A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1) Page 8

by Lucy Rains

  “What is happening?” I croaked, tears threatening behind my eyes. The emotions were more than I could handle.

  Kyson opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a vibration in his pocket. He pulled out a phone and answered it. “Pierce,” he said quickly.

  Kyson sat quiet for a minute and then ended the call. He looked at Gavin and said, “We're out of time.”

  Gavin nodded his head and stood up without looking at me.

  I looked back and forth between the guys as they stood up from their chairs and communicated with only a glance at each other.

  “What's going on?” I asked again, a chill going up my neck.

  Kyson walked over to my IV bag and pulled a syringe from his pocket. After pushing out any air bubbles, he inserted a fluid into the tube that led to my arm.

  “Kyson?” my voice trembled. “What are you doing?”

  He turned and smiled at me, “I enjoy hearing you say my name. But it's time to sleep now. I’ll see you soon.”

  Gavin stood at the end of my bed, and Kyson disappeared around the curtain.

  “No!” I tried to yell, but it was weak, no more than a moan. The medicine was already working. The fog was crawling back into my head. A cold sensation spread up my arm and through my shoulders.

  My hand went to my IV and I began fumbling with the clear tape. I managed to hook my nails under a piece and began to pull. But before I could get any of the tape up Gavin was suddenly at my side, pulling my hand away and holding it in his grasp. I tried to fight him, tried to pull my wrist away, but he was too strong and I was too drugged.

  He wrapped his hands around both of my wrists and pressed them on either side of my waist, into the bed. I attempted to pull free before all movement became too hard. My chest heaved as he towered over me, his expression still cold. His dark eyes watched me, studying my face as I relaxed against my will. I could feel his resentful desire, mixed with apprehension. A deep musk of cinnamon and peppermint filled my nose. Or was I dreaming it through the fog?

  My neck became weak, and I had no choice but to close my eyes again as my vision blacked out.


  Consciousness crept slowly into my mind. My mouth was bone dry and hair tickled my forehead. The vibrations in my chest were still present.

  Male voices were near. Very near. I could sense their emotions. Their anxiety.

  This fact alone urged me to fight off the fog that filtered through my mind. With chest vibrations came the presence of people that set me on edge. In good ways and bad ways.

  My eyes remained closed as reality became clearer. Leather scents swirled through my nose. I was on my left side, my head rested on something soft. A light blanket covered my lower half. My body was rocking softly, with an occasional gentle bounce.

  I went to push the hair off of my forehead when I realized that my hands were bound together in front of my chest with a thin plastic strap. My eyes popped open and adjusted quickly to the dark surroundings. The interior of the vehicle was dimly lit. Alex’s face was illuminated slightly from the dash lights. His seat was inclined back and he slouched comfortably.

  I closed my eyes again, breathing deeply to clear my senses. I evaluated my situation carefully. Back of a vehicle.

  With Alex and Pierce.

  Zip tied.


  And before that? I searched deeper for answers, pushing through the fog.

  Car crash.



  A sick feeling twisted in my stomach when the pieces started snapping together.

  The car crash.

  The prick in my hip.

  The fog clouding my mind.

  Sleeping against my will.

  “We’re giving you one last chance...”

  Son of a bitch! These bastards had kidnapped me! Crashed into my car with the intent of apprehending me, drugged me twice, and now I was zip tied like a potential murder victim in the back of what I was guessing to be a truck.

  “Gavin seemed in better spirits today.” Pierce's voice broke through my thoughts. “Better than last week.”

  “The guy is all over the place lately,” Alex responded dryly. “He’s like the hulk on PMS.”

  “Perhaps she will help.”

  Alex scoffed. “You’re not serious?”

  I waited for Pierce to answer but he remained silent.

  Alex continued, “Nothing has ever tamed the beast.” And then a few seconds later he mumbled low under his breath, “Hope he doesn’t scare her off.”

  “Same applies to all of us.”

