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Everwinter (Chronicles of Naelyra Book 1)

Page 29

by R. J. Lloyd

  But second, it was not lost on me that I’d spent my life seeing people develop close ties, bonds with people like family and have all of the closeness of friendships that I never even allowed myself to want, let alone had. But there, in that room, I saw that. Especially from the kind, humble vampire that served me but saw me as no less than a friend in return.

  I started signing to Sarah, letting her know the news of the babies and how Indrell was helping. I told her of the proposal and how he did it. And I let her know of the horrifying events that transpired and how we came to have so many new people in our caravan home. All of which she eagerly listened to while watching me sign as well.

  To my healer, I said, "Indrell, please pay attention as well. I am sure that you and Sarah will be around each other quite often. It would be best for you to learn how she will be speaking as well. You, too, Oberlea."

  "Yes. I shall." Indrell's eyebrows went up as if surprised. "I have never seen a mute's language before."

  "Sarah can hear and can speak some words. She just has no tongue. So, words are difficult for her. This will ease that burden," I explained.

  Sarah signed, "Thank you."

  We all started working on signs and chatted as Indrell began mixing the herbal teas to help me with the pains. Then, she went on to apply the tea water as she had been, showing Sarah how it was done, explaining that she should know in case she would need to be the person to apply it someday.

  Sarah signed her concern and for how fast the babies were growing.

  "Yes. I am." I put a hand on my friend's arm. "But Indrell is a fantastic healer. She will tend to us to ensure we thrive beautifully."

  Sarah pointed at me with a worried look.

  "Me? You're worried about me?" I leaned in.

  She nodded.

  Indrell put a hand on Sarah's shoulder. "I will not let her meet the fate of so many others. She will live and be strong. You and I will see to that. Besides, she's too stubborn to do otherwise." She chuckled.

  "Hey!" I laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment!"

  "It was meant to be one!" Indrell's laugher grew.

  My reverie in my situation was short lived when I heard a commotion out in the hall. Running to the door, I yanked it open to find Kane still standing with Wulfgar, but an armored guard was trying desperately to remove a young man in tattered clothing. “How did you get in here?”

  "My liege,” The man dropped to his knees. “I understand that you possess a woman that you are using to create an heir and have paid her handsomely for her efforts. If she does not produce you a living heir, may I offer my sister?” He struggled against the guard who was pulling him down the hall. “She is well within breeding age and is strong and well mannered. My family could use the monies, and she would be honored."

  “Wait.” Kane held his hand up.

  The guard paused, cautiously stopped and waiting for Kane’s next order.

  “You are offering your sister for money?” Kane sounded completely baffled by the man’s offer. “You would put her life at risk like that?”

  “She asked me to come today. Our family is starving,” he explained.

  Kane flexed his fingers as he approached the man. "That is a generous offer. However, I did not pay my lover for children. I have never paid for sex. Nor should you.” He looked him over. “However, I would be happy to help your family in return for good service to the kingdom. Get in touch with the smiths, any one of them, and tell them I sent you for work."

  All of them looked stunned. I, on the other hand, was proud. That could have ended very badly for the man. And for all I knew, there might have been a time, not long ago, that it would have. Some said Kane was a generous king, but others said he was cold and even cruel at times. But there, in that hallway? He was kind.

  "I have other pressing matters to attend too." Motioning to the guard, he instructed him, “If you will see him out kindly, that would be appreciated.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much, my liege.” The man cried as he let the guard escort him back out of the castle.

  Turning back to Wulfgar, Kane tensed slightly. “Nobody comes in or out of the room. If anyone comes close, use your judgement.”

  With a smirk, Wulfgar nodded. “No problem.”

  Seeing me standing in the doorway, Kane strode back, taking me in his arms and kissing the top of my head. “I shall return. Please go inside.”

  I hugged him tight. “You did good.”

  He chuckled softly, kissing my head again. Ushering me inside, he closed the door. “Please, stay inside for now.”

