Atticus's Angel

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Atticus's Angel Page 12

by Pearl Tate

  Brock nods. “I’d be very curious to see what Vekel has to say. It’d be nice to get the truth for once.”


  - Ashyln

  “We have to test everyone on board!” Brock’s booming voice can be heard from the medical center where he’s been working with Hannah to hypnotize Vekel. I didn’t really want to stay and watch. I think Atticus didn’t want us to watch, because he was worried about what I’d hear. Despite his declaration to not hide anything from me, I can’t help feeling like hiding and avoiding are two very separate things.

  Hannah’s calmer response is not as clear, but as they walk down the hall toward our living room, their voices get louder. “…that way, we don’t tip our hand. Understand?”

  Brock’s face is red as he enters the living area, zooming in on Brittney immediately. He’s by her side in a couple steps. “It’s too slow. So, I understand, but I don’t necessarily agree.”

  As Brock finishes, another big man I’ve never seen before comes into the room. It isn’t hard to figure out that this is Bren by the way he sweeps Hannah into his arms and lays a big kiss on her. I turn away and concentrate on the food prep that Atticus has been teaching me with one of their vegetables.

  I can’t really pronounce it correctly, but what I do say ends up sounding like taw-nee. It’s long, like a carrot, but purple and a bit softer. I haven’t tried it yet, because Atticus said to wait for the dressing he’s been putting together, but that it’s a super source of nutrients I need.

  A strong arm and kiss to the top of my head lets me know that Atticus is done with his part. “Bren, this is Ashlyn, my mate, and Brittney over there with Brock…”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I see that Bren is just finishing kissing Hannah, and their faces are still close together as he murmurs to her before turning to me with a smile.

  “Ashlyn!” His smile is wide and friendly as he calls my name before spinning around to throw an arm out towards Brittney. “Brittney, welcome! I’m sorry about these unprecedented circumstances, but I’m sure we’ll have it in hand here shortly.”

  “We need to set up to test everyone.” Brock repeats what he said earlier, but luckily Bren asks for an explanation.

  “Wait. I want to hear what you found out first. Then maybe your solution of testing everyone will make more sense.” Bren sinks down into a chair across from Brock, pulling Hannah onto the chair with him.

  “Wait—let me.” Hannah holds her hand up in the universal stop signal to Brock and turns to the big man holding her. “To sum it up, Vekel, along with an unclear total of other people, somewhere in the range of ten to twenty, were all programmed together. They were dispersed onto different Quasar ships as a sort of failsafe. If for some reason, they did manage to get off the drugs, their bodies go into a dissociative state where they carry out the orders they’re programmed with. Clearly, that appears to be the destruction of the entire spaceship they’re traveling on. Of course, we can only speculate that this was something masterminded by the Council.”

  Bren doesn’t say anything as Hannah finishes, and the horror of the suicide mission they’re programmed for settles over us all. I look up from my chopping to see that he’s stroking her hair as she leans into his arms. After a long minute, Bren’s thoughtful voice asks, “But it was the Marel that were taking the bulk of the males from the Sanctuary of the Order where Callim and Vekel arrived from, correct?”

  Atticus takes the bowl I’ve filled with tawnee and begins pouring his dressing over the chopped purple tubes as Brock answers. “Yes. If they supply these drugs, it’s possible they have their own spies in the Council or the Sanctuary.”

  Hannah’s voice is ominous and final as she adds, “Yes. But at this point, that doesn’t matter. We need to do what we can to protect ourselves from further attempts on our lives. For all we know, they could be remotely controlling Vekel? Maybe he isn’t just hypnotized, but a Manchurian Candidate? Someone they’re using and monitoring us through?”

  I’m dying to know, so I turn to Atticus, tugging him down so I can whisper in his ear. “Was the hypnotism successful then?”

  Atticus smiles as he stands. “Food’s prepped. Come to the table. I want to hear how successful Ashlyn’s idea to hypnotize our patient Vekel was.”

