Book Read Free


Page 19

by Huss, JA

  The two men disappear and then Cooper and Isabella take their place.

  “Cadee!” Cooper sounds worried. “Can you hear me?”

  “Can you open your eyes, Cadee?” So does Isabella. But she, at least, is calm.

  Cooper is freaking out. Screaming at his father. Calling him names.

  “Relax, Christopher,” the Chairman says. He too is calm. “You should be very proud of her. She rose to the occasion. She challenged herself and she won.”

  “She almost fucking died!”

  “Nonsense. We have two paramedics in this room and a complete revival center on the lower level. She is fine.”

  I watch as his gleaming black shoes walk over to me. I can’t move. I’m shuddering like a freak. Every muscle in my body is reacting to the freezing-cold water I was just pulled out of. And my heart is thumping in my chest. A slow thump. So slow.

  The Chairman bends down and takes one of my frigid hands in his. Cupping it. Warming it. Then he kisses it. “Well done, Cadee. You are clean now. And you are going to have a spectacular life, my dear.” He stands back up. “Warm her up, change her, and then bring her to the banquet hall.”

  “No,” Cooper yells. “We’re done.”

  The Chairman’s response is commanding and clear. Not to mention loud. “You are not done, Cooper. This has just begun. But you and Isabella will accompany her and oversee her recovery.”

  Then he turns to the crowd. “We have a Golden Legacy!”

  And they erupt in applause and cheers.

  I think I pass out after that. Because the next thing I hear is Isabella. “Jesus Christ, I’m sweating like a whore in hell.”

  “Cadee?” I think Cooper is ignoring her. “Are you awake?”

  “What happened? Where am I?”

  “They gave you a sedative and we’re in the…” He pauses and when I open my eyes, he’s looking around the room. “I don’t know where the fuck we are.”

  I don’t either. It’s just a room, but not the one I was in last. Dark concrete walls lit up with sconces. Not fire. It’s way too small in here to have torches for light. I’m actually sitting on a concrete bench that is very warm, and not lying down on the cold tiles of that pool room any more.

  I don’t have any idea how I got here. I must’ve passed out again.

  “We’re in hell,” Isabella says. She sounds like her normal snotty self. Which I love, because that side of her has been missing for a while now.

  “Some kind of sauna, maybe?” Cooper is still trying to answer my question.

  “Come on,” Isabella says. “Let’s get her dressed and get the fuck out of this place.”

  “Can you stand up, Cades?”

  I look over at Cooper and nod. “I think so.” Then I realize what actually happened. “Did I die?”

  “No.” Cooper pulls me to my feet.

  “You were totally fucking dead. They hit you with those paddle things three times.”

  “What the fuck, Isabella?” Cooper is mad. “Don’t tell her that!”

  “She can take it, Cooper. Don’t you realize that yet?” I’m wrapped up in a blanket and Isabella slips it over my shoulders and it slides down my arms. “Here, put this on her.” She hands him another folded white garment. “I need to get out of this room. It’s creepy as fuck and I feel like they’re trying to cook us.”

  It is hot in here. I guess they needed to bring my temperature up quickly.

  “Are we going home now?” I really want this night to be over now. I need about two weeks to process what just happened.

  “No.” Isabella snorts. “Now we have to be the guests of honor at some party, if you can believe it.”

  “Soon,” Cooper soothes, trying to cancel out Isabella’s pessimistic attitude. And then he glares at her. “Calm the fuck down, Isabella. You’re going to fuck everything up.”

  She pauses, takes a deep breath, then wilts a little. Her shoulders curve in and she frowns. “Sorry.”

  Cooper pulls another white nightgown over my head and straightens it out. Then he takes a step back to look at me. His wince tells me everything I need to know.

  “I look like shit, don’t I?”

  Cooper hesitates. But Isabella doesn’t. “It’s a good look, trust me. Exactly what they’re going for, I assume.”

