fogged the mirror, and I was so glad I’d decided to wear contacts. My already wet dress clung to me, and I peeled it off of my chest and pushed it over my hips to drop at my feet.

  Completely naked, I moved closer.

  Dmitry’s breath caught in his throat. I could sense his desire.

  My chest rose and fell faster, my hand shook. My mind was steady, though. I needed him right then.

  Dmitry stayed still, his eyes smoldering. They locked with mine until I was right in front of him. Drops of water splashed over his shoulders and onto me. His eyes followed the droplets. Still, he didn’t touch me. His erection jutted out between us, proving his arousal, but he kept his hands at his sides. They balled into tightly clenched fists when I reached behind him for the soap and my stomach just barely grazed his erection.

  I lathered my hands and focused on the sound of his breathing. Ragged and strained, I could feel how much control he was exerting. I could feel his need to touch me. Yet, he let me take control.

  What I wanted was to touch and explore every part of him. I didn’t feel like an unsophisticated virgin. I felt like a passionate, sensual woman who was wild about the man in front of her. I wanted to learn every single inch of his body and what he liked and didn’t like. Right then, I’d start by running my soapy hands over him and, who knew, maybe then I’d run a little more over them.

  I held his gaze as I placed my hands on his chest. I could see that darker part of him there, too, in the depths of his eyes, watching me almost like I was prey. Now that I’d met the darkness, seen it first hand, I knew that it was his bear I was witnessing. He may look at me as though I’m prey, but I was who and what he’d protect with his life and fight to the death for.

  I washed Dmitry’s chest and his stomach, my soapy hand dipping low enough to have his stomach tensing and his breath hiking. Still, I didn’t go where he needed. I lathered my hands again and stepped in closer, trapping his shaft between us while I ran my hands over his sides and then up his arms. Skirting around behind him, I sighed at the sight of his back. Beautiful and so strong, I took extra care washing it. Stretching to reach his shoulders and neck, I then washed down and over his ass.

  Dmitry’s fists clenched and unclenched and I knew he was struggling to let me continue rather than taking the lead, but he let me clean him. I squatted behind him to clean the back of his legs and moved around to run my hands up the front of his knees and thighs. Looking up at him, I saw the glow of his animal in his gaze, but still, he held strong. I let the tip of his cock drag over my body as I slowly stood, and then reached up to cup his chin. Pulling lightly, I ran my hands over his face, taking care to trail my fingertips over his lips.

  My body pulsed, every part of me readying itself for him. I shook with desire, but I wasn’t finished. I rinsed his face before lathering my hands again and stepped in closer.

  Holding his gaze, I cupped his erection and bit my lip as a low growl escaped the back of his throat, but he still remained perfectly still. His pupils dilated as I stroked his length, rubbing both of my hands back and forth, slowly up and down every inch of him. I dropped one hand lower to clean him there, too.

  Instead of feeling self-conscious about never having done it before, I felt powerful because of his reaction. The man and animal both watched me, radiating lust and hunger, but still, I was in command of both of them.

  I stroked him until all pretense of cleaning him was gone. I watched his face change, his jaw clench harder. I wanted him to come apart in my hands, wanted to see him tumble over the precipice of that control he was clinging to.

  When it happened and I felt his seed splash against my stomach, I only wanted more. I knelt in front of him and slid him into my mouth, finishing him that way.

  Dmitry’s hands locked in my hair and before I’d finished stroking him with my tongue, he pulled me up to my feet and backed me against the cold shower wall behind me. His eyes blazed and I found myself surrendering—to anything he wanted to do to me. Anything.



  I’d held back for as long as I could, letting Kerrigan slowly torture me. I’d stayed still while she took control, did what she wanted, and I enjoyed every second of her delicious exploration. But I couldn’t hold back any longer. She’d been teasing more than just me. She’d been teasing the bear who’d been itching to mark and claim her. The sultry little looks that she kept casting had nearly brought me to my knees. After orgasming, I was still rock hard and ready for more of her—all of her.

  I spun her under the water and made quick work of rinsing us both off before scooping her into my arms. I stepped out of the shower and carried her to the bed which was in the corner of the one-room apartment, leaving a trail of dripping water to her bed.

