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More Than Dad's Best Friend: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 121)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  “No going back, Morgan. This is it.”

  “This isn’t it. This is…everything.”

  “You’re everything.”

  And with one move I thrust my hips forward and claimed her right then and there.

  She squeaked and her back went ramrod straight.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I say, as I try and slowly move my dick back out of her channel.

  “No!” she says, her hands reaching for my ass as she pulls my hips back into hers.

  “It hurts just a little, but it hurts…so good.”

  “So you’re ready for more?”

  Slowly she nods.

  “Good, because this big dick is all yours.”

  I kept my eyes locked on her as I kissed the side of her neck and slowly worked my cock back out and then slid it back in, taking my time to make sure every single nerve ending inside her felt what now belonged to her.

  I was trying to do everything I could not to finish, but that silky-smooth pussy of hers fit like a glove, and was doing it’s damnedest to suck the juices right out of me…to drain me dry.

  I continued kissing her, working my way down and across her collar bone…feeling her hands grip my shoulders as she begins bouncing up and down on me, sending my dick even deeper inside her.

  Good…I want my seed so far up in there she has twins.

  “Myles!” she cries out, fulfilling my wish to hear my name when she comes, because I know what’s coming next…

  Her body tenses, and her pussy locks on me with a vice grip as her whole body began to shake and whimpers roll off her lips.

  “Oh my…uh…eh…”

  She begins to shake and I pull her in even closer, holding her tight, letting her know we’re in this together. This, not just being her first time, but this being life…everything. Us. The family that we’re making.

  Because the moment I held her so damn close you couldn’t put a single molecule between either of us, her pussy throbbing, my balls pulled up that last little bit and I absolutely exploded like a volcano, releasing a lifetime of seed that I’d been holding for her and her alone.

  Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out. Not words. Not sounds.

  Finally, she starts panting and I do exactly the same, lost in this moment…lost inside her.

  Just when I think I’m finished another round of my DNA comes flying out, mixing with hers, and creating the perfect child. Our child…or should I say our children.

  I’ve heard some of the moms at the school say they knew they were having a boy or a girl or twins when they first got pregnant.

  Well, I may not be the one carrying, and this is happening in real time, but I know…I’m one hundred percent sure that there’s gonna be at least two babies growing inside her damn soon.

  Slowly I wiggle my hips, letting her exposed, throbbing clit slide up and down the area just above where my dick connects to my lower abdomen.

  “I’m so sensitive right now.”

  “Are you hungry too?”

  “For more of you. Yes.”

  I can’t help but smirk. “That too, but I was thinking food.”

  She playfully smacks my arm before pulling my face in for a long, hard kiss.

  “I’m starving in every way…when it comes to you.”

  “Good, because we’re gonna need fuel for the night we have in store.”

  “Oh. What do you have planned for me?”

  “Everything. Always and forever.”



  “Oh, Coach Mason! Coach Mason!” Principal Peterson yells as she comes running out of the school like her hair’s on fire. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she continues, as I reach my hand across and place it on Morgan’s thigh. I know this is about to get really uncomfortable for her and I want to let her know I’m here for her, in every way. “We’re having a charity auction and I wanted to know if you’d like to be auctioned off to supp—…oh,” she says, taking sight of Morgan in the passenger seat.

  “I’ve already been claimed, Principal Peterson.”

  “I…I can see that,” she says, the top off the Jeep allowing her to look inside and see where my hand rests. “But…I mean…there are…”

  “She’s eighteen and we’re in love. There’s nothing you, or anyone else can do, but congratulate us…or get the hell outta our way.”

  Principal Peterson freezes up and I just stare her down. I’m not one for intimidating women, but I’m also not going to allow her to think she has some sort of juicy gossip or something she can hold above Morgan’s head in some weird way. I’m letting her know, in no uncertain terms, how things are. And if she, or anyone, gets in our way I’m going to deal with it swiftly and surely…even if I have to pull Morgan out of school and homeschool her…in more ways than one.

  No way am I allowing her to finish out her studies feeling uncomfortable all day long. That goes for the students too.

  “Congratulations,” Principal Peterson says. “You two look…very nice together.”

  “I know,” I say, as the principal turns, her shoulders now slouched, as she meanders back toward the front doors of the school.

