Book Read Free

Red Wolf

Page 41

by Rebekah Shelton


  Boone and Delilah left the hotel after lunch on Friday. They packed food and water along with their equipment. They knew they had to find a place to set up before all the hustle and bustle of the last minute preparations started. Dressed comfortably in jeans, boots and light jackets, they drove to the place they had previously hidden the SUV. Following the path they had used the first time, they stayed in the wood line and made their way to the back side of the barn.

  “I am not sure if they use the tunnel to get the girls into the house or out after they have been sold,” Boone sneered. “Setting up in the barn may not be the best place for us.”

  “We can set up behind the barn in the woods,” Delilah suggested. “But let’s check out the barn one more time. Maybe there is a place we can set up which will provide us some comfort and seclusion.”

  Boone dropped his pack to the ground. “I do not sense anyone inside,” he revealed. “Let’s make it quick.”

  Boone and Delilah entered the barn from the far side as they had done before. They checked each of the stalls and found them just as they had left them. “There is an office over there,” Delilah pointed. “Let’s check it out.”

  Boone was hesitant. He was sure the office would be manned later in the evening. He was sure there would be guards on the barn side of the tunnel. “I do not think the barn is going to be vacant tonight.”

  “I still want to check it out. We need to know what we are up against,” Delilah insisted grabbing Boone’s hand and pulling him towards the office. Delilah tried the door and found it locked. She pulled a small device from her pocket and inserted it into the lock. Pushing a button on the cylindrical shaped device, small rods extended themselves into the lock and shaped itself into a key. She had picked it up while they were shopping the day before. Delilah turned the knob and opened the door with a smug grin. “We are in.”

  Boone followed Delilah into the room. At first, it looked quite ordinary; a desk, a chair, and floor to ceiling cabinets. Delilah looked around. “This is too small,” she stated filled with suspicion. “The room should be bigger.”

  Boone walked towards the cabinet on the far wall. Pulling the door towards him, he found it locked. Silently he held out his hand, palm up as if asking for Delilah’s lock pick. Delilah obliged by placing it into his hand. Seconds later the lock was open, and Boone pulled the cabinet door towards him.

  Delilah and Boone gasped in unison. Inside were several weapons, ammunition, and a large cattle prod. Delilah opened one of the drawers at the bottom of the cabinet and nearly screamed. “These are tranquilizers, horse tranquilizers,” she gasped. “And needles. They must use them to knock out the girls before the bastards whisk them away.”

  “This is so fucked up Dee,” Boone exclaimed trying to keep his voice down. “I guess not every girl is willing to go along with their love connection.”

  “I wonder how many have actually been kidnapped, drugged and stolen away.”

  “I do not even want to think about it,” Boone started hoarsely as his level of panic and disgust reached an all-time high. “We have to do something.”

  “Let’s empty these vials and replace it with water,” Delilah suggested pulling the box of vials out of the drawer and placing it on the desk. “Do you know enough about these weapons to disable the firing pins?”

  “Not really,” Boone admitted.

  “Then you take care of the horse tranquilizer, and I will take care of the firing pins.”

  “You know how to do that?”

  “I have done a little reading on the subject,” Delilah grinned.

  Boone glared at Delilah suspiciously. He knew she had lots of secrets. She had already shown she could make her own listening devices and outfit a locket with a camera. “Just reading?”

  Delilah did not answer. “I will take care of the firing pins and then remove the power source from the cattle prod. This will level the playing field a bit.”

  Both Delilah and Boone went to work on their tasks. Delilah finished first. Turning to Boone, she took a couple of the needles and slid them into her jacket pocket. “What are you up to Dee?”

  “Save me enough of the tranquilizer for a few needles. We might need them to subdue the guards. Put it into an empty water bottle and remove the label so we know which one it is.”

  “You are starting to scare me, Dee,” Boone told her. “Who the hell are you? What the hell are you?”

