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A Broken Jewel (Jade Book 1)

Page 25

by Lucy Rains

  Shouting, more footsteps. Swearing. The door slamming open. Panic. Crushing fear. More panic.

  Suddenly Kyson was on the ground and in front of me, gripping my face, pushing back my hair.

  “Go away,” my lips trembled. Trying to push his hands off of me but was too weary to do more than pat at him.

  More shouting, more hands.

  “She’s okay,” Kyson assured the other guys. “Her vitals are stable, organs are fine.”

  “Is she gonna need a freaking blood transfusion?” Alex yelled from the bedroom.

  I opened my eyes to see Kyson looking over me with tightly held tension. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was at a loss for words.

  I yelled out again in pain, rocking and leaning forward, tears pricking my eyes. My hand gripped the porcelain edge of the tub to keep me from collapsing. My insides felt like they were ripping apart, while a tree trunk impaled me. More wet warmth went down my legs.

  “Will painkillers do anything?” Pierce asked.

  “Anything,” I begged, “Something, please.”

  Kyson shook his head, “We don’t have anything strong enough that her body won’t burn through in minutes.”

  “What about the Ketamine?”

  “I haven't had a chance to get more from Jason. Get me towels. Dark ones.”

  Kyson’s arms came around me and I cried out again, the movement amplifying my pain. He lifted me in his arms and stepped into the tub, lowering us both and settling me into his lap.

  “You’re..gonna be... so gross...” I panted.

  He shushed me and pushed the side of my head to his chest. I curled up into a tight ball on his lap, leaning on my left side, facing the wall of the tub. I heard Pierce come back and talk softly to Kyson. They exchanged words but I wasn’t paying attention.

  “Jade, can you open your legs for a moment?” Kyson asked.

  Shakily I obeyed and grabbed the towel from Pierce, positioning it to catch the blood that streamed unrelentlessly from me. My menstruating body protested at the movement and released another onslaught of pain. I howled in agony.

  My arms shook, my hands tingling from lack of oxygen.

  “Breathe Jade,” Kyson whispered. To someone else, “Bring more towels,” he ordered.

  He took my hand around the wrist and placed it on his chest. At first I was in too much pain to care. But when a contraction passed I tried to focus my mind on the calming sensation his vibrations offered my mind and body. “Yes,” he whispered. “Try to relax.”

  Pierce’s presence remained. I hated being seen like this and wished he would leave.

  There was a low growl from him, “Why?” He demanded, “Why is it like this?”

  “I don't know,” Kyson answered angrily through clenched teeth. “Probably because she should have had this years ago.”

  “Could they have done something to her when she was young?” Pierce asked.

  “I don’t think so.”

  I whimpered weakly, unable to do anything but bear through the repetitive ripping sensations that coursed through me.

  It was a day full of agony. Places in me throbbed in a way I had never felt. I laid in Kyson’s lap hour after hour, held close to him through the torture. Towels were switched out. A blanket was laid over me. Water was given through a straw. The guys all took turns checking on me. Even Gavin.

  Pierce offered to switch places with Kyson halfway through the day but I began shaking at just the idea of movement.

  “Let’s move her to the bed,” Kyson said to him.

  “Noooo”, I whimpered and began clinging to his shirt.

  “You’ll be more comfortable on a soft surface,” Kyson urged.

  “But, the bed.”

  “We’ve cleaned your bed, got new blankets. And it’s covered in towels.”

  They discussed how to best move me for a moment and then began lifting me.

  I gasped and panted, trying to keep from crying out. The cramping intensified at the movement and I was rushed through the bathroom to my bed, which was indeed covered with plush black towels. Pierce set me down and Kyson settled in next to me again. Thick warm arms pulled me close to his body and I tried to relax through the wave. I focused on Kysons smell, the feel of his arms.

  A cloud of concern hung in the air, as it had all day.

