Trading with the Boys: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Trading with the Boys: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 11

by Krista Wolf

  “How does she feel?” he asked.

  “Incredible,” Jacob replied.

  He let out a breath of admiration, or perhaps jealousy. Then he bent his knees, bringing us face to face. “I knew she would.”

  So far he’d been addressing the others. Now he looked directly at me.

  “Complicated, huh?”

  For some reason I laughed. It was a nervous laugh, but a good one nonetheless.

  “I… well…”

  He stared at me, and for a moment I forgot everything but him. I remembered our dance together. The feel of his lips, crushed against mine. I could remember how safe I’d felt with his arms wrapped around me, dancing and kissing as I whimpered into his mouth…

  “I can do complicated,” Cole said matter-of-factly.

  With that he took my chin between two rough fingers and kissed me, sending a shiver of electricity jolting through my body. His mouth churned scorchingly against mine, moving with every bit as much passion and fire as when we were on the dance floor together… maybe even more.

  As the kiss continued, I found myself letting go. My body relaxed. My eyes fluttered closed so I could enjoy the pure manly worked-all-day scent of him, and the taste of his tongue, sliding against mine.


  And then I felt it; the slow bump of movement again. The gentle squeeze of Jacob’s hands on my hips as he began bouncing me back and forth, screwing me from behind with deep, agonizing slowness, so as not to break the all new spell forged between Cole and I.


  My eyes blinked open as I realized what was happening. I was being ridden again! I was still there on my hands and knees, only now I was kissing Cole and reaching out for him. Caressing his face with the backs of my knuckles, and then using that same hand to reach out for his hard, beautiful body.

  You can’t be doing this!

  Cole pulled back just long enough to shrug out of his shirt. He pulled me tightly against his bare chest, holding me there. Then he bent to kiss my face all over, gently and lovingly, while Jacob continued having his way with me.

  This is—

  I’d completely forgotten about Tate until he slid beneath me, closing his mouth over one of my swaying breasts. The added stimulation caused me to gasp in surprise, but then moan in pleasure.

  “This… this is crazy,” I somehow murmured aloud. “How can I possibly—”

  “Do you want this?”

  Cole was asking the question now. He’d stopped kissing me for a second, his lips still barely brushing mine.

  “All three of you?” I pleaded.

  “Yes,” he said gently. “We’re all friends here, right?”

  Somewhere behind me, Jacob moaned his assent. Tate, nuzzling me from beneath, whispered as well:

  “We’ve been friends pretty much forever,” he murmured busily from between my breasts. “So why not? The three of us have shared just about everything else…”

  He went back to dragging his tongue over my areola. Jacob went back to that slow push-pull of some really good doggie-style.

  Oh my God…

  I felt Cole’s hand on my face again. My eyes opened, and he stared into them.

  “I’ll ask one last time,” he asked softly, “before I go back downstairs…”

  Little alarm bells went off in my head, as my stomach rolled. I definitely did not want that.

  “Is this something you want?” Cole repeated.

  This time there was no hesitation. The answer, the honest answer anyway, was more than obvious.

  “Yes,” I breathed huskily, leaning forward to kiss him again. “Oh my God, yes.”

  Cole kissed me some more, then broke into a smile.

  “Thank God,” he said playfully, undoing the button just beneath his navel. The zipper came down. His pants slid off. “I’ve always fantasized about doing a bride in her wedding dress…”

  As he freed his manhood, all thick and hard, I could hear Tate chuckle from somewhere between my breasts.

  “Told ya.”



  The rest of the evening just didn’t seem real. It was the type of delirious, far-flung fantasy you might expect to distill from only your wildest, craziest dreams. Or even better, your deepest, darkest desires.

  They took me in my would-be wedding dress, mounting me one by one by one. Spreading my thighs so wide and plunging so deeply inside me I was left screaming with joy, only this time I didn’t have to worry about making so much noise it would tip off anyone working downstairs.

  And that’s because the person downstairs was now working on me.

  I tickled the back of Cole’s beautiful head as he filled me for the first time, all while kissing and cooing into his mouth. We fucked slowly at first, his hard body rocking me deep into the big, comfortable couch. I threw my head back in exultation as his wonderfully-curved member touched all new places inside me, gliding through my G-spot at the bottom of each magnificent thrust.

  Then he looked me straight in the eye… and I knew what was coming next.

  Oh FUCK.

  My sexy contractor’s whole lower body began moving like a piston, his hard, muscled ass smashing himself into me again and again. He screwed me so furiously I found myself clutching the couch, my wedding train bunched up all around me. He was smashing me so hard I thought he might break something. Deep down inside, there was a more sinister part of me that almost wished he would.


  The others had hung back a bit, giving us the moment. Now they converged on me, unable to keep themselves at bay.

  This is crazyyyyyy!

  One by one they took turns feeding me, and in the heat of the moment I welcomed them down my eager throat. I was dizzy with lust. Overwhelmed by the raw excitement of having three gorgeous men working me over at the same time, while suddenly frantic with the all-consuming need to come.

