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Gods on Earth: Complete Series (Books 1-3): Paranormal Romances with Norse Gods, Tricksters, and Fated Mates

Page 20

by Andrijeski, JC

  She was still looking at that, studying it, trying to understand it––

  When, out of nowhere––

  That look on his face changed.

  It changed into something she’d never seen, at least never aimed at her, Lia Winchester. She stared up at his face, feeling the emotion it conveyed as much as seeing it in his features, in those otherworldly eyes, in the determined set of his mouth.

  It was like watching a life-changing decision unfold.

  Maybe a kind of revelation.

  The full-blown possessive, uncompromising ownership as he looked at her, as if marking her with those eyes, telling her there was no possible way this wasn’t happening again…

  It was difficult to even look at.

  Lia couldn’t look away, though.

  She stared up at him, and as she did, he thrust into her even deeper, his cock still hard as steel, but the skin on it soft as velvet, touching every part of her.

  “I’m afraid you might belong to me now, little elf,” he said, staring into her, his cock seeming to go all the way through her. “…And I to you. I’m sure your current owners will find that problematic, so I’ll just have to deal with them for you. Would you like that, little elf? Would you like me to own you, instead of the bad man who is mean to your sister?”

  Staring up at that shockingly handsome face, the pale green eyes…

  Lia had absolutely no idea what to say.


  Airport Shopping

  I f the stewardess thought it strange that Lia now shared her row with the man she’d requested be removed from that exact spot, a few hours earlier, no hint of it showed in her calm, perfectly made-up face.

  She merely smiled at the two of them demurely when the drink and snack carts made their last circuit through the cabin, handing Lia’s new friend a bourbon on the rocks, and giving her a cranberry juice and ice water.

  When they landed in Bangkok, Lia followed the green-eyed man off the plane, still trying to pull her head and body back together, still fighting to convince herself she was actually awake, and not stuck inside some kind of twisted, super pervy dream with a complete stranger who initially threatened to kill her over a stolen ring.

  At the same time, her mind was working again, moving chess pieces around the board, trying to make sense of what was happening now.

  She assumed they wouldn’t be going to Los Angeles.

  Not anymore.

  The green-eyed man made it crystal clear he’d seen all of her back and forth texts with Fonzo, and knew exactly what awaited them in LAX. She assumed they’d be catching a different connecting flight, one to Moscow, perhaps, or Rome, or maybe even the Philippines, so she was shocked when he led her to a departure gate in Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport and the marquee above the desk read “TO: LOS ANGELES / LAX.”

  Lia came to a dead stop, staring up at the readout.

  The man with her stopped as well, arching an eyebrow as he looked at her.

  She swore he was better-looking now than he had been when she first laid eyes on him in Nepal. She saw women and men staring at him with his open shirt, the strangely pirate-like demeanor of him, those stunning eyes and full lips, his high cheekbones and his long, thick hair, which hung and curled perfectly down his back.

  He seemed to notice her looking him over, and smirked.

  “Are you liking me more now, little elf?” he said, caressing her cheek with his fingers. “I’m sure we can find some privacy in here somewhere, if you’d like me to fuck you again.”

  She felt her cheeks bloom with heat, especially when a man standing nearby jumped, looking over at the two of them before his eyes settled on Lia, his eyebrows rising inquisitively as he glanced down her body, a faint smile on his lips.

  Pushing aside the man’s semi-suggestive stare, Lia focused on the man with her.

  “We’re going to Los Angeles?” she said. “You know what’s waiting for us there.”

  “I do, yes,” the green-eyed man said, smiling faintly. “What is your name? Not that I mind calling you ‘Little Elf,’ as it suits you so, but since I intend to keep you with me for some time, perhaps even a good long while, assuming we can come to some mutual arrangement, I would prefer something formal to use as well, for when the occasion demands it.”

  “Lia,” she said, blurting out her name before thinking about whether that was a good idea. “Lia Winchester.”