  By late afternoon the pain had finally exhausted me to the point of unconsciousness. My sleep was dreamless and deep. When I awoke it was dark and Kyson’s arms were still around me. I let out a heavy sigh and shifted, testing my body. The pain still clung to my pelvic area, but had lessened significantly.

  There was a towel between my legs, but unlike the previous others, it wasn’t soaked through.

  I shifted, and pulled myself up, moving Kyson’s arms.


  He stiffened and sat up, “What is it?” His eyes were nervous, his body tense.

  “I’m really hungry.”

  His shoulders relaxed and he let out a sigh, “Okay. Anything in particular?”

  Before I could consider his question, I froze, my eyes locking onto the dark stains covering his gray sweats, and even the bottom hem of his shirt.

  “Oh my gosh, Kyson. I'm... I'm so sorry.”

  He didn't even look down, his eyes softening and his gaze staying on my face. Tears threatened to spill again and I took in a shaky breath. He had done that for me. Without hesitation. No care for himself. He had only wanted to help me.

  I didn't know whether to cry out of embarrassment or adoration. A hand went to my face and lifted it.

  “Little jewel, the stains mean nothing to me.”

  That was a lie. They were a symbol of his loyalty, devotion to me. It meant he cared more about me then the gross fluids my body expelled on him. Never during the day did I feel any sort of disgust from him. From any of them. Only fear and concern.

  My hand went to his wrist that held my face. And I turned my mouth to the inside of his palm. I pressed his hand harder and pinched my eyes closed. I held it there for a moment, trying to regain control of my emotions.

  I wanted to thank him. But I didn't know how. So I stayed there letting his hand hold my face and letting him feel the gratitude through his own sixth sense.


  When Kyson disappeared to make food I slipped into the bathroom to shower. My body was tense as I entered, expecting to see enough blood for a crime scene. But there was nothing. I glanced back towards my bed, and noticed the change I had previously missed. Brand new bedding, now a deep wine burgundy instead of white, all traces of blood gone.

  The hot water beat into my sore body and I tried to relax. My stomach still tightened uncomfortably, my back ached with every movement. But it was tolerable. I quickly scrubbed myself clean and as I was drying off I felt a presence behind the door in my bedroom. My eyes closed and I searched my senses to feel who it was.


  A week ago I would have been mortified for him to see me this way. Although we were passed that point now, I still didn’t like him waiting for me, knowing I was bound to come out barely covered.

  The towel was tucked tight around my body as I opened the door. He sat on my bed, one foot propped up, waiting for me. His dark hair was pushed back, his eyes searched me cautiously, nervously, “I was going to take your clothes to the wash machine.”

  The thought of him handling my bloody clothes was embarrassing until I remembered the bedding and towels he had already handled and washed throughout the day. I went back into the bathroom and grabbed them, rolling them into a tight ball before handing them to him.

  I could tell Alex wanted to say something more, but I disappeared into my closet to change. He was gone when I reemerged.

  It was 7:30 in the evening and I could feel that all the guys were home. The realization that I was going to have to be in all of their presence after my horrid display of blood and uncontrollable reactions to pain made me want to crawl back into bed.

bsp; Whatever Kyson was cooking smelled good enough to fill me with enough bravery to leave my room. When I reached the top of the landing, my pace stuttered and I instinctively took a step back. I had come face to face with Gavin as he ascended the last step.

  He stopped in front of me, his face cold as usual. A hand rested on the railing and he leaned on his right side.

  My arms folded and blood ran to my cheeks. I wanted to to keep walking past him, to hide from his gaze. Knowing what I needed to do, I cleared my throat and managed to be offer a low, “Thank you.”

  His head cocked down, trying to look into my eyes. “What was that princess?” His nickname he had given me wasn’t said sarcastically, but definitely with no sentiment.

  I didn’t have it in me to be irritated with him.

  With a neutral expression and firmer tone I repeated myself. “Thank you. For…” I motioned towards my room, “helping me.”

  He stood there, looking into my eyes, his own expression dark and brooding. I tensed tighter at each passing silent second. I could feel his eyes as they searched over my face. When he first approached me I had been too nervous to feel with my 6th sense, for fear of the ridicule I might feel coming from him. As I reached out now, I could feel his sadness.

