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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

Page 5

by Cara Alexander

  I groan to myself, grab the phone and delete the message. Helen's watching me a look of surprise on her face. ‘

  That was a text from Nick, you remember Nick from school, don't you?’

  She nods.

  ‘Well, he just invited us to a charity ball - I'll text him back in a minute and say we're too tired.’

  She looks puzzled. ‘I didn't know you were such good friends, isn't he that geeky little guy who used to follow you around?’

  I look at her and frown. ‘I don't remember that.’

  ‘You must do, I think he had the hots for you.’

  ‘Oh, be quiet.’ I start filling up the kettle and smile to myself. I won't tell her he's not so geeky anymore, why bother, she'll soon find out.

  She looks over towards the blackened door, then at me.

  ‘I’ll show it to you later, after you’ve had something to eat and a large glass of wine.’

  She takes off her jacket, hangs it on the back of the kitchen chair and looks around.

  ‘So, where’s Jamie?’

  ‘He’s staying with Mum for a few days.’

  Helen looks surprised. ‘But she’s in Spain.’

  I laugh. ‘Yes, it’s only for a few days till I get things sorted here. When I told Mum about the fire she said she was getting the next flight back. I didn’t want her to ruin her holiday, and we didn’t want Jamie to stay here.’

  ‘Your mum must be so worried.’

  I nod. ’She is, she suggested I give Nick a call, she said he could help.’

  ‘But how can he help?’

  ‘That's exactly what I said, but it turns out he's a detective inspector at the local station, he knows all about my case.’

  Now she looks surprised. ‘Wow! I would never have thought he’d work for the police.’

  I nod. ‘I know, amazing isn't it? I was even more surprised when he invited us to this bloody charity ball tonight.’

  ‘But I'd love to go.’

  I make a face and switch on the kettle. ‘It'll be a waste of time, let's stay here, we can cook something nice, have a chat, drink some wine.’

  ‘Come on Beth, you need to get out of here and Nick's such a sweetie.’

  Maybe she's right. We have no TV, no comfortable chairs to sit on, just the kitchen table and a few hard chairs.

  Helen’s finishing getting ready when there's a knock on the door. Through the peephole I can see Nick, he's wearing a tuxedo.

  ‘Is that Nick?’ she calls, running down the stairs.

  ‘Shhh,’ I say, pointing to the door.

  She laughs and stands waiting for me to open it. She really does look stunning, her long light brown hair is up in a French Pleat and my short black evening dress fits her like a glove.

  ‘Shall I open the door?’

  She nods.

  Nick comes striding in. ‘Helen, how lovely to see you, it's been so long since I saw you.’

  She laughs and stands staring at him. ‘It's lovely to see you too, that tuxedo really suits you.’

  He looks a bit embarrassed. ‘You look great Helen, how are things in Athens?’

  ‘Okay, how are things in Evesly?’

  ‘Same as it’s always been, nothing much changes around here.’

  I stand observing them closely, I’m sure Helen blushed, and what a lovely smile Nick has.

  He glances over at me and frowns. ‘Are we ready?’

  I nod.

  ‘Come on then, let’s go.’

  He turns and walks out of the house.

  Helen turns to me, winks and mouths. ‘He’s gorgeous!’

  I laugh and follow them out, making sure to lock the door.

  The major’s house is one of those lovely old Cotswold farmhouses oozing with charm. It's a pity I can't say the same about him, he barely looks at me, but I notice he manages a smile for Nick and Helen.

  ‘I'm so glad you could come,’ he croons, in his smooth, upper class voice. ‘Please help yourselves to the buffet.’

  Then he turns to Nick. ‘You probably know everyone here, be sure to introduce them to your friends.’

  When saying this, he looks directly at Helen and ignores me.

  Nick laughs and turns to Helen. ‘I don't know what we'd do without him.’ He prattles on about how wonderful the Major is and all the good deeds he does for the local community.

  Just as I thought, it's going to be a long night. I look around for the ladies then feel someone tugging at my arm, it's Nick.

  ‘Do you see what I mean Beth?’ He looks over at the Major and smiles. ‘He's really quite nice, once you get to know him.’