  “No one special, Hooxei,” Delilah cooed as she reached over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Someday I want to hear it all; everything.”

  “In time, Hooxei,” Delilah told Boone for the hundredth time. Boone inhaled deeply while shaking his head from side to side. He tried to smile, but the smile never reached his eyes. He knew Delilah had a lot of secrets she had not shared with him. He knew she would tell him everything in her own time. And if everything went as they hoped they would have more than enough years together for Delilah to share every story, every secret.

  Once they finished derailing everything in the first cabinet, they opened the other cabinets. “Only candles, flashlights and seemingly innocuous items,” Delilah announced grabbing a waterproof green tarp. “Let’s lock up and get out of here.”

  Boone led Delilah back to where he had left his pack. “Let’s move to a location where we can see the barn and the house,” Boone suggested. “I will be able to see just fine once it gets dark but I brought some night vision goggles for you.”

  “It seems like between the two of us, we think of everything,” Delilah laughed cheerfully. “Let’s set up and eat. It is going to be a long night.”

  “I hope not,” Boone scoffed as Delilah laid out the tarp she had snagged from the barn. “What is for dinner?”

  “Just sandwiches and fruit,” Delilah replied pulling four sandwiches out of her bag. “I have a couple more for later. I know how much you can eat.”

  “I am glad I hunted two nights ago. I needed some extra calories. All this picnic food is not helping me to stay healthy.”

  “Once we get home, I am going to cook for days. Giant steaks, pasta, potatoes, you name it,” Delilah advised.

  “Where did you learn to cook?” Boone asked Delilah lovingly. “You really are a good cook.”

  “I have been around for a long time Boone. I have cooked my way through hundreds of cookbooks. I can cook just about anything.”

  “Have you done much traveling?”

  “I have been around,” Delilah snickered. “What are you up to? Why so many questions?”

  “I am just trying to learn more about you. Every day you do something which surprises me. Today I learned that you know how to disable a weapon.”

  “Well, you will never be bored with me around,” Delilah laughed, not addressing Boone's suspicions.

  “Even if you did not know all these things, I could never be bored with you,” Boone cooed. “You are the most remarkable woman I have ever met.” Boone was surprised to see Delilah blush. “I do not think I have ever seen you blush before.”

  “I do not think I have ever blushed,” Delilah confessed. “But the way you love me just amazes me. I have never had anyone love me the way you do. It is so deep, so pure.”

  Now Boone was embarrassed. “I cannot find anything about you not to love.”

  Delilah blushed again and finished her sandwich. She pulled a couple of apples out of her bag and handed one to Boone. Hearing vehicles pulling up to the house, Boone retrieved a camouflaged net from his pack and quickly attached it to two trees. “This will help,” he mused. “We can keep watch from here. The girls should arrive in about two hours.”

  Boone repositioned himself against a tree which provided him a good line of sight to the barn and house. He pulled Delilah between his legs with her back against his chest. Delilah leaned into him and relaxed instantly. She inhaled deeply taking in Boone’s scent. Exhaling, she
whispered, “Wolf and strawberries, my favorite scent in the whole world.”

  Delilah and Boone watched the delivery vans come and go. The food was delivered in large chafing dishes or on large silver platters. Three men arrived in each of the two vans, only two of the men left in one van. “They must be the servers,” Delilah whispered.

  An hour before the party, a black SUV arrived. The tint on the windows was dark preventing Boone and Delilah from seeing who was inside. The SUV drove to the main entrance to the barn, to the door closest to the house. Five men disembarked. Each of the men was dressed in black suits along with black shirts and ties. While Boone gently pushed Delilah away to get a better look at the men, Delilah reached for her binoculars. “Are they armed?” Delilah asked.

  “They definitely look like security for the party,” Boone confirmed. “But I do not see or smell weapons.”

  “I am glad I removed the firing pins from the ones in the barn,” Delilah giggled.