  “I think she had plans for you of her own,” Morgan says.

  “Well, they just got cancelled. For good,” I retort, emphatically.

  I kiss Morgan hard, so the whole world can see, and as I pull back I see a pack of boys pointing, but when I make eye contact with them their arms immediately drop, their heads turn, and the hurry into the building.

  “Run along, boys. Morgan’s got a man.”

  My woman leans into me hugging me tight. “That’s right!” she says, and plants one right on my cheek. Those lips are still so soft and subtle this morning, despite the fact that they were both dehydrated and running on fumes. No way did we drink enough water last night for the “workout” we had…and oh did we “work out” a whole bunch of positions.

  But the one that meant the most to both of us was the extended lovemaking session with the candles lit and the soft music playing in the living room. I never thought I’d be that kinda guy, but then again I never thought I’d know, let alone meet, and be with…have…a woman like her.

  Because there could only be one of her in the whole damn universe…and she’s mine.

  And if there was any doubt in her mind, which I know there’s not, this is the time to remove it.

  I step out of the Jeep and walk around to her side, opening her door for her.

  She reaches her hand out for me to help her, but I don’t take it to help her out. No, no, no.

  I drop to a knee and with my other hand I flip open a black velvet box.


  “I don’t want to wait another second, beautiful. This ring is for you, and the world, to know who you belong to. Me and only me. Forever. You’ve already made me the happiest man to ever walk the face of the earth. Now marry me and show the whole world how you’re taken by me and only me.”

  “Yes!” she says and I slide the ring on to the sound of gasps, and then applause, from the kids behind us.

  But I don’t care about what’s behind us. I only care about the future, and the future is her.

  I scoop her up in my arms and plant a big kiss right on her lips in front of everyone.

  Without wasting a second I carry her to the front doors of the school.

  “Don’t you do this when you walk through the threshold of your home after you get married?”

  “When a man loves a woman as much as I love you, he does this always. Baby, you’re my angel, and you deserve to float on a cloud always. My cloud.”

  I carry her into the school and there stands Principal Peterson, this time with a smile on her face.

  “Morgan is taking a sick day today, Principal.”

  She just nods, and dabs her eye with a Kleenex as she looks at the token of my affection firmly seated on Morgan’s ring finger.

  “Congratulations,” she says for the second
time, but this time there’s more substance behind it. Good.

  A few teachers clap, but I don’t stick around to soak in the applause.

  “We’re outta here,” I say to my now fiancée.

  “I’m sick, huh?” she winks.

  “Let’s just say you’re going to be lying down a lot today.”

  “Face down or up?”

  “Answer D. All of the above.”

  “But there were only two choices…A or B.”

  “There’s the third you don’t know about yet.”

  “Oh, I don’t do I?”

  “Only one way to find out.”

  I head out and carefully set her back in the passenger side of the Jeep and hurriedly make my way over to my side of my ride.

  She’s gonna find out soon enough what I meant, but what’s more important is what’s already been discovered.

  The world just found out she’s mine.

  And I just found out what it really means to love a woman.

  But not just a woman…my woman.

  Her, and only her.




  One year later

  “I’m on diaper duty today, baby. Just kick your feet up and enjoy. I’ll be right back.”

  “Are you sure?”

  But before he can even think about responding he’s already out of the living room and into the nursery.

  Seconds later I hear the cries of Madison and Marion, our twins, stop, and I can’t help but smile.

  Myles may be a big strong guy, but he sure has a tender side…at least when it comes to “his three girls”, as he always says.

  I reach across to the table and help myself to another chocolate covered strawberry, one of the many amazing things Myles planned out today for my “reward” for acing my exam.

  With the pregnancy it wasn’t possible to really get started with college…at least not on campus. But of course the ever-resourceful Myles found a few really solid schools that offered online learning. He was insistent that I get my degree, and get it on time. It’s one of the things I love about him. He puts me first, and does everything he can to make sure I’m growing in all aspects of my life.

  And did I ever grow when I was pregnant with M&M, as we called them. Myles barely let me lift a finger, which was nice. And to this day he’s still the one who does most of the things around the house so I can focus on my studies.