  Her breathing was as labored as mine and her arousal perfumed the room and drove me insane, like the most exquisite torture. I tossed her onto the bed, getting an excited squeal from her.

  I wanted to seduce her slowly, take my time, show her just how much I adored every part of her, but I couldn’t wait. I needed to be in her, needed to make her mine, and be hers in every way. I knelt on the bed and kissed her ankle before moving up. I kissed her hip and then the valley between her breasts before capturing to her mouth. Tasting her mouth, I rested my weight on one forearm while reaching between us and running my fingers through her wet folds. She was ready for me.

  I rolled my fingertip over her clit before moving lower and sliding one finger into her. Her hips tried to buck, but I was on her, keeping her steady. She bit my lip in her eagerness and I slid a second finger in, stretching her for me. Her nails dug in and scratched my back, a welcome sting. I pumped my fingers relishing in the way her body clung to them tightly. As I slid in a third finger, she broke our kiss to beg for more.

  I could’ve listened to her sweet, brea
thy pleas for hours, for the rest of my life even, but I needed to be in her. I slid my fingers out and lined our bodies up. I held her gaze and released a low growl. She was mine. She was always going to be mine. No one else was ever going to threaten her or harm her again.

  Her arousal had called more of my bear forward and I fought for control as I sank into her wet heat inch by inch. Her body gripped and squeezed me, pulsing around my length. More sweet torture.

  Kerrigan dug into my back and her head pushed into the mattress under her while I entered her. Her exposed throat was an invitation I couldn’t refuse and as I thrust the rest of my length into her, I sank my teeth into her delicate flesh, marking her as mine.

  She screamed, her body clamping down on my shaft as an orgasm rocked through her. I continued to pump through it, thrusting in and out of her as the claiming mark bound us together for the rest of our lives. The bear was more in control than he should’ve been, but I was there, too, losing myself in her.

  She lifted her legs and gripped my hips with her thighs, her hands rising from my back to my head. Holding tightly to me, she cried out my name and begged me to never stop.

  I licked her neck clean to seal the ragged wound and kissed up her throat and chin. Claiming her lips again, I poured every ounce of emotion into the kiss and prayed she’d understand.

  Trailing my hands down to her ass to grip her silky flesh, pulling her against me to be even deeper in her, I thrust slow and hard. The burning need to empty myself into her was growing stronger. I wanted to mark her with my seed as well—mark her in every way possible.

  Kerrigan arched her back as another orgasm bloomed in her. The new angle had the tip of my shaft hitting her deeper, making her cry out louder. Her walls tightened around me until I couldn’t hold back.

  I pressed my forehead to hers and looked at her. “Open your eyes, mate.”

  Those deep brown, beautiful eyes met mine and I felt my world come together in completeness. She sank her teeth into that full lower lip and moaned. “Dmitry, please.”

  Another stroke and my release burst forth. Kerrigan was right there with me, milking me as we both came together. Her eyes fluttered shut and I lowered my face to her neck once more.

  Everything heightened until we both collapsed together on the bed. I eased my weight off of her and held her in my arms. Holding her against me, I marveled at how everything in me—all of me—felt like it’d been taken out and shaken up. The woman pressed against my side had just turned my entire world upside down.

  I drifted in and out of consciousness, still holding her. I hadn’t been sleeping well since she’d left the P.O.L.A.R. house and I’d felt the need to trek to her apartment and patrol the perimeter of the place several times a night.

  Having her tucked in next to me gave me allowed me to relax for the first time since I met her. Until I woke up in the middle of the night and she wasn’t there.

  I groggily got to my feet. I knew she was safe and nearby; I could sense her. I needed to be near her, though. My bear was still in a heightened state after feeling as though he’d almost lost her.

  She was just outside the door, sitting on the landing at the top of the stairs, a blanket wrapped around her still unclothed body. She looked over her shoulder when I stepped out and raised her eyebrows at me when she noticed my shaft rising.

  I ignored it and sat next to her. “What are you doing out here?”

  She looked out at the ocean and smiled. It was a sad smile that tightened my stomach. “Thinking.”


  “You. Me.” She met my eyes and her smile faded. “Why didn’t you want me? You knew we were mates...”

