A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1) Page 7

by Lucy Rains

  “What if I started sooner? Summer term? I don’t need to wait until fall.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, I’ve already set things up for fall.”

  Her tone was clipped, and I didn’t dare argue. Her answer didn’t give me any reason to think she might be lying to me. I settled back into my seat and looked out the window the rest of the way home. It would be another sleepless night filled with questions and visions of blue eyes.


  The stolen conversation with Pierce was a continual presence in my mind. Over the next couple days his words weighed on me and whether they were truthful or not. I couldn’t let it go. For many reasons, but the biggest being that my future and freedom depended on it.

  The night Pierce confronted me, a subtle ache seeped into my muscles. I had never felt muscle fatigue before, no matter how hard I had pushed myself. The sensation was new, and confusing. My stress and anxiety was at a high that compared with how I felt learning about my abilities and causing the incident. Perhaps it was causing my body to ache?

  I was unfocused in my classes. Rarely joined conversation with Mia and Vicki. And I laid awake at night struggling how to solve this problem. Why wouldn’t my mother sign me up for college? She always pushed for my excellence and progression, this would be the obvious next stepping stone. What would she have me do instead? It didn’t make sense.

  When I couldn't take the constant nagging anymore, I decided to do something about it. I had managed to track down the phone number for the student counselor office from a computer at school the day before.

  Friday morning, I woke up to mother bustling around the house, complaining loudly about something to Charles. After quickly choking down my breakfast and daily vitamins, I smuggled the kitchen phone into my room. I closed the door, than went into my bathroom and turned the lock.

  I pulled the small yellow post it out from my pocket and quickly dialed in the number. After a few rings a pleasant female voice answered.

  “Hello,” I greeted in a hushed voice. “I need to check on the status of my registration for fall term.”

  The lady on the other line acknowledged my question, and transferred me to someone else. When that lady picked up, I repeated my question.

  She asked for my name and birthdate, which I gave her. Seconds of silence filled my ear, and I could hear my mother still talking on the other side of the house. I was briefly distracted by the sound of airplane carry-on wheels rolling on the hardwood floor. The lady I was speaking with hummed in disappointment.

  “I’m sorry mam, but I have no records for a Jade Parker in my system.”

  My eyes closed and my hand went to my forehead. “Are you sure? My mother said I was all signed up. Is there anything in your system for a Vera Parker?”

  I could hear her click a few times and she made the same humming noise under her breath. “I’m sorry I don’t-”

  I clicked off the phone and set it on the bathroom counter.

  My muscles tensed. Tears pricked at my eyes. My fingers curled tightly around the phone that I desperately wanted to throw into my mirror.

  Anger, confusion, betrayal, hot heated emotions filled me. I walked out of my bathroom, ripped open my bedroom door and walked to the kitchen. I set the phone back into the base with a solid smack and turned to find my mother. She was by the front door, rummaging through her purse. Charles stood to the side of the foyer with his hands by his sides.

  She regarded me briefly before going back to her purse. “I’m flying out in an hour. I’m needed at a meeting in New York and will be back tomorrow evening.”

  I clenched my fists, bracing myself. I had never been openly hostile with my mother. “Why am I not registered for school, mother?”

  Her hand froze inside her purse. She looked up quickly, startled by my question. I had caught her off guard.

  My chest was beginning to rise as my breathing increased, I tried to slow it, to remain calm.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I held up the yellow post it with the phone number. Her eyes narrowed to read it.

  “I’m not registered for classes at Boston Community College. Why? You said that-”

  “I know what I said,” she snapped, cutting me off. “I don’t have time for this right now. I have a plane to catch.” She put her arm through her purse handles and lifted the handle up from her suitcase. “We’ll discuss this when I return.” Her black hair fell over her face as she turned away from me and went out to the garage.

  Tears burned my ears, I ground my teeth together. I looked at Charles, but he stared at the ground.

  “What the hell, Charles?” My voice came out in a low tone.