  Gavin gave a simple nod and continued walking past me, closing his bedroom door behind him. I let out a heavy breath I didn’t know I was holding and stared at his door for a second before walking down the wooden steps.

  Downstairs I ate a couple of the grilled ham and cheese sandwiches that Kyson had whipped up for me. Pierce and Alex sat nearby while I ate. I expressed my gratitude to them as well, for helping me throughout the day. Like Gavin, they didn’t have much to say in response, but gave low grunts and head nods to acknowledge my gratitude.

  “Think it will be like this every month?” Alex directed his question towards Kyson, who gave an exasperated groan.

  “How the hell should I know?! Stop asking me questions that I have no idea the answers to.”

  Alex gave a sarcastic retort back but my hearing went fuzzy as my body seized in pain. I caught myself before doubling over, but the look on my face must have shown what I was feeling. The room went silent and everyone tensed up.

  “Can I try pills? Something?” I pleaded.

  “Have you ever taken Advil? Do you know what it does?” Pierce asked.

  I shook my head, “Never needed to.”

  “Nothing,” Alex spat. “Absolutely nothing. Trust us.”

  I stifled a groan and contemplated a hysterectomy right there. “I think I’m going back to bed.”

  The guys didn’t say anything as I excused myself and disappeared back into my bedroom.

  The pain came and went through the night. I was up every two to three hours and felt the need to drink more than usual, but by the next day I felt much more like myself. Still, the guys asserted their demands I stay down and resting. I didn’t argue. Especially when I was presented with a gift.

  My eyes widened in shock as Alex pulled out the small rectangular box from a white plastic bag. Momentarily speechless, I stared at his hands. “A phone? Really?”

  Alex’s eyes couldn’t hide his amusement at my reaction “It’s true. Brand new and just for you.”

  I set my bowl of cereal down so that I could safely hold the phone with both hands. The sleek silver device was both daunting and thrilling.

  “There’s four numbers already programmed in, and that’s all you should ever need,” Pierce appeared in the kitchen, sounding like a parent not wanting their child to get too excited over a new toy. “GPS will be activated on it at all times, and we will be tracking your phone. Just like we do with each other. It’s for our own protection as well as yours.”

  Tapping the screen to my heart's content, none of his authoritative demands could damped my mood.

  “But, why?” I looked at Alex and then to Pierce. “Why are you giving this to me?”

  Alex looked to Pierce, and Pierce let out a sigh. “After yesterday, we realized we wanted you to be able to reach any of us at any time.” His words were low, his emotions felt repentant. “We should have given you one sooner.”

  “Gee, that almost makes yesterday's pain worth it,” I said cheerfully.

  “But you were awfully naughty when you first came here and we didn’t trust you with one.” Alex gave a smirk and pushed me with an elbow.

  “And who’s to say I’m completely trustworthy now?” I lifted an eyebrow. My tone was playful but the true meaning was there. I hadn’t pledged my allegiance to them, and at what point during the last week did they decide I was now one of them?

  Was I one of them? I felt more comfortable with them, I trusted them. But I was not at the point where I considered myself one of them. Still an outsider looking in.

  For one I felt unworthy. I had not suffered their trials, didn’t experience their hardships with them. Their past created a bond between them that I could never be apart of. I wasn’t at a level of skill that they were at. They were trained, intelligent, and street savy, all combined in a way that made them lethal. I was naive in more areas than I could count. And second, above all that they were male-model beautiful in a way no girl could resist.

  There was silence for a moment as all considered my words until Pierce broke the silence. “We would just feel more comfortable knowing you can contact us if needed. Any of us. Any time of day.”

  He set his mug into the sink and left the kitchen. Alex took that as his cue to step in and show me how to use my new toy.

