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Atticus's Angel

Page 6

by Pearl Tate

  I really thought she just didn’t want me to have babies. She always complained about how little we did have for food and clothing. She wouldn’t want to add another mouth to feed. Or god forbid, diapers and formula and other baby things…

  Atticus’s large hand begins to slowly circle on my back as I read through the information about me. For the first time, I’ve been given unfettered access to data about me. My medical file. It’s incredible.

  I understand what it says perfectly. Maybe because I’ve heard it talked about around me for so many years, but the fact that I can’t have a baby… will he really still want me? Is this something that’ll get corrected along with my genetic disease?

  “This is all temporary.” Atticus’s deep, soothing voice coats my frayed nerves as I continue to zoom in and try to see everything all at once. I love having it all on the big screen built into the desk in front of me.

  Looking at him closely, I try to determine if he’s sincere. Does he really believe that? “Are you sure?”

  My voice is as scared as I am that I may not be able to have children. After all, isn’t that kind of important to this species? A family? Men and women get together to have a friend to live with and babies, right? I’m not super sure about what all families do since I’ve never had a father at home, but surely being able to have babies is super important. Is it to him?

  “Yes.” Atticus’s hand continues to circle my back slowly as his calm, reassuring tone seeps into my frayed nerves. “Your body will heal. I’ve noted some incredible changes in the females I’ve seen on board. Some things they didn’t even realize weren’t right in their genetics which I’ll leave for them to tell you about. But the most blatant and obvious is always correcting their eyesight.”

  I look at him with trepidation, swallowing hard as I consider what he’s saying. At least he hasn’t already decided to take me back to the Ashen. He must really believe I’ll get better in every way.

  And there’s something about him that I’m not willing to give up. The way it feels when I’m touch him is so incredible. Soothing but exciting at the same time.

  I’ve noticed parts of my body I never considered before, flaring to life. The spot between my legs that I’ve rarely bothered to touch is sensitive and wet. I can feel the moisture even now, sitting on his leg. With the way he’s acting, this all must be normal.

  I’m so thankful he isn’t turned off by my twitching body movements and issues I sometimes have with speaking and concentrating. It’s as though just being with him, touching him, helps me to focus. “How long? I mean… how long before I’m… normal?”

  Atticus laughs, throwing his head back and exposing his neck and the red and blue mating marks that peek out over the top of his jumpsuit. “Normal is subjective, Ashlyn. What do you consider normal?”

  I think about his question seriously while my mind throws about for the real answer to that question. Often the most serious issue my mother’s reported to my doctors, was when our routine changed. That’s probably why I didn’t want to go to the new place Hope Intermediate Care. But I seem to be handling this new experience okay?

  “Not having panic attacks? No more rocking? And… I want to have babies.” My voice has dropped to a whisper as I share the biggest secret desire I’ve only ever voiced with my mother. Remembering back to her response has me cringing from him as I wait to see what he says.

  Instead of letting me pull away, he draws me closer, kissing the top of my head. Or at least I think he did. I can’t see his face any longer as he begins to speak, his voice rumbling pleasantly in my ear. “Oh, my beautiful Ashlyn. I want that too.”

  When he doesn’t say any more, I pull back to look up at him in surprise. His expressive eyes open, and I see they’re filled with tears. Tears because he’s afraid it won’t happen? Is he sad?

  “We can try. I promise to try really hard—at everything. Janette said I’d get better, and that she got better…”

  “Oh, I know. And you will, don’t worry. But we have time. The rest of our lives together, and it’ll be good to get to know one another and find out what you like and don’t like. How you want to help on board—with me?”

  My mouth drops open in surprise as I consider this. He’ll let me help?

  “Would you like to help me?” Atticus pushes back one of my braids as his fingers feather over my cheek. Tingles spread under his fingertips, running down my neck to my chest, and I feel my nipples harden as if I’m cold. It’s strange but wonderful at the same time.