  Boone and Delilah watched as two of the men entered the barn. The other three walked towards the house. All five walked confidently and with an air of being ex-military. All were around six foot tall with short military style haircuts, no facial hair and wore dark mirror lens sunglasses. “Men in Black,” Delilah snickered.

  “What?” Boone asked.

  “Just an old movie,” Delilah replied waving her hand dismissively. Boone did not question her further and returned to watching the men walking towards the house. As they reached the house, two of the men walked towards the front entrance while the third stayed on the back side of the house.

  “I should have bugged the barn,” Delilah stated in despair.

  “We only need to hear what is going on in the house,” Boone refuted.

  “After we found out what was in the office in the barn, I am not so sure,” Delilah rebutted. “If the guards were helping to sedate the girls, they may know more than you think.”

  “Damn Dee, you are probably right. But it is too late now.”

  “I think I have an extra bug in my bag. I wish I had a way to get it inside the barn to plant it. I need the two men inside the barn to leave. Then maybe if I can get close enough, even for a moment, I can throw it inside. It is not the perfect solution, but it is worth a try.”

  “We need a distraction,” Boone thought aloud. “A giant wolf on the other side of the lake would work. The lake is small, more like a large pond.”

  “Do we want to show the wolf?” Delilah pondered. “You are not exactly small. We need the wolf for a surprise.”

  “True. Do you have any other suggestions?”

  “There is still one of the delivery vans out front. If I can trigger the alarm on it, we might have a window of opportunity,” Delilah suggested as she pulled out her tablet.

  “It is worth a try,” Boone smiled. “You take care of the van, and I will place the bug. Where do you suggest?”

  Delilah pulled the bug out of her bag and handed it to Boone. “We need it somewhere between the far entrance and the office. Maybe you can put it on a ledge halfway between the two. Remove your ear bud, it is going to get loud,” Delilah advised pulling hers out. “We will start eavesdropping once the alarm stops.”

  “Remind me never to get on your bad side Dee. You have too many tricks up your sleeve.”

  “I have had plenty of years and a lot of time on my hands,” Delilah mused. “Amazing what you can learn off the internet.”

  “The Internet. Right!” Boone snickered. “Do you really expect me to believe you have learned everything from the internet?” Of course, Boone did not expect Delilah to answer.

  “Ready when you are, my love,” Boone advised as he moved into a crouching position ready to take off running once the coast was clear for him to enter the barn. Delilah pushed a few more keys on her tablet, and the alarm for the delivery van started wailing.

  The two men inside the barn and the man standing guard at the back of the house took off running towards the van. “Now!” Delilah urged holding up one corner of the camouflage netting. Boone ducked under the net and ran as fast as he could to the barn. He quickly found a spot on a ledge between the entrance to the barn and office. Ensuring he placed the bug right side up, he exited the barn and ran back to Delilah.

  Boone’s adrenaline was pumping quickly through his veins. Between running and the sound of the van’s alarm searing through his ears, he was experiencing a rush unlike ever before. As soon as Boone was hidden again, Delilah clicked a few keys on her tablet. “I had to set it off a couple of times,” she explained. “Did you find a good place?”

  “Almost exactly half way between both doors,” Boone smiled proudly. “There was an empty knothole in the wood. The microphone fit perfectly. No one will see it.”

  Delilah placed her ear bud back into her ear and clicked a few more keys on her tablet. Boone slipped his back into his ear as well. Instantly, both were listening to the conversation inside the house. They could hear the security guys yelling at the servers. “You need to move the van and make sure nothing like this happens again. Mr. Miner does not need any disruptions tonight. This is a special night for a lot of important people.” Boone and Delilah could hear the servers grumble and return to their tasks.

  “Both of you, back to the barn. After the VIPs arrive, we will weapon-up. The girls will arrive first. We do not want to frighten them with the weapons. It is supposed to be their fairytale dreams come true tonight,” the leader of the five chuckled. “We get paid a pretty penny for this detail, and I will be damned if it gets screwed up.”

