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Mail Order Beau

Page 17

by Maya Stirling

  Martha smiled, admitting defeat and stepped out to greet their guests.

  They all arrived over the next hour. First came Cassie, Rachel and Ethan. Then came Hettie and her husband followed by Mabel and Alice with their husbands. Julia and Daniel came last, excusing their lateness with a look at their two boisterous children. By the time Mr. Brook took his place at the table Mrs. Proudie was already bringing out the first part of the prepared feast.

  Cassie and Rachel had made a special effort to look their best. Rachel in particular looked resplendent in what looked like a new outfit, a green dress which Martha hadn't seen before. Rachel's blonde hair was styled with delicate curls. Martha hadn't seen Rachel look so fine since their arrival in Sweetheart Falls.

  While waiting for the food to arrive, the various guests paired off and chatted, enjoying the light refreshments which Mrs. Proudie had provided.

  Ethan and Logan chatted together. Martha enjoyed looking at the two men who had made such an impact on her and Cassie's lives. The men looked comfortable in each other's company. Martha found herself wondering what they were talking about. She looked forward to the years ahead. In her mind, there was a great deal she and Logan could do to help Cassie and Ethan, especially once their little one had arrived in a few months time.

  Martha couldn't forget the many times that Hettie had spoken to her about the importance of everyone helping each other. Watching the two men together, Martha made up her mind that she and Logan would do everything to help Cassie and her husband. They were all in this together, and she was determined they would all succeed.

  And that included Rachel; especially Rachel who was, at this moment, engaged in a conversation with a very eager looking Mr. Brook. In fact Martha hadn't seen Mr. Brook look quite as eager as he looked at that moment. Rachel and him were standing off by the corral. Mr. Brook was leaning nonchalantly against the fence, his hat tipped back and the widest grin in Wyoming on his face. To Martha's relief Rachel was keeping a respectful distance, waving her fan slowly in front of her face.

  Martha thought about the concerns that Cassie had expressed to her about Rachel's disappearances, and her increasing unhappiness at home. Rachel looked anything but unhappy with Mr. Brook.

  Martha recalled Rachel's reaction to Mr. Brook when they had first met in the mercantile. There had been an unseemly interest on the part of Mr. Brook, or so it had seemed to Martha at the time. She hadn't changed her mind. Since she had come to the ranch, Martha had been troubled by Mr. Brook. In spite of his role as intermediary in bringing her and Logan together, she had definitely sensed something wasn't quite right about Mr. Brook. She recalled Mrs. Proudie's dislike of him, the harsh words with Logan, and the arguments she had witnessed between Mr. Brook and some of the ranch hands. It all added up to someone she couldn't quite trust. She realized that she didn't feel comfortable allowing her beloved younger sister to be the object of his amorous interests.

  She was about to go across to them when Mrs. Proudie emerged from the ranch house calling on everyone to take their seats at the table.

  Everyone took their place. Logan was at the head of the table with Martha seated at his right hand. Across from Martha sat Cassie and Ethan. Rachel sat next to Martha, which was reassuring for Martha given what she had witnessed between Rachel and Mr. Brook, who was seated at the far end of the table, discontent written large on his face.

  Martha looked down the table, and felt a wave of joy spread over her. She loved everyone at the table, apart from Mr. Brook of course. In the few short months since she had arrived at Sweetheart Falls all of these people had become an important part of her life. It was such a source of happiness and contentment to her that she almost had to pinch herself to check that it wasn't all an illusion. But it was real. She would never give up this place or these people who had come into her life, and who, in one way or another, had refused to give up on her. She so wanted to return the favor to them all, and promised herself that she would spare no effort in ensuring that Sweetheart Falls would continue to thrive and grow into the best darned town in Wyoming.

  The remainder of the meal was brought, and everyone tucked in. There was much laughter and joy, as well as compliments about the food to an embarrassed Mrs. Proudie, who waved away their praise, although Martha could tell that she secretly enjoyed every word.