  I blush bright red as I stand frozen in place, watching the others get to their feet and move to the table. They’re arguing about how “they” could be using Vekel as a monitoring device when Hannah bounces up, coming over to stand next to me smiling. “Excellent idea, Ashlyn. I’d like to think I’d have thought of it, but you definitely know how to think outside the box.”

  When I don’t respond, she moves off to the table casually while I’m frozen in place. It isn’t until Atticus pulls out a chair, standing behind it and motioning me over that my feet unglue from the floor. There are echoes of agreement to Hannah’s statement around the table as everyone sits down to eat.

  At first, the chatter of their discussion is just a haze around me, but after a while I realize how serious what they’re talking about is. Brock’s idea of testing all the men on the ship for foreign drugs in their system is met with support, but the semantics are what everyone’s arguing about.

  This all sounds so serious and as the conversation goes on, I realize just exactly how bad it is. They’re afraid someone will… blow up the ship?

  It isn’t until I’m halfway through my meal that the conversation turns to where Vekel was and what he was doing when he left the medical center. How can they be so nonchalant? And why would the other aliens abduct me as a mate when the Quasars have this kind of a civil war going on?

  Looking at Atticus, I try to relax and see what I can “sense” about how he feels, but there’s nothing except my own racing heart thundering in my ears. I don’t want to die. For the first time in my life, I have hope. Hope for life with a wonderful man and the real possibility of a family in the future.

  It’s so unfair! Why does this has to be happening now? Could we really explode in space and die any moment?


  - Atticus

  I listen to the ideas discussed around me, trying to enjoy the food and company of my mate. Unfortunately, I can feel her nerves. Shaken originally by my complement earlier, she’s beginning to withdraw more and more into herself.

  As much as I want to be totally honest with her about everything, I can’t help but feel that decision wasn’t the best thing for her at this time. Her condition is still an unknown to me, but I believe there’s a reason for everything. Would we have thought of trying hypnosis on Vekel if my mate hadn’t had that form of therapy used on her in the past? Probably not. She’s no idea what a blessing she is to us all. Like a guardian angel, she saved us—definitely me.

  “The males could refuse.” Bren’s playing the devil’s advocate for Brock’s biggest suggestion. “Medical exams are only required twice a rotation, and if they’ve had theirs already, they could stall or refuse altogether?”

  Brock leans forward, planting his elbows on the table to peer over his mate. “We could appeal to their sense of loss. Say we’d like to test them to see why they’ve not mated with the available females the Ashen have under their care?”

  “Oh, evil…” Hannah laughs while she pats Bren’s knee. “…but I like it. That might work.”

  I have to agree. “Especially if they don’t realize they’re plants. Do you really think that’s possible?” The idea itself makes me nauseous. From what Hannah’s said, she seems to think that her government may have perfected something like that in their own spy strategy. Programming people’s brains without them even realizing it. If that’s the case, our plants on the Discovery could be anyone—and they wouldn’t even know it.

  Hannah throws her hair over her shoulders, leaning back to rub the tiny belly that’s just beginning to show the evidence of her pregnancy. “Anything’s possible. We have to plan for the worst and expect the best.”

  I nod, se
eing the wisdom of this advice. “And you’re sure that Vekel saw multiple people in this same place he was in? Being programmed?”

  Brock sits back and throws his arm around the back of Brittney’s chair, tugging her closer. “Yes,” he responds simply.

  “Definitely.” Hannah’s echo is grim, and we all look at each other with distaste and fear. Although, I don’t believe I’m afraid—although I should be. That must be Ashlyn.

  She’s staring straight ahead, no longer eating any more of her meal. I’m sure this is all more than she’s ready or capable of handling. Hannah and Brittney are more of the take charge personality, but my mate still seems to be figuring herself out. Maybe it’s because she was sheltered? But with her head down and alarm and panic in our bond, I’m a little worried that she isn’t taking this very well.