  He lifted his head and frowned apologetically at me. “I have to take your mother to the airport. She is unable to drive at the moment, and requested my assistance.” He held up a set of keys, and I realized that they were my keys. “You’ll need to drive yourself today.”

  He avoided my gaze as he handed the keys to me. I snatched them from his weathered hand and stormed away.

  In my room, I furiously ripped off my pajamas and pulled on the pieces of my standard school uniform. As I pulled my sheets and blankets up around my bed, a boom of thunder sounded outside. Rain poured down, pelting on my windows. I finished my morning routine quickly as I was already behind schedule.

  As I walked into the garage, and saw my car, the urge to flee washed over me. To just drive and drive, seeing how far I could get away before I was caught and drug back home. I should have been happy as I sat down into my car, hearing the purr of the motor. I should have been relieved to be driving myself again, a small touch of control freedom. But I didn’t care. I pouted in anger.

  Energy pricked under my skin, running up my arms and down my back. It ached to be released, to find a target for my fury. My emotions had run wild that morning, and it was getting harder to hold back.

  My windshield wipers ran furiously, trying to clear the rain from my window. The sky was steel gray and lightning flashed randomly overhead. As I drove to school I ran options through my mind to explain my mother’s behavior. There had to be a reason! Perhaps I was registered at a different school? There were a few other community colleges around the county, perhaps I was enrolled at one of those?

  What if it was bigger than that? My mind raced with wider options, like, what if we were moving? Or, what if she enrolled me at a four year university somewhere else in the country? My hopes lifted as I realized this might not be a bad thing after all. Even though it was completely out of character for my mother to surprise me with good news, usually it was the opposite. But she had relented on taking me to the doctor with a forced examination, perhaps my mother was starting to see things differently.

  I was completely lost in thought as I waited at the red light. The rain continued to pour and my mind was miles away when the light turned green. When I started to accelerate and entered the intersection, my normally sharp senses didn’t even notice the rusted brown truck that barreled through the intersection at my left.

  Being as I was first through the intersection, my driver side door was the point of impact. I managed to catch a quick glimpse of the scratched fender and missing grill panels before it connected with my car.

  The air filled with my screams. Beyond my own voice was metal grating, tires screeching, and glass shattering. The jolt from the impact propelled my body hard to the right, and everything went out of focus as the car spun. When the car had settled my ears rang, and there were a few tiny dots of blood splattered on my steering wheel.

  My eyes closed as I tried to orient myself. Voices outside. Burnt rubber. Blood in my mouth. I pinched my eyes closed and shook my head slightly to regain my senses. The movement triggered an eruption of pain in my temples. My stomach rolled and my breakfast reappeared between my legs.

  My body was already healing itself. I could feel the scratches on my face closing. I only needed a few minutes, and I would be fine.

nbsp; My car door was peeled open, metal protesting loudly. I heard male voices. I ignored them, keeping my eyes closed, waiting for my body to right itself. Vibrating sensations began to fill my core. Not even considering what would be causing them, I welcomed them and the comfort it poured into my body.

  Someone was starting to talk urgently, their volume was rising. I continued to ignore them, and could feel the pain in my head easing as I sat unmoving. My eyes fluttered at a sudden prick in my left hip. I tried to turn my head to see what it was but warm hands gently pushed my sagging body to the right, encouraging me to lay down across the passenger seat. I let my eyes close again, not fighting those warm hands. My mind protested, but my body relaxed. Fog crept into my senses and then I was gone.


  My chest hummed.

  The fog was still there. Also a faint rhythmic beeping. I curled my toes and fingers, testing my limbs. My head pain was gone. The blood in my mouth cleared. My right arm was stiff inside the elbow. I tried to open my eyes but they weren’t ready yet. Still too heavy.

  My fingers explored their surroundings. Soft white material. I was laying somewhere stiff, yet, comfortable. My mind registered a warm blanket covering my legs. I mentally checked over my torso and midsection. That was when I realized I wasn’t wearing my school uniform. In fact, it didn’t feel like I was wearing much of anything.