  “Yes.” My voice is a squeak as the mental pictures of me with a job comes to mind. A job! My mother said I’d never have a job—that no one would ever hire me. But this wonderful, good-looking alien man has just agreed to let me… me, help him!

  “Well, I’m relieved to hear that, because we have a lot of new females coming on board. It appears they’ll all want to come in and get a scan just like we did to you.” He pauses briefly before asking. “Do you know why?”

  Shaking my head, I wait for him to explain, not daring to look away.

  “Because they’re going to get better just like you. And these scans will be proof. They can come back regularly to get checked, and it’ll update their file. We’ll be able to see how long the progression takes in everyone. Fascinating, right?”

  Yes, it is fascinating. This means—because I’m so lucky—I’ll be able to do the scan every day if he allows me. “Could we run the scan on me every day… just to see?”

  “Of course.” His face moves closer to mine, and I’m surprised when his lips meet my forehead like my mother always did before bed. Only his lips are warm and as they meet my skin, and tingles spread out form the contact making my scalp break out in goosebumps. “But for now, let’s go get something to eat. I can teach you how to use the food prep area and show you some of the meals that Shelly and Beth have as their favorites on board the Discovery. Does that sound good?”

  As he mentions the other women he’s had here, a strange feeling shifts through me. I feel upset and angry about him mentioning them. Did they live here with him like I’m about to do? Did he ever… love them?

  “Oh, Ashlyn. I can feel what you’re feeling, you know? Did you realize that as mates we’ll be able to sense each other’s emotions?” His face is still very close to mine, and his minty, warm breath skates across my skin.

  Shaking my head slightly, I don’t say anything as I process this. Does that mean he’s reading my mind? I’m not sure how I feel about that…

  “We can’t hear each other’s thoughts or actual words, right? You can’t hear mine—so I can’t hear yours. But we can sense each other’s feelings. Can you feel mine right now?”

  Freezing, I try to understand what he means? Do I feel what he’s feeling?

  I feel happy? Content? And something else I can’t quite understand what it is, but I can’t say I’ve ever felt it before?

  “Happy?” I finally settle on that since I wasn’t feeling happy myself a moment ago. I was thinking about the other women he’s lived with…

  “Yes. Very happy. Relieved your here and safe with me. Attracted to you sexually… but that can’t be helped, and it’s all part of the mating. So, there’s no pressure. I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you for anything. We can take it slow.”

  Is that what the other feeling is? I have that too. It’s almost an ache down between my legs. Throbbing…

  “Yes, I can feel your jealousy, and I know it’s yours, because there’s not anything for me to even be thinking of being jealous about—so it must be you. You don’t have to worry about any other female—ever. You’re my mate and that’s it for me. For us both, actually.”

  “Really? Even… even a perfect woman. A smart woman… or… or a woman that can have babies?” The hopefulness of this is almost more than I can bear. Can he actually be telling me the truth?

  “No one will ever interest me like you will. You and I will share feelings, our lives, our bodies…” Clearing
his throat, he places me on my feet to stand. “Let’s get some food in you.”


  - Atticus

  I fix Ashlyn one of the “stew” recipes that Beth and Shelly both agree is the most like a thick soup they have on their planet along with an accompaniment of fresh Quasar vegetables produced right on the ship. We don’t talk much as she settles into the small table and chairs. The only nervousness I feel from her is when Brock comes in, but we’re almost done eating, so it doesn’t keep her from filling her belly.

  If what I understand is correct with her genetic disease, changes in schedule and her environment can be the most unsettling aspect for her. Considering she’s only mildly rocking, she’s doing well. I suspect that it’ll take a bit of time for the nanos to do their work, but she’s handling everything fine right now.

  “Can I fix you some, Brock?” I offer as he walks by, heading towards his sleeping room. “I’m getting up anyway to put these dishes back?”