  I watched him the entire time he pushed the door closed, my eyes on his, taking in the smile he had until I could no longer see it, hearing the click of the doorknob engaging.

  As I turned to rest against the door, Sarah, Oberlea and Indrell all came over, tugging me to join them over by the fireplace. Sarah signed that I should eat.

  Oberlea’s energies were electric with giddiness. “He is nothing like they speak of him as far as being…”

  “A monster?” I attempted to finish her sentence.

  She laughed. “Not a monster, but I suppose that works. But he’s not.”

  “No. he certainly isn’t.” Indrell took my hand. “Herbs and tea. Food and water. Come. Kane needs you to be strong and so does the life growing in your belly.”

  She was not wrong, so I joined them, gladly eating, talking and teaching all three of them more signs. They all learned the language so easily that it was fun to show them.

  Before we knew it, hours had passed. The food was almost gone. The water pitcher was empty. And the fire was dying down. Each of us jumped when the door opened, and Kane walked in.

  With all of us giggling, I looked up at him and smiled. “How did it go? Did you get all of your kingly duties completed?”

  He couldn’t help but smirk at all of us, laid out on the floor in front of the fireplace as if having a sleepover with best friends. "Ladies, please leave us for a time. I wish to be alone with my Auriena."

  They all took turns to curtsey and leave, gathering their things on the way. Each gesturing to me an approval. Sarah, the last one out, squeaked as Wulfgar appeared by her side.

  He signed. “Sleep well, beautiful.”

  Her smile reached her eyes as she curtsied and rushed down the hall.

  Kane reached over and closed the door, tossing his sword onto one of the chairs. “My kingly duties are set for the night. The men are properly stationed and briefed. Tomorrow, we will discuss more strategy. Tonight,” he came over and held his hand out to me. When I placed mine in his, he lifted me to stand and pulled me in to him. “I need to be sure I’m fulfilling my husbandly duties.”

  I kissed his neck with a smile. "It is nice to be home."


  Only a handful of sleeping hours passed before the sun crested the horizon, and a knock came on the door. We both stirred, but considering that we had been up, embraced in each other’s arms, I certainly wasn’t in a big hurry to get up, let alone deal with any duties yet. And by his groan, Kane shared my sentiment.

  He got out of bed trying not to disturb me. Making sure I was covered before he slid on his pants and a shirt, he crossed the room and answered the door. “It is early.”

  Sarah was who I saw first, but she stepped back slightly after bowing her head, arm reaching out to motion toward both Indrell and Dorian behind her. Indrell bowed her head, and Dorian stood at attention.

  The commanding officer spoke first, “Morning, my liege. I apologize for clearly waking you.”

  Kane glanced back and me before responding, "What can I do for you?"

  Indrell stepped forward. "Sarah brought food, and I need to check Auriena and see if she needs more ointment herbs or tea."

  Dorian looked somber as he took his turn to speak. "There is a body removed from the courtyard at dawn this morning. You may want to come see it."

  He grumbled, "Yes. I suppose I do. You all can wait, while Auriena and I dr

  When he turned around, I was sitting up, the torn sheet pulled up around me, my hair falling over my shoulders, still messy from the night before. "Good morning all." My voice was scratchy as I waved to the small cluster of people outside our door.

  I yawned and laid back down. "Is everything alright? I didn’t see Wulfgar. Where is he?"

  Kane looked less than amused as he shut the door, blocking them from seeing us for the moment. "Wulfgar would be in his room. I informed him that he would not be needed while I am with you. I will send for him since I need to go attend to something. Seems a dead body turned up last night. The ladies are wanting to busy you with food and treatments."

  I nearly wiggled at the mention of food. "Can someone please change the sheets? Maybe something less... satin?" I batted my eyes at him with a giggle.

  He complied, “Yes. Have Sarah send for new linens after you eat. Just inform her of your tastes in fabric. They may have to manufacture them.”

  “Okay.” I smiled. My stomach rumbling loudly, I glanced at the door, still not wanting to get up and dressed.