  He leads me to a table, one of the round ones at the edge of the room. ‘Now what would you like to drink, wine, champagne?’

  ‘A glass of Sauvignon Blanc, if they have it.’

  ‘Good, sit down, I'll be back in a minute.’

  I sit on the edge of one of the claret coloured velvet chairs surveying the room. It’s such a large room, and the way it’s arranged it looks more like a club than a living room. There's a buffet and bar at the far end, small tables are scattered at the edge and in the centre is a small space for dancing.

  Nick's talking to a couple of guys over at the buffet, the Major's introducing Helen to some of his cronies. I can tell by her face she's been taken in by him, he's cooing all over her and she’s loving it.

  Then the music starts. Out of the corner of my eye I can see a tall guy with a huge beard heading towards me. I quickly get up, turn towards the bar and bump into Nick holding our drinks.

  ‘Careful,’ he laughs. He places the drinks on a nearby table. ‘Do you want to dance?’

  Before I can answer the lights dim and the next thing I know his arms are around me. There's a whiff of whisky on his breath, mingled with the French cologne he always seems to use.

  He pulls me close, I gently push him away, he pulls me even closer.

  We're like this for a couple of minutes until the music stops. Then he says he's going to the buffet and I'm left staring after him wondering what that was all about, how very strange.

  Helen comes over, a wicked smile on her face, she nods in Nick's direction, I roll my eyes, she laughs.

  We head over to the buffet table which is laden with food. Tiny sandwiches stuffed with all kinds of thing - salmon, tuna, cheese and eg. Bowls of nuts, olives and breadsticks, and at each end of the table are two large roast turkeys on silver trays, beside them are two large fresh salmon decorated with caviar.

  We find somewhere to sit, then Nick comes over and joins us. Helen gives me a wink and smiles at him sweetly; he asks her to dance. I sit watching them. Is he going to pull her close as he did with me? But I don't have time to see what happens. Out of the corner of my eye I see the guy with the beard walking towards me. I get up and go in search of the ladies.

  It’s such a large house and beautifully furnished. I wonder if the Major’s married. I didn’t see him with anyone tonight, maybe she’s in London in their town house or apartment.

  Half an hour later it's finally over, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, at least we were out of the house for a while and I stopped thinking about things.

  On the way back Helen sits in the front with Nick, I'm in the back. I thought he was coming onto me earlier tonight, but maybe he always dances like that.

  The car skids to a halt, I jump out. Helen follows.

  ‘Not inviting me in for coffee tonight, Beth?’ he asks, poking his head out of the car window.

  ‘Sorry Nick, but we're both tired, see you tomorrow.’

  He grins and drives off.

  ‘Dickhead,’ I mutter, closing the front door.

  Helen looks surprised. ‘I thought he was very nice, why do you say that?’

  I shrug.

  ‘You're too hard on him Beth, he was lovely tonight and so was the Major.’

  I start closing the blinds. Maybe I am being a bit grumpy, but I think I'm right about the Major.



  ‘Good morning Beth, working already?’

  I look up, startled to see Helen up so early. ‘Morning Helen, I was just looking for furniture for the living room, Mum and Jamie will be back soon so I must make a start on getting it ready for them.’ I was really looking for information on attacks in the area, but I don't tell her.

  ‘Did you sleep well?’

  ‘Like a log. I forgot how peaceful it is in Oxford.’

  She sits in the chair opposite me watching as I pour her a mug of steaming hot coffee.

  ‘Here, you'll probably need this after last night, sugar’s in the bowl if you need it.’

  ‘Yes, I didn't realize how much I'd drunk, how do you feel?’

  ‘I'm okay, I didn't drink much. I have to be in the right mood and last night was a bit of a pain.’

  I walk over to the window and lean out. ‘What a lovely day, it's too nice to be cooped up in here, where shall we go?’

  I glance over at Helen, she's busy flicking through her phone. ‘Have some breakfast then we can go for a drive, maybe have lunch by the river, what do you think?’