  “No, no.” Stopping as his sliding door opens to his room for him, he turns to smile at us both. “You two should have time alone today. They’ll be plenty of time for us to get to know one another. You all have a great night.”

  Without waiting for a response, he enters his room, and the door slides closed behind him. It must be his size, because not only can I sense Ashlyn relax, I can also visually see her deflate in front of me. To take her mind off him, I stop in front of where she’s sitting. “Are you done eating? Can I take your bowl?”

  Instead of answering, she stands, picking up her dish as she nods, obviously ready to follow me and pick up after herself. Smiling down at her, I turn and open the cleansing unit for us to place our items in. She follows suit before I turn to enter our sleeping room. “Let me show you how to use the bathing facility.”

  Ashlyn doesn’t argue, instead following me slowly into the large room and watching with wide eyes as I show how to turn everything on and off. When she doesn’t express any questions, I turn to leave while she watches me. Her soft, hesitant voice has me pausing as the door slides open. “Can you… will you stay in here with me?”

  I don’t sense anything sexual from the question despite the fact that I’m going to see her naked… in the spray. Even with the water shield, I suspect it’ll affect me, but I can’t say no. Certainly, I won’t scare her. She has to know the mechanics of making children even if she’s been sheltered?

  “Of course. Let me get us both robes, and I’ll clean up while you’re under the spray.” She hasn’t moved when I return, standing off to the side, wringing her hands as she stares at the reflecting glass. “Are you alright?”

  When she doesn’t answer, I lower myself onto the seat of the closed waste area and grasp her shoulders. The tension melts under my hands and her eyes meet mine. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes.” Her voice is emphatic, and I’m relieved to see that she appears more focused.

  “Okay. I’ll start the spray while you get undressed.” Nodding, she licks her lips, and I release her to move into making everything automatic. Instead of it turning on by motion under the spray, I set it to stay on, watching her greedily out of the corner of my eyes.

  Her clothing hid her form, and as the white pants fall to the floor, I’m having a hard time not eying her shapely legs that she’s exposed. As she pulls her shirt over her head, she’s left standing in what the Earth females have told me is called a bra and panties. They’re as white as her clothing was and just as modest, but it’s as if a jolt of awareness has shot through me.

  I can see and sense my hair follicles unraveling around me as I begin to lose control. It feels as though pinpricks are dancing on my skin and an uncomfortable tightness is beginning around the base of my cock. I recognize that feeling from the few times I had Canesta, and I know I only have moments to get her into the spray.

  “Are you ready?” Turning away from her more, I try not to stare in the reflecting glass as she removes her bra—but it’s hopeless. It’s as though I have no control over my eyes. Her round, full breasts are perfect as they sway slightly, and then she bends to lower her panties down her legs, exposing more of her shapely bottom.

  She’s perfect. Perfectly formed and perfectly arousing. Her scent fills the air as her clothing drops away, and I feel my mouth water and head spin. This is almost more than I can bear. How will I control myself?

  When our eyes lock in the reflecting glass, I can see her concern. Not for herself—for me. “Are you okay?”

  I realize I’m swaying on my feet as I gingerly sink back onto the waste seat next to me. “Yes… yes, of course.” Blinking rapidly, I focus on keeping my eyes on her face. Don’t look down. Don’t look down…

  It’s no use, my eyes drop to take in her dusty nipples, puckering in the moist air from the steam. “Should I get in?” Her hesitant voice has me jerking my eyes up her body even as I take a deep inhale of her scent.

  “Sure… yes. The temperature should be perfect, but just…” I lose my train of thought momentarily before focusing back on her. “…sorry, uh… just let me know what you think—of the water. I can adjust it for you.”

  Ashlyn looks over her shoulder curiously while stepping into the spray, clearly unsettled by my state. “Thank you.” She turns away, and I watch with fascination as she spins under the spray.

  I need to manually get up and set the water shield since I’ve taken off the auto controls, but I can’t move. Frozen, I watch as her head tilts back, thrusting her chest out at an arousing angle. At this point, I can’t get up. I don’t dare take off my uniform to switch into my robe.