  My chest tightened and I shook my head. I reached out for her hand, needing the physical connection. “Kerrigan, I wanted you.”

  Her bottom lip jutted out. “But, you didn’t.”

  “I did from the second I saw you. It’s not so simple, though…” I dragged my hand down my face and sighed. “What you saw earlier…that monster is who I am. I know I scared you, but that’s not just what I do, it’s who I am. I am a monster—a killer. You…you’re so pure and untainted. I’m not.”

  She turned to stare back out at the ocean and took a deep breath. “You want to know what I thought when I saw you and Nicky Knuckles fighting?”

  I frowned. “What?”

  She looked back at me, her eyes intense. “I saw his knife and I thought that if he hurt you, I would find a way to kill him.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that.

  “I don’t think things are as simple as good and bad, Dmitry. They can’t be. What you do isn’t bad. You save people.” She stroked her finger down my cheek. “I’m pretty much a loser. Until Wednesday, I had a job my mom got me, no home to speak of, nothing of my own. Still a virgin, unable to hold eye contact with most people, I was ashamed of myself. Good and bad are too finite to describe people. We’re all so much more complicated than a single label.”

  I slid my arm around her shoulder. “You’re not a loser.”

  “And you’re not a monster.”

  I swallowed a lump of emotion. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “And I don’t deserve you.” She narrowed her eyes. “So, should we just run away from each other and act like this never happened?”

  “No!” I hesitated. “Was that a jab?”

  “Yeah, it was. Cause if you’re going to leave and pretend like we’re nothing to each other again, I need to know now.”

  “I’m sorry, Kerrigan. I’m sorry I made you feel like that’s even a remote possibility.” I sighed and gently kissed her temple. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re my mate. You’re stuck with me for life.”

  She scooted over and slid onto my lap. “Good, because your bear won’t let you leave, anyway. He loooves me.”

  I made a confused face. “What do you mean? I mean, yes, he does, but how do you know?”

  She suddenly grinned. “You talk in your sleep. Didn’t you know that?”

  “What? No.”

  “Or maybe your bear talks in your sleep. Either way, he really likes me.”

  I snorted a laugh. I felt the same way.

  She laughed, the sound so beautiful and sweet, I gave her a squeeze. “And you, Dmitry?”

  I stilled and looked down at her suddenly realizing what she was getting at. “You were worried I didn’t feel the same way? Is that why you were out here?”

  She nodded. “I was worried that you might disagree with him.”

  “I don’t.”




  “We’re the same being, my bear and me. What he says and feels about you? It’s from me, too.”

  She rested her cheek against my chest. “You don’t even know what he said.”


  She giggled. “Yeah?”

  “I love you.”

  She turned and flashed me the happiest smile before kissing me deeply and passionately. When she finally broke off the kiss, we were both breathing hard. “Show me.”

  With her wearing my fresh claiming mark, I was able to take my time this time and really show her just how much I loved her. Lost in pleasuring her, I almost missed when she whispered the words into her palm while coming apart under me.

  “I love you, too.”



  Vilified by strangers,

  Friendships aren’t Heidi’s forte.

  Unless it happens to be with a displaced polar bear.

  Hey, he’s a great listener!

  Alexei knows she’s his mate.

  But she refuses to date him.

  All he wants is a chance.

  As far as he can tell, there’s only one way to get near her—as a Covert Bear.

  Get Covert Bear HERE

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  In the southwestern town of Burden, Texas, good ol’ bears Hawthorne, Wyatt, Hutch, Sterling, and Sam, and Matt are livin’ easy. Beer flows freely, and pretty women are abundant. The last thing the shifters of Burden are thinking about is finding a mate or settling down. But, fate has its own plan…








  In the late 1800’s, on a homestead in New Mexico, a female shifter named Helen Cartwright, widowed under mysterious circumstances, knew there was power in the feminine bonds of sisterhood. She provided an oasis for those like herself, women who had been dealt the short end of the stick. Like magic, women have flocked to the tiny town of Helen’s Corner ever since. Although, nowadays, some call the town by another name, Hell’s Crazy Corner.

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  Something’s lurking in the swamplands of the Deep South. Massive creatures exiled from their home. For each, his only salvation is to find his one true mate.

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