  “You’re hungry,” he observed.

  “Very,” I agreed.

  “Then you should get presentable.” He brought over clean clothes and his sword, setting them in a pile to so he could change before leaving.

  I pouted. “Ugh. I really don’t want to wear all those layers. And besides, Indrell will just remove most to apply her herbs.”

  He thought for a moment, clearly not wanting to give in to me. But I countered with literally sticking out my lower lip and batting my eyes again, he groaned. “Fine. The ladies will help you find something to wear that better suits you.” Going to the door and opening it, he barked out. “She needs food and tea. Please assist.”

  Sarah and Indrell made their way in toward me. They busied themselves with setting food and water out and preparing the herbs.

  Dorian, on the other hand, stood in the doorway. With his hands clasped in front of him as he nodded curtly. "Ma'am. Sorry to intrude so... early." There was an element of sarcasm at the mention of it being early. But the soldier’s eyes didn’t move away quickly. They lingered on me, causing me to pull the covers up over me more. Not that I felt that he was ogling me as much as I felt dissected.

  Kane stopped, obviously not approving of the way the man looked and me and glared at Dorian. "None of that. You don't need to see my woman like this. I will be out shortly." He slammed the door, leaving the man out in the hallway alone.

  My eyes widened as my head turned to Kane. "Seems that your tone has changed when it comes to others seeing me." I dropped the sheet and crawled to the foot of the bed, not caring that the women were standing near the fireplace. "What? Ashamed of me already?”

  I didn’t know why, but I was feeling snarky if not playful in a taunting way. Maybe it was the reminder of how he’d behaved before we had left. Maybe it was the idea of being cooped up. Hell, maybe it was a part of me lashing out because I was unwilling to let myself deal with my emotional reaction to everything that was spiraling out of control in my life… my entire life. But still, I sat up on my knees, completely naked, looking up at him as if waiting for his reaction.

  He growled and came to stand in front of me. "How dare you scold me after the sass you gave me not long ago. I cherish you and I am not ashamed of you. If you want to flash your body to the help, then you need to change your views. Let me know when I return." In full view of the women, Kane removed the pants and shirt he’d haphazardly thrown on to open the door, scooped up the clean ones and started storming off to the bathroom.

  I sat back on my heels, my hand going to my mouth as he roared at me. I was about to say I was teasing, not thinking he would care if the ladies saw me like that or not, but when he stripped down in front of them? I lost it.

  Jealousy and anger coursed through me as I grabbed a small, stone statue off the end table and threw it at him. He hadn’t expected my outburst since he hadn’t even moved to stop it. But when the blow landed, slicing open a decent gash on his shoulder, I panicked and ran past him to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and locking it.

  No. It hadn’t dawned on me that I’d just left him in the room, naked, with the others. My reaction was impulsive and hormone driven. I was not in control, and in that moment, I knew it.

  I heard a growl on the other side of the thick, wooden doorframe. Kane was there, and that growl was for me. I jumped back. But with a moment of silence, I edged to the door and pressed my ear to it. All I could hear was the sound of what I could only decipher was him getting dressed.

  The distinct sound of his boots on the marble floor resonated through into the bathroom as they grew further and further away. "Sarah, get this cleaned up. See if the broken pieces of that can be repaired. It belonged to my family. I will send Wulfgar to stand at the door."

  I had no words to describe the depth of my regret for my actions in that moment. I don’t even know what it was that I’d grabbed. But knowing that it was an heirloom, that made my guilt so much worse.

  I could hear more rustling around the room, presumably as the women started to do as they were told just as the bedroom door opened and then slammed shut. I turned, putting my back to the door, sliding down it to the floor. With my head in my hands, I started to cry.

  It wasn’t a moment before a soft knock echoed through the door. “Auriena? My dear, are you alright?” She spoke again, but it wasn’t to me. “I can help her, but only once she calms down.”

