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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

Page 3

by Lucy Rains

  She let out a heavy sigh, “Maybe it's time to go back to the doctor.”

  I swallowed, “I’m fine mom, really.”

  “You don’t get to decide these things. As your mother I determine what is best for you.”

  I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple with my free hand. “Yes, mother,” was again, the only appropriate comment I would be allowed to say.

  “What are your plans for this evening?”

  “Well, I think I'm going to head over to Mia's soon.”

  “I didn’t approve this. Will her parents be home?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Is it just you and Mia?”

  I knew my next words were crucial. Should I admit to there being guys there? If I did, and she disapproved, there was no going back. I wouldn’t be able to change her mind. Not wanting to risk missing the party and hurting Mia, I decided to play down the attendees. Surely, she would never know what really happened. She was too busy with work and never spoke to my friends or their parents anyways. I was confident I would be safe.

  “Actually Vicki will be there, and a few girls from the team. Tiff, Alex, and Lisa, I think.”

  There was a long pause as she debated. “Fine. Be home by 11.”

  I took a deep breath, “Mom, since it’s my birthday, can I stay out a little later?”

  “No. Be home by 11. And I'll know if you aren't.”

  I swallowed and geared myself up for my next question. “Are we going to do anything special for my birthday? I mean, 18 is usually a big deal.”

  She let out her own exasperated sigh, as if I was asking the most tiresome questions.

  “We’ll see Jade. I haven’t had a moment to think about it. These conferences take up a lot of my time and energy.”

  I hadn’t expected much more of an answer then this. “Okay,” I said in a soft voice.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay.” I repeated. That was enough rocking the boat for one day.

  “And Jade?”


  “No boys.”

  “Of course not.”

  “Good. I'll see you on Sunday.”

  I ended the call and tossed the cordless phone onto the bed. I shook my arms and rolled my head, feeling tension all over my body. Both from the gas station and talking to mother. That was as pleasant as our talks ever went. I had learned to stop expecting any affection from her years ago. From what I could remember, she was warm and open to me until around the age ten or maybe eleven. At that point, she began working more and became more demanding of me. When my body began changing, growing stronger, faster, and my senses more keen, I knew I could never tell her. And when the incident happened, I was left to shoulder my pains alone. Distance grew between us, and punishments became more frequent as I had to adjust to the new rules and expectations. She wasn’t abusive, at least not physically or verbally. There was just, nothing. No comfort, no emotional support, and no caring. She provided for my needs, and in return expected obedience.

  I had never been on a vacation. I had never flown on a plane, never seen mountains, or even gone camping. Life with mother was completely sheltered. There was a world out there I was dying to see, dying to experience, but not while I was under her roof. Which was where track came in.

  Mother was allowing me to attend a nearby community college after I graduated. Even though I would desperately love to go away to a four year university, I had no financial means to do so. Mother had not allowed me to even consider it, stating she would not provide the information I needed, nor help me in any way if I tried to go anywhere but where she decided was best for me. She was determined to keep her leash on me as long as possible. I had debated my options, looking at possibilities. If I could hold out for 2 more years, get perfect grades through community college, and let my speed increase dramatically through track races, I knew I could hook a full ride scholarship to anywhere in the country. I had wanted to apply this idea in high school, but not being 18 yet held me back and by now, the deadlines for all submissions to colleges were way past. I just had to put up with her for two more years. Two more years and I could run away.

  After I showered and blew dry my hair, I went to rummage through my closet to try and find something appropriate for the evening. Since school required uniforms and I didn't have the busiest social calendar, I didn't keep many exciting ensembles on hand. I settled on black skinny jeans, with a billowy cream colored V-neck top. I slipped on some chunky black wedges that bumped my 5'9 height up a couple inches, then went into the bathroom to apply a little bit of makeup.

  Thinking about where I was going after dinner put a huge damper on my appetite. And I struggled eating fish in the first place. Charles and I made small talk while I choked down my honey salmon and I tried not to let my nerves roll my stomach over.

  “You’re heading out for the evening?” asked Charles with a hint of surprise.

  I wiped my mouth and set my cloth napkin on top of my mostly cleared plate. “Yeah, Mia invited me over to hang out. Mom knows. I'll be home at normal time.”

  “Well, that will be nice for you.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Time will tell,” I muttered.

  “Before you go,” he pushed back from the table, “I have something for you.”

  I took a quick drink of water to wash the after taste of salmon and asparagus from my mouth and began to stand up. When the dining room light suddenly turned off, I stopped and looked around. “Charles?”

  He turned the corner right then, carrying a single white frosted cupcake on a plate with a candle lit on top. Pink flower sprinkles had been dusted over the top and the edges of the plate.

  I gasped softly, “Charles!”

  He then sang me the Happy Birthday song and gently placed the white saucer in front of me.

  I wanted to grab it but looked at him in concern, my eyes glancing around, “But…”

  “It'll be our secret,” he interrupted.

  I sniffed back my impending tears and wrapped my arms around his neck. His sweet gesture making my birthday more special then I had expected.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He patted my back gently. “Happy Birthday Miss Jade.”


  This was a bad idea.