  Delilah and Boone watched as the outside detail returned to their posts. Inside the leader was bragging to his buddy. “I love these parties,” he confessed. “There’ll be lots of rich dudes ogling over sweet young girls with tight asses and perky tits. The dresses show everything. And after a little alcohol, some are even willing to show you more of their assets.”

  “Sounds like quite the show,” the second man laughed. “There is nothing like a little peep show and then going home and ramming it to the wife.”

  “Some of the girls are young. You would be surprised how perverted the truly rich are. Last time there was a really young girl. Some royal fucker got her. She had been drugged up so much, she did not even know what happened. But Miner got paid triple for that one. She wasn’t dolled up like the other ones, she was bought sight unseen. But even without makeup, I could tell she was going to make someone a lucky man.”

  “You saw her?” the second man asked.

  “I helped put her into the limousine myself. And I got a mighty fine tip for it too. Enough money for me to buy a house, in cash. I got quite a few brownie points from the old ball and chain.”

  “Damn,” the second man sneered.

  “Damn straight is more like it,” the leader flouted free of contempt or disgust. “I take care of my own. The hell with what is right or wrong. I am all about the almighty dollar.”

  “Hope I get a good tip,” man number two chuckled. “I could use a new car.”

  “Just stay vigilant and be available to help out. For now, let’s finish checking the house. I will show you where the girls are kept until the VIPs arrive.”

  The two walked through the house. They inspected the bedroom where the hidden door to the tunnel was. Then they went to a large room which housed several couches and chairs. “The girls will be sequestered here. As you can see, there are several ice buckets which will have bottles of champagne for them. And over here, bottles of expensive colognes and lots of red lipstick; the smuttier, the better.”

  “And if one of the girls does not want to go?”

  “We will take care of it. We will force them through the tunnel and Derrick will be ready with a syringe full of tranquilizer.”

  Boone and Delilah looked at each other. “He is mine,” Delilah seethed.


  “No the bastard doing all
the talking,” Delilah replied, nearly foaming at the mouth. She was livid. “I’ll show him red. But it will be my red nails and the blood from his missing dick.”

  “Again, Dee?” Boone sighed slowly.

  “This bastard is just as guilty as the rest. He has no regard for these girls and no remorse for the things he has done,” Delilah continued to seethe with her jaw clenched tight.

  “I agree he is one heartless SOB. But does he deserve to be castrated?”

  “Yep,” Delilah replied stoically, with no hint of malice.

  Delilah glanced down at her tablet. “Katia’s online.” Delilah pushed the on button for Katia’s two-way ear bud. “Hi Katia,” Delilah stated calmly. “We are here.”

  Both Delilah and Boone could hear Katia sigh with relief. “I am turning on the camera. Make sure the lens is facing the right way.” Delilah checked the monitor and smiled. “Perfect. Now slowly turn to the right and back to the left so I can capture everyone’s faces. A little slower. That is good. Perfect.”

  “You are doing great Katia,” Boone chimed in. “I am so proud of you.”

  “Thank you,” Katia whispered as she faced away from the rest of the girls. “I am nervous.”

  “You are going to do fine,” Boone assured her. “I will not let anything happen to you, I promise.”

  “I know,” Katia whispered and turned back to the other women. Boone and Delilah watched the monitor as Katia’s coworker and friend Debbie ran over to her.

  “I am so excited,” Debbie exclaimed nearly jumping up and down. “Tonight is the night. Tonight I find a rich husband, and I will never have to work again.”

  At first, Katia did not know what to say. She knew how the night was going to end. “Tell her good luck,” Delilah whispered into Katia’s ear bringing Katia back to reality. “Good luck, Debbie,” Katia echoed.

  “Good luck to you too, Katia. You know we may never see each other after tonight.”

  “I forgot about that,” Katia replied, realizing how the parties were supposed to end. “For all intents and purposes, tonight will be goodbye.”