  I’m surprised I wasn’t cross eyed by the end of the day. I downloaded a slew of apps that kept me entertained and distracted for hours. Videos, games, music, even apps to watch movies. It was like a whole new world opened before my eyes. The one nonnegotiable rule was no social media. This was a slight drawback, it would have been nice to see Mia and Vicki. To check on them and what they were up to. But I understood the restriction and why it was there.

  Having unlimited internet access for the first time in my life, I took the liberty of searching various topics. I researched the area we were living in, looked up hair ideas, watched krav maga clips, and read recent local headline news. My eyes drifted shut by early evening and I tucked the phone under my pillow before it could slide off my bed.


  Gasping a deep breath of air, I awoke with a start, sitting up straight in my bed. A deep sense of wrong spiked in my chest. My eyes peered around my room in the darkness, looking for the threat. I checked myself, my body, my head, but found nothing. I listened both outside my window and door, there was nothing there either.

  I slowed my breathing, trying to get a grasp on my surroundings and understand the source of negative feelings. My senses sharpened and reached out around the entire house. Checking my phone it was 2:47 a.m. No one was moving around, everyone seemed to be sleeping. My body sat rigid as I waited for the trigger of disturbance to reappear.

  After a few minutes, I settled back down into bed when it hit me again. The emotion heavy and dark. Crushing fear. A shout, a whimper.

  I shot out of my bed and went into the hallway. The air was thick with anxiety and panic. My heart raced and I closed my eyes again to search for the source.

  A voice sounded to my left and my eyes opened. I took a few steps down the hallway and stopped by Gavin’s door. The pain coming from his room was surrounding me, pulling me towards him. He spoke something unintelligible followed by a choked sob. I leaned against his door frame, wondering what I should do.

  A door opened behind me and Alex stuck his bed messed head around the door, squinting at me. He watched me at Gavin’s door, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

  Gavin cried out again and my heart jumped at the sound. I looked to Alex for help, my eyes wide with unspoken questions.

  “He does this every now and then,” Alex whispered, looking at Gavin’s door. “Nightmares about the past.”

  “Is he okay?” I asked urgently. />
  Alex shrugged. “Don’t know if he will ever be okay.The past seems to haunt him the most. ”

  I looked back to the door and put my hand on the knob.

  “Enter at your own risk,” warned Alex, as he went back inside his bedroom and closed the door.

  Gavin’s fear continued weighing on my chest as I stood there and tried to choose my next course of action. Taking a deep breath, I twisted the handle and slowly pushed the door in.

  It was not surprising to find that Gavin’s room was immaculate. Everything neat and organized, no clothes on the ground, no trash on his desk. There were no pictures on the walls, no books on his desk. It was simple, nothing extra.

  Frozen in place I watched him. Twisted in his sheets, lying on his side, with his face contorted in pain. He was breathing hard, his face glistened with sweat. The pulsing in my chest urged me forward with a fierce desire to help him. I stood there stupidly trying to think of what I could do. One thing was true, he would not appreciate me being in his personal space uninvited. He brought his knees up and cried out again.

  His behavior pushed me into action. I knew I couldn’t just go up and touch him, or he could lash out and hurt me. He needed to wake up slowly, enough to know I was not a threat. I held my hands up and breathed slowly, trying to maintain complete control of my energy pulse. I let out a small wave to run over him. He stopped moving, but didn’t appear to be anymore awake, his face still pinched in pain and distress. I let out another soft shove of energy, aiming for his upper body.

  My efforts had their affect as Gavin jerked violently and shot up in his bed, his chest heaving, his eyes wide. I took a step back and waited.

  He wiped a hand over his face, taking away moisture from his eyes. “Shit, Jade,” he croaked, “what are you doing?”

  I took a step forward and sat at the foot of the bed. “You were hurting.” I answered softly.

  He pinched his eyes closed tight and cleared his throat. “Go back to bed.”

  I held still, ignoring his suggestion. His bare chest was covered in sweat, his dark locks were matted against his head. I crawled across his bed and stopped in the middle, sitting back on my heels. He lifted his head to look at me, with a dead expression in his eyes.


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