  Recognition dawned as I remembered the crash. I had to be in a hospital..

  I pried my eyelids open, seeing light taupe colors above me. The beeping noise increased in tempo. The air was dry, disinfectant filled my noise. I flexed my arms and cringed at the tight sensation on my right arm. I blinked quickly, looking over at my arm to see a tube running under my skin. The beeping on the monitor increased again as panic began to well up inside me.

  I tried sitting up but my head swam with fog. I huffed in frustration and pushed against it. After a few more seconds I propped myself up a little on my elbows. I looked around the room I was in. Bland wall art, a couple trays, and a stiff grey padded chair held a suave, scowling young man.

  I narrowed my eyes on him, continuing to fight against the murky clouds in the corners of my head. His coppery brown voluminous hair was combed back and clipped short on the sides. He had a natural moody-model face.

  His deep hazel eyes studied me, not caring that I was also studying him. He was leaning his chin on his fist, elbow on the chair, looking relaxed, almost bored. That was when I knew…

  “You?” I asked in disbelief. It was the guy from track practice, that had been at the fence, watching me.

  Instead of responding to me, he withdrew a cell phone from his leather jacket pocket and pushed a single button. He placed it to his ear and brought his eyes back to mine. They were dark, guarded.

  “She’s awake.” His deep voice filled the still room. He pushed a button again and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

  My muscles tensed. “What’s going on?” I asked in a firm tone. I stared at him, expecting an answer but was met with nothing. Just full lips pressed together and a blank expression.

  I was about to repeat my question when the door to my room opened, and another man appeared from around the hanging vertical privacy curtain. Dressed in a white doctor’s coat, that strained against his broad shoulders, he was also young and also very beautiful. More thick dark hair but these eyes were a deep hazel. I swallowed and looked for my courage. Suspicious tension rose under the warm humming in my chest.

  The doctor lowered his clipboard and looked at me with a soft smile. “Hi Jade, My name is Kyson. How are you feeling?”

  Something wasn’t right. What doctor introduced himself by his first name?

  I swallowed nervously, staying silent.

  He glanced over my shoulder to Mr. Leather Jacket and back to me. The fog had cleared from my mind and my senses were on full alert. My mind felt their nervous anxiety, which heightened my suspicion all the more.

  I gestured to my left, “Who is he?”

  “That’s Gavin.”

  I looked back at Gavin but he didn’t meet my eyes. I turned back around, “Why is he here?”

  “He’s with me.”

  Simple answers that raised more questions. “Who are you?”

  He glanced back down at his clipboard and moved closer to my bed. “Are you feeling any pain anywhere? Head? Neck?”

  I pushed myself into a higher sitting position and leaned back. “Are you even a doctor?”

  Kyson smiled at me again. It grated on my nerves like metal on a chalkboard. His smile was beautiful, heart-stopping. But I knew he was holding back information. “I’m a fourth year medical student.”

  I eyed him up and down, he seemed to enjoy my attention. My chest was vibrating pleasantly. My hand came up and rubbed my chest.

  “I feel fine. Why am I in here?” I picked up my arm and motioned to the IV.

  Kyson seemed to let out a sigh and glanced again at Gavin. “We just want to ask you some questions.”

  My hand continued to rub the middle of my upper chest, the vibrations were barely noticeable to the touch of my fingers. “Does my mother know I'm in here?”

  He shook his head, “Not yet, no.”

  My eyebrows came down in confusion. “Why? Doesn’t she need to be notified for consent?”

  Kyson pulled up a chair, the legs scratching loudly on the hard ground. He sat down next to my bed, setting the clipboard down on the mattress by my feet. “Jade, are you currently taking any medications?”

  His proximity to my barely clothed body was making my pulse race. I scooted back again, putting a few more inches of space between us and folded my arms over my chest. I made sure my moss green hospital gown was tucked securely around me. “No.”