  “Thank you for being my friend Katia. If there is any way for us to stay in touch, let’s do.”

  “Yes, I would like to,” Katia choked out, almost weeping.

  “No crying, Katia,” Debbie implored while hugging her friend. “If you cry, I will too and it took me hours to get the makeup perfect.”

  Katia could hear Delilah laughing in her ear. Katia started laughing as well. “Only hours?” Katia asked parroting Delilah again.

  “A new life is about to begin for both of us,” Debbie giggled. “I hope you find your prince charming.”

  “You too, Debbie. But more than anything I hope you find love.”

  “Love, shlove. Just give me rich and I will be a happy woman,” Debbie sniggled and hugged her friend again.

  A black limousine pulled into the parking lot, and the driver of the bus motioned for the women to board the bus. “I guess it is time to party,” Katia stated aloud is if talking to Debbie. But actually, she was letting Boone and Delilah the girls were on their way. “I wonder who is in the limo,” Katia asked Debbie.

  “It is Mr. Miner and his wife,” Debbie replied.

  “His wife?” Delilah exclaimed to Boone. Delilah’s microphone was on mute so Katia could not hear Delilah and Boone’s conversation.

  “I wonder which one?” Boone pondered. “I doubt it is wife number one.”

  “Margaret could not be part of this. Could she?” Delilah replied confused and on the verge of anger. She hated being deceived. She wondered for a moment if her rope had failed her. She wondered if she had not gotten the truth from Margaret Miner the day at the mansion in Lucy’s room.

  “Let’s just wait and see. There is no need to jump to conclusions. At least not yet,” Boone suggested, trying to calm Delilah.

  Boone and Delilah sat back waiting for the limo and the bus to arrive. First, they saw the limo. Both vehicles pulled to the front of the house and Allen Miner and his alleged wife exited first.

  “Who is that, Jerry?” security man number two asked his boss.

  “That Bob is Sophie Miner. Wife number three. Miner found her at a party much like this about a year ago in Greece. It is what gave him the idea to start his own parties.”

  “That is one fine looking woman,” Bob slobbered, seeing Sophie’s hourglass figure in a tight satin dress.

  “Just wait until you see her from behind. I would love to claim that ass,” Jerry chortled lewdly. “I would have her begging me for more.”

  “You are one perverted son of a bitch,” Bob remarked.

  “Not perverted,” Jerry refuted. “If it feels good then I like it. And fucking that tight ass of hers would feel good.”

  “Looks like it is showtime,” Bob proclaimed as Allen and Sophie Miner neared the porch. Bob and Jerry watched the two pass as they stood motionless on either side of the door.

  Once the Miners were inside the house, the door to the bus opened. It was in the middle of dusk, and the lighting on the porch and walkway gave the semblance of a romantic atmosphere. Bob and Jerry watched as each young woman stepped off the bus and walked towards the house. A mixture of excitement filled the air. A mixture of fear and hope filled the minds of each of the girls. They knew they were there in hopes of finding a rich husband. Little did they know they would be leaving whether or not they wanted to and regardless if they had made a love connection.

  As each girl entered the house, they were warmly welcomed by Allen and Sophie. The vases had been filled with roses of all colors. The hundreds of candles lit in the dim room. The scent of lavender and vanilla filled the air. The room looked like a page out of a fairytale. And it helped the girls to relax; at least most of the girls.

  “Let me show you all where to freshen up,” Sophie offered in a soft motherly voice. “The men will start arriving soon, but in the interim, we will relax in another room while they all arrive.”

  Sophie turned and led the twelve ladies to the waiting room. “Help yourself to a glass of champagne,” she suggested. “It will help you to relax. Don’t be nervous. I found my husband at a party much like this. You are going to have so much fun tonight. I swear every one of you is beautiful beyond belief. The men are going to be lucky to snag one of you.”

