Atticus's Angel

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Atticus's Angel Page 11

by Pearl Tate

  I notice Brock break into a sprint, so I do the same, intent on keeping up. Trying to see around him, I’m shocked as Vekel disappears into one of the lifts. I don’t know why Brock’s so upset, he wouldn’t have fit in the lift with him, and certainly he won’t be able to make it go anywhere?

  Vekel does know a lot about the Sanctuary of the Mother where Callim arrived from. Callim feared him when he saw him originally. In the Sanctuary where Callim was raised, he explained Vekel headed up groups of young men and was known for his callous manner.

  All the young males were training to be sent off-planet as ambassadors, but to our knowledge, Vekel had never been off the planet. Instead, he’d stayed in the Sanctuary as a leader of new groups. From what we did find out before he’d slipped into a coma, the drugs Hannah named Gro-On, were in all the food and water at the Sanctuary. It was some kind of hormone stimulant that Hannah’s still studying.

  The males at the Sanctuary of the Mother grew faster and larger than normal, but she’s also found some anomalies in what it does to the brain. Turning on and off receptors. Whoever created the drug—and it could have been the Marel who’d benefit from the males arriving quicker as “ambassadors”—the substance is more advanced than Hannah’s knowledge from Earth or what we’ve studied on Quasar.

  Reaching Brock’s side, I wait for him to look up, knowing he’s checking on his ship link with his neural implant. When the lift door doesn’t open like I expect, I begin to study the edges of the closed frame. How hard could it be to force it open?

  Brock slaps a hand next to me on the surface of the door, startling me into looking up. “He’s going to the engineering floor.”

  “How the fuck did he get codes to that floor? He’s a first rotation technician!” My mind’s spinning with the implications of what Brock’s saying. We assumed he was essentially sleep walking. Coming out of a coma, it’s not unheard of. Instead, he’s remembering and thinking, making cognitive choices, recalling codes and access passwords.

  “I have no clue, but Mavick will be waiting for him when he disembarks. We’ll take this one.” The door slides open on the lift next to us and Brock shuffles in sideways, pressing back against the wall. These are made for one male, so by the time I’m inside, our chests are touching, and I drop my head back on the hard surface behind me, looking at the ceiling while Brock runs the controls.

  “What’s going on?” I muse still looking at the ceiling. “We have a middle man from a Sanctuary orphanage show up on the ship, feeding Callim some of his own drugs to keep him from going through withdrawal so bad it’d kill him, but then doing the exact same thing to himself. He wanted to die… but now…”

  I lower my head down to look at Brock as he picks up on my thoughts. “…Yes, now he hasn’t died, hasn’t come out of the coma-like state that’s he’s been in for six rotations or so. Instead, he’s getting up, mumbling about reporting in, and now is wandering around the Discovery. If he was just randomly wandering around, It’d be one thing…”

  The door slides open to the engineering level, and I see Mavick waiting. “Yes, but he knows access codes to this level. We need to see what he plans to do.”

  Nodding, Brock follows where Mavick is pointing. Just down the hall to the right, we see Vekel, still shuffling along, practically naked in his medical center issued wrap robe. As we all follow I ask, “Has he spoken anything that you all heard?”

  Another young male whose name I don’t know joins Mavick. They both shake their heads, but it’s Mavick who answers. “No, we’ve stayed back as you directed and situated monitoring at each point where he could have gone.”

  Glancing around, I see what he means. The lift opens up into a large room, but there’s a hall going off both ways. To the left, I see a young male waiting at the end. We begin walking toward the right where Vekel is still slowly shuffling down toward the end. “Where does this hall go?”

  “Service access to the thrusters, generators, ion propulsion. Basically the guts. What makes the spacecraft fly. But he won’t be able to… Hey!” Mavick takes off at a run toward the end of the hall, and now I see why. Vekel’s already walking through the door. By the time we reach it, it’s slid closed behind him.