  “Isabella.” Cooper growls at her. “I’m not gonna tell you again. Shut. The fuck. Up.” He points his finger in her face. “Do not say another goddamned word tonight unless someone asks you a question or I swear to God, I will punish you.”

  Isabella and I trade looks.

  But neither of us says anything. Cooper walks over to the door, knocks on it, and then it opens to reveal one of the bodyguards who seem to be all over this place tonight.

  “We’re ready.”

  And I guess we are. Because Cooper walks out, doesn’t even look back at us, and we fall in line behind him like good little submissive cult women.

  A rush of cold air hits us as soon as we exit and Isabella sighs with relief. I can see her point about the heat. She’s still wearing her elaborate gown.

  She is Cooper’s Queen tonight.

  And I’m just the concubine.

  But she grabs my hand as we follow Cooper and the bodyguard, then gives it a squeeze. Which I really appreciate.

  We walk through several dark, stone hallways lit up only by the candles spaced about six feet apart on the floor. But then the bodyguard steps aside and Cooper walks forward into a curving stairwell which must surely lead to some kind of dungeon. Because I’ve seen enough Dracula movies to recognize the décor.

  We exit the stairwell and enter a large room and continue walking down a gold carpet, flanked on either side with all the Fang and Feather members. They applaud us with a lot more enthusiasm then they did upstairs. But I’m pretty done with this place and I don’t spend a single moment to appreciate it.

  The Chairman is standing at the end of the carpet. Jack and Leela are positioned behind him. And Elizabeth is between them, once again on her knees, bent forward at the waist with her head pressed to the floor.

  I wonder about her new life. Then consider if I should feel sympathy for her.

  No. I don’t. Fuck her. She earned this punishment.

  Victor appears with a tray of champagne flutes. He does not look at me and I briefly wonder if he was in the room when I was… what did they do to me? Was that a baptism? A confession? I’m not sure. Definitely a ritual.

  But I don’t think he was there. I don’t remember anyone drinking during the ceremony.

  Victor offers the Chairman a glass, which he takes. Then he turns to Jack, who takes two, one for himself, and one for Leela.

  And then he turns to Cooper.

  Cooper slips into his role as future King easily, offering Isabella the first glass, then me, and he takes the last one.

  He turns to face the crowd, and Leela tugs Isabella and me behind him. Putting us in our places with a smile.


  My head is now pounding and I feel very weak and dizzy, so I don’t even bother listening to the toast my new cult makes in our honor.

  I just raise my glass to Isabella at the appropriate time, and then we smile into our glasses as we drink them dry.

  The next thing I know, I’m opening my eyes and the elaborate blue and gold tiles on the ceiling of Cooper’s bedroom come in to focus.

  I can hear him whispering something. And when I turn my head, I see Cooper leaning over Isabella, talking softly to her.

  I think she’s crying.

  “Cooper?” I rub my eyes. They feel like sandpaper. “What’s going on?”

  He rolls off of Isabella to look at me, and she is immediately up and out of the bed.

  “Isabella!” Cooper gets out of bed too and this is when I realize—we’re all naked.

  Isabella opens up Cooper’s closet, pulls a t-shirt off a hanger, and slips it over her head. Then she goes for his dresser. Cooper blocks my view and I get a little lost in his
muscular back and perfect ass.

  He’s got her by the arm and he’s shaking her a little bit. But Isabella is focused on the dresser. And then she’s pulling a pair of Cooper’s sweat shorts up her legs.

  “What the fuck is going on?” My voice is raspy and deep. Like I did some serious partying last night.

  And that’s when I remember what happened.

  “Holy shit, how did we get here?”

  Isabella is dressed now. Cooper is still telling her to relax and calm down. Everything is fine.

  She’s not buying it. She pushes him off her and then looks at me. “How did we get here? How do you think we got here? They brought us here. And I don’t know about you, but I had clothes on the last time I checked.” Then she whirls on Cooper, who is still trying to tell her to calm down. “I will not calm down! Leela threatened me last night! Do you understand me? I don’t care what you and Cadee do, or if you like her better than me, or however the fuck you two feel about each other—but from this moment on, you leave me the fuck out of it!”