  She quickly looks up. ‘I'd love to, but I have to pop out for an hour or so, we can go out later, when I come back.’

  I place a plate of croissants in front of her.

  ‘So, where are you going?’

  ‘Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm meeting the estate agent, at the house. It won't take me long; I'll be back soon.’ She breaks off a piece of croissant, chews it slowly then washes it down with a gulp of coffee.

  ‘But Mum's car is outside, I can drive you there.’

  She shakes her head. ‘It's best if you stay here, especially after what happened, I won't be long, we can go out later.’

  ‘But Nick installed a tracking device on my phone, he can track wherever I go, didn't I tell you?’

  She doesn’t reply, just carries on chewing, which really pisses me off.

  ‘Oh, come on Helen, it's a lovely day, don't let that creep ruin it, he attacked me in the field behind your house, not in your house. Do you think he's watching me?’

  She shrugs which only makes me more irritated.

  ‘Do you think he's going to follow me to your house?’ I snort. ‘The little shit's probably lying low or done a bunk. He knows I gave the police his description, it was in the local paper, if he shows his face around here, the police will catch him.’

  Reluctantly she agrees and goes to get ready.

  The estates agent’s car is outside when we arrive at Helen’s house. She’s on the phone, she gives her a way and tells her to get started, she’ll be finished in a couple of minutes.

  Helen’s been dreading coming here, I can tell she wants to get it over with as quickly as possible.

  ‘Look Helen, I’ll let you get on with it,’ I say, as we both get out of Mum’s old Fiat. ‘I'll be in the garden if you need me.’

  ‘Are you sure you’ll be alright?’ Helen asks, peering at me. ‘You don’t have to sit out here by yourself.’

  I nod. ‘Of course I’ll be alright, I'll check my emails and give Mum a quick call.’

  She gives me a hug. ‘Okay, I won’t be long, I’ll be out in a minute.’

  She disappears upstairs, I make my way down the narrow garden path. The scent of roses and honeysuckle fill the air. Weeds and small flowers poke their heads from every nook and cranny. It’s a bit overgrown but I love it. We used to live just a five-minute walk from here, I wonder who lives there now? Mum and Dad rented it for a couple of years then we went back to Athens.

  At the far end of the garden is the table where we used to do our homework, it's under a huge weeping willow tree so slightly hidden from view and very shady.

  I walk over and sit down, first I’ll call Mum and Jamie, then I’ll check my emails. I go to take my phone from my shirt pocket and freeze.

  A large hand is clamped over my mouth, I try to push it away but I can’t. I’m being hauled over the low stone garden wall which surrounds the house. Then I’m on the ground, someone’s knee is in my back holding me down. Something's stuck over my mouth, then something’s wrapped around my head. A van or car door creaks, I'm shoved inside, I fall to the floor, the door closes quietly.

  I lay stunned for a few seconds. Then I remember the tracking device on my phone. Where is it? With a jolt the vehicle moves quickly away, I try to get a foothold but it's useless. I'm rolling around, then I feel something hard pressing against my breast, it's my phone.

  Suddenly we stop. I try to get the thing off my head, but there’s no time. The door opens and I’m hauled out. Someone slaps me hard. I’m pulled along, grass tickles my feet, my shoes must have fallen off.

  A door creaks open, I’m pushed inside, my chest feels tight, I can hardly breathe.

  ‘Go outside,’ someone grunts. ‘Check nobody's coming.’

  A few seconds later I hear the man come back.

  ‘It's okay,’ he mumbles. ‘There's not a soul around, get her over here.’

  Their voices are muffled, they sound distorted. One of them touches me, I try to kick out. I’m hit then thrown face down over something hard like a table. I'm icy cold all over, I wish I had my Glock. I was trained in Krav Maga but …

  ‘Get her pants down, quick.’

  I can hardly breathe, the stuff over my mouth is choking me. I must focus, breathe through my nose, try to keep calm.

  My trousers are wrenched off, then my pants are pulled down. Their hands are all over me.

  ‘Let me have her, move over.’

  ‘I want to make her suffer, get me that stick from over there.’

  ‘Okay but let me have her first.’