  A few of the girls took a glass off the side table and poured themselves a glass of champagne. “Katia,” Delilah whispered through the ear bud. “Don’t drink the champagne. Unless you see the bottle being opened, do not drink it. It might be drugged.”

  Katia nodded as if answering but did not speak. Debbie came running over to Katia with two glasses of champagne and pushed one into Katia’s hand. “Let’s toast to love and to men with big bank accounts,” Debbie giggled. Katia held out her glass and clinked it with Debbie’s. Debbie took a big gulp of champagne and giggled again. “This is good. Aren’t you going to drink?”

  “Pretend to take a sip,” Delilah instructed Katia. Katia followed Delilah’s instructions and lifted the glass to her lips. Carefully she turned up the glass as if she was drinking some.

  “Yes, this is tasty,” Katia replied and smiled.

  Sophia flitted from girl to girl adjusting their gowns or tucking a loose strand of hair back into place. “You must look perfect tonight. When the men arrive, touch up your lipstick and leave your champagne glasses here. We have a prince coming tonight to find a wife. One of you could become royalty.”

  Debbie looked at Katia. Her smile nearly took over her entire face. “Did you hear that? There is going to be a prince here. I just might find my prince charming and my happily ever after tonight.” Debbie drank the rest of champagne in her glass and poured herself another one.

  Time for Katia seemed to be in fast-forward. It seemed she had been in the waiting room for only minutes but in fact it at been nearly an hour. She watched Debbie and the other gir
ls giggle and swoon at the possibility of becoming a princess. But for Katia, she was waiting for the night to be over and to move on with her life. She hoped Delilah and Boone would overhear what they needed to find Lucy and then end the party. She was trying as hard as she could to stay calm and to execute her part in the ruse. But she was nervous. She saw the two men on the porch. She had seen another through the window overlooking the back of the house. She knew Boone and Delilah was nearby and would come to her rescue but still she could not totally relax. She knew she had to be vigilant and do her part to unearth Lucy’s whereabouts.

  Hearing a knock on the door, Sophie stepped out of the room. Katia instinctively knew the introductions were about to start. She was glad she had not drunk any of the champagne because she was about to vomit. She was glad she had not eaten since breakfast. The thought of actually being paraded in front of twelve potential suitors disgusted her. But it was the only way to find Lucy. She walked to the mirror and took a long look at herself. She pulled the lipstick Delilah had given her out of her purse and applied a fresh coat of lipstick on her full lips. “I am ready,” she whispered to her reflection and turned towards the door.

  Sophie reentered the room. “Our guests have arrived and are anxious to meet you,” Sophie smiled. “Allen will introduce you one by one to our guests. Be warned, they have already seen your photos and may have already fallen in love with you. Don’t be surprised if more than one is enamored.”

  One by one Sophie called out the names of the girls and one by one they left the room, traveled down the hall and into the main room. Allen introduced each of the girls to the entire room and then walked her to the man who was interested in meeting her. Of course, the men had already declared their intentions and placed their initial bids. The final bids would be checked later, and the girls handed over to the man who had made the highest bid.

  When Sophie announced Katia’s name, Katia had to choke down the urge to hurl her breakfast. She had not been able to eat more than a slice of toast knowing she would be on display for strangers to ogle. Let your beauty be your talisman, she remembered Delilah telling her. Standing straight, Katia took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. With renewed confidence, she walked toward Sophie and the door.

  Boone and Delilah watched the monitor as Katia walked down the hallway. They watched as Miner took Katia by the hand and twirled her around like a little girl in front of the men. “This gentleman is Katia. If I wasn’t married to my beautiful Sophie, I might have to woo her myself.”

  Katia, Boone, and Delilah watched as several of the men smiled in appreciation of Katia’s beauty. Let your beauty be your talisman, played over and over again in Katia’s head. “Smile,” Delilah whispered.

  Katia smiled and turned to Allen Miner. “Thank you, Mr. Miner, for this wonderful opportunity.”