  We’re really lucky that he works from his computer now so he can be at home with me and the girls full time. Then again, the idea of being away from him, even for eight or ten hours a day while he’s working, isn’t something I even want to think about, let alone consider.

  The man makes this house run, and without him I wouldn’t be on course to graduate college in four years…right along with my high school graduating class.

  And high school graduation was a lot easier than I expected.

  Once Myles laid down the law, so to speak, that day we rolled up to the school, there were never any problems. I don’t know if Principal Peterson relayed the message to the staff, those boys said something, or the jock jerk who Myles took care of in the coffee shop served as a visual example, but everyone knew not to mess with Myles. And by extension, that meant I was under his shield of protection.

  It’s like I have my own real life superhero…and that’s exactly what he is. Even though he tells me I’m the real life Wonder Woman.

  “All sorted. Now…where were we?” he asks as he slides back into position, sitting on a footstool as he take my foot in his lap and begins massaging the ball of my foot, and then the inside of my arch…and finally gently stroking my Achilles.

  “We were in absolute bliss. That’s where we were,” I smile, as my head rolls back and I melt into the La-Z-Boy.

  “We sure were,” he adds.

  I open one eye and shoot him a sideways look.

  “How could this be absolute bliss for you? I’ve got mom bod, swollen feet that probably stink from running around the house all day, and you seem intently focused on really giving me a good massage.”

  “The answer is in your question,” he says, and just continues along doing what he was doing.


  “I’m intently focused on you. Have been since you turned eighteen. Remember?”

  “Oh, I remember all right.”

  “That’s how I get my happiness. From my three girls.”

  “You always say that.”

  “Because it’s always gonna be true.”

  He continues working on my feet as if what he’s saying is the most natural thing in the world.

  “You know what else is always gonna be true?” he asks as he stands up and carefully places my foot on the footstool like I’m made of glass.

  “What’s that?”

  “My love for you,” he says as his lips gently find mine…before turning not so gentle.

  “I recognize that kiss.”

  “That’s the one that led to the twins,” he says.

  “It sure is.”

  “And they’re down again and should be completely out for a good hour or two.”

  “An hour or two!”

  “Shhh! You’re gonna wake them.”

  “You want to ravish me for an hour or two?” I whisper.


  “I didn’t think so.”

  “Because I want to ravish you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Awwww,” I say and pull his face into mine.

  He scoops me up out of the chair and tiptoes into our bedroom.

  “Aren’t I heavy.”

  “Light as a feather. And as a matter of fact I want you to be a lot heavier.”

  “Well if you don’t stop feeding me chocolates I will be.”

  “Not only in that way,” he says, looking at my stomach. “And it’s time to do something about that.”

  “About what?” I kid.

  “About the lack of a child in your stomach. I don’t like it. Not one bit.”

  “Well then, get to it, sailor!” I playfully tease.

  But Myles doesn’t take it as a joke, ripping my clothes off me and diving in like a man who’s been locked up in prison his whole life and just saw his first women in twenty years or more.

  “Are you still gonna find me beautiful when my belly’s big and stretched and we’re old.”

  “Even more so,” he says immediately, not letting his words break the trail of kisses he’s leaving right down the middle of my chest that will take him right between my legs.

  “I don’t believe it. How is that possible?”

  He freezes, and stares me down with that feral look he usually reserves for the bedroom, but when he’s about to take me…not for a moment like this.

  “Because knowing you’re carrying our babies…knowing our children live inside you…knowing that you and only you give them life and without you we couldn’t even have children…it’s just…”

  He’s not choked up, but he is absolutely sincere…and it melts my heart.

  He leans in and kisses me right on the lips.

  “It takes two to tango,” I say. “And that goes for making a family.”

  “We were already a family at two,” he says. “Just me and you.”

  “What are we now?”

  “Now…we’re perfect. We’re home.”

  I couldn’t agree more.



  Twelve years later

  “No more babies, Myles,” my wife says as I chase her around the house.

  “Just one more!”

  “You say that every time…and last time we got two! Again!”

  It’s true. I do say that every time, which is why we’re at seven children now.

  There’s Madison and Marion, our first set of twins, and also Micah and Maxwell, our most recent bundles of joy. In-between are Maya, Matthew, and Madelyn.

  Lucky seven…but can eight really be enough?

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