  She’s just so… enticing. I need to think about something else. Or do something else…

  Standing, I take the step over and set the shield, letting out a sigh of relief as my thoughts start making more sense. The primal urge to step into the spray with her, even fully clothed, was overwhelming.

  No wonder Bren hid Hannah away in his room. I had to go barge in to get a look at what was going on at the time. He wasn’t answering communications or performing his duties… and now I know why.

  Looking at myself briefly in the reflecting glass, I can’t help unfastening the closure on my flight suit to expose my chest. Sure enough, colors are beginning to saturate the mating marks that decorate my skin. Light blue and orange dominate them, but I know when we complete the mating, they’ll be deeper and more colorful.

  Feeling confident in my control, I turn to put my back to the spray and remove my clothing quickly, switching to one of the robes I brought into the room. When I turn around, I’m startled to see Ashlyn standing outside of the shower shield… dripping wet.


  - Atticu

  Hurrying to her, I swing the other robe around her shoulders, crouching down so we’re eye level. “Is everything alright?”

  Shivering under my hands slightly, her eyes stay locked on my chest, peeking out of the V of my robe. “Yes… I… there was no soap?”

  Laughing lightly, I sink back onto the seat behind me and begin to draw her dark, wet hair out from the back of her robe where it has to be dripping down her back. “The water has cleaners in it. That’s part of the recycling process and should make it unnecessary to have soap. Although according to Shelly, she still misses shampoo and conditioner.”

  I can sense Ashlyn’s frustration and wonder what else could be bothering her. “Shelly explained that shampoo and conditioner clean and then de-tangles your hair. As you can see, we’ve no need for such products. But we can certainly look into manufacturing a product that works the same way. Stay here.”

  Standing, I quickly turn off the water spray and then gather up a drying cloth, patting her hair gently from behind. She seems to relax slightly under my hands, so I grab the comb I had manufactured from a drawer and lead her into the other room. “Why don’t you climb into bed, and after I get cleaned up, I’ll comb out your hair for you?”

  Nodding, she glances around the room, her eyes
landing on her bag. When she doesn’t say anything or move, I return to the cleaning facility to take the quickest trip in and out I’ve ever done before. Scrubbing my sensitive dick, it bobs half erect as the warm spray and Ashlyn’s scent work their magic.

  Trying to ignore it, I rush out, barely wrapping my robe securely before the door slides open. She’s in bed with her stuffed pig, staring at the door—and me as the entrance slides open. Walking slowly to the edge of the bed, I temper my movements, making sure not to rush. I don’t want to overwhelm or frighten her.

  Angling my body slightly, I drop the damp robe and pull the covers over myself, reaching for her as I settle. The already familiar zing of pleasure from touching her silky skin, rushes through my senses as I sit back against the wall and she turns in my arms to look back at me.

  “Should I take off my robe too?” Her question surprises me. I guess it shouldn’t, since she seemed amenable to removing her clothing in front of me in the cleansing unit.

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with.” I watch with fascination as she sits up fully and peels away the robe from her skin, dropping the damp clothing over the side of the bed. Her alabaster skin glows in the light before I verbally order the dimmers lower quietly. The illumination fades to a soothing glow instead of the stark brightness.

  Patting the surface of the bed in front of me, I hold up the comb with my other hand. When I lift the covers for her to move between my legs, she only hesitates briefly as she notices my cock. Despite her nudity, it’s still only half-engorged, and I’m thankful the sight hasn’t frightened her.

  As she turns her back to me, I draw her dark strands into my hands and try to run the comb through it. I’m amazed as the device comes to a grinding halt. The fibers are so tangled that the comb doesn’t budge. Lifting the implement out, I try again but with no success.

  Puzzled, I hesitate, trying to figure out how these strange gadgets are used. Certainly it’s possible? Could her hair be too long?


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