  “You are welcome, Katia,” Miner smiled and then kissed her on the cheek. “There is someone very special here who wants to meet you.” Miner offered Katia his arm and walked her to a young Arab man. “Your Highness, may I present to you Katia. Katia, this is Prince Oman.”

  Katia was shocked. She could not move. Her brain was frozen, unable to think, unable to utter a single syllable. Miner took Katia’s hand and offered it to the prince. Prince Oman chuckled as he took it and softly kissed the back of Katia’s hand. “Should I bow or curtsey,” Katia mumbled. She wasn’t sure who was going to answer.

  Prince Oman chuckled again. “Neither. Please sit beside me.”

  Katia looked at the ottoman beside Oman’s leg. “Facing me,” Oman requested. “I want to look at you.”

  Katia sat facing Oman as he had requested. “You are quite beautiful,” Oman nodded. “My brother will be so jealous.”

  “So will my best friend,” Katia chuckled. “She was the one hoping to meet a prince.”

  Oman laughed. “I like your laugh. It is so honest and innocent. You are not like the others,” Oman decided while looking around the room.

  “I am looking for love,” Katia confessed. “Not a rich husband, not a prince.”

  “You are honest,” Oman smiled. “It is something I am not used to. Most people tell me what they think I want to hear.”

  “Because they are afraid of you or because they like you?”

  “Honestly? I am not sure,” Oman pondered aloud. “My grandfather is the King. Most people are afraid of him. They may be afraid of me as well based on our kinship.”

  “Thank you for being honest with me as well,” Katia smiled. “Do you already have a wife?”

  “Wow, that was fast,” Oman chuckled. “Do you always go for the jugular?”

  “Normally I am shy but today, here, and after a little champagne, I feel braver than normal.” Of course, Katia was lying. She had yet to drink any champagne.

  “Would you like some more champagne?” Oman asked.

  “No, I think I might need to keep my wits about me when it comes to you. I have the feeling you are going to try to use your charms on me.”

  “I like you already Katia. You are not subservient. You would keep me on my toes. We could have lots of fun together.”

  Katia blushed. Oman did seem to be a nice man. Their friendly banter was refreshing. “If I may be excused for a few minutes your Highness, I...”

  “I understand my beautiful Katia, and please call me Oman.”

  Katia tried her best to stand gracefully. The ottoman was low, and her heels were high. Nearly tripping she found her balance with her hand on the arm of Oman’s chair. “Please forgive me your...Oman. I am not used to wearing shoes like this.”

  “You should be barefoot, Katia. You are beautiful. You do not need all this to make you beautiful.”

  Katia blushed again and looked down the hall towards the bathroom. Gathering her wits she walked away. Inside the bathroom, she turned on the water in the sink. “Damn he is good,” Katia told Boone and Delilah. “If I were Debbie, we would already be in the limo headed to the airport.”

  “He is either really nice or a really good actor,” Delilah warned. “Remember why we are here. Don’t get swept up in his charms.”

  “I know. I know. But this guy is good,” Katia replied while looking at herself in the mirror.

  “We are going to need a distraction soon,” Boone interrupted. “One of the guys is ready to leave with his bride. She is not so keen on leaving with him. I guess the auction is over.”

  “Have we found out anything about Lucy?” Katia panicked.

  “No. But now we have to save this girl, Mallory,” Boone advised.

  “I know Mallory. She is really innocent. She just arrived here in Provo last month.”

  “And this guy is a bit too anxious to get her alone,” Boone continued. “It is time for the next step of the plan.”

  “What do I need to do?” Katia asked.

  Delilah took over the conversation. “Go back into the waiting room and start a small fire. When you get back to the main room, suggest to prince charming a walk alone outside. It will get you out of the house. Whatever happens, keep walking. We will take care of the rest.”

  “What exactly are you going to do?” Katia asked concerned for her friends.

  “Don’t worry about us Katia,” Boone replied. “We will get Mallory away from this jerk and then we will sort it out. Just light the fire and get outside.”