  “And who is this sister you think about so often, Lia Winchester? What is her name?”

  Lia swallowed, staring at him. “How do you know I have a sister? How do you know anything about that? I never told you about her.”

  “And yet I do know. I know many things that have gone through your mind in the last few hours, Lia Winchester. What is her name?”

  Lia felt her jaw harden.

  She considered not answering, then realized that ship had sailed.

  “Maia,” she said, gruff.

  She felt her eyes smart, and realized she was fighting off tears.

  “Well, Lia Winchester,” the man with the green eyes said, smiling at her. With surprising gentleness, he used his thumb to wipe a tear off her cheek. “You asked me if we are going back to Los Angeles. Well, the answer is yes. You implied a further question, which is why are we going there. Well, your darling sister is there, correct? And I assume we must fetch her, yes? We cannot simply leave her with that awful man?”

  Lia stared at him, feeling her heart lurch sideways in her chest.

  Whatever she’d expected him to say, it wasn’t that.

  “Maia?” she said, dumbfounded. “We’re going back for Maia?”

  The man smiled. “Do you not intend to ask me my name? Or must I listen to your bizarre recitation of my physical attributes in your mind for the next however-many hours, until you are forced to learn my name… perhaps by accident?”

  She swallowed, blinking up at those stunning eyes.

  Realizing he wasn’t going to tell her, even now, unless she asked, she cleared her throat.

  “What is your name?” she said.

  “Loki,” he replied at once. “I am Loki, God of Mischief. And you no longer belong that that man, ‘Gregor,’ or his ‘Syndicate,’ or whatever it is. You are mine now. Is that agreeable to you? I’m open to various sorts of negotiations. Be advised, I will withhold sex if you displease me, or refuse me one of my rather eccentric indulgences. Or if I catch you being overly friendly with one of the other humans wandering this world.”

  He waggled a finger at her.

  “No random cock-sucking or fucking other humans, not without prior agreement. No kissing or fondling, either. I will throw an absolute tantrum. I’m petty like that.”

  Lia blinked again.

  She honestly couldn’t tell if he was pulling her leg.

  Remembering the old Thai woman, and watching him transform in front of her, she went back to wondering if he’d dosed her with LSD, or possibly hypnotized her.

  That, or maybe she was still curled up on that airplane seat, on her way between Kathmandu and Bangkok, and none of this was real.

  “Really?” He quirked an eyebrow at her. “That is going to get quite old.”

  Watching her for a moment or so longer with his narrowed, leaf-green eyes, he sighed a little, tugging affectionately on a lock of her long, blond hair.

  “Okay, little elf,” he told her. “You may think about it a while longer. I would like an answer before we arrive in Los Angeles, however.”

  He checked the clock on the wall, motioning her towards one of the duty-free stores in the airport causeway. His fingers flickered specifically and gracefully towards one that sold women’s clothing.

  “In the meantime, I can feel you want to fuck more. I do, as well. We have an hour to kill. I want to get you into clothes that provide me a lot more access. I don’t mind sending up mirages so no one can see what we’re doing… but bras confound and irritate me, and I want to be able to finger your cunt whenever the mood
strikes me.”

  Lia felt her whole body react to his words, even as she winced, looking away from his eyes, glancing at the store where he’d motioned with a hand.

  “I’ll purchase it,” he said, winking at her with a smirk. “But only if I get to pick it out. Like I said, I have very specific requirements, little elf. Requirements I hope you’ll be amenable to. I plan to fuck you a lot during this little journey. I want you completely addicted to my cock and come by the time we arrive back in your home town, and you’re forced to make a final decision about me.”

  Loki paused, giving her a short bow.

  “As a matter of full disclosure, I do not blackmail those I am courting, however… or those with whom I would like to be intimate. Therefore, the offer to save your sister stands, regardless of your decision.”

  Lia swallowed, but followed him willingly enough when he offered her his arm.