  Then she pushes him on the chest, walks over to the doors—which are wide open—and disappears.

  Cooper follows her, then realizes he’s still naked and turns back to look at me.

  I know it’s wrong. I get it. We’re in the middle of a fucking cult crisis here. But he’s naked. And his dick is swinging between his legs and it’s a little bit hard. So I look. Sue me for looking.

  “Do you remember anything after we got to the lower level, Cadee?”

  My eyes slowly migrate up his body and find his face.


  “No.” I laugh.

  “This is not funny. We lost time. We blacked out. We were drugged. And then we woke up here naked and what the fuck did Leela say to Isabella last night?”

  I try to play it back, but just about everything is fuzzy. Then I remember. “Oh.”

  “Oh, what? What happened?”

  “She…” I wince. I don’t even know how to explain this.

  “Just say it.”

  “She checked her, OK? For…” I make a face then take a deep breath. “She checked between her legs for… wetness. To see if I was exciting her while she was dressing me. Or undressing me. It’s all very blurry.”

  “And was she?”

  I nod. “Then Leela pretty much told her she had one more chance and then she’d be turned into whatever Elizabeth is if she blew it. I don’t understand why they care.”

  Cooper just looks at me.

  “I mean, so what if Isabella likes girls?”

  “It doesn’t fit their agenda.”

  “Well, it’s dumb. And what do they expect us to do? They put the three of us together, but we’re not supposed to be together?”

  He cocks his head at me. “What?”

  “I mean, I’m not saying I want a threesome with Isabella. Like… that’s probably a hard no for me. But, what do they expect? This is a creepy sex cult! Your sister-in-law sucked your brother’s dick in front of everyone last night.”

  “They expect me to fuck you both and get you both pregnant, Cadee. And then the child I have with Isabella is the heir and the child I have with you is the offering.”

  My heart thumps. “Someone told you this?”

  “No, but I get it. It all makes sense now. I was thinking it through while you were under the water.”

  Holy shit, I forgot about that. “Did I die last night?”

  Cooper just stares at me, so I take that as a yes.

  “Anyway, go on. While I was dying, you were thinking…?”

  He shoots me a look. A look that says, Don’t turn on me. I shoot him one back that says, I’m not. I just want answers.

  “I just think this is how it works.”

  “So. What do we do about it?”

  He walks across the room to his closet, pulls a t-shirt off a hanger, and throws it at me. Then he goes over to his dresser, pulls out another pair of shorts, and throws those at me too.

  “OK. I guess I’m supposed to get dressed.”

  He pulls on a pair of shorts as well and yeah. That sends a signal. “We woke up in bed, naked, Cadee. Do you see any clothes around?”

  I look around. “No.”

  “That’s right. I don’t know how we got here.”

  “Why are you getting angry with me? I didn’t do any of this.”

  He sits down on the bed and leans over, propping his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. “I’m not angry with you. I’m just frustrated.”

  “Because of Isabella?”

  “Yes. Her. You. Me. All of it. And before you get jealous—”

  “What?” I scoff.

  “—I’ve invested a lot into Isabella. And she’s gonna lose her mind if we don’t keep her… steady. I’m not gonna let that happen.”

  “I’m not jealous of Isabella. She’s my friend. We’re in this together.”

  “Then act like it.”

  “Excuse me?”

  We stare at each other. And while we have not exactly known each other that long, we do have a long history.

  I squint my eyes at him.

  He squints back.

  And I think both messages are received.

  “Look, I’m not trying to be a dick—”

  “Then stop acting like one, Cooper.”

  “—but you’re being way too casual about all this.”