  Eventually I exploded around Cole, clawing his ass as I came. Then it was Tate, pulling me on top of him. Jacob, flipping me over to do me from behind again, while I opened my mouth and tasted myself on Cole’s incredible thickness.

  You’re out of your fucking mind, Serena.

  I was! I mean, who wouldn’t be? Then again I was too far gone for warnings. Too deep into what I was doing to care about acting sane or rational, as they began finishing inside me the way I’d always wanted them to.


  Tate ended up losing it first, spilling his hot seed deep in my womb as he scissored me from the side. My eyes rolled as I could feel him thumping and twitching inside me. That vaguely familiar sensation of being filled from within that I’d always found so satisfying, but hadn’t had in oh so very fucking long.

  Way too long.

  Sensing what happened, Jacob all but flung my legs over his shoulders and went next. In less than a dozen frantic thrusts he was losing it too — his face screwing tight with the blissful agony of his own climax as he pumped me even more full of hot, sticky seed.


  I totally loved it. Couldn’t get enough of it! Bringing a man off inside me was a satisfaction missing from my life that I hadn’t fully remembered until now. I reveled in the heat and wetness as Cole finished the circle, dragging me to the floor so he could really lay into me. I was out of breath when it finally happened. Thrashing my head left and right, as his hands went tight and his body went rigid and he began flooding me from within. Pulse after pulse I felt him, touching his face with my hands. I brought him down for a last kiss before we parted. Savored the feel of those lips against mine, before he finally withdrew.

  Empty and throbbing, I rolled onto my stomach and propped myself onto my hands. Looking up at my three breathless lovers, I smiled dreamily.

  “We should’ve been doing this for years.”



  “Hop in,” I told her. “There’s plenty of room.”

  Serena made a wry face, sticking her tongue out at me
as I held the blankets open for her. She slid in anyway, her lithe, feminine body wrapping eagerly around mine.

  “It’s not every day I get invited into my own bed,” she teased.

  “Yeah, well consider yourself lucky,” I smirked back at her. “I don’t just bring any girl in here.”

  It had to be two o’clock in the morning, maybe even later. As a result of that we were whispering, even though the others were fast asleep a whole room away.

  The night had been long, hot, crazy as hell. The three of us had been going at her again and again. Taking turns on her, between snacks and drinks and pretending to watch something on TV.


  Serena snuggled into me, purring like a contented kitten. Her body relaxing against mine was all the answer I needed.

  “Well now we truly know who the night owls are,” I said.

  The beautiful woman lying next to me chuckled. “You should cut them some slack,” she said. “They’ve had quite a busy week.”

  “With you, I take it?”

  She shrugged and gave me her prettiest ‘guilty-but-not-guilty smile’. One of her amazing legs slid upward, scissoring over my abdomen. Reaching down, I gave one globe of her hot, naked ass a strong, possessive squeeze.

  “Tate and Jacob have been doing this for a while now, huh?”

  Serena nodded sleepily against my chest. “Mmm-hmm. Why? Does it make you jealous?”

  I thought for a moment. “No, actually. As much as I like you, it strangely doesn’t.”

  Suddenly interested, she raised her head an inch. “Why?”

  “I guess because they’re my friends,” I shrugged. “Besides, in a week or two I’m going to be living right downstairs. Then I can have this anytime I want.”

  I squeezed that beautiful ass again, this time even harder. It was so warm and smooth. So round and perfect.

  “Say it,” I said. “I want to hear it from you.”

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “You know what.”

  Serena grinned tiredly and kissed the side of my chest. After planting a half-dozen kisses there, she purred and looked up at me.

  “You can have this,” she said, closing her hand over mine. “Anytime you want.”

  She squeezed my hand tightly against her ass and sighed.

  “But they can have it anytime they want, too.”

  It was a very wicked thing to say, but for some reason hearing it from her lips turned me on even more. I’d thoroughly enjoyed taking her, having desired her all this time. But I’d also enjoyed watching her be taken. Seeing her spread those toned, waitress’s legs for my friends had opened up a whole new level of unexpected thrills. A world where sharing a girl was almost as exciting as actually being inside her, not to mention offering up all new possibilities when it came to the things we could do.

  “You’ve all been helping me so much,” Serena said after a silent pause. “Doing all these amazing things for me. Asking for little or nothing in return.”

  I yawned sleepily. “So you’ve been negotiating a little tit for tat?”

  “No,” she said sheepishly. “I mean yes, but—”

  “But what?”

  “It’s just never really been that way,” she said. “It’s never felt like that at all.”

  I traced a slow line down her arm with one finger, watching the goosebumps erupt all at once. She shivered adorably, curling tighter against me.

  “Don’t sweat it, I know what you mean.” I told her. “The guys enjoy your company. You enjoy theirs. Shit happens. Things progress.”

  “They sure do,” she sighed. “Sometimes fast.”

  “Fast isn’t all that bad. Slow can be overrated.”

  She chuckled. “So you graduated with Tate and Jacob?”


  “And did you have the hots for me too?”

  “I’m sure I would’ve,” I admitted. “But I barely knew David. I played football, and the practices sucked up all my time. I was never on any teams with him.”