  Sliding her hand and forearm through the crook in his elbow, she let him lead her into the clothing store, and over to the manikins in the back that wore summer dresses, suitable for Bangkok’s hot and humid weather, and relatively suitable for Los Angeles in the summer.

  She watched “Loki” as he wandered among the displays, his lips pursed as he assessed each article of clothing.

  Occasionally, he glanced back at her, looking her up and down critically, as if trying to imagine what the dress or skirt might look like on her.

  She knew when she saw his eyes light up that he’d found something he liked.

  “Come here, little elf.”

  He beckoned her closer, and she saw him standing in front of a short, white, micromini dress made of thin fabric. It had a halter top with a plunging neckline and looked like it would barely cover her crotch.

  “You have nice, big, fat tits,” he informed her, grinning. “I want to see you in this. Your nipples should strain right up against that material, giving me a nonstop hard-on. We’re definitely trying this on.”

  He eyeballed her again, then grabbed one of the dresses off the rack, choosing a size smaller than Lia would have chosen for herself for the same dress.

  Taking her hand, he led her to the dressing room, walking her past the confused salesperson and into one of the try-on booths.

  Pulling the curtain closed, he hung up the dress, then walked up to her, grabbing hold of her leather coat and pulling it off her arms and shoulders.

  He hung that on a different hook, then stared at her black jeans and the T-shirt she wore.

  “Okay,” he said, motioning up and down with a finger. “Take it off. All of it.”

  Lia only hesitated a second, then grabbed the bottom of her white T-shirt and yanked it up over her head. She laid her hands on the leather belt she wore, but Loki shook his head, walking closer.

  “No, no… the bra first. I want to look at those glorious tits while you finish undressing.”

  Flushing, she reached up, undoing the front clasp and shouldering off her bra, watching his eyes in spite of herself, seeing the heat that rose there when she first freed her breasts.

  He stared at her for a few seconds while she stood there, arms at her sides. His throat moved in a swallow. He motioned towards her again.

  “All right,” he murmured, his voice thicker. “Now the belt and pants.”

  She unhooked the leather belt, then began pushing the jeans off her hips and down her legs. He watched her step out of the last of them, then he motioned towards her again.

  “All of it, little elf.”

  She felt herself flush hotter as she removed her underwear.

  When she looked up, he was smiling at her again, that heat even more prominent in his eyes. “I do appreciate how accommodating you are, little elf. I might have to buy you more presents before we leave here.” Smiling at her more warmly, he motioned towards the dress hanging on the hook to her right. “Put it on.”

  Pulling the dress off the rack, she was even more struck by how thin the material was. There was no possible way it wasn’t see-through, especially if the light hit it right. Regardless, she pulled it over her head, adjusting it around her upper body and waist until the bottom part fell down over the rest of her torso.

  He’d been right. Her breasts strained against the thin material in the size he’d gotten for her, making her nipples instantly hard.

  He walked up to her, caressing one with a hand, making it harder still.

  Every part of her ached for him now.

  Her breath shortened as she watched him look at her. When he reached up with his other hand, massaging her second breast, she let out a soft moan, cutting it off by biting her lip. Her eyes never left his, or the heated stare he aimed down the rest of her.

  “Very nice,” he said approvingly, cupping and squeezing her breasts. “I want to fuck you right now, little elf, but I think I’m enjoying watching you squirm a little too much to give you what you want just yet.”

  Sitting down on the bench in the dressing room, he unhooked his belt, unfastening the front of his pants and freeing his cock.

  It was even bigger than it felt when he’d had it inside her.

  She stared at him, feeling him watch her look.

  “You’re going to kiss my cock now, little elf. Oh, and you’re not going to come. You’re going to suck and kiss me until I come, and swallow every drop, but if you come, I’ll know it, and I’ll punish you horribly, unspeakably, for the entire flight. You won’t have a single orgasm, and I’ll make you watch me fuck other humans in front of you. Even if you try to suck off other male passengers, they won’t be allowed to make you come, either… do you understand? Are you hearing me, little elf?”