  There was no reply vocally, so I assumed she spoke to Sarah. Reaching over and pulling a towel off its hook, I wrapped it around me. I could feel the concern radiating off of them. I could feel them on the other side of the wood. But I couldn’t bring myself to pull out of my emotions.

  The bedroom door opened again, and I heard the men talking in the hallway. Kane’s anger still clear in his tone. “Your station is to keep security of my kingdom established, not calculate my schedule. Unless you have forgotten yourself, when I say that I have a matter to attend to, you wait. Is that clear?”

  Dorian’s reply came through gritted teeth. “Yes, my liege.”

  “Do we have an issue with my personal life?” Kane asked someone else.

  Wulfgar cleared his throat. “Only if you’re asking about your choice of leadership around here. Otherwise? No. Clearly, by the look of the two women you have huddled by your bathroom door and the absence of your bride, you need to deal with something.”

  “His choice of leadership. You dare question my ability to lead the army I’ve help lead for years?” Dorian roared with anger.

  “I dare question a man that has, more than once, overstepped the bounds of his station directly with his king,” Wulfgar retorted.

  “Fine words coming from a raider,” Dorian lashed out.

  Clattering of metal and the sound of a scuffle echoed into the room. Then, Kane’s voice boomed over it all. “Enough!”

  They fell silent.

  I heard him step into the room but stop. “Dorian, I will meet you in the foyer. Wulfgar, please stand guard. You will be staying here, at your post, when I leave. Is that understood gentlemen?”

  “Yes,” Wulfgar replied.

  “My liege.” Dorian must have complied by the sounds of footsteps stomping away from the room.

  Kane crossed back into the room. I heard Indrell and Sarah move to the side of the doorway, making room for him as he knocked, gently for him. “Auriena?” When I didn’t respond with anything more than a sniffle and a hiccup, I heard him sigh. “Sarah, Indrell, please leave us.”

  One set of lighter footsteps started to retreat, but the others, Indrell’s, didn’t right away. "Her hormones and energy shifts are not in her control right now. Yours should be." I heard her move away toward the in the same direction as Sarah.

  “Come.” Wulfgar beckoned them.

  As the door closed, I heard Indrell. “He went back for her.” Her tone was wistful.

  Kane knocked ag
ain. “Auri, answer me.”

  “Is that a command?” I managed to croak out the words.

  “Auriena…” he growled.

  “Kane…” I mimicked his tone.

  “Please let me in.” He tried to sound sweet, but I could hear the controlled frustration behind his words.

  I turned and pressed the side of my face to the door. “Did I hurt you?”

  "I thought you were scolding me," he replied.

  “Did I hurt you?” I repeated. “When I threw the thing at you.”

  “Yes. But I will heal,” he moved closer to the door.

  “But I broke something special to you, and you’re angry with me.” I stood, still pressed to the wood before me.

  I could feel his energies pushing through to me. It was a mixture of alpha male aggression and a longing. There was a sense of love that blanketed the rest. The feel of it turned me, and I found myself, with both hands flat on the door, my entire body leaned against it. Yet, that very strong stubborn side of me refused to go to him no matter how much I wanted to.

  "You clearly did not pay attention to my tone or the smile on my face." I pulled the towel up around me more.

  “No. I did not,” he agreed.

  I scoffed. "You yelled at me."

  "I'm standing here trying to apologize for that. Through a door," he said.

  Again, I scoffed. “I have not heard any apology.”

  He sighed heavily. “I am sorry, little one. I should not have lost my temper with you.”

  "You scared me." I still did not open the door, but my defenses were weakening.

  “I know. But I now understand how you felt when you were angry with me being so open with showing myself or you to others. I did not like it.” A sense of regret filtered out with his words.

  I dropped the towel and whipped the door open. "And yet that is exactly what you did to get back at me! There were no men in here! Both of those women have seen me unclothed to help me dress or tend to my medical needs. Yet, you choose to get jealous and parade in front of them for the sake of scolding me because you didn’t like my tone? Not okay!"


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