  After the delicious fruit pudding, Logan stood and clinked a fork against his glass to get everyone's attention.

  "I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming today," Logan said."I know that each one of you has played a part in making it possible for myself and my precious new wife to be together. For that my gratitude will never end."

  Heads nodded in acknowledgement, and Logan continued. "I hope you've enjoyed this modest little spread..."

  "If that is modest I wouldn't like to see what you think is a big spread, Logan," interrupted Ethan with a laugh.

  Logan smiled. "Well. I'm pleased you enjoyed it. For now I want to say this. It means more to me than you all can ever know, that Martha is with me now. I have dreamed of this day for years. There were times when I thought it would never come. But come it has. And you are looking at the happiest man alive standing here before you," Logan said with a wide grin.

  Almost everyone hammered on the table in unanimous agreement. When the noise had subsided Logan continued.

  "This woman, my beloved wife, Martha, is the finest, most beautiful woman alive, and I am surely proud to be her husband," Logan declared. Martha lowered her head for a moment to hide the effect his words had had on her. After a moment's consideration, she lifted her face up, and her eyes met his gaze. She was glad she had done so, because the look on his face was one that she would never forget. Martha glanced across at Cassie, and saw that her sister was undoubtedly pleased for Martha's good fortune. In fact, Cassie looked like she was having a hard time holding back the tears.

  Logan raised his glass. "I wish all of you the very best, and thank you once again, from the bottom of my heart," he said. Everyone else at the table raised their glasses and drank the toast.

  When Logan sat down Martha reached over and wrapped her hand around his, squeezing it gently. "Thank you Logan. Those were sweet words," she said.

  "Not sweet enough. I haven't even started yet. I aim to exhaust the English language," he said with a smile.

  Martha smiled.

  One of the ranch hands was a good fiddle player, and he struck up a tune much to the delight of everyone. Pretty soon they were all dancing and laughing. Martha was seized by Logan, and she discovered, much to her surprise, that her husband was a mighty fine dancer. He'd obviously learned the energetic dance steps from his days ranching, because the way he moved was nothing like the old Logan of drawing rooms and salons.

  Martha loved it, and she let him lead her a merry chase amongst the other guests, who seemed delighted to see the newly wed couple dancing with a free and reckless abandon.

  The only sour note in all of this was when Martha spotted Mr. Brook and Rachel off to the side of the dancing revellers. They seemed to be talking more than dancing, and Martha wasn't pleased to see them like that.

  After some dancing Martha needed to rest her feet. She took a seat at the long table, and was joined by Hettie and Mrs. Proudie.

  "A fine time, Martha," Hettie said. She and her husband hadn't joined in with the dancing, preferring to enjoy the sight of the happy people instead. "Your new husband is a mighty fine dancer," she continued.

  "I never knew he could do that," Martha said with pride.

  "You put together a fabulous party lunch, Mrs. Proudie. I have to thank you," Martha said.

  Mrs. Proudie waved the comment away. "That's what I'm here for. It was a pleasure. I'm just so pleased to see so many happy people at this ranch," she said.

  "There are going to be many more days like this, I can assure you," Martha said.

  Mrs. Proudie smiled. "Glad to hear it."

  "I'll add the ranch to the town's soc
ial calendar," Hettie said firmly.

  "What do you mean?" Martha asked.

  "Every town needs a social calendar. Places and events that the town can feel a part of. I think the Bar T would be a lovely place for Sweetheart residents to come to for socials and the like," Hettie said.

  Martha frowned, thinking of the organizing that any social would take. It would involve a lot of work. Before she could say anything Mrs. Proudie spoke up. "I think that's a great idea. It would give all the ranch hands here a feeling that they belong. So many of the men just end up passing through. If there were socials here they'd get a chance to meet the people of the town. You never know. More weddings might be the result," she said, looking at Hettie.