  “Yes.” Her voice came out husky, almost strangled.

  “Now come here,” he said. “Kneel down and suck me like I can feel you want to. I want your knees spread, your tits pushed up, your back arched. I want to watch you suck me and wish the whole time it was your cunt and not your mouth.”

  Lia found herself kneeling in front of him, her hands splayed on his thighs as she kissed the head of his cock, then ran her tongue down the length of him. She took him in her mouth next, and Loki sucked in a hissing breath.

  He let her do that a few more times without moving. He sat there, leaned back against the wall of the dressing room, muscles clenched.

  Then he was pulling her hair out of the braid she’d tied it in, unwinding the strands and burying his hands in her blond locks. Gripping her tightly in both hands, he groaned louder, right before he began thrusting his cock deeper into her mouth.

  She controlled him, holding him back, teasing him with her lips, tongue and teeth.

  He was building within seconds.

  Lia couldn’t remember any point in her life when she’d ever been so turned on, just from doing this. She was fighting to breathe, stroking him with one hand as her other hand and fingers explored as much of him as his clothes permitted. She took him all the way into her mouth and throat, and he groaned again, right before he began to let go.

  He cried out as he climaxed.

  She felt a kind of pleading, longing, disbelief in his cries, even as he gripped her tighter, groaning as he came into her mouth.

  After he finished, he leaned back against the wall, watching her as she raised her head, wiping her mouth.

  He beckoned to her again.

  “Come here, little elf,” he said, his voice a low murmur.

  She sat up, then stood slowly, looking down at him.

  “Spread your legs,” he said. “Sit astride me. I want to feel how wet you are.”

  Another ripple of arousal went through her, even as she obeyed.

  Spreading her legs, she slid onto his lap, and the dress rode up to cling to the edges of her ass. He slid a hand between her thighs, caressing her skin gently before inserting a single finger into her. He added another finger a few seconds later… then another.

  He stroked her sensually, his eyes closed, caressing her inner thigh with his other hand from behind.

; “Oh, that’s nice,” he murmured, his eyes still closed. “You’ve got juice running down your legs, little one. I think I might have to decorate you with more of that before we arrive in Los Angeles.”

  Still flushing all over, and now biting her lip to keep from asking him for sex, she slid off his lap reluctantly when he pushed gently on her hips.

  “We’d better go,” he said, winking at her. “I have those other presents I must attend to, and I suspect it would be far too easy to miss our flight as it is.”

  She leaned down to pick up her underwear and her bra. She started to step into the underwear first to pull it up under the dress, but Loki, stopped her, shaking his finger and his head at her.

  “No, no, no, my little elf. You weren’t listening. I insist on full access. At all times. You will leave the underwear here.”

  She stared at him.

  Looking at herself in the mirror with the dress, it barely seemed to cover her. The hem hung down only an inch or two to cover the tops of her thighs. Her nipples pressed up against the thin material and the tight fabric outlined every part of her breasts.

  If she reached up, or bent down, the fabric would ride up and she’d more or less flash her ass and privates to the whole world.

  She started to stuff the underwear in her satchel, thinking she might be able to put it on later, at least, when they arrived in Los Angeles, but Loki took them from her hand, and threw them over the wall of the dressing room.

  Staring at the wall between the two dressing stalls, Lia bit her lip. She looked at Loki, taking in that lazy half-smile, seeing the heat in his eyes as he waited to see if she would go after them, or yell at him, or simply insist on wearing something besides that liquid-thin dress.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Loki shrugged.

  “You can go get them, of course,” he said mildly. “You can buy ten more pairs if you wish, my love. You can put on your jeans. You can wrap the coat around yourself. You can wear or do anything you wish. But I can’t promise there won’t be repercussions, my sweet, hot, wet little elf… so it really depends on how badly you want my cock on the flight to L.A.”


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