  We stared at the ceiling, our eyes slowly closing. She was so warm. So damned comfortable! And the way her body folded into mine, it was like she was meant to be there.

  Maybe she was.

  “What about now?” Serena asked.

  “Now?” I repeated. “Do I have the hots for you now?”

  She blushed an adorable pink color, steadfastly refusing to look at me. The way she was looking away, it only made me want her even more.

  “Maybe I should write you a letter,” I teased. “Dear sex kitten.”

  With the last of her energy, she punched me playfully.

  “Or I could pass you a note in study hall. Get one of my friends to see if you liked me back.”

  Her hazel eyes looked up at me pleadingly. She wanted mercy. She wanted validation. I gave her both.

  “Or maybe I should just show you,” I said gruffly, before rolling between her thighs and taking her again.



  “God, I forgot what a college dorm looked like!” I chuckled, spinning in a slow circle. There was a lot to take in. “And this is such a guy’s dorm too.”

  Standing beside me with his arms folded, Jacob sighed. “You know this is an off-campus apartment, right?”

  His defensiveness was adorable. I decided to prey upon it.

  “Let’s see,” I teased. “Beer-pong table? Check. Posters of girls in bikinis? Check.”

  I pointed out each offense as I saw it, chuckling as I went. With each one, I could see Jacob’s mouth curling more into an uncontrollable smirk.

  “Old pizza box from two weeks ago? Check. Coffee table that looks like it was dragged face-down through a gravel quarry? Check.”

  “Okay, okay…”

  “Sink full of someone else’s dishes?” I peered into the kitchen. “Yup.”

  “Alright,” Jacob laughed. “You got me.”

  A bowl of lollipops rested on one of the end tables next to a threadbare couch. On a whim I picked one up, unwrapped it, and popped it into my mouth.

  “The only thing really missing is a Pulp Fiction movie poster,” I continued mercilessly. “Either that, or Reservoir—”

  Jacob’s face lit up as he grabbed my hand. Pulling me to one of the bedrooms, he pushed the door open and pointed.

  “Holy shit.”

  Above an unmade bed, which rested directly on the floor instead of a box spring, a Pulp Fiction poster was taped not-so-neatly to the dirty wall.

  “How the fuck did you know that?” Jacob demanded excitedly.

  “Please tell me this is not your room!” I cried, ignoring the question.

  “No, no, this is Jeremy’s. Now tell me how you knew!”

  I twirled the lollipop — a Blow-pop actually — against my tongue. It occurred to me I hadn’t had one in ages.

  “I’ve seen the inside of a guy’s dorm room or two,” I said shrewdly. “Or three. Or maybe four…”

  “Really?” Jacob said, looking impressed. “Wow, I never knew you went to college.”

  “There’s lots of things you don’t know about me,” I replied, moving past him. I tried peering into the next bedroom, but the door was closed. “And you said you have two roommates?”

  “Might as well as have twenty, the way they party,” he lamented. “But yes.”

  I reached for the next doorknob. Halfway to it, his hand closed over my wrist.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you,” he advised. “You really don’t want to see that one.”


  “Worse than Jeremy’s.”

  I laughed and pulled my arm back. “Alright, let’s see yours then.”

  Jacob led me to the end of the hall, then pushed the door open. His bedroom was bright, uncluttered, and very well kept. Aside from a small laundry pile that smelled like grass clippings, everything was clean, too. Even the bed was made.

  “Looks like you win,” I smiled.

>   “Oh yeah?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “And what do I win?”

  I considered his bed for a moment and shrugged. “I guess that depends on what time your roommates get home.”

  His handsome eyes lit up, but not for long. Before we could do anything else the silence was split by the sound of the front door opening, followed by voices and laughter.

  “Raincheck,” I winked at him, twirling the Blow-pop in my mouth.

  So far Jacob had taken me to run a bunch of errands, including stocking up on some groceries for the house. We’d stopped at his place for a specific reason though, and for once it had nothing to do with sex.

  “Ah,” he said, after rummaging around for a bit. I watched as he pulled a giant, bible-looking book out from under a stack of others. “Here we go.”

  I checked out the book as he tucked it under one big arm. “Calculus?”

  “Yeah.” For some reason he turned a little red. “Since I’m usually at your place, I figured I might as well keep this there.”

  I blinked at him with all new admiration. I knew he was going to school for criminal justice, I just never understood the extent of it.

  “You’re working your own business full time, going to school full time, and you’re also taking Calculus?”

  “And between all that I’m helping Tate rebuild your car,” Jacob smiled proudly. “Not to mention helping Cole refinish the floors in your downstairs apartment.”

  He was right about all of it, of course. In the past two weeks since our little four-way rendezvous, my house had been a whirlwind of activities, both work-related and leisure. I’d loved every second of coming home to the chaos too, because for the first time in years my house was full. The rooms and hallways echoed with the sounds of work, or talking, or laughter. My virtually unused kitchen was filled with the wonderful scents of whoever happened to be cooking that night.

  The whole thing had been incredible, inside and out. And when it came to the bedroom…

  “Don’t forget I’ve been trimming your lawn too,” he said, slipping his arms around me. “Now that you mention it, I really have been kicking ass.”


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