  “Fucking hell!” Standing in front of the full body scan, we wait until the door slides open to follow Mavick inside. “How did he get access to come inside here? That’s all set up by Quasar control… never mind. Find him—now!”

  We branch off to look down the long rows of wires and tubing that weave through the room in long, narrow rows. Metal grid catwalks create layer after layer of electrical that leads up to the propulsion tubing that hangs from the ceiling high above our head. As I’m sprinting down one side, I hear Brock yell. “Here he is!”

  Mavick cuts through just ahead of me as I round the corner on the transition area between the electrical tubing where a set of metal stairs starts up to the next level. A manual control bank is located in the nook under the stairs, and it’s there we find Vekel, tapping away on the manual keyboard.

  Before I can stop him, Brock tackles him away taking them both to the floor while Mavick begins looking at the screen. I race past Mavick to Vekel to see how much damage there is from Brock’s rough treatment. “Did you have to do that?”

  Vekel’s crumpled body is slumped to the left of the console, and Brock hasn’t bothered to climb to his feet. Instead, he’s on his knees lifting Vekel’s lids and patting him down. “I don’t know what’s going on, but if he was able to get down here and into this room, something is very wrong.”

  Crouching down, I pull down the medical robe that’s ridden up, exposing Vekel’s backside indecently. Maybe, but since when does that mean we should be using violence to settle the situation? Brock’s move was aggressive and premature—

  “He’s right!” Mavick’s ominous tone has us both turning and climbing to our feet. “Not even you all are technically authorized to be in these rooms. And this male has called up the main Kalotic screens and that’s very bad.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about and turn to Brock, raising my eyebrows questioningly. He shrugs back and turns to Mavick, throwing his hands on his hips. “All I know about Kalotic is it’s used as part of the renewable energy source for the engines.”

  Mavick glances over his shoulder quickly at us before looking back at the screen he’s slowly reviewing. “Kalotic is, as you know, necessary for the engines to generate the energy we need throughout the ship. It’s a wonderful thing, but it’s also unstable. We house it as necessary, mixed with water for cooling. What… Vekel?”

  At Mavick’s questioning look, I nod yes to the name and he continues, “What Vekel pulled up here is the flushing system used to clean out propulsion tubes during service.” He sounds distracted as he looks over the screen. Mumbling, he continues, “I didn’t even think it was possible to access this while the Discovery is running…”

  Brock bends down to slap Vekel lightly on the cheeks. The sound blends with the hum of all the energy and systems around us. “Vekel! You fucking idiot.”

  He doesn’t respond, of course. That would be way too easy. But it isn’t doing us any good to be here. “Can we take him back to the medical bay?” Just looking at a patient crumpled on the floor the way he is… it bothers me. The doctor in me just wants to see everyone under my care as comfortable as possible.

  Brock snorts derisively but it’s Mavick’s words that really sink in. “He should be in lock up. Maybe taken down to the planet Dactyles before we leave?” Mavick turns away to stare at the readouts he’s reviewing.

  My gaze flicks around the large space, taking in the chaos of wires and tubes and ladders that go up and down. “What is it that you think he was trying to do?”

  His next words send ice through my veins as he turns to face Brock and I with an expression that scares me. “If he’d activated the flushing like it appeared he was trying to do, the ship would have had catastrophic failure. Normally, the water is drained and swapp
ed. The Kalotic would be ionized but kept at a stable temperature during the process. If he’d been able to start the water drain, it’d have dumped into space and the Kalotic, without the balance of water and temperature stabilization, could have climbed to over five thousand degrees in seconds. Especially with everything running. Detonation would have happened almost instantly.”

  Now, I recognize the expression on his face. Fear.


  - Ashlyn

  Brittney’s managed to reschedule everyone who’s waiting for Brock and Atticus. Seriously, this woman has the most golden tongue I’ve ever heard. She has a way of complimenting but at the same time persuading that seems to almost leave no other option for them.

  After the first fifteen to thirty minutes, we realized that Atticus and Brock may not be back right away. A guy named Pulsar came in to let us know that he’d be just outside the door in case we needed anything, but that Atticus and Brock were discussing what had happened with Bren, who’s the Captain of the Discovery.