  Martha would have been surprised if Hettie hadn't already thought of that. Hettie confirmed her suspicions. "I think a monthly social would be a great thing to have here. It'd get people out of the town. Fresh air, change of scenery. Maybe you could speak to Logan," Hettie said, looking at Martha.

  "Of course. I'm sure Logan will be more than happy to do that," she said.

  Hettie bent forward and lowered her voice. "It hasn't escaped my notice that Mr. Brook is showing a very great interest in your sister, Rachel," she said quietly.

  Martha looked over at the dancers but couldn't see Rachel anywhere. A twist of concern appeared inside her. "It hasn't escaped my notice either, Hettie. And I have to say I don't exactly approve," Martha stated firmly.

  Hettie nodded. "I agree. In my estimation Mr. Brook has not proved himself to be an entirely reliable young man. I have sought out the opinions of some of the men who work with him, and I have to say that the overwhelming consensus is that he is a man of dubious, if not downright unacceptable character. Most unacceptable," Hettie concluded with a shake of her head.

  Martha was shocked. She had never heard Hettie be quite so vehement in her expression of concern and disapproval about a man whom she had previously considered as husband material.

  "What exactly have those opinions been?" Martha asked her. Mrs. Proudie leaned in closer, her brows furrowed in curiosity. She probably had never heard a conversation like this before.

  "I can't go into details," said Hettie. "You know I seldom do. However, let's say there is some question mark over his reliability as an employee at this ranch. Just let me have a chat with Rachel. I'm sure she'll understand."

  Martha recalled the times during the past few days when she had seen Mr. Brook engaging in arguments with the ranch hands. She remembered the times when she had seen Logan speaking harshly to Mr. Brook. Logan had not spoken to Martha about those incidents, and she hadn't wanted to pry. Perhaps now things were different. Maybe she should ask Logan about Mr. Brook.

  It was a pity, thought Martha. Mr. Brook had played such a direct role in bringing her and Logan together. At the time she had been grateful, and Hettie had been initially impressed with him. However, since she had come to live on the ranch, Mr. Brook had tended to keep his distance from Martha, almost as if he had something to hide. If Hettie had changed her mind about Mr. Brook then it was sufficient for Martha to do something about it.

  She went to find Logan who was talking ranch business with Ethan. Logan took one look at Martha's face and immediately came to her.

  "What's wrong. You look worried, Martha."

  "Have you seen Mr. Brook?"

  "I haven't seen him in a while," said Logan searching among the guests. Not finding Mr. Brook, Logan looked at Martha. She drew him away from Ethan, and lowered her voice. "I'm worried about Rachel," she said.

  He lowered his head and frowned. "Why? What's she done?"

  "It's not what she has done. It's what she might end up doing that I'm worried about?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about," Logan said.

  Martha sighed and fixed Logan with a straight look. "Mr. Brook has been courting Rachel," she said bluntly.

  Logan's eyes widened.

  "You mean to say you haven't noticed?" Martha asked him.

  Logan's expression darkened, and his lips narrowed into a thin line. He paused, taking in what Martha was suggesting. His eyes flickered from side to side. "Are you telling me that you think that Rachel is even considering a man like Brook as a husband?"

  Martha was shocked to hear it stated quite so boldly, but she realized that she was indeed saying just that very thing.

  "What do you mean, a man like Brook?"

  Logan started to walk away from the guests, leading Martha by the arm. They stopped by the side of the house safely out of earshot of anyone.

  Logan looked at Martha, and she could see a serious concern in his eyes. "I've had my concerns about Brook for a day or two. One of the ranch hands raised something with me and I had to look into it. I'm pretty sure there is something going on with Brook. I don't have the proof I need."

  "But he was your intermediary in our marriage."

  "I know. And at that exact moment he was the right man. It was only later that my suspicions were roused."

  "What kind of suspicions?"

  Logan looked over at the guests, and then back at Martha. "I think he was involved in the rustling the other day," he said finally.

  Martha's eyes widened. "Hettie just said to me that she's heard some pretty unflattering things about Brook."

  "Really? What kind of things?" he asked.