  When I parked in the large circular driveway leading up to Mia's estate, I debated immediately about turning around and heading straight back home. Cars were already lined up around the driveway and were spilling out into the side street for extra parking. I could see people through the large windows, boys and girls laughing and talking with each other. Pop music filtered out of an open window somewhere.

  While I was sitting in my car catching a nervous breath the vibrations started again. The low warm thrumming spread through my chest cavity. I cursed under my breath. Unease filled my whole body. There was no way I would go inside. Dealing with social anxiety on top of my chest was too much to ask.

  My finger was almost to the starter button when I heard yelling from outside. I looked up to see Mia standing in the doorway waving for me to come inside.

  I dropped my head back and groaned. I was completely trapped now.

  I hadn’t even unbuckled my seatbelt when thumping on my window made me jump in my seat. Mia was gesturing enthusiastically to me from outside. My eyes darkened into a glare.

  She opened my car door and grabbed my arm as I stood up. “You are late! You will get your cute, skinny butt inside and you will do it now. Or so help me, I will get Vicki. And she's already started drinking, so you don't want me to do go there.”

  “Mia, wait just a second!” I hissed, yanking my arm back and stopping her from pulling me any farther. I huffed out a breath and straightened my shirt while regaining composure. But within a second my posture dropped. My face tightened and my voice was pitiful. “Do I have to?”


  “I think I have acid reflux or something,” I said, while rubbing my chest.<
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  “No sweat, I have tums inside.” She pivoted around and started walking towards the open doorway. She turned as we reached the door, “You’re doing this.” She pointed a finger at my chest.

  I let my arms drop to my sides, ready to whine again, but her death glare stopped me. “Alright, I'm coming.” Her glare didn’t lighten.

  “I'm here, look! I'm even in the doorway,” I gestured to the archway around me.

  “Hey Mia! Who's your friend?” a deep voice called from the living room.

  My eyes widened slightly. “Or not,” I mumbled turning to make a break for it. But Mia was faster, grabbing onto my shirt and pulling me towards the living room. I brushed off her hand and for the sake of not looking like a fool, willingly followed her in.

  There were several teens, guys and girls mingling together. A few with red cups in their hands. Arms were strung over shoulders, one couple was holding hands, and all the girls were giving me the once over. No doubt, sizing up the competition. Little did they know I was not here to compete. These girls were comfortable, confident and out of my league with their self assurance and designer jeans.

  My palms began to sweat and I tried to swallow. I hadn’t been around this many guys in a social atmosphere since my freshman year when Vicki had a backyard movie night. Being around so many guys at once, with their attention on me was making my head swim.

  “Hey guys, this is Jade,” Mia wrapped an arm around one of mine. I leaned into her tiny frame for support. “She's a good friend and lets me be my crazy self at school, without actually calling me crazy.” She grinned at me.

  “I like crazy,” one of the guys muttered under his breath. A few others chuckled their agreement.

  “All girls school, hu?” another one asked, with light blonde hair disheveled with gel. His round face had a shadow of blonde scruff but didn't hide the acne that dotted his cheeks.

  “Sweet,” he said while bobbing his head, letting his eyes roam over my figure. “Ever think about transferring?”

  My chest tightened, and my hands fidgeted. I looked to Mia for help.

  She rolled her eyes, “Nice, Wayne. Very welcoming,” and suddenly steered me away from the group. “I'll be right back guys.”

  Mia let go of my arm once we reached the kitchen.

  “Mia…” I started, ready to make a quick departure.

  But she cut me off quickly. “Get yourself a drink, and go make friends,” she gestured behind her. “If you try to leave in less than an hour, I will slit your tires.” She planted a kiss on my cheek and left me standing in her kitchen.

  I looked over the counters to see what drinks were laid out. Judging from the beer options Mia's parents were probably not home. No, definitely not home. I had never tried alcohol before and tonight would not be the night that I did. With that decision, I grabbed a water bottle and began draining it. I looked over my shoulder, a few girls were in sight, but not paying any attention to me. I quickly drank three more bottles.

  I contemplated staying in the kitchen for the rest of my obligated hour, but decided to go find Vicki. She had to know that I had made it or she would be upset come Monday.

  I slowly stepped through the hall, careful not to bump into the people conversing and texting on their phones. When I passed the dining room where a group of people were playing games with liquor, I caught sight of Tiff's shiny blonde hair. She was on the lap of some guy wearing a varsity jacket and had her arm around his neck while they laughed hysterically at the guys chugging from red cups. I quickened my pace and hurried on to the next room, where I finally found Vicki. She was in a large media room, where a group of guys were lounging on couches watching a college basketball game. They hollered at the TV and cheered at a play. On the other side of the room were table games, Ping Pong and Foosball. Vicki was on one side of the foosball table while our friend Lisa was on the other. They smiled wide, laughing as they focused intensely on the ball flying inside the game.

  I entered the room and walked over towards them. A loud smack came from Lisa’s end of the table and Vicki shouted triumphantly.

  “Jade!” she squealed, “Great timing, come play with us.” She reached for my hand and pulled me towards the table.