  I peeked an eye open, and saw Alex lean his head back and let out a long sigh. “I'm starving. Let’s get food.”

  “How much longer till the drug wears off?”

  Alex pulled out a phone, but I couldn’t see the screen. “She’s got about 20 minutes.”

  “I want to get her home.”

  “Come on, man. There’s an exit coming up, and a burger joint right off the exit. Plus, she will need hydration when she comes out of it.”

  Pierce stayed silent for a moment. I knew he relented when I felt the vehicle start to slow. I brought my wrists up slowly to my face, careful not to make a sound. I put my teeth around a piece of the zip tie and began to chew firmly on the plastic, creating weak spots. As Alex pointed to where Pierce should turn, I lowered my wrists under the blanket and gave a swift and firm pull, easily snapping the restraints.

  The truck pulled over gravel and completely drowned out any noise l might have made. As Pierce and Alex discussed food options, I let my hands wander over the rest of me, making sure there were no other restraints I had missed. I cracked an eye open carefully, knowing that Alex’s face would be in my direction as he looked over the drive-through menu.

  I was going into this blind. I would have to be fast, no hesitation.

  “Hmm...Onion rings or criss cross fries?” Alex asked himself.

  “You will not stink up my truck with that nasty onion crap.” said Pierce.

  “I’ll keep the windows open.’ Alex offered.

  “How about you walk home?”

  “Geez fine, get me some criss cross then, with a jalapeno double stack, and extra pickles.”

  I flexed my fingers, mentally readying my muscles. I peered through my lids and checked the door locks. Unlocked. One advantage for me.

  “Make sure you order water bottles.”

  Pierce gave a retort but I didn’t hear it. I was slowly inching the light blanket off of me, and letting it fall to the floor.

  When I heard Pierce roll down this window to place his order, I jerked into action.

  I sat up, shoved myself backwards towards the door and grabbed the door handle. Flinging the door open and gripping Pierce’s headrest with one hand, I leaned backwards and twisted to land on my feet. The crisp night air bit at my cheeks and rejuvenated my senses. Colorful curses came from within the truck.

  I had to pause for a moment to assess my point of direction. This was unfamiliar territory, my eyes glancing around my surroundings. It was a small rest stop area, five buildings total, clumped close together. A couple fast food joints with a few gas stations lined up down the street. Darkness was all the eye could see past whatever the overhead street lights illuminated.

  Rural dark forest. That was my goal.

  Pierce yelled my name, there were car doors opening. Taking a deep breath, I pushed off into a sprint through the parking lot. My mind was still clearing, my limbs heavy and not as quick as I would like them to be.

  Their bass voices hollered after me, pleading with me to stop. Raindrops pelted my face as I picked up speed. I wove around hedges and cars, hurrying away from the vicinity, aiming to get past the gas station where there was forest to hide in. A set of footsteps hammered behind me. The pace was clearly faster than my own. In fact, my inner calculations told me it was at a higher rate of speed I could manage on my best day. Crap, these guys were fast.

  I wa
s making my way past the fuel pumps when in my escape I made a painful error. At my rate of speed in a new environment I had failed to calculate for wet cement. My foot slipped out at an odd angle bringing my hip crashing down. I yelped at the sudden pain, grimacing and coming up on my knees.

  My breath huffed out, as I peered up at Alex. I needed more time. I held up a hand and shot out a blast of energy. Not enough to hurt, but only to slow him down to buy me a few extra seconds. My first one missed him, so I let out a few more, the last one finally catching him in the chest, pushing him backwards onto his butt. His wide eyes looked at me in shock, confused at what I had just done.

  Grinning at his expression, I pulled myself up and continued my dash for freedom. Only my speed was no longer as fast due to my swollen hip. I just needed a minute and it would be fine. Determined to not let it stop me, I quickened my steps.

  I was turning the corner around the old gas station about to disappear into a dense thicket when an arm wrapped around my torso. My breath rushed out of me when I was pulled backwards into a solid chest. Alex spun us both around and leaned against the side of the gas station, bringing my near escape to a halt.