  “Why would they do this? That’s what I don’t understand?” Scooting my chair back, I tug Ashlyn’s chair in between my legs and pick up her fork.

  Rolling some of the softened meal onto the utensil, I hold it under her nose, waiting for her to open. “Because we were working on getting the information about why he went to the engineering floor, we had to work back from there. Asking him how he got the codes? Who gave him that information? When was he given that information?”

  Hannah pauses in her explanation to take a drink before continuing. “Hence, we can only find out the information from him that he knows. Vekel’s just a tool.”

  Bren rubs Hannah’s shoulders, and I notice that Ashlyn has finished swallowing the last bite I fed her. As I gingerly coax her into opening her mouth again, I nod. I understand what Hannah’s saying, but it’s disappointing.

  My mate needs security, and what I’m feeling now from her is worrying me. Hannah must be able to tell I’m worried, because she gives Bren a pointed look before he leans forward to address us all. “Let’s consider what we do know right now. Vekel was sent onto our ship purposefully. He was programmed—with others—to sabotage the ship. We don’t know why or what exactly set it off, but we do know how.”

  He pauses, looking at Brock and then me. “So, if we believe everything that Hannah and Brock heard from Vekel, he’s not the only one. We have to decide who we should report this information to. Obviously, we’ll have to report it in all our logs—”

  “Really?” Brock snorts out half the drink he’s yet to swallow as he cuts off Bren. Brittney begins to giggle, trying to stifle it, but when Hannah picks up on it and joins her, there’s no stopping the nervous laughter from either of them.

  Rolling his eyes, Brock ignores them. “What if it was the Council behind this? Aren’t we just letting them know they failed, consequently alerting them that they should try again?”

  Blinking, I watch Brock’s mating marks flare with color as he passionately argues with our Captain. Bren’s a good friend, but this is the closest I’ve seen to Brock skirting insubordination. I don’t disagree with him, but what else can we do? What we’re asking Bren to do is wrong on so many levels…

  Bren must feel the same, because his next question is directed back at Brock. “Well, who do we trust?”

  The question hangs in the air ominously before Brock blinks a few times, thinking about that carefully. Brittney and Hannah have begun to settle, and I can see Brittney rubbing Brock’s back. Calming him, no doubt.

  “If I may…” Hannah leans forward, cutting in. “…we have to remember we now have new allies…” Everyone turns to look at her, even Ashlyn. “… the Ashen.”

  Gasping sharply, I scoot my chair back. I know it’s ridiculous to worry about what their intentions are. After all, they’ve provided me with my mate. But old habits die hard.

  Continuing quickly, Hannah’s voice rises. “I know that you’ve been told your entire life not to trust them, but who told you that? Where did that information come from? At this point, they appear to be the most honest of the bunch. I vote we tell them what happened, even if it’s just through Sol, our Ashen ambassador. We’re scheduled to head back to Quasar in the morning—and sure, put it in your logs about the funky trip down the lift Vekel took, but no speculation. Just—”

  “Wait!” Bren softens his almost shout by leaning forward to squeeze Hannah’s forearm gently. “We’ve had a distress call from the Explorer… I have to go.”

  Without another word, Bren stands and sprints from the room without any clear explanation, leaving us all in shock. The Explorer is another class one spacecraft practically identical to the Discovery. The zone it covers is opposite ours on the other side of Quasar

  Could this have anything to do with what we discovered earlier?


  - Atticus

  Entering the view room, I see it’s standing room only and slide along the perimeter of the space following Brock. We’re one of the last to arrive, despite knowing about the distress signal before the rest of the ship’s general population. Bren had only left dinner for a short while before calling together a meeting with as many of the ship’s crew as possible.

  It’s an unprecedented idea, and not everyone can attend due to duties. But the premise is to show all the males, no matter their ranking in the crew, that we’re in this together. Rather than have them in the dark or hearing about it and wondering why they weren’t told, Bren’s decided to share the information and make sure they all realize what’s at stake.