  They’re both breathing heavily.

  ‘Get a move on,’ one of them shouts. ‘Give her a good fuck, then let me have a go.’

  I can hear zips being pulled down.

  It’s the only chance I’ll have, I must be quick.

  I push back and turn, then with one almighty kick, I catch one of them in the balls. Someone yells - I keep kicking and kicking, trying to hit them.

  ‘Fucking bitch, grab her I'm going to kill her.’

  There’s a noise outside, it's a car.

  All goes quiet.

  I hear the window open, they're getting away.

  Someone shouts. ‘Come out with your hands up, we know you're in there!’

  I can't believe it; it's the police and the bastards are getting away.

  The door crashes open. ‘I’m Police Constable Felicity Bell. Shit!’

  Something’s thrown over me - probably a jacket.

  ‘Keep still,’ she mutters. ‘Let me get this off your head.’ She carefully removes the thing from my head and the tape from my mouth. ‘Are you okay?’ she asks.

  A young PC with red hair is staring at me.

  ‘Yes,’ I mumble, whilst grabbing my pants from the floor.

  She passes me my trousers.

  ‘We must get them,’ I growl, pulling on my pants and pointing to the window. ‘They escaped through there.’

  We run around the back, but nobody's there.

  Suddenly I hear Nick shouting.

  ‘Beth, are you alright?’

  He comes running around the shed, then Helen appears.

  She runs over and hugs me. ‘Oh Beth, I'm so sorry, what happened?’

  The sound of an engine starting up makes us swing round.

  ‘Did you see a vehicle outside when you came,’ I gasp. ‘It was a car or a van, they used it to…’

  Nick runs to his car. ‘I'll get them,’ he shouts. ‘Come on!’

  But they are too far ahead. By the time the PC gets in the front of the car and we get in the back, we've no chance of catching them, they've disappeared.

  ‘Bastards, we should have got them!’ I shout.

  Helen's staring at me with her mouth open. ‘What happened, Beth?’

  Nick looks at me in the overhead mirror. ‘Yes, what happened, Beth?’

  PC Felicity Bell'
s talking on her phone, so he lowers his voice.

  ‘I thought I told you to stay inside, it was just for a couple of days, now do you see why it was so important for me to add the tracker to your phone?’

  Helen looks at Nick, then back at me. ‘It's my fault. I should never have let you come with me today.’

  ‘It's not your fault,’ Nick groans. ‘If Beth had stayed at home, none of this would have happened.’

  I don't say anything, what's the point. We sit in silence for a few minutes then PC Felicity Bell tells Nick there's been an incident at the White Horse pub and to drop her off.

  The PC gets out, Nick asks me to get in the front with him.

  ‘What did they do to you?’ he asks, as soon as I get in and start buckling up.

  So, I tell him. Helen gasps with shock, Nick looks angry.

  ‘I'm taking you both back to my place then we can decide what to do.’

  ‘No, Nick, I want to go home.’

  I can tell he's not happy, but he drives us to Mum's house.

  When we arrive, Helen goes to make tea.

  ‘Helen, I need something stronger than tea, there’s some brandy over there, next to the bread bin. There’s not much left, if you need another…’

  She holds it up. ‘There’s enough for us all to have a drink.’

  ‘Not for me, Helen, I’m driving.’

  Helen nods, picks up two glasses from the draining board, then looks at Nick. ‘Are you sure you don’t want just a tiny one?’

  ‘No, not now.’

  Then he grabs me gently by the shoulders. ‘Look Beth, it's no problem having you both stay for a while, I have plenty of room.’

  I look at his worried face, and shake my head. ‘Nick, I told you before, I can take care of myself, they don't know who they're dealing with.’

  I'm shaking with anger, I push past him, kick the kitchen door and stand glaring at it. ‘When I get my hands on those bastards.’

  ‘Are you out of your mind?’ Nick yells, looking at me as if I'm crazy. ‘You think you're so tough, but you don't know who you're dealing with.’

  ‘And I suppose you do? I thought you didn't know who they were, Nick.’

  His eyes nearly pop out of his head when I say this.


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