  My chest heaved, and I gasped for breath. Water droplets fell into my mouth as it hung open. Blood thundered in my ears. My adrenaline was pumping, energy pricked under my skin. The arm pulled tight around my waist, holding me against his own heaving chest. Alex's mouth was by my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my face.

  “Jade, don't do this.”

  I could feel his humming chest through my clothes on my back. It thrummed in sync with my own.

  Turning towards the street, I saw Pierce striding towards us. The feel of Alex's body against my back was sending my chest sensations into a frenzy. I closed my eyes and ground my teeth together. His grasp loosened infinitesimally. It would have to be enough.

  I twisted my body into a rotation away from Alex's grasp and brought up my right arm to break his grip, following through with my left to take a swing at his jaw. He leaned back and blocked it easily with his left hand. He took a step forward and reached for me again. In one fluid motion hopped back and crouched while swinging my right leg out to take out one of his knees. He stepped back quickly to avoid my foot. Anticipating his response, I quickly stood and struck out a fist to his gut while he landed. He bowed his torso back to avoid my jab, and without missing a beat, grabbed my punching arm and spun me right back into his chest. A sharp sting of pain went through my temple, like someone had pushed a needle in it. I doubled over and hollered in pain.

  Alex gripped me tighter. “Don’t fight us Jade.”

  “What is wrong with me?!” I wailed. I had never felt pain like this before. It disarmed me, leaving me weak. I pinched my eyes closed and waited for the agony to pass.

  Heavy footsteps approached. My eyes pried open to see Pierce walking towards us, a syringe in his hand. Alarm raged through me and the desperate need to flee returned. Pushing the pain aside, I bucked and twisted against Alex. His muscles hardened against my opposition, his arms like vices. My head continued to throb, making me weak and muddling my senses.

  Sensing my desperation to get away, Pierce tossed the syringe towards us. Alex let go with his right hand, and snatched it out of the air. Before I could take advantage of this opening, Alex brought the sharp point of the needle down into my neck. I cried out at the sudden prick of pain. Not because it hurt, but because I knew I had been captured. Again.

  The cold liquid sensation spread through my neck, immediately sending me into a fog. All fight left me then. My knees weakened, the simple act of holding myself up was becoming too much.

  Seeing that the drugs were working, Pierce quickened his pace. I instinctively leaned away from him, turning my head to the side. Knowing I had angered him, I feared retribution. But rather than anger, my mind tasted his sadness.

  Once he reached us, Alex released me and I began to fall. I took a staggering step forward, but Pierce’s arms went around me before my body connected with the ground. His arm wove around my back, his other under my thighs. I whimpered, wanting to fight and pull away, but having no strength. He pulled me into his chest and turned towards the parking lot.

  “She's got spunk,” I heard Alex say in a peppy tone. “I like her.”

  Pierce grunted, his massive arms tightening around me. His long strides rocking me into a dark oblivion yet again.


  Rain pounded on a window.

  More fog. Softness. Warm vibrations.

  The pain in my head was gone. My body was still.

  It was the third time I had awoken disoriented and I'd be damned if it happened again. I slowly rocked my head from side to side, trying to wake up. Memories of gas stations, wet cement, zip ties rolled through my mind. Thunder rumbled outside.

  My hand came up slowly to my neck, feeling the spot where the needle went in. As I expected there was no welt, no soreness. I rolled my feet, flexing and pointing them. My muscles felt stable. Despite my frustration and fear, I kept my energy calm.

  I slowly worked my eyelids open and tried to understand my surroundings. A bedroom. Dark, with only the light from an outdoor street lamp illuminating my current prison. I had been set in a bed. White sheets, white comforter, white pillows.

  I took a deep breath and sat up slowly, pushing my hair back. I had been dressed in simple grey sweats, top and bottom. Why hadn’t I noticed this earlier? More importantly, who the hell had done this?