  After all, so many of us have mates now. Before, where there might be many differing and self-centered ideas, now we’re all united in one purpose. Keeping our mates safe. Whether it’s finding them safe homes and environments, or making sure that we’re not totally alienating our home planet, and the parents and siblings we may have still living there.

  I’m sure everyone’s goals are similar to my own. It’s important to me to be able to go back to Quasar and not be considered a traitor to my people because I’ve mated to an alien species. Not only will they consider me a traitor, they may consider me a throwback to a time they claim we should just forget. We were always taught that losing the mating drive was a good thing.

  Mating ties you to one person for life, both sexually and mentally. Personally, I’d rather be tied to one person than ever endure the sexual experiences with Kaleen again. The pressure, both mentally and physically to perform was taxing…

  “Thank you for coming to be briefed on what I’m beginning to feel is a very real and impending threat.” A brief murmur runs through the room, and since I’m standing behind so many of them, I see questioning glances thrown between the males in front of me.

  Cutting them off, Bren ignores the few questions thrown out towards him and continues. “Earlier today, Vekel, who most of you know has been in the infirmary unconscious, woke up and was able to gain access to the lift and the engineering floor.” He pauses, swiping a hand over his forehead before continuing. “I don’t understand completely how this was possible, but suffice it to say that he was on a console in a part of the ship that’s restricted. I’ve been told that the programming he was accessing shouldn’t have been accessible to him, and when they tried to duplicate the process without codes he wouldn’t—or shouldn’t have had, it couldn’t be done. Even the logs of his access occurring no longer exist.”

  The previous murmur is now full volume talking as everyone wonders what exactly this means. “According to Mavick, if he’d been able to continue, he’d have started a process that most likely would’ve blown up the Discovery instantly.”

  Now voices begin to call out instead of waiting patiently. Senseless questions of anger—not just why did he do this, but more along the lines of the punishment they’d like to see served to him.

  “None of that matters!” Bren’s voice booms out across the view room, effectively shutting everyone up. “We were lucky, and he was stopped. Atticus and Brock followed him and notified everyone to watch him. We had Brock and Hannah spend time with him this afternoon to see if they could get him to recall anything about why he did this or who instructed him to or
just plain how!”

  “What was the verdict? Is it a Sanctuary sect concerned with your mating?” What makes Treen’s question stand out is his calm and accepting demeanor as he asks. And he has a point. There are many devout females who look down upon mixing or “polluting” bloodlines—even with lower standing family agreements.

  “We don’t know.” Everyone quiets at Bren’s loud statement. “We’re unlikely to know anytime soon, but it’s important we remain vigilant. Based on Vekel’s behavior, he doesn’t remember who programmed him to perform this heinous act. We’ve been able to help him retrieve the memories of it happening and others there when he was programmed to do it but that’s it. Nothing that lets us know who’s behind it.”

  Dropping his gaze to the console in front of him, Bren waits until the murmurs begin to die down again after his statement. When he looks up, I’m surprised to see anguish twisting his features. The few remaining voices flitting around us stop as everyone realizes that he has more to say. “Unfortunately… we received a distress call from the Explorer. It alluded to their temperatures rising on the Kalotic and instability in their system before the communication was cut off. I’ve conferred with Mavick.”

  Bren’s hand clasps Mavick’s shoulder, and he lifts his eyes to meet Bren’s gaze next to him. “We discussed this and according to his analysis, what happened earlier would have created the effect the Explorer claimed they were dealing with. Unfortunately, since that earlier communication, we’ve heard nothing… they can’t be reached.”

  Now, you can hear everyone’s heartbeat around us in the room. Silence reigns as our shocked expressions meet. Brock throws his arms around me, knowing I have extended family on the craft. Planco wasn’t extremely close, but knowing that we were so close to losing our own lives, is maddening.


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