  I laughed awkwardly, “I haven’t ever played before.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Lisa gave a fake pout, “She would kick your butt regardless.”

  Vicki fetched the ball out of the end of the table, and gave Lisa a wink, “You beat me once.”

  “Yeah right! That was a year ago and you were wasted.”

  Vicki made a show of breathing on the little soccer ball and rubbing it on her shirt, “What can I say? I’m a master. Okay Jade, grab the rods like this, and spin them in the direction that you want to pass the ball down the line to your team.”

  I listened carefully to Vicki’s instructions so that I could hold my own for a few minutes while playing her. Before I knew it, I was caught up in the game, and having a good time. We laughed and taunted each other and I even squealed when I got the ball into her goal. My faster reflexes gave me an edge and I knew I had to dial back my movements.

  I had forgotten all about my anxieties of being at the party, the low hum in my chest, and my eagerness to leave. Until a warm hand wrapped around my waist and broke the spell.

  I jerked upright from the game table and took a step in the opposite direction of the hand, only to bump into a chest.

  “What do you want Wayne?” Vicki asked in annoyance.

  My eyes met his when my head spun around, a mischievous grin on his face. His other hand held a red cup, filled high with amber liquor.

  “I was just coming to see what you ladies were up to.” He gave my hip a firm squeeze and my blood ran cold. I pushed his hand off and stepped away from him the best I could, but was cornered by the foosball table.

  Wayne looked at me, humor filling his face. He seemed to find my discomfort funny.

  “Back off Wayne.” Vicki ordered, “Go hang out with the guys.” She jerked her head towards the couch and TV.

  “I thought I'd come cheer on Jade.” He took a step back thankfully, and I let out a slow breath, trying to calm my heart. “Looks like you guys are having fun.”

  My tongue seemed to be thick and unmoving, my mind blank. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I turned back around towards the foosball table. It was ridiculous, I shouldn’t make Vicki stand up for me. I needed to be able to tell the guy to back off. But his touch had caught me off guard, rendering me blank and speechless.

  Vicki gave Wayne a glare that promised bodily harm if he didn’t back off.

  “Okay,” he surrendered, I could hear the tease in his voice, “I’ll catch up with you when you’re done then.”

  I didn’t have to turn around to know that he had left.

  Lisa huffed, “Creep. Who invited him? I thought Mia couldn’t stand the guy, especially after he tried groping her at Tommy’s last weekend.”

  Vicki shrugged, locating the ball and putting it back on the center of the table. “I’m sure she didn’t invite him. He probably tagged along with a friend.”

  I took a step back from the table, the liveliness drained out of me. “Lisa, you come take a turn.”

  She happily obliged and I stood at the end of the table, silently watching. I wiped my sweaty hands nonchalantly on the back of my jeans. I checked my watch, according to Mia’s time limits I had about 10 minutes before I was permitted to leave. I dug out a tube of chapstick from my pocket and swiped it over my nervous lips.

  From my position, I was now facing all the guys at the TV. I didn’t miss the side glances that Wayne was shooting in my direction. My body became restless, wanting to flee from the room before he attempted to talk to me again. Couldn't he see I wasn't interested?

  I gripped the edge of the table and shifted my feet, waiting for the girls to finish their game. When Vicki scored yet again, I pasted on a smile and asked if they wanted to go find Mia with me.

  Vicki cleared
her throat, while glancing towards the couch full of testosterone. “Actually, I think I’ll play one more game.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially, “The hottie I’m watching is in the room.”

  Lisa nodded in agreement, giving me an apologetic shrug. “Ditto.”

  My heart sank, I was on my own. “Okay, see you guys later.”

  The girls started another game and I began to plan my getaway. I would have to walk right past Wayne in order to reach the doorway. My moment came when everyone stood up from the couch and started shouting at the TV, some in anger, others in excitement. Everyone’s attention seemed completely directed at the last few seconds of the basketball game, so I strode quickly to the door. But as soon as I had turned the corner, a thick hand wrapped around my wrist.

  “Hey,” Wayne called casually, “Where're you going?”

  I attempted to free my wrist but he hung on tightly, angling his body against mine and cornering me against the wall.


  His other hand covered my mouth to stop my shout. Because of the noise the other boys were making, no one had heard my attempted cry for help.

  “Shhh,” he whispered, bringing his head close to mine, releasing my mouth. “Let's get to know each other a little bit.”

  The dark hallway was deserted, and no one was there to see me try to push him away. I attempted to free my wrist again, only to make his grin grow wider.

  “Get off me,” I spat.

  I didn’t want to have to use my energy on him, there were too many risks, but he was pushing me towards a boundary line I would cross with no hesitation.

  My arms trembled, my knees shook. Adrenaline shot through me as my body registered the flight or fight situation. My heart pounded hard, energy hummed under my skin. My mind was becoming blank with fear. I knew I had the power to break his wrist and send him to his knees before he could take his next breath. But I felt frozen with overwhelming fear. My chest was heaving with my gasps and I began trying to move my feet.

  His lustful eyes narrowed on my mouth and dread spiked in my stomach. I knew what was coming next. I attempted another push, with more of my force behind it, making him take a long step backwards.


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