  Male voices from outside my closed door could be heard over the pounding rain. I ignored them for now. My head turned slowly, looking around the room. A tall dresser was in one corner, with a lamp on top. A soft padded cream colored chair sat in a corner. I tipped my nose up and inhaled. After shave, wood, burned toast, and a tinge of mold. Not a hotel. Not a hospital.

  I slowly pushed back my blankets and slid my legs over the edge of the bed.

  Other than the door that led to my exit, there were two more doors, directly in front of the end of my bed. Curious, I stood up slowly and walked to the one on the left. I twisted slowly and opened it. A bathroom. Eyeing the toilet, I took advantage quickly. When finished, I washed up carefully, grimacing at the reflection I saw. Dirty limp hair, pale cheeks, eyes full of fear.

  I moved silently out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I opened the other door and had to turn on the light to see inside. A walk in closet.

  I stepped in cautiously, my curiosity overtaking my actions. The closet was spacious, and the racks had been half filled with women’s clothing. Some jeans were folded on a shelf, simple shirts and jackets hung on hangers. As I ran my fingers over them, I noticed the price tags still attached.

  A silver shopping bag on the floor caught my attention. I knelt to see what was inside. Soft white and nude colored materials. I pulled them out for closer inspection. Thongs, cotton bras, satin underwear, sports bras. New with tags.

  I dropped the bag like I had been burned and stood up quickly, rubbing my palms on my thighs. Not wanting to see anymore, I turned off the light and closed the closet door behind me. I needed to get out of here.

  I stepped towards the window and pulled open the grey curtain. Second floor, about a 25 foot drop down to a grassy lawn. I could handle that.

  I unlocked the two latches on the window and began to push it up. The thing betrayed me with loud traitorous metal screeches. I cringed, knowing this could screw up my escape plan.

  I was right. The male voices quieted and I heard quick footsteps.

  Alex threw the door open, his eyes wide. When he saw me in front of the open window, his body visibly relaxed and his expression turned humorous. He leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded. “Going somewhere?”


  He shook his head, “Don't think you'll get very far.”

  “Where am I?” I demanded.

  He shrugged. “Safe.”

  I glared at him for more information.

He looked behind him briefly and back to me. “You’re in our home.”

  “And where is that exactly?”

  Alex let out a big sigh, as if he was reluctant to tell me. “D.C.”

  I sighed in frustration and pulled the window back down. Raindrops had trickled in, leaving water trails on the window sill.

  I turned towards him and folded my own arms. “I want to go home.” I said firmly.

  He pushed off the door frame and chuckled. His lean body walking slowly towards me. My chest betrayed me with warmth and comfort, instead of the hostility I wanted to feel. He rubbed a hand through his messy hair and looked in my eyes. “I know you’re upset. We did what needed to be done.” He came closer into my personal space, leaning towards me. “You need to hear us out,” he said softly.

  I adjusted my weight in my feet, thinking about how I was going to get out of the bedroom. When I struck out at Alex with my right arm to his stomach and he hit it away, I threw a quick kick he wasn't expecting. I connected with his hip, but it did nothing. He grabbed for my arm to try and stop me but I pivoted, twisting out of his swipe, then shot my own hands forward and pushed him backwards.

  He stumbled back but smiled at me, enjoying our sparring.

  His smile was like gnats in my face. I wanted to smack him. I knew I couldn’t physically fight him anymore and expect to gain any advantage. The pain was creeping back into my temples with a fierce vengeance. I threw a hand out and shot a blast of energy at him, slamming him into the wall. Before he could recover, I darted out the door and away from him.

  “Cheater!” He shouted after me as I bolted out of the bedroom.

  I looked both ways, then turned down a low lit hallway, looking for the stairs. Gavin came around a corner. I threw my hands up to send a blast of energy towards him, to prevent him from following me. He seemed to know what was coming though and ducked back around the corner.


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