  “You know what? I’m going to my room.” I slip the shirt over my head, then scramble off the bed and pull the shorts on. They’re way too big, so I hold them up with one hand as I head for the door. I go slowly. It’s not a mad dash or anything because I want to give him a chance to apologize to me.

  But he doesn’t. He lets me walk out.

  So I mutter, “You’re a dick, Cooper,” as I leave.

  I take the bridge across and look down casually, because there’s a lot of people talking on the floor below. And who do I see? Lars. Staring right up at me, shaking his head with a disapproving look on his face.

  What is up everyone’s ass today? Jesus.

  I get to the end of the bridge and my door is wide open too. So I push the curtains aside and then stop dead in my tracks when I see what’s waiting for me.


  I’m talking dozens of packages wrapped up in pretty ribbons. Glossy shopping bags with tissue paper spilling out the top. My closet door is open and it’s practically overflowing with clothes that were not there yesterday.

  There’s a blue envelope with embossed gold lettering propped on the closest bedside table and a small bag off to the side.

  “What the fuck happened here?”

  I walk over to the nightstand and pick up the card. The light royal blue paper is elegant and thick. And the gold lettering might be real gold foil, because when I brush my fingertips across it, a bit of shimmer comes off.

  The envelope is sealed with blue wax on the other side. The impression in the wax is painted in gold and depicts a crest I have not seen before. A lion and a swan.

  Fang and Feather, I suppose.

  I carefully pull on the flap, but it rips anyway. And then I take out the gold card inside.

  It’s not a folded card, more like an invitation.

  Again, the lettering is beautiful and I’m fairly certain this was done by hand because it’s written in black ink and not printed.

  Dear Legacy,


  You are now part of the Fang and Feather inner circle and the official Queen for the current school year. Please accept these gifts as a token of our gratitude and appreciation for your commitment to our cause.

  Enjoy your status, Cygnet.

  Make the most of it.

  One day all this will be but a memory of finer things and better days.

  With respect and gratitude,

  Fang and Feather

  I read it again.

  ‘Dear Legacy?’ They went to all this trouble to make this card fancy, and then they send me a form letter?

nbsp; What the fuck?

  There is another wax seal at the bottom of the card, similar to the one on the back of the envelope. Same colors, at least. But when I compare them, they are not the same. The impression on the card is different. Just a swan, no lion.

  “Cadee—” Cooper is pulling the sheer yellow curtains in front of my door aside as he says my name. But he stops and looks around once he sees the room. “What the hell is all this?”

  I hand him the card and then turn to look at the huge picture that has been mounted over my headboard.

  It’s us. Cooper and me. The photograph was taken last night while we were having sex on that Valcourt throne, but it looks like an oil painting. One of those digital manipulations with soft brush strokes added over the photo. The frame is also a work of art. Something right out of a palace gallery.

  You can’t really tell we’re having sex. No body parts are showing. My elaborate gown is spread over his knees and everything is happening underneath it.

  But all you have to do is look at our faces. We are in a moment of pure ecstasy.

  I look back at Cooper, who is reading the letter, then wait for his eyes to lift up and find mine. But they don’t linger on me. Instead they immediately dart to the portrait on the wall.

  “Jesus fuck. What the hell is that?”

  “Us,” I say, walking over to the closet.

  “Did you read this card, Cadee?”

  “Of course I read it.”


  I shrug. Then sigh. “I have no idea, Cooper. But they told me to enjoy it.”

  “Yeah, that last part? That’s like… a threat.”

  I turn to face him. “A threat? It wasn’t a threat. It was advice.”

  He just stares at me for a moment. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”


  “You’re buying into this shit, Cadee. You’re being way too casual.”

  “Isn’t this why we came back, Cooper? I mean, we’re here now. I was in the tomb. I’m in. You’re in. We’re all in. Just be the bully king, Cooper. It’s not that far of a stretch.”

  “You’re really OK with this?”

  “Why are you getting so crazy? You get two women, Cooper. Two beautiful women. And we’re not jealous of each other because we serve different purposes.”


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