  Other than that, he didn’t give us any additional information. So, as Brittney and I finished rescheduling everyone, it was a relief to watch the last couple leave. With all the drama, I know my stomach is growling. After a particularly loud rumble, Brittney turns to me with a giggle. “Should we go find something to eat?”

  I think back to the quick breakfast that Atticus made us this morning. Shrugging, I turn toward the hall leading into the back. “I think I could make us up what we had for breakfast. Should I just go get it?”

  Flapping her hand at me, she leans back and points to a cane I didn’t realize was under the desk. “I honestly should get up and stretch. Even though it’s hard for me sometimes to get around, I’m still supposed to do it. And I’m really curious about how long it’ll take before things start to physically feel better. Aren’t you?”

  Realizing what she’s alluding to, I nod in agreement. Of course, I want to get better right away. Neither one of us has volunteered personal information to each other yet, but I don’t really feel ready to share. Not that I ever will—but that’s not true. For sure, soon.

  “Can you just give me a hand maybe to—”

  The doors sliding open with loud voices have us turning to watch Atticus, Brock and three other men wheeling in Vekel in a new bed. They’re excited as they talk over him, discussing what they plan to do.

  “Bren said don’t sedate him. We need to get him as coherent as possible. Preferably quickly.” Vekel’s thrashing on the small cot, throwing his weight from one side to another, and it’s easy to see he’s caged into the bed by straps.

  Atticus’s voice argues. “I don’t like him here at all. It’s not secure enough, and it’s a risk to our mates. If he means us harm—”

  “Shh.” The curt exhale to shush him up comes from Brock.

  Atticus turns and points at us, where we’re still frozen at the console where I moved around to help Brittney. Now, instead of just gripping her elbow to steady her as she stands, we’re clasping hands tightly. “I won’t keep this from them. I won’t keep anything from Ashlyn.”

  The other men look at each other, but Brock strides toward us quickly with Atticus following right behind him. Stepping away, I watch Brock sink to his knees next to Brittney. Even kneeling, he’s almost as tall as her. “It looks like Vekel doesn’t have the best intentions.”

  Brittney snorts as I feel Atticus wrap his arms around me from behind, leaning into my neck. I hear him as much as feel him as he takes a long inhale. “You don’t need to worry though—”

  Brock looks up at us, nodding his head at Atticus. “Yes. He can’t be sedated. We actually want him to become as coherent as possible, so we can quiz him. He has to know what he’s doing…”

  Atticus shrugs, his hands roaming over my hips as he pulls me in closer. “Maybe. We don’t know.”

  Brock turns back to Brittney, ignoring us and the questions still unanswered. “We have to deal with him, but the fact remains that you’ll be safe here with us. Do you trust me?”

  Brittney doesn’t hesitate at all as a big smile spreads over her face. “Of course, I do. I’m not worried about that scrawny man in the bed over there.”

  When they begin to kiss, I turn in Atticus’s arms to look at him. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I pull him down to my level. “I’m not worried.”

  His smile is slower and more serious, but he rests his forehead against mine. “Brock and I really need to relieve these guys who escorted him over, although we’ll be putting a full-time, around-the-clock guard on him from now on.”

  Whispering, I lick my lips, wondering if I’m being too nosy. “What did he do?”

  “I promise to tell you everything here shortly.” Pulling away, he looks over my shoulder, and I turn slightly to see Brock moving away.

  When Atticus joins him, everyone’s conversation is lower as they discuss the bed placement and monitoring devices that need to be on him. “Still hungry?” Brittney’s voice next to me is low as we both strain to make sure we don’t miss anything we can overhear.

  Shaking my head no, I see her do the same next to me. “Me, neither. They seem pretty shook up, though. Can you feel it?”

  It takes a moment before I realize what she’s saying. She means inside me. With her hand on her upper gut, just below her chest, she takes a deep breath.