  “Okay,” Katia replied and turned off the water. She left the bathroom and walked into the waiting room. She applied another coat of lipstick and walked over to the window. She knew Boone and Delilah would be able to see her at the window. She placed a candle on the window sill and watched as the curtain caught on fire. She walked out of the room and back to Oman.

  Smiling as she approached him, she held out her hand. “Why don’t we take a walk and spend some time alone. I think I could use some fresh air.”

  “Beautiful Katia. I would be honored.”

  Prince Oman stood and offered Katia his arm which she gracefully accepted. Once outside, Katia led him away from the house. It only took minutes for chaos and mayhem to begin. Katia could hear the screams of the girls still in the house. Katia started shaking thinking about Debbie, Mallory, and all the other girls. She watched as the men started running out the front door. Katia screamed when she did not see any of the girls.

  “My friends are in there,” Katia screamed trying to run towards the burning house. But Oman held her back.

  “No Katia, you cannot help them,” he implored wrapping his arms around her. But Katia kept screaming. She kept trying to escape the hold Oman had on her.

  “Katia!” Boone yelled into her ear. “Delilah and I are getting them out. Stay away from the house. Don't go in!”

  “What about the men?” Katia asked not caring if Oman heard her talking to Boone and Delilah. But the prince did not know Katia was not talking to him. Nor did he understand her concern for total strangers. Oman continued to hold her back with both arms clasped around her from behind. Before Boone or Delilah could answer Katia, she heard before she saw the newest installment to the night’s excitement.

  Katia looked towards the house and the area where the vehicles were parked. As the male attendees were trying to make their way to the cars, they were thwarted by a pack of wild animals. Katia tried to distinguish what they were. They appeared to a mix of dogs, wolfs, coyotes and other mixed breeds of wild animals. She could not believe her eyes. Not only were they in danger from the fire but from a pack of wild animals. She could not understand why they were there. But she was too frightened to think too much about it. She could not think. She could only watch with her eyes wide in disbelief.

  Katia watched as the three guards for the house, pulled weapons from beneath their jackets and aimed them at the animals. Katia screamed as she saw a red colored wolf lunge at one of the men. Katia did not hear the gun discharged. Katia watched as the other men aimed and fired their weapons at the pack of animals. It took a few minutes for Katia's brain to catch up with her eyes and ears. She finally realized the guns never fired. It was as if the guns had no bullets. Katia could not understand why.

  Katia struggled again to break away from Oman. "Let go of me!" Katia screamed. Oman released his grip. Katia broke away from Oman and started running back towards the house. Regardless of the guards and the wild animals she had to find her friends. She had to find Debbie.

  Katia knew Boone and Delilah would be in the barn. She knew about the tunnel from the house to the barn. She wanted to be there for her friends. She had to know they were okay. And she had to see it with her own eyes. Oman ran after Katia. As she neared the vehicles, one of the drivers jumped out of the car and grabbed her.

  “Katia. Katia,” the driver called to her. “Get in the car.” Before Katia could see who or what was happening, the man had pushed her into the back of the limo and jumped in behind her, closing the door.

  Katia was trying to fight her way out of the vehicle. Not looking at the man, she lashed out in fear and anger, her arms swinging and legs kicking. “Katia. Stop!” the man called out trying to pull her into an embrace. “It's me, Logan.”

  With everything going on and happening so quickly, it took a few seconds for the name Logan to register in Katia’s brain. She opened her eyes and looked at the man who was trying to restrain her. “Logan,” Katia cried out in surprise and relief. Then she threw her arms around him and cried into his shoulder.

  “Don’t cry, Katia,” Logan begged while holding Katia against him. “You are safe now.”

  “How? What are you doing here?” Katia sobbed happy to see him, happy to be safe.

  “It is a long story,” Logan started but never got to finish. Boone was pounding on the window of the limo.

  “Katia, come out! Now!”


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