  “Have you seen a doctor recently?”

  I shook my head.

  “Do you remember the last time you saw a doctor?”

  My eyes went to the ceiling as I thought of an answer. I had never been sick, had never broken any bones, or sprained anything. The only time I had been to a doctor was a gynecologist a couple years earlier to talk about my delayed menstruation. My cheeks burned at the thought of sharing this in front of these two male strangers. I shook my head again.

  Kyson glanced at his clipboard and back up to me, “You’re in school track, correct?”

  I glared in confusion, “What does that matter?”

  “Because physicals are required by the school to participate in any sport.”

  I blinked my eyes, unsure of what to say. He flipped through a few papers. “And yet, you haven’t had one?” He continued.

  I shrugged and looked down at my hands. “I want to go.” I didn’t belong in here. These guys were after something and I wanted to get away from them.

  “Jade,” Kyson’s voice had dropped in volume, and softened his tone. “Was your mother having you take any supplements? Vitamins?”

  “Yes.” I answered quickly. “Every morning with my breakfast.”

  He nodded like he expected this. “Was she planning on taking you to a doctor, in the near future?”

  These guys didn’t need to know anything about me or my mother. But I couldn’t stop myself from half shrugging half shaking my head. “I...she was, but she’s not now.”

  Kyson scooted his chair closer to me and I leaned farther back. His stare had intensified and I had a hard time meeting his eyes.

  “I feel fine,” I stated again, “I want to go now.”

  “You’re not safe, Jade. We’re giving you one last chance to willingly accept Pierce’s offer.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You're with Pierce?” I looked to Gavin, who still wasn’t looking at me, and turned to glare at Kyson. “How many of you are there?”

  Kyson chuckled, “Just four. Alex, Pierce, Gavin and myself.”

  “Where is he?” I growled in a low tone that threatened harm.

  “He’s not here.” Gavin’s voice caught me by surprise and my head whipped towards him. It
was the first time he directly spoken to me.

  I clenched my fists around the white blanket over my legs. “I told him no, damn it.” I turned to Kyson, “I said no!”

  “You are one of us,” Kyson whispered with fierce intensity. His eyes burned into mine, willing me to understand.

  I brought my hands up and rubbed my eyes in irritation. Not this again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I insisted with weak exasperation.

  “Yes, you do.” Gavin mumbled, glancing at my eyes and then back down to my blanket covered feet. He still seemed bored with the whole situation, almost as if he was here against his will.

  Kyson spoke again, “You’re not safe here. Please, let us take you somewhere safe.”

  This issue about my safety again? “I want to know why,” I demanded. “Why am I not safe?”

  Kyson shook his head. “There’s no time. We can explain more later.” He looked towards Gavin, “Are you working on her?”

  My head whipped from side, to side, looking between them.

  Gavin turned and looked into my eyes and frowned, “Yeah, but it’s not working.” His stare was intimidating, and my heart skipped a beat. I shrank back from him. He had a hard face, and I realized then how cold his demeanor was.

  “Gavin’s just trying help soften and persuade your emotions to be more…” He searched for the right word, “Cooperative.”

  I turned back to Gavin and glared, “Don’t mess with my head.”

  Kyson took advantage of my distraction and leaned forward quickly to grab my hand. I gasped and tried to yank it away but it was useless. My narrow hand was no match for his masculine grip. He leaned closer to me and put my hand on his chest. It was solid, and warm. His eyes fixed on mine, watching my reaction as I felt the familiar humming in his own chest.

  “What…” I tried, but words wouldn’t form. The pulse of the humming in his chest matched my own, and I felt a sudden, intense need to be closer to him. It was out of my control, almost like instinct. I had never not been in control of my actions. The feeling was frightening, but also enjoyable. My eyes traced his lips and moved down his neck. I closed my eyes to stop them from wandering farther. Kyson released my hand and let me pull away.


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