  Mimicking her, I see what she means. It’s like it’s tight on the inhale. You can’t quite get all the air in that you think you should. “Nerves?”

  She nods again. “Yeah. I knew that they were pretty worked up, and that Brock has had a few moments when he was upset. Could you tell?”

  I try to think back through the chaos of rescheduling all the women and their mates earlier. Finally, I shake my head in defeat. “No. I don’t remember anything during that time that made me think that they were super upset. If anything, now he seems upset.”

  Leaning toward me conspiratorially, Brittney’s face is grim. “I’ve a theory about that, because I feel the same. I think whatever happened, they didn’t think too much about it. I think only after the fact they realized how bad it was. I’m basing that on how Brock’s feelings have come through to me over the last hour or so.”

  A scary thought crosses my mind as I realize she’s been essentially tracking her mates feelings this whole time. “Why do you think I haven’t noticed Atticus’s feelings like you have? The mating worked, right?”

  Brittney’s laughter is soft, and she rubs my arm with her hand gently. “Yes. Have you seen your back? The mating worked.”

  I’m glad she thinks so, because I haven’t really had time to admire the marks since this morning, and that was so brief. They’re definitely darker and vibrant against my skin. “No,” she continues. “I think Brock is just more intense. I’ve been able to feel him since before I met him.”

  My mouth opens in shock, impressed. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, wow is right. It’s all been a real roller coaster, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” We watch two of the men leave while she speaks, and the other settles into a chair next to the bed containing Vekel. They’ve rearranged the room so the remaining beds are closer together and still kept Vekel in the corner.

  Before I can agree that I’m definitely feeling the same way, I see they’re both walking back over to us. “We should discuss staying away from him.” Atticus softens his words by putting his arm around me and turning toward where the new guard is quietly sitting next to the bed. Vekel continues to thrash periodically, but not like he was when they first arrived.

  Brock picks up Brittney and sits, settling her into his lap while she throws her arms around him and giggles softly. “Yes. Just don’t go over there. He’ll have a guard on him so they should be fine.”

  “Yes,” Atticus’s eyes are serious as he locks in them on mine. “Even if he talks to you or calls to you, don’t respond. We don’t know exactly what’s going on with him, but we can’t take any chances. As soon as all h
is levels are stable, he’ll be gone.”

  “Gone where?” I can’t help but ask. Even though Vekel did scare me yesterday, I don’t wish him harm. In fact, he reminds me of… me. How many times have I felt trapped in my own body, watching like an outsider as I repeat the same action over and over and over? The way he acted earlier… it was so similar.

  Brock shrugs and Atticus hesitates before answering. “We don’t really know. We can only speculate on what he planned to do, not be sure. And we’ve no idea if he’s in total control of himself or what? It’s all very odd, especially since none of what he’s said makes sense.”

  Nodding, I look at him yanking continually on his right arm. The movement causes a slapping sound as the restraint pulls on the bar next to his mattress. I hope the men who end up guarding him don’t have an issue with those kinds of repetitive noises. It’s one of the most important things for a special needs teacher…

  There are some things that help. “Have you considered hypnotizing him?”

  Atticus and Brock look at each other, startled, but it’s Brock who questions me further. “I know from learning your language that humans induce this state to bring back repressed memories or work on behavior modification, but I’ve never heard of this discussed or used on Quasar. How do you believe this would help?”

  I feel odd being put on the spot for my opinion, but I’ve seen it work personally. “It might help him settle down. Remember things? I’ve had it done to me, and it helps you with anxiety and awkwardness in social settings. Believe it or not, I used to fight my mother to leave the house at all. But you may be able to relax him enough to find out where he was planning on going and why… and who the people are he was saying yesterday he needed to report to.”

  For the first time in my life, I’m faced with people who’re looking at me with respect. Like I’ve said something that really matters. Atticus squeezes my shoulder as he looks at Brock. “Hannah will be on board later today. Maybe she knows more about hypnosis? And between Ashlyn’s experiences and Hannah’s knowledge, we could try this?”


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