  "She wouldn't tell me. But it kinda confirms to me what you have been saying. If what you both are saying is true, then that's enough for me," Martha said, her voice rising and emphatic.

  Martha started to walk away from Logan. "Where are you going?"

  "To find my sister and stop her from doing something we'll all regret," she said.

  Martha walked into the house and searched the rooms. It seemed like the obvious thing to do, but she didn't dare think about what she might find. Logan followed her around the house. Martha was relieved to find the rooms empty, but it left her confused. Where could they both be?

  She finished her search in the parlor. As she turned to leave, her eye was caught by a movement in the garden. She couldn't believe what she saw. Logan came up to her. "Can't see them anywhere," he said, finally noticing that Martha was transfixed and gazing into the garden.

  There they were! Brook and Rachel were seated on the bench which she and Logan had made their own sweet, sacred place of retreat and intimacy.

  From where she stood Martha could see that Brook was talking earnestly to Rachel, who was listening, head bowed.

  Logan saw them and let out a grunt. "Why that..." Martha looked at him, and saw the rage written across Logan's features. He made to head out to the garden but Martha grabbed his arm, holding him back.

  "No Logan. Not like that. Think of Rachel. I don't want a fight."

  Logan looked at Martha, puzzlement written large on his face. "But he's on our seat. With your sister."

  "I know. And I don't like it any more than you. But we must think of how a confrontation will affect Rachel. She's already finding things hard enough as it is, without something so unpleasant happening."

  Logan looked like he was struggling to understand. "But we have to stop Brook. He's courting your sister. He's no good. You told me so yourself. Hettie confirms it." he said.

  "I agree. But that's not the way to fix it," Martha said.

  Logan was beginning to calm down, and Martha was pleased that he was restraining himself. She had a thought, and when it came to her, it seemed so obvious that she was amazed that she had taken so long to come up with it.

  "Let me deal with this," Martha said moving toward the door to the garden.

  Logan held onto her arm. "What are you going to do?"

  "It's not what I'm going to do Logan. There's a certain someone who will do the job of putting my beloved sister so completely off Mr. Brook, that she will never even think of talking with him, let alone being in his company, ever again," Martha said with a wry smile.

  Logan looked puzzled. Martha looked at him, smiled, and said one word. "He

  Martha went out to the garden, closed the door behind her, and started to walk toward the bench.


  Martha made her way toward the bench. She tried to be as quiet as she could be. Brook's attention was on Rachel and Martha could hear his voice murmuring, although the words were indistinct.

  Rachel had her back to Martha. Her head was lowered, and Martha could tell that she was listening intently to Brook's softly spoken words. Martha could only imagine what he was saying to her sister. The thought that he had already made his way into Rachel's heart filled Martha with fear. He just wasn't right for her. Martha knew it in her heart, and she could tell that Logan agreed.

  Martha stopped for a moment. Neither Brook nor Rachel knew she was close to them. She was still unseen through the cluster of young trees. Martha turned and looked back at the house. Logan was standing at the closed french door to the parlor. He looked like he was fit to burst, and just about able to contain the impulse to run into the garden.

  Martha smiled a little when she saw the round stare of his determined gaze. It was part fierce desire to deal with Brook, and part strong concern for Martha. She was glad that he had deferred to her in the matter. It bode well for the future that he understood that in some things Martha would be the one who took charge. She, for her part, also understood that in some things Logan would take the lead. That was how marriages worked out in these parts.

  Martha took a slow step forward, edging closer to the couple on the bench. Martha heard Rachel's voice. It was quiet but had an edge of excitement to it that concerned Martha. Brook was obviously having an effect on Rachel.

  The couple still hadn't seen Martha. She stepped carefully, but she was so close now that she knew that the sound of leaves and twigs underfoot would give away her presence any second now.

  Martha rounded a tree, stepping into full view of Brook and Rachel.

  Brook looked at Martha, suddenly startled, and scooted away